Assessing Kenny Clark's contract relative to his play

Kenny Clark has had a disappointing 2022 season. Will he bounce back? 

Green Bay Packers defensive tackle Kenny Clark signed a four-year extension in August 2020, worth $70 million. The UCLA product received a $25 million signing bonus, the only guaranteed portion of the contract. At the time, it was the richest contract in NFL history given to a nose tackle, and his average annual salary of $17.5 million ranked fourth among interior defensive linemen. 

Fast forward to 2023. How would you assess Clark’s contract relative to his play? Clark currently sits tenth in terms of average annual salary among interior defensive linemen, according to Over the Cap, after a slew of players recently signed new contracts, including Aaron Donald ($31.67 million per year) in 2022, Washington Commanders’ Daron Payne ($22.5 million per year) earlier this offseason, San Francisco 49ers’ Javon Hargrave ($21 million per year) earlier this offseason, Tennessee Titans’ Jeffrey Simmons ($20.95 million per year if you include his fifth-year option; $23.5 million based on new money, per Ian Rapoport) last Friday, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Vita Vea ($17.75 million per year) in 2022. 

Clark’s standing in terms of average annual salary could definitely fall once New York Jets’ Quinnen Williams, New York Giants’ Dexter Lawrence, and Miami Dolphins’ Christian Wilkins, all of whom are entering the final year of their rookie deals, sign new contracts. 

Judging solely by Clark’s 2022 performance, it is difficult to argue Clark’s contract is a bargain. For starters, he did not finish in the top ten of pass rush win rate or run stop win rate among defensive tackles, according to ESPN. He struggled in particular against the run as he only registered 14 stops, according to Pro Football Focus, 11 less than what he produced in the 2021 season. In total, he recorded 45 pressures and 18 stops in 2022, compared to 64 pressures and 28 stops in 2021. And it wasn’t like Clark faced a slew of double teams a season ago that would prevent him from putting up better numbers across the board. In fact, he faced double teams less in 2022 than he did in 2021 in the passing game. 

Clark admitted to that his 2022 season was plagued by inconsistency. “I'm not that type of player, and that's not what I want to be known for is to be an inconsistent player. I think that will definitely motivate me this year. When I'm the anchor for this defense and being consistent, this defense plays at a different level, and I've got to be able to bring that each and every game.”

Notwithstanding last year, it is not appropriate nor fair to adequately assess Clark’s contract relative to his play on the field based on one season, which could end up being an outlier altogether. The California native has been a huge asset to the team’s defensive front over the years, garnering Pro Bowl honors in 2019 and 2021. He is, without a doubt, a core member of the Packers’ defense. Further, his job would be made much easier if he had quality players alongside him in the interior. 

I think the Packers were more than happy about giving Clark the contract that they did in 2020, and I’m sure they will feel the same about giving him a new deal once the current one expires if Clark returns to form in the next two seasons. But make no mistake, Clark needs to play better. 




Rex is a lifelong Packers fan but was sick of the cold, so he moved to the heart of Cowboys country. Follow him on Twitter (@Sheild92) and Instagram (@rex.sheild). 


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2 points

Comments (40)

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Coldworld's picture

April 10, 2023 at 12:04 pm

I can’t help wondering if his slim down was a disaster. Without an established big guy inside/along side, any speed and agility gain was too often negated.

2 points
mnbadger's picture

April 10, 2023 at 12:36 pm

better line mates would definitely help.
Did weight loss hurt? Maybe?
But KC, as pointed out by the author and the statistics, was not a top ten DL'men last year,
Cheeseheads raved about his play as did commentators. I wasn't sure if I was watching a different camera angle, but I saw a few splash plays but nothing consistent or reliable or hardly even timely.

4 points
Oppy's picture

April 10, 2023 at 05:30 pm

Not sure if the weight was the deciding factor, but I was cautioning CHTV readers around here who were optimistic about Clark shedding pounds to become more agile.

Kenny's game is power and anchor, pure and simple, and he has always been on the light side for a NT to begin with. It's always been a testament to his fundamentals and his sheer strength that he's been as dominating as he has been over the years at his weight.

All that being said.. there was a 3-4 game window where I was concerned that Clark was nursing an undisclosed shoulder injury, because he seemed to be playing one-handed almost exclusively for a bit there in the middle of the season.

