Packers 17 Seahawks 0: Game Balls and Lame Calls

You can't lose if the other team doesn't score.

Tony Romo nailed it early on.  The CBS analyst pointed out the Seattle straegy for beating the Packers at Lambeau Sunday.  Play back, force Aaron Rodgers to be patient and accurate, and bet on Green Bay not being able to execute all the way into the end zone.   


And for more than three quarters, it worked.  The Packers moved the ball steadily into Seattle territory time and again.  But come time to pay it off on the scoreboard, Green Bay just couldn’t do it.  Penalties, drops, inaccurate throws, missed field goal attempts, they all ended drives.  Despite dominating the game for three quarters, the Packers had but three points to show for it.   


The other half of Seattle’s strategy was to trust that Russell Wilson would gradually warm up and work his magic late in the game to pull out a victory, as he has done so often in the past.  That, too, appeared to be coming true, as Wilson led the Seahawks on a long drive deep into Green Bay territory midway through the third period.   


But that’s where Pete Carroll’s game plan went awry.  Wilson never got comfortable, Green Bay’s D-line made sure of that, and Wilson made a terrible decision to throw into coverage in the end zone, where the ball was picked off by Kevin King.  It was a pivotal play in the game.  It seemed to settle the Packers down.  Inspired by the brute force and desire of running back AJ Dillon, the Green and Gold reeled off patient touchdown drives of eleven and ten plays in the final quarter. 


That was more than enough for a defense that executed its own game plan perfectly.  In recent games, Joe Barry’s unit relied on the defensive line to attack the quarterback and cause havoc in the backffield.  This time, the D-line hung back to guard the edges against Wilson bailing out, relying on the secondary to cover for an extended period of time.  A risky strategy to say the least.  But the brilliant play by the corners and safeties made the plan work so well, t the Seahawks were shut out for the first time in a decade.  It didn’t hurt that Wilson was rusty and obviously bothered by his finger injury throughout.  But take nothing away from a defense that is getting better every game.  No longer do the Packers have to rely on outscoring other teams in a track meet to win a game.  These Packers are different.  They are getting scarily complete.  If injuries don’t scuttle them, they are going to be tough to beat. 




AJ Dillon 

If the Tennesse game last year was his breakout, then this game was his arrival as a number one back.  I can’t help but break out in a smile when I see him finish off runs by blowing some tackler backwards.  The way he dragged Bobby Wagner with him three yards into end zone brought back happy memories of Jim Taylor, John Brockington, Macarthur Lane, Ahman Green and Eddie Lacy.  With Aaron Jones now apparently out for awhile, it’s AJ’s turn to be a star.  


The Entire Secondary 

There were so many good plays by the defensive backs, that I couldn’t single anybody out, so they all get a collective game ball.  Rasul Douglas, Eric Stokes, Chandon Sullivan, Kevin King, Adrian Amos and Darnell Savage all took turns breaking beautifully on the ball, knocking passes down or picking them off.  By the end of the game, Seattle receiver DJ Metcalf was so frustrated, he got himself kicked out of the game by grabbing a couple of face masks after the play.  The unit’s performance was especially impressive considering Russell Wilson was intentionally given extra time in the pocket to reduce his ability to scramble. 


De’Vondre Campbell and Krys Barnes 

They led the defense with five tackles each.  While the secondary did excellent work keeping the Seattle air attack under control, Campbell and Barnes led the effort to plug up the running gaps, holding the Seahawks to 75 yards rushing.  What a revelation it has been to see the various units on this side of the ball playing together so effectively.  




The Rodgers Pick 

I have to get picky here.  Aaron Rodgers’ decision to throw the ball up for grabs as he was falling down in the clutches of a defender was an uncharacteristic rookie mistake.  The pass was picked off in the end zone, sabotaging a critical drive when Green Bay’s lead was still just 3-0.  It was an odd aberration for a quarterback who has a history of holding the ball too long rather than risk an interception. 


Amari Rodgers Returning Punts 

Again, this is a picky one.  Rodgers fielded everything cleanly in this game, but he just seems to leave yards out on the field.  On two occasions, it appeared the Packers had a promising return set up, but Rodgers loves to run horizontally instead of north and south and hasn’t shown the speed to turn the corner.  Let’s try somebody else. 




AJ Dillon:  “When he (Aaron Jones) came out of the game, he looked at me and said ‘do this for me.  Finish it off’. ...that’s something I really wanted to work on.  I want to be an APB, an all purpose back”. 


Aaron Rodgers:  “I felt pretty wind was good.  I got stepped on in the second quarter and it bothered me a little bit....I’m very happy but I’m just very tired.” 


