All Entries in the "Cory's Corner" Category

Josh Jones is entering his third season in Green Bay, but hasn't proven much the safety position. 

Don’t fret, because the sky isn’t falling. The Packers are bringing in a quarterback today. Yes, it’s happening. Does it really matter? Probably n...

Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst has plenty of options — which is all you can ask for. 

Thanks to past internal communication issues, Matt LaFleur must make an effort to relate to the future Hall of Famer. 

The Browns running back depth chart got quite full on Feb. 11 when they signed Kareem Hunt. 

Let’s get something straight: there’s no such thing as perfection. 

Brian Gutekunst said that Jimmy Graham was a good blocker. 

The offseason has been a whirlwind for the Packers.

With Randall Cobb visiting the Cowboys and Jordy Nelson checking out the Seahawks, many people are getting afraid. 

  Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst has been very busy this week. But the one move I really liked was the one that nobody is talking about. 

Free agency is supposed to begin at 4:00 p.m. ET on March 13. 

Consistency is the key to a successful offensive line. 

After the NFL Combine, it looks like the Packers must now wrestle with a philosophical question: inside or outside linebacker.

The worst position on the Green Bay defense is edge rusher. 

How does NFL commissioner Roger Goodell handle Robert Kraft getting charged with two counts of first degree solicitation?

We’ve heard the same song and dance over and over: the Packers need playmakers. 

The most important move that Matt LaFleur made after he was hired was ensuring consistency on the defensive side of the ball.  

It's tme for the Packers to bring back Jared Cook. 

The three letters on the lips of sports fans everywhere are AAF.

Jaire Alexander is one of those players that defensive coordinators love. He has a high football IQ, he never stops and he obviously loves the game. 

Since 2015, Tom Brady has only been hit eight times.

Remember the “If I could be like Mike” Gatorade commercial? Legions of people were humming that tune or singing the song that summer. 

Deep down Nickell Robey-Coleman knew he got away with not one but two calls in the NFC Championship Game. 

The Packers could get Morgan Burnett for a bargain — and plenty of determination from him. 

Patrick Mahomes is a surefire MVP. He played exceptional this season. 

When Patrick Mahomes burst onto the NFL scene, many compared him to the Packers’ original gunslinger: Brett Favre. 

Can we please stop the madness?

Defensive players have been largely ignored.

Don’t waste your time getting upset about the Matt LaFleur hire.  