1 points
greengold's picture

April 11, 2023 at 10:56 am

Clark put up his most impressive numbers playing NT in GB. He's not a 3-tech. I think the Packers have been trying to free up Clark to make plays alongside a NT, when his playmaking as an NT himself is what brought him success.

I'd rather see Clark at NT, Wyatt alongside him at 3-tech, and add 2 more 5-techs in this draft, and another NT to rotate in.

It's been years since we had a formidable DL. The failures here coincide with 3 very weak DL draft classes in a row.

Gutekunst has to be mindful of this in a much improved DL class for 2023. I believe he did make comments recently that DT was a target area for him in this draft.

0 points
RedMN's picture

April 10, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Definitely a conversion that needed to happen. Clarks play has been very inconsistent. The last 2-3 seasons he either started the season quiet and didn't start making a visible impact until mid season or played well in the first few games only to dissappear for several games thereafter. The whole defense needs to start playing up to their potential. The packers can ill afford to keep spending high picks on the defense alone with mixed results imo.
The offense will need to start rebuilding the O line to the right of Bach and Jenkins. They need to draft some real competition for Myers at C and I'm not convinced yet we have the answer for RG and RT. Maybe Tom but not Nyjman.
We need some depth at Wr and multiple TEs as well as a backup QB. I know Bach is also getting up there and the packers will have to get his eventual replacement (maybe Tom?) But that may be a problem for down the road in a year or 2.

1 points
BAMABADGER's picture

April 10, 2023 at 01:19 pm

2021 and 2022, Clark was consistently "average" both years. We had significantly better value from a cost performance with Jarran Reed than Clark last year. They had very similar results for 2021, as well. We should have resigned Reed. Question, based on this statistical chart is GB management overvaluing Clark's performance? They appear to have undervalued Reed's performance.

5 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 10, 2023 at 08:22 pm

If they want a guy just to be bogged down with Dbl teams, they might as well trade him. Employ Four down linemen. Get the best usage out of your guys. Guess what, Barry? You do not have Aaron Donald on your squad.

3 points
MooPack's picture

April 10, 2023 at 01:49 pm

Who didn’t have a down year on this defense last year? Name the defense player that was on par or showed improvement from last year. Gary was, but got hurt. Probably would have , but without a full season can’t say for sure. Jaire is the only one close and that was two years ago since he was hurt. How does an entire defensive unit get worse individually, hmmm?

6 points
Renllaw's picture

April 10, 2023 at 02:06 pm

Yeah, I heard the cause was that illness running through the defensive side of the locker room all year, Barryitis. It 1st affects you physically, so you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then it moves to begin affecting you mentally. You experience feelings of softness, lack of aggression, and low morale.

4 points
Tundraboy's picture

April 10, 2023 at 04:22 pm


0 points
ko40489's picture

April 10, 2023 at 03:39 pm

He's consistently touted as one of the best nose tackles in the league. But I think the nature of the position is such that it doesn't get a lot of highlight plays. That said, there's no question he didn't perform at the level he was paid last year. But it didn't help that he didn't have a lot of support on the D line and the Joe Barry scheme didn't use a lot of guys to their potential.

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

April 11, 2023 at 04:06 am

IIRC, Clark played about 20% of this snaps in 0 or 1 technique last year. I think he played DT and DE far more than ever before. Does someone have those stats?

In 2021, Clark played 232 snaps as a 5 tech, which is more than the combined total of his first five seasons (2016 to 2020), per PFF. And Clark played in the A gap for just 130 snaps in 2021, down from averaging 320 snaps each year in his first five seasons. Again, I don't have 2022 stats.

0 points
greengold's picture

April 11, 2023 at 11:33 am

I can't find them, TGR. Been looking myself. Seems his greatest asset was power aligned over the Center, when he played at a higher weight.

If he were to return to NT in a rotation with Slayton, that might be the wisest move the Packers could make, while adding another 3-tech and a couple of quality 5-techs.

That would give the Packers a very solid 6 player rotation to work with. Wouldn't mind if Gutekunst increased his number of DL designated to our roster to 7 players. More depth in the trenches seems smart, especially with a 17 game schedule.

Aligning Kenny Clark at the 5T outside the OT seems a stretch, and moving him back to 1-tech plays more to his strengths, where he's had his greatest success.