Adrian Amos:  (on whether he feels the Packers defense is now the best in the league):  “We can’t say we’re the best if we’re in the middle of the season.  We need to be able to say it at the end of the year.” 


Matt LaFleur:  “I think our team is tired, to be honest with you.  You could feel the energy was a little bit off....There’s a lot more out there for our offense, and we expect more from our offense, so hopefully we come out hungry.” 




•  LaFleur said he had no update on the extent of Aaron Jones injury.  There was talk of an Adam Schefter tweet that labeled the injury a sprained MCL but nobody could confirm that afterward. 


•  LaFleur’s confidence in Mason Crosby may be waning.  Late in the second quarter the Packers had a 4th and 2 on the Seattle 34 yard line.  In the past, LaFleur would not have hesitated to bring Crosby in to a try a 51 yard field goal.  But instead he chose to go for it.  The play failed when Allen Lazard took a hard hit and dropped the pass. 


•  An incredible opportunity now looms for running back Patrick Taylor.  The former Memphis star suddenly figures to be the number two ball carrier with Aaron Jones and Kylin Hill both out. 









Ken Lass is a former Green Bay television sports anchor and 43 year media veteran, a lifelong Packers fan, and a shareholder.


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7 points

Comments (73)

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

November 15, 2021 at 07:33 am

Guty job by Rodgers to play NFL Football coming off the Rona. I could barely walk across the house for 2 weeks when I had that.

That said, the idea that Rodgers doesn't need to practice ot play in the preseason is dead. It should never be uttered again.

14 points
HawkPacker's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:12 am

My thoughts exactly on Rodgers not playing in the preseason. I have thought that for the last three to five years. He needs to work at that time to get his timing right with the receivers. Let Love play less in preseason games but more in practice. This of course will depend on the status of Rodgers after this season!

6 points
mrtundra's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:30 am

I think this is Rodgers's last season in GB. "The Last Dance," so to speak.

-2 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:35 pm

Well, maybe if he retires. But what other option is going to be better for him than the GBP?

1 points
jurp's picture

November 16, 2021 at 08:38 am

Financially, literally ANY option. The best way to become mediocre is to ride an expensive QB into his sunset. I'll take one year of Love getting the necessary experience to be a star with a decent roster than three years of a massively depleted roster and an overpaid QB on his last legs MAYBE leading to one division title and a one-and-done playoff appearance, followed by a massive rebuild and Lions-esque future.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 16, 2021 at 05:29 pm

It’s not up to him.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:55 am

Adding last week into the equation, I’d extend that to the idea that players expected to see the field on offense during the season need to play with both QB 1 and QB 2 in preseason.

8 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

November 15, 2021 at 11:53 am


0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:07 pm

if you listen to rodgers post-game it appears to me he was not breathing normally. it's amazing he was running around on the field.

maybe the lack of oxygen explains that interception. he looked like old #4 out there on that one.

0 points
dobber's picture

November 15, 2021 at 07:53 am

Dillon is a 250-lb bowling ball. I remember having this conversation a little while back with another poster here, but power football is fun to watch. When you're on the side delivering the punishment, you know just how demoralizing it is to watch that guy carry tacklers...very satisfying.

A lot of 11 personnel yesterday...maybe due to running Tonyan's routes with Lazard. Certainly didn't shift those snaps to Deguara, even with Dafney inactive. I think this offense is going to change significantly minus Tonyan and Jones. Dillon is not a guy who is going to get to the corner or successfully bounce plays outside very often, so this becomes much more of an A and B-gap running game--defenses will be clogging the box more, which opens up the outside routes (which ARod likes to throw. Jones wasn't showing signs of being the back he was the last couple seasons, but I'm putting that more on inconsistency in the blocking. Going forward, Dillon and his ability to run through contact is probably better suited to be productive until the OL gets healthy.

When was the last time the Packers played a game where they clinged to a 3-point lead forever, but you still felt they were in a good spot? Not often during the Pettine and Capers regimes. Still, knowing the history with Seattle, I was waiting for some nasty goof or missed call that would turn a 3-0 lead into a deficit and leave the Packers scratching. All credit to the defense for making it work, even if Wilson looked tentative.

It's going to be interesting to see how the Packers navigate the defense this offseason. So many guys on short-term deals who are delivering when asked to play: it would be nice to see those guys back, but they're earning bigger paydays and longer term contracts going forward. Feel good for those guys playing well and getting their chance, but can't help but think this defense will be looking for the next DeVondre Campbell and Rasul Douglas and Whitney Mercilus in 2022.

11 points
MITM's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:07 am

They would be EXTREMELY foolish not to re sign Campbell. I think he's going to be a priority, especially if Barry says he needs him there.

11 points
mrtundra's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:32 am

Rasul Douglas, too!

