All Entries in the "Featured" Category

One complaint from opponents of a New York Super Bowl is that the quality of play in past games in sub-zero temeratures has been 'bad' or 'ugly'. Ridiculous.

Dom Capers will spend a good deal of OTAs, MiniCamp and training camp concentrating on Red Zone defense. Jersey Al has got the goods.

Ryan Grant gained 1,253 yards in 2009 but broke very few tackles while doing it.

Greg Bedard has some great footage from last weeks practice during Packers' OTAs.

Football Outsiders' game charters have the Packers as the worst team in the league at breaking tackles.

Greg Jennings seemingly had trouble focusing at the beginning of the 2009 season. That is troubling after he just signed a contract extension - but the time is now for Jennings to refocus and make things right,

The anti-New York Super Bowl rhetoric has got to stop.

Fans would do well to take a look at Daryn Colledge's complete body of work rather than focus on a handful of plays. If they did, they'd see a player who is much better than his reputation and who will help the Packers in 2010.

Johnny Jolly was placed on much tighter bond restrictions because of some questionable behavior

Playing Brady Poppinga ahead of Brad Jones makes little to no sense.

The Packers' newest quarterback could be a very interesting project for Mike McCarthy.

A few notes on today's OTA practice.

Tramon Williams, Johnny Jolly and Atari Bigby did not show up for the start of Organized Team Activities.

Greg Bedard of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says the Packers have "No excuses" and no one to blame but themselves if they don't make a deep playoff run in 2010. We here at Cheesehead TV could not agree more.

Packer Update feels Dom Capers needs to try and utilize Desmond Bishop more. Aaron feels Capers is using Bishop's talents as well as can be expected considering the linebackers limitations.

Greg Bedard's feature on Jermichael Finley in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is simply a must-read for every Packer fan.

Of Ryan Grant, Twitter contests, and pure Packer-fan joy.

Aaron Rodgers called out ESPN's Todd McShay via Twitter this morning.

Most observers are expecting Daryn Colledge and Jason Spitz to battle for the starting left guard spot, but fifth round pick Marshall Newhouse could be a surprise contender for the job.

The entire broadcast of the Packers 1961 championship game against the Giants is available on You Tube.

Aaron has discovered a secret weapon on the Packers roster that could solve the Packers pass defense woes in 2010.

Two sources close to Packers safety Atari Bigby indicated before the draft that the veteran safety is thinking of holding out even after signing his RFA tender, possibly into training camp.

Drayn Colledge reportedly showed up at Lambeau today, signed his tender and started working out.

Packer fans are understandably nervous about Clay Matthews after reports that Brian Cushing, one of Matthews' close friends and teammates from USC, will be suspended four games for steroid use in 2009. Aaron agrees 100 percent with Greg Bedard's take on the subject.

Corey Behnke is interviewed over at Pocket Doppler. Make sure to check it out!

The blog will slow down while Aaron is wrestling with something he's never had to deal with before - deadlines.

Despite the usual offseason assurances from Coach McCarthy that the running game will improve, expect more of the same in 2010 - which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Be sure to check out Greg Bedard's video from rookie camp.

The Packers have reportedly contacted long-troubled cornerback/return specialist PacMan Jones.

The Packers like to preach "improve from within" when talking about the younger players on their roster. It's starting to look like that mantra extends to the coaching staff as well.