0 points
Spawny's picture

April 10, 2023 at 04:45 pm

Clark equals promo hype. It will he comical this year when Lowry and Reed both out perform Clark.
This guy doesn't deserve to start. He quit playing when he got that $25m. If he was all-pro we would stop the run. Instead K Clark played like he had the runs. He is no Aaron Donald. How many sacks did Clark garner?

It is true what they say about GMs. "GMs like the smell of their own farts."

0 points
Oppy's picture

April 10, 2023 at 05:34 pm

I'm pretty sure with some reading, someday you'll learn what nose tackle play is.

Keep your chin up, I'm pulling for you.

2 points
10ve 💚's picture

April 10, 2023 at 07:01 pm

Yea! Tell him....

I love how some persons profess to be Packer fan(atic)s and have no idea who are on the team!

-2 points
HarryHodag's picture

April 10, 2023 at 04:59 pm

Ask yourself this: can Kenny Clark be disappointing? If there is negativism about his play who would step in to replace him?

The answers are this: no, not disappointing, and, there's no one to adequately replace him.

He earned that contract he's paid. By the way, $25 million cash is still enough money to retire on even at his young age. He received $7 million guaranteed in his first contract. I don't feel like he's underpaid.

He was a Pro Bowler not all that long ago. All players have down years. He's still in his prime and the last player on the Packers defense I worry about is Kenny Clark.

2 points
lou's picture

April 10, 2023 at 06:58 pm

I totally agree, his numbers may not have been the same last season but just take the time to watch how he is consistently double teamed and even that being the case he still outperforms easily the other defensive line starters. Until last season the only solid performer on the field with him was Lowry and Reed was passable but his best years were behind him. Lowry, Reed, and Wyatt the herald rookie almost always had one on one matchups with less than average results. Clark is the one defensive player they cannot replace, if he goes down the team is in real trouble.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 10, 2023 at 07:59 pm

Yes to all that. I don't understand why we're talking about one of the team's best defenders when the biggest falloff from 2021 to 2022 was the offense.

He earned that contract. By the way, players are not really paid for what they do between the lines. They're paid to show up in shape. They're paid to go to OTAs and minicamps. They're paid to practice. They're paid to study film and go to meetings.

So by the time that guy hits the field on Sunday, he's spent a 40 hour week practicing, studying, preparing, maybe traveling away from his family. Then, some muscular freaks try to pound him into the dirt.

He's earned that money, even if you don't think he played especially well.


$25 million after tax, is going to be about $15 million. Minus a little more for his agent,etc. and he's probably at about $12 million. $10 million at 5% is 500K a year. It's generational wealth. Charles Barkley once commented that basketball allowed him to lift his family out of poverty, and I think that it's an impressive accomplishment when you do that.

These NFL athletes are the top .0001% of athletes in the world. They work a lot of hours from high school to college to the pros and their bodies take a lot of punishment. I have zero problem with the money they get.

1 points
Packer_Fan's picture

April 10, 2023 at 06:10 pm

I am with the group that the whole defense under performed. Was it a whole bunch of individuals under performing or something else.

There are people who know but aren't saying anything. I just hope Lafleur takes charge and makes things change. Will the defense start out soft or aggressive.

Will they let Alexander be aggressive and focus on the top receiver? You pay a lot of money and you should use him so he can earn it.

7 points
Rarescope's picture

April 10, 2023 at 06:17 pm

I like to give players the benefit of doubt if they have a bad season. It wasn’t like he was awful and based on his comments it sounds like he is itching to ball out this year. Definitely looking for more help on the dline in the draft but it’s to help Clark out, not replace him.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 10, 2023 at 07:47 pm

Clark is a helluva good defensive lineman, we're lucky to have him. There's not a team in the league he wouldn't start for. He was underpaid, now he's overpaid...maybe. It averages out. You take the bad with the good. I hope we can squeeze several more productive years out of him. He's one of the best defensive linemen in Packer history, IMO.

Since we finally got rid of Dean Lowry, and we've got last years 1st round pick, Wyatt, to replace his snaps, we ought to be hugely better on the defensive line, right? And since in passing situations, which is half the game, we're only playing two DL half the time. The last several years, we've essentially gone with a 4 man rotation on the Dline. Clark has been the main dog, then Lowry, then guys like Lancaster, Keke, Montravious, Slaton, Reed. This year, it'll be Clark and Wyatt (who we're 100% certain is going to be a lot better than Lowry), assisted by Slaton and Slayton and some other Day 3 guy. I don't foresee us having another high pick on the Dline this year.