3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:57 am

The D is much better this year due to 3 keys:

1. Matt hiring Barry after Jim Leonhard decided to stay with the Badgers. I admit I had low expectations for Barry due to his prior failures as DC. He has exceeded my expectations. He inherited all the D assistant coaches from Pettine and he has turned his coaches loose to execute his game plans.

Montgomery has coached up what looked to be ho hum group behind Clark. Olivadetti took a talented well travelled lump of clay in Campbell and turned him into an all pro and team leader. Smith kept Gary on track upward and resurrected Preston. And what can you say about Gray? Former DC himself, he is has one of the best groups in the entire NFL, sans Alexander the Great...Stokes, King, Douglas, Sullivan, Amos and Savage playing great.

2. Gutey and his personnel team. They have hired solid depth with players who step up and take coaching.

3. Matt keeping the team together and believing in themselves, even with Rodgers' distractions, Covid, and injuries. As a young man, he is a calm, effective leader who demands performance and accountability...wise beyond his years.

12 points
greengold's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:32 pm

Great stuff, dobs. I agree with all of it. Power rushing, relentlessly, is super fun to watch. Hoping we utilize that way more moving forward, because a lot of defenses will be worn out in this new 17 game schedule.

This Packers D has been just phenomenal, especially with so many of our top performers missing games to injury. Refreshing to see, no doubt! It will be very interesting to see what personnel moves are made for next year, but, I'll back burner that stuff until next season.

We still may need another signing or two heading into the playoffs...!


2 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

November 15, 2021 at 07:57 am

Game Ball: It's no secret..... "DOWNHILL" Dillon.... Wow!

Lame Call: As much as I was impressed Aaron Rogers level of play after being down and on the bench for 10 days, I have to throw the flag at his bone-head interception in the end zone. It was a "HONGO" throw and he deserved the pick. The packers DID NOT deserve the potential loss of 3 to 7 points.

On the positive, the Defense continues to get stronger. WTG J.B. @Crankkbait said it best, "Humble pie tastes delicious." Here is his post I'm owed a big hocking slice.

4 points
Crankbait's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:30 pm

Pass protection was subpar ....yes Rogers through a terrible pass but his offensive line never made him feel comfortable during scoring opportunities.

-1 points
jurp's picture

November 16, 2021 at 08:43 am

The play before he three behind a wide-open Jones with a blocker in front and behind. Jones had to break stride to make the catch and was tackled by a trailing Seahawk. AR would've nailed the throw last year, and it would've been an easy TD.

Yes, AR cost us seven points on that drive.

0 points
ironman3169's picture

November 15, 2021 at 07:51 am

Lame call: rushing out of the shotgun. The plays just don’t seem to develop as well as they do when under center.

14 points
Crankbait's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:35 pm

MLF still struggles at making calls and adjustments during the games. He is still very young and relatively inexperienced relative to his successful piers and does get outcoached from time to time.
But his time will come.

1 points
GBPDAN1's picture

November 15, 2021 at 07:57 am

The Packers bye can't come soon enough. This team is battle weary. I hope our edge rushers can heal up soon, although I'm worried we will be thin at the position for awhile

8 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2021 at 01:26 pm

The NFL needs to look at byes now the season has got longer. I accept that injuries happen, indeed the ability to overcome attrition is part of the challenge and makes for good viewing in my opinion. However, there is a limit and I think we are approaching it and possibly exaggerating injury risk for late late bye teams (the reverse will work for really early ones later in the season). Injury is one thing but somewhat rested players make for better football. Institute 2 byes and I think it helps the product.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:00 pm

Part of me agrees with that. But it would add another week to the season. It’s already kinda long. And even on bye weeks some players practice and work out.

0 points
jurp's picture

November 16, 2021 at 08:46 am

I'd like to see two bye weeks - everyone gets a bye weeks 5 and 6, and again weeks 11 and 12. But - this requires that half the league not play for four weeks a season AND adds another week to the season, I can't ever foresee this happening. I do think that the season could start a week earlier now that a preseason game is eliminated, so that would remove the "extra week in winter" objection. I think the staggered weeks are unfair to the very early/very late bye teams, especially the early teams, as they'll be in worse shape when the playoffs start than the late teams.

0 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:07 am

Ken, When I watched my recording of the game, my favorite area to concentrate on is the offensive and defensive line play. In your commentary you never mentioned the offensive line. Jones and Dillon didn't run through that defensive Seahawks line without some of the terrific blocking that I watched. Again this was done without two of the starters, our all pro left tackle and our starting rookie center who had excelled prior to the injury. I say they have a well deserved pat on the back coming.

9 points
Crankbait's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:20 pm

I thought the offense of line had a bad day yesterday.