1 points
PhantomII's picture

April 10, 2023 at 08:32 pm

A DL player making the money KC is should be disrupting the pocket often...and have 8 sacks per season. KC can upset the pocket occasionally. I will say I have seen Clark fire out of his stance and knock the offensive player back an entire foot...then nothing, no follow thru to the QB. I will blame good ole Barry for this hold your ground tactic. If they’re not running the ball Clark has zero effect on the play.
This plays into the mediocre game play. Maybe with Wyatt on the line it changes? On 3rd down we should see a big pocket push....letting Reed go was dumb. He played as good as Clark for pocket change. I’m sure the last 2 coordinators are to blame. Clark was on the field a lot. Poor rotation management.

0 points
Oppy's picture

April 11, 2023 at 05:54 pm

Clark's job, for the most part, is to command a double team. If there's two bodies blocking Clark, that generally means you have a one-on-one matchup on the outside with your premium pass rushers, or someone across the line has a free look to the backfield or the ball carrier.

That's what a NT does, and it's why you don't appraise the traditional NT by looking at their stat sheet. Great NTs allow their defensive teammates to make great plays.

-1 points
David Aures's picture

April 11, 2023 at 12:22 am

I don't comment much on here but love this site and love reading everyone's opinions.

I just have to say KC wasn't as good maybe cause of weight loss i don't know but what i saw was everyone one running wherever lengthy lowry was lined up. Lowry should ve playing DE in a different type defense. Plus KC is on the field a lot, we all see he's gassed.

Point is how can you have a good year with bad other interior lineman (sorry Lowery) and the worst scheme defense i have seen in a long time. Moral had to be crap with all these first round draft picks and good enough vets on defense, and J gray with are good corners. All looks good right!!!! Nope cause whose leading and scheming them. JOE PLAY SOFT BARRY.

Yes i understand they should play hard every year regardless but if your coaches are weak and can't scheme before or during games you ain't doing shit. That goes for Barry and La Flower. Love the pack but are front office is weak. (IBackthePack92)

3 points
Coldworld's picture

April 11, 2023 at 08:45 am

I agree with your point that it’s very difficult to excel in the run game or against balanced offense with Lowry next to you. The increased use of Reed helped a little, as did that if Slaton and Wyatt late. That and the infrequency of true 3 man front usage. As he was used, and I bow here to more expert DL observers, the weight loss seemed counterintuitive too.

I don’t think a default group of Slaton, Wyatt and Clark is necessarily worse than Reed, Clark and Lowry. Lowry is gone. The best thing that happened in my view was him getting dinged and forcing changes on us. However, it’s too thin to sustain in terms of depth and we need to add talent that is tun and pass capable. Ford remains a complete unknown. Slayton flashed in camp, but never saw the roster. There’s nothing behind that. I’d be happy to see us take a bigger dual purpose player.

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

April 11, 2023 at 07:38 am

He’s wearing out from overuse. Nose tackles need to be on a snap count if you want them for the long term. Packers did the same thing with BJ Raji.

2 points
Since'61's picture

April 11, 2023 at 09:22 am

The frist point, Did clark play up to his salary level? Is a question that can be asked about every player in every professional sport at this point. Given the ridiculously high amount of money these players are being paid I would argue that no one is performing at the level they should be relative to their salaries. Having said that I'm all for players getting every penny they can from the owners and the ever increasing greed of the league.

As for Clark his play has been inconsistent for the last 2 seasons but he remains our best DL by far and the only legit NFL DL we've had for a long time. The He is also the only DL that we've had that hasn't been pushed all over the field by the opposing OL even while he is being double teamed.

Clark was a microcosm of the Packers 2022 season. Meaning that the team teased with flashes of good play which demonstrated the talent that is available on the roster but it did not happen often enough on either the offense or the defense. As we can see in the charts provided in the article Clark is basically in the middle of the pack which is where the Packers as a team finished in 2022.

For years Rodgers and the offense carried the team. But 2022 showed what happens when the offense could no longer deliver the level of play necessary to score enough points to win games. Injuries, musical OLs, inexperienced WRs, poor execution, poor coaching decisions, were all factors which contributed to the very average/inefficient performance by the Packers offense in 2022. The defense with 7 #1 picks underperformed as well. Again injuries were a factor, plus inconsistent execution, poor communications, poor tackling and coaching ineptitude prevented the defense from carrying the team while the offense floundered around.

Clark was a symptom of the team's numerous problems throughout the 2022 season. The one consistent issue which remains with the team is the coaching staff. Can they get a talented defensive unit to play up to form and can they enable the young offensive players including Love to play at a consistent level? If not we can expect the team to flounder around again 2023 as they did in 2022.

Will Clark get some help on the DL which will enable him and the front 7 to finally stop the run and generate a consistent and effective pass rush? As we have seen, Clark cannot do it alone and without help I'm afraid that his play will not improve much from the last few seasons.
Every season is different in the NFL and teams can turn around quickly. Hopefully the Packers can turn around in 2023 and if they do Clark will be a major piece of the turn around for the defense. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
greengold's picture

April 11, 2023 at 09:53 am

Packers DVOA vs. Pass ranked #9 in 2022.

Packers DVOA vs. Run ranked #31 in 2022.

FFS! Draft RUN STOP!!!

Losing Jarran Reed is a bigger loss than people might think. He is a great player. Ford? Jury is still out on him. TJ Slayton is solid. Kenny Clark is solid. Devonte Wyatt is solid.

That means we have 3 player we can count on at a position where we normally keep only 6.

At least this year is better at DL than the last 3 drafts. With an abundance of picks, Gutekunst should take at least 1 NT and 2 DEs. I'd like to see 2 good-great 5-techs, or players who offer versatility to play both 3 & 5-tech. This draft is deep enough to find them late Day 2 - early Day 3.

Adding a top DL in R2 plus a R1 EDGE would go a very long way towards fixing that, should they land a more complete EDGE who can actually hold the edge as well as get to the QB.

Those special players who can do both well will go high.

Show me ONE Packers fan who still doesn't feel those tire tracks across our backs from SF's January 2020 NFCC victory. Two hundred fucking eighty five yards of them... 42 carries...

Our 4th year since that defeat and all we have is Kenny Clark. Wyatt should have a big impact, but, we're waiting...

It's 2023 - 3 drafts later - and RUN STOP is still needing to be fixed.


1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 11, 2023 at 11:02 am

I always draft Brodric Martin in the 7th round.

6' 5" 337lbs...

Martin is a poor man’s Jordan Davis in that he’s a towering 6-foot-5, 337-pound nose tackle with uber-long arms. He showed improvement as a bull rusher this past fall with 23 pressures after only 17 in his career prior. Per PFF

; P

0 points
Since'61's picture

April 11, 2023 at 11:31 am

GG for me the book is still out on Slayton and Wyatt. 2023 is a prove it year for both of them IMO. Reed was a solid player but a rotational player. However I expected the Packers to re-sign him. But for whatever reason the Packers chose not to do so. I can't say that we're in Cap Hell as that offends some posters so I will use Gute's phrase, "We're limited financially" and it probably cost us Reed and a few others.

That NFCCG loss to the 49ers was one of the most if not the most pathetic performances by a Packers defense or any defense that I have ever seen. The Packers defense was obliterated by the 49ers ground game with a 3rd string RB who don't even know if he is still in the league. And yet the Packers defense made him look like Jim Brown in that game. Of course for many here that loss is all Rodgers fault because he wasn't on the field to prevent the 49ers from rushing for 285 yards. But we're past that now. We'll soon find out who becomes the Packers new scapegoat for any losses they have in the future. "What are we going to do now that we don't have Aaron Rodgers to kick around any longer?"

But you are spot on. 2023 will be the 4th season and the Packers still have not adequately reinforced the DL to STOP the Run. Yes we ranked 9th against the pass in 2022 but why do teams needs to pass against the Packers when they rank 31st against the run. Teams just follow the old adage. Keep running the ball until they prove that they can stop it and the Packers haven't proven that they can stop the run. And yet our coaches keep playing our defenders 7+ yards off the LOS with 2 DLs. It really doesn't take much to figure what to do against the Packers defense. But here we are. We'll see if the Packers address the DL needs during the upcoming draft. "When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?" Pete Seeger

Thanks, Since '61

2 points
greengold's picture

April 11, 2023 at 11:50 am

Exactly, Since'61.