-1 points
Razer's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:06 am

"You can't lose if the the team doesn't score"... unless you count the three bodies that exited the game with injuries. To me this is the biggest story coming out the game. Running the ball into the end zone late in the game is the other story that makes this win so significant. I hope that Patrick Taylor can answer the call.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:01 am

I like Patrick Taylor as a hard yards back, but I’ve always seen him as cover for Dillon. Hill taking himself out of the picture is unfortunate. If he’s fully healthy, Armstead on the PS may be used as a more all round option perhaps.

1 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:11 pm

I really like both Taylor and Armstead. If Armstead can learn the system/do the blocking, he'll be very good. He's a LOT like Aaron Jones as a runner.
Taylor is a nice change-of-pace slasher, like James Starks was.
The big question for both guys is "Can you pass block?"

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 16, 2021 at 05:33 pm

Yeah, it’s too bad we lost Hill returning a kick we didn’t have to.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:03 am the college tapes of P. Taylor at Memphis.

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:09 am

Game Balls:

Dillon - There were so many that hated the pick. Dillon is a beast and is showing exactly why they drafted him in the 2nd round. His tough running is exactly what they needed yesterday. The way defenses are playing the Packers offense and the way Dillon runs, he could be a guy that forces defenses to change the way they play a bit. If he is getting 5+ yards per carry eventually they have to get out of the 2 shell defense.

Defense - I can't break this down. The entire defense shut out the Seahawks. They all deserve so much damn credit! This starts with Barry and coaches. They have created a great scheme. But the players still have to make it work and they really have. Starting up front Clark was a beast as usual. He created a lot of pressure on Wilson. Gary and Mercilus were really good until their injuries. (hopefully they will be ok). Campbell to me is the glue of the defense. He has been so damn good. Another guy that doesn't get enough recognition is Amos. He could have had 3 picks yesterday. He and Campbell are probably our best tacklers on the team. He does so many things very well, he just doesn't get enough credit. The secondary was amazing. Stokes I think was targeted 4 times and allowed 0 receptions. Douglas continues to impress. Savage is also great. This defense is playing great ball. The just faced 3 of the leagues top QB's and they basically shut them down.

Lame Calls:

Lazard - I get its tough in the cold, but he has maybe the best hands of the WR group. But damn he had 3 catchable balls for big plays or first downs and he didn't come down with the ball. The one was a hard hit, but the ball was in his hands for a first down. He has to catch that. The other 2 were for big plays and he had his hands on it. He needs to find ways to come down with the balls.

Injuries - The last I saw they maybe lucked out on injuries with Gary and Jones. But we will see. Losing 2 of our top 3 OLB's, and our stud RB, are not good moving forward. Luckily we had Dillon to take over. Injuries are not kind to this team this year.


- We already lost Kylin Hill. He would have been a good fill in player for Jones. Down to only Dillon with experience may limit the offense a bit. Taylor I do have faith in, but he doesn't have any experience. I do wonder if they may look to bring in another RB. Possibly bring back Tyler Ervin? Maybe they will try to use Rodgers more? He could possibly do some of the things that Jones did when he goes in motion. It won't be the same as Jones though.

- Crosby's missed the first FG. I want to know was that due to wind or what? Because that thing just started to tail bad. The rest of the kicks were perfectly straight. I'd like to know what happened on that first kick.

- LaFleur's comment about the energy felt right. I felt the same thing. The offense felt like it had no energy. I'm not sure why, it just felt like it was missing something. Not sure what it was. Good to see they wore down the defense though and scored 14 points in the 4th quarter.

- First shut out since 2018? Not going to lie I was guessing 2014ish was the last time they shut out a team. It felt like a LONG time since they shut out a team.

Final Note:

Great Win, lets enjoy some Victory Monday!

7 points
dobber's picture

November 15, 2021 at 10:01 am

"Great Win, lets enjoy some Victory Monday!"

Agreed! Reveling in a shutout win? Doesn't happen very much...

4 points
jclombardi's picture

November 15, 2021 at 11:03 am

Great post especially about key issues of the maddening WR Lazard's performance with dropped balls, of the question about what happened of Crosby's sailing miss, of the odd unproductive game plan, and of the lack of offensive energy and execution toward and into the red zone. Baffling! I hate to admit it but their game plan was sound for 3 quarters against rusty Rodgers.

Stuff happens and the Pack got beyond "I am my own man Rodgers" consequences with a rusty win. It was all so predictable but everybody keep pushing forward. Wew!

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 15, 2021 at 12:59 pm


Lazard was out of the practice last week, due to the Covid quarantine, that might have some influence on him, and last week he did not practice with AR. This may proiduce some fall of confidence. I'm sure that he will bounce back.

The same way you can look at inaccuracy of many AR throws (and gold zone INT he threw). He was ill. Covid influence primary and hard on lungs. Therefore you do not have enough oxygen in your body for all activities, especially for the hard & exhausting effort like football game. When you overcome infection, you need some time to heal all the damage your lungs suffered.

I wrote at the beginning of the season, after Packers construct their roster that keeping another kicker on the PS probably or likely means that this is also fare well season for Mason Crosby. Not because of Packers will, but because Mason Crosby will retire. I might be wrong, but to me it looks like Mason is aware that his time is coming.

For you here is the list of shutout games produced by Packers in this millenium:
7th 11/14/2021 GB vs SEA 17-0 AR
6th 9/30/2018 GB vs BUF 22-0 AR
5th 10/31/2010 GB vs NYJ 9-0 AR
4th 10/18/2009 GB vs DET 26-0 AR
3rd 11/11/2007 GB vs MIN 34-0 AR
2nd 12/22/2002 GB vs BUF 10-0 BF
1st 9/24/2001 GB vs WAS 37-0 BF

0 points
jont's picture

November 15, 2021 at 03:35 pm

"Crosby's missed the first FG. I want to know was that due to wind or what? Because that thing just started to tail bad."

I was there and the wind seemed to be a non-factor all day unless the ball got way up there so I think Crosby just sliced it (and Rodgers' early throw to MVS got knocked down a bit).

-1 points
Crankbait's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:22 pm

Dirty birds were launching themselves at receivers all day. Punk ass team.

0 points
Lphill's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:20 am

Packers have running back Armstead on the PS, he was a projected starter for the Jags, I think he was out with covid last season . Maybe he is next man up ?

1 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:13 pm

If he can run like he did in college, he'll be great.

0 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:50 am

The signing of AJ Dillon was huge! And I’m talking about CHTV, not the Pack. Can’t wait for Tuesday. We’re going to be able to hear from the #1 Packers RB every week for the next 6-8 weeks! Thanks Cory and Aaron…This site brings me a great deal of pleasure.

5 points
mrtundra's picture

November 15, 2021 at 08:53 am

Game Balls: AJ Dillon! Our Defense! Both the secondary and the D Line were great, vs Seattle. Our D Line players all pressured Wilson through out the game. Our LBs made tackles, too. Hoping we re-sign Campbell and Douglas in the off season. Barnes has turned into a gem, as well! Nice to see MVS back in the mix! A WIN!!! GO PACK, GO!!!

Lame Calls: Crosby and Bojorquez still not on the same page in our FG unit. Refs play calling, especially on the play where they gave Seattle an extra yard, for a 1st down and then turned around and said that Seattle was short of the line to gain. Head scratcher, for sure! I want a cleanly called game, at some point, this season. DeGuara needs to be the next man up at TE if the Big Dog is used as a blocker. He needs to be open past the 1st down marker on plays when Rodgers is pressured. We miss Bobby Tonyan! Next man up for RB is Patrick Taylor. He saw action in the game, but will need to carry the ball, in Jones's place, until Jones can come back. We may see Armistead elevated from the PS to help our run game. Taylor was a stud RB at Memphis and I think he will do fine in Jones's spot, as long as he protects the ball and can catch those passes out of the backfield, like the ones Rodgers throws to Jones, on occasion. Rodgers throws into double coverage, a lot! Passes to Adams and to Lazard, when they were double covered, seemed doomed to failure. Someone else had to be open, there. I'm thinking DeGuara, underneath the coverage, would be an option, there.

0 points
jclombardi's picture

November 15, 2021 at 04:19 pm

Agreed. When Rodgers threw that ball into coverage, he had a man wide open on the right sideline. Wow!

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 16, 2021 at 03:18 am

Deguara is two inches shorter and considerably slower than Tonyan. Deguara ran a 4.72 forty and a 1.68 ten yard dash to Tonyan's 4.58 and 1.59 numbers. Deguara just isn't going to threaten the seam the way Tonyan could. It looks to me like GB prefers Dafney over Deguara when both are available.

There really is not much "illusion of complexity" this year due to instability on the OL and now injuries to Tonyan and Myers, and to Amari being a rookie and not really what they needed. However, they traded up to get him so they must think he can deliver what they want.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

November 16, 2021 at 09:46 am

I expected little from Amari as a true slot this year. I did think that they’d get him going as an option player. That’s where a guy with his skill set and experience (he really wasn’t used as a traditional full route tree WR in college) could have helped. Ervin made us better while rarely touching the ball in that role and helped to confuse. That aspect has largely vanished.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:12 am

Lambeau crowd was really loud yesterday with the D on the field. We had a lot to roar for watching the D control the game.

The best Packer D I have ever watched in Lambeau was Fritz Schumer's 1996 group.

Still games to play...but for grit and "can do" confidence and desire...Barry's Boys are becoming one of my favorites.

4 points
Qoojo's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:32 am

Funny, I said the same thing as I watched the Rodgers INT, "Rookie mistake". Not something we are used to seeing from the best QB at protecting the ball. Also, don't forget about the near pick 6 early in the game.

Really like seeing Wagner getting dragged a couple of yards for the score. Additionally, excited about Bak's return, to hopefully prevent those Dillion runs where he gets hit as he gets the ball. It happened a couple of times during the game.

I like how the packers finally figured out to keep going with the screen until seahags stop it.

Amari Rodgers must still think he is in college with those lateral returns.

Taylor better be ready. I don't think Dillion can play without several breaks. After the long screen, Dillion looked gassed, but hung in there. Got a short rest, then finished it.

I would give a game ball to Jenkins for the leap alone.

6 points
Crankbait's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:26 pm

Brady throws balls like that too so don't be fooled. Even the best make mistakes when they don't have good pass protection.

-1 points
jurp's picture

November 16, 2021 at 09:04 am

If you think that pass was due to poor pass protection, you're delusional. If was, pure and simple, a bad decision by AR. Man-up and accept that your QB of choice has feet of clay sometimes.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 15, 2021 at 10:04 am

I’d like to give a game ball to Washington, for beating Tampa
And another game ball to Carolina for beating AZ

And one more to the Chargers for giving the Vikings hope. If the Vikes had lost, they’d be 3-6 with no hope, but NOW they’re thinking, “we’re 4-5 and if we beat the Packers we’ll be 5-5 and in the wild card hunt!!!” Go to Viking fan boards and you can see for yourself. And so crushing the Vikes dreams will be so much sweeter.. I thank the Chargers for giving us this present.

If the 49ers beat LA tonight, three deserve a game ball, too.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2021 at 01:33 pm

I went instead to the Seahawks blog and learnt that it was mostly the officials who decided the game yesterday. Oddly no one seemed to remember the 7 points erased by the phantom hold call on Jenkins, but they remembered a ton of other incompetent calls against them.

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 15, 2021 at 03:17 pm

Losers complain about the officials, and winners don’t. That’s why I don’t like it when it happens here.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

November 16, 2021 at 10:02 am

I think that there is a difference in complaining about the low standards generally as opposed to specific games being biased. It’s not hard to think of games where the officials have affected the outcome this year. That’s not good at all if one likes football, and it’s fair game in my book.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

November 17, 2021 at 08:19 pm

That’s excellent Leatherhead.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

November 17, 2021 at 08:24 pm

I was referring to your game-ball comments. But the officiating comment is correct too.

0 points
Fubared's picture

November 15, 2021 at 10:14 am

Dam good thing we've got Dillon. Otherwise this could have been a real snoozer. Rodgers was god awful. Apparently even diva's need more then virtual practices.
he still doesnt get it. His actions effected others. Routes run wrong, timing off, blocking off, game plan off. Its all on him and he has the balls to say, wow its great to be back. For who the fans?

-4 points
Since'61's picture

November 15, 2021 at 11:11 am

How is it Rodgers fault if routes are run incorrectly, blocking is off and the game plan is off? In spite of everything Rodgers was 23 - 37 for 292 yards. I'm not saying he played a great game but he led the offense on 2 4th quarter TD drives in the clutch and those drives kept our defense off the field for most of the 4th quarter and preserved the victory and the shutout.

The Packers dominated TOP with 39+ minutes. Therefore we can conclude that Rodgers and the offense played solidly and at least kept the Seahawks offense off the field. In a game like yesterday's that is just as effective as scoring. With a dominant defense it's not as important to score a TD on every drive as you seem to expect.

You don't realize it I know but the other team is trying to win as well. I don't know about you but if the Packers were to win all of their remaining games including the playoffs and SB exactly the same as they won yesterday I would not have any complaints. I prefer the hard fought, defensive battles like the Seahawks game over the
45-42 shootouts that the less than average fan enjoys. IMO, except for the missed FG this was the Packers most complete game of the season. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2021 at 11:12 pm

Routes were not run incorrectly all afternoon. Rodgers was off. It’s perhaps not surprising, but he knew it and one could see it.

The biggest difference this week was that the Seahawks weren’t able to get as much pressure and we stuck with the run game till it paid off and used Dillon in the red zone against a better than billed secondary I thought.

Rodgers wasn’t awful, but he wasn’t himself and it wasn’t all on the supporting cast of catchers. If we are to win it all, Rodgers will have to be better and so will the game plan and calling. Other than sticking with the run late, that was another pretty clunky performance from LaFleur and, Dillon aside, just as toothless in the red zone as it was with Love the week previously.

2 points
jclombardi's picture

November 15, 2021 at 04:24 pm

Although fans did not like your remarks 5-3 so far, I would say that I agree with some of it but it is a team effort to win. The bug affected both Rodgers and Lazard apparently in lingering symptoms. But you are correct to say how stunning the game plan and execution were off.

That was the hope of their game plan pointed early in the article. The Packers got beyond it with old fashion grind it out football. Of course, that is the trademark of the black and blue division in the frozen tundra. Go Pack!

2 points
Since'61's picture

November 15, 2021 at 10:59 am

Game Balls: Entire defensive unit including the coaches. Specific players include Clark, Campbell, Stokes and King. On the offense AJ Dillon and Aaron Rodgers.
Why Rodgers? Because he led the 2 4th quarter TD drives excellently. He didn't try to do it all himself. He let the OL and AJ Dillon seal the deal. His pick in the 3rd quarter was a poor decision but it may have been the result of being hit as he threw and more importantly having no faith in the FG unit so he went for it all.
Either way he came through in the clutch in the 4th the quarter and didn't let the defense down after their brilliant performance.

Lame calls: Missed FG again! Amari Rodgers on punt returns. I have no confidence in what he is going to do whenever he is back to receive a punt.
Injuries; at least it looks like Jones will be back after the bye. I haven't seen anything on Gary yet.

MLF's comment about the team being tired appears to be spot on. Our OL has not looked the same since the Cardinals game. Although they did seem to come to life in the 4th quarter for the 2 TD drives. Fortunately our defense has been dominant for the last 2 games. I can't believe that we still have 2 more games until our bye week. The attrition rate has become too high. I hope that we can stay strong and carry the G for 2 more games. GPG! Thanks, Since '61

2 points
greengold's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:23 pm

Agree. Good stuff again, Since'61.

I'm wondering if they would benefit from moving Jenkins to the C, Runyan to LG, Turner to RG and Yosh to RT these next couple of games? I think Lucas Patrick is wearing out at the C. It has been evident for a couple of weeks now. Coldworld brought this up back then, and it makes a lot of sense to me.

More effective OL play will be essential @MIN, LAR, CHI, @BAL, CLE & MIN to finish out the season, especially thru Bakhtiari's return.

0 points
Since'61's picture

November 16, 2021 at 08:03 pm

greengold, I'm not one to move too many OLs around during the season.

When Bak returns I would move Jenkins back to LG ,leave Patrick at C until Myers returns. The question for me is what to do at RG? Do we leave Newman at RG or move Runyan there from LG? I like Turner at RT, I think that he has been solid so far this season.

I agree that Patrick has been wearing down, especially over the last 2 games but I wouldn't switch Centers yet again. A third Center even Jenkins could be an issue on snap exchange with Rodgers. I'm not saying that Jenkins would not be good at Center I'm just saying it's another change for the Qb and the OL.

The remaining question for me is when Myers returns should Patrick be moved to RG in place of Newman?

It's good to have choices and I think that the Packers have plenty. However, the OL is as much about consistency and it is about versatility. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
splitpea1's picture

November 15, 2021 at 11:43 am

I was thinking the exact same thing with Amari Rodgers: proceed upfield when you see an opening and put your head down instead of the horizontal or diagonal approaches; he doesn't have the speed.

Another option sounds good in theory, but who? As long as Amari catches the ball, maintains possession, and scratches out a couple of yards, we should probably be happy at this point. We certainly need a better returner, no doubt about it, but I don't see any other options on the near horizon--at least that don't involve dicey experimentation or someone that we can't risk losing to injury on offense or defense.

3 points
Tedlyflyfisher's picture

November 15, 2021 at 12:11 pm

I agree that our defense showed a lot of heart. I admit I was pretty skeptical about the hiring of Joe Barry, but I think this defense is MUCH better than the Pettine defense.

However, to be a championship caliber team we MUST work on special teams. I agree, Ken, Amari is not ready for prime time (yet) as a punt returner. I’ve said it since preseason. And whether the kicking problems are on Mason, Bojorquez or the new long snapper, it needs to be corrected NOW! We have another kicker on the practice squad— is it time to give him a try??? If the problem is the holder, surely there’s someone else who could do that job!

2 points
Reghamster's picture

November 15, 2021 at 03:46 pm

I disagree heartily with most in thinking that the STs is as important as it once was . Certainly not a MUST for the playoffs . Kickoff returns are almost negligible with the new kickoff distance. I would prefer it if at all possible NOT to return it if possible. Punting returns generally likewise only vary a few yards between teams . The key here is no fumbles or muffs . We have failed that test once or twice. Finally the 2 areas that do matter One is punting . We have so improved this with Bo. Our field position advantage has improved .
But Bo I think is largely responsible for the poor field goal kicks . Laces anyone ? It may be why teams have released him. Crosby for years lobbied the Packers to keep Hunter because he was such a good holder. Pick your poison perhaps . I hope time will improve the triple combo of Crosby, Bo and the new LS. Bradley the long time LS had faded a bit but new adjustments are well new adjustments . We still have 7 regular season games to get the field goal team together. Enough about the STs failures . I think the coaches and FO have rightly emphasized having good replacements for injuries for all the non ST situations. I dont know if you can have both necessarily . A good gunner doesn't necessarily make a good db backup etc. and so on. GPG ' since the Dawn of Time

-1 points
Minniman's picture

November 15, 2021 at 12:41 pm

I’m giving a Game-Ball to the fans on the wall of the end-zone who rejected Jamal Adams’ attempted Lambeau Leap!

I’ve heard of ‘run-stuffing’………. We now have “Jump Stuffing”……….. well played D guys…….. stay vigilant!

4 points
4thand1's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:02 pm

Game Ball- Entire team effort especially the defense. Left points on the field again but WTH 3 would have been enough. This team hasn't peaked and it's 8-2.
Lame- The MF injuries.

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:12 pm

I could be wrong but it looked like the ball was at the end of its turn of the laces when Crosby kicked it. In other words it was snapped, caught by the holder, set on the ground, spun to move the laces and as it was doing so it was kicked. All in less than two seconds. I think that it was probably on the holder or maybe the snapper. If there was even a slight movement of the ball AS it was kicked that could account for the wacky movement of the ball during it trajectory towards the goalposts.

2 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

November 15, 2021 at 02:19 pm

That's interesting PGB, because I thought I saw the same thing, but thought I must have imagined it! :-D

1 points
Slim11's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:51 pm

On both FG attempts (without the benefit of seeing any replays), the snap and hold looked better than in the KC game. If what you describe is accurate, that could account for the knuckleball-type trajectory we saw on the first FG attempt.

0 points
Reghamster's picture

November 15, 2021 at 03:51 pm

Crosby is still reliable if every thing is where and when it should be in my opinion! He was 3 of 4 basically except for that flub from the other two. Stop the talk of getting rid of Crosby. One position that you can do in PFB til your almost 50 or older ( Blanda anyone?) is kicker . Look at the history of some of the best .

1 points
Slim11's picture

November 15, 2021 at 09:52 pm

During the last few years of his career, Blanda didn't kick off anymore.

2 points
jurp's picture

November 16, 2021 at 09:21 am

Blanda has always been one of my favorite players. Even 22 years after entering the league, he threw for 328 yards as a Raiders backup, going 32 for 58, for 4 TDs (and 6 ints). Two little known stats: he actually caught a pass (1961), but lost 16 yards on it, so I wonder if that was a ball batted back at him, and returned two kicks in 1951 for the Bears. He also made an interception playing defense in that same year. The 50s truly were a different era.

But as a field goal kicker, percentage-wise he wasn't great. His best year was 1973 at just under 70%. If you look at the stats, he actually became a much better kicker as he got older. Except for one 68.8% FGM year in the 1955, he ranged from just above to well below 50% from 1949 to the mid-60s, with about 17-25 attempts per year after 1951. His last year was 1975, with a 61% FGM percentage. Don't think that would cut it in the modern game (NFL doesn't track FGs by yardage for his era, so it's impossible to know the distance he was getting on his FGs)

0 points
HankScorpio's picture

November 15, 2021 at 06:43 pm

The secondary in general has been lights out fantastic this year. What a difference from week 1 when they got trucked by New Orleans. They have done it without Jaire, Savage and King for games at a time. Need a refugee from AZ practice squad to save a game? No problem.

Yesterday, watching Adrian Amos break up pass after pass, I remembered back to when Bears fans were patting themselves on the back for the swap of Amos and Ha-Ha Clinton-Dix. They said HHCD was not much of a fall off and so much cheaper. Bears fans are so silly.

2 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

November 16, 2021 at 03:54 pm

There has been a lot of complaining about the officiating by Seahawks fans on the internet about the game. I remember when all their fans and especially the whining Pete Carroll who thought that the "fail marry" call that cost the Packers a win years back. Packer fans will never forget the egregious call by that replacement side judge and especially ME.

I flew out to that game in 2012 to see the Packers play the Seahawks and sat across from a guy I know and it happened to be the very replacement referee who made that bogus call. The guy was Lance Easily who lives in a city near where I live. We spent much of the airplane flight taking football and that he was going to be working the game. Needless to say, his name, Lance Easily, and his decision which cost us that game will remain in my memory as a "spoiled Milk" forever.

4 points