Reed and a bunch of others were cut loose to get the AR trade and his dead cap hits to fit under the cap by draft time.

Slayton was arguably the most pro ready DL in the 2021 NFL Draft. The problem is Barry then switched Clark to 3T-5T alongside Slayton, rather than working Clark and Slayton in rotation at 1T.

Clark's strengths were in beating double teams at NT. He hasn't been the same since. Asking him to lose weight to play DE doesn't bring a lot of confidence in our decision makers there.

There is something to arm length here. If you're playing outside at the 5, having those levers (34"+) to control OTs makes a difference. Clark's arms are just over 32" long. He's built for NT... At least he was until they asked him to lose weight to play outside. Just dumb.

BTW, on the run, you're not kidding. Half the time last season I let out a sigh of relief that opponents weren't running on us, because they would have had greater success. Ugh.

It's preposterous that this remains an issue after getting our asses handed to us on a silver platter by SF in 2019's NFCC game.

Part of that is due to 3 very weak DL classes in a row. THAT's why you & I wanted DL early all three drafts. At least Gutekunst gave us one of 2022's best in Wyatt, and he hopefully proves that pick value in 2023. The other part is AR, DB, and others getting top dollar contracts bleeding us dry, unable to sign better FA talents at DL.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

April 11, 2023 at 03:21 pm

GG you have hit on the point that I have been making for the last 3 seasons and in particular since the pathetic loss to SF in the playoff game following the 2021 season. Specifically that the Packers FO and coaching staff continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over.

Clark is just one example of a player who has been misused by the Packers. Playing our CBs off the LOS in zone coverage is another. Musical OLs at the beginning of the 2022 season yet another error repeated by moving OLs incorrectly during the 2020 NFCCG against Tampa and then again in the playoff game against SF after the 2021 season.

Then there are players like Jones and Dillon who been under utilized. And the list goes on.

They're just to seems to be mismanagement and poor decision making at every level. I'm not sure whether having Rodgers gone will help clarify these issues or legitimize management's approach to these chronic problems. With Rodgers out of the way they might figure their problems are solved and everything will be OK going forward.

This and numerous other reasons are why I have posted that I'm not very confident that the guys (Murphy, Gute, Ball and MLF) who created the current mess
( salary cap limitations and numerous roster holes to fill) are the guys who can get the Packers out of it. If they were so great at what they're doing they should not have created the current mess in the first place. But here we are and Murphy is coasting to retirement. We have a big slide and "We're not idiots." That's about all the comfort we have at this point.
Thanks, Since '61

1 points
greengold's picture

April 11, 2023 at 03:26 pm

My diagnosis is a severe LaChooch infection, and it's spreading.

We should probably get that looked at.


Murphy is the parasite who usurped all power, demolishing clear communication channels.

He fucked with MLF about his DC upon hire. 2 years wasted there with Mike Petine.

He fucked with arguably the best ST Coach in NFL history, Darren Rizi and MLF's 1st choice, and blew that up because he was cheap. Our self proclaimed "money guy," had one goddam job to do...

There appears to be miscommunication between DC and Gutekunst on what they are running at DB, forcing one of the best DB coaches to leave GB in Jerry Gray.

I say we lop that stupid red & inflamed thing off.

Return our FO to the system Bob Harlan originally established to take us out of the dark ages.

GM as Head of Football Operations. GM picks his HC, HC picks his staff. Simple, clear communication channels.

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

April 11, 2023 at 01:41 pm

I think the Packers have figured they’d be playing with leads and wouldn’t have to worry too much about their opponents’ run games. Unfortunately, the Packer front office and coaching staff have been overrating the Packers offense, with disastrous results. Perhaps now that they are free from Rodgers’ spell they will be able to self-scout more accurately.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 11, 2023 at 10:30 pm

If a good RB averages 5 yards/attempt, and an average QB averages 7 yards/attempt, wouldn’t you rather have your opponent running instead of passing?

-1 points
Since'61's picture

April 13, 2023 at 12:30 pm

No, I would prefer to have a defense that can stop the run and get off the field before they allow a score. Not to mention the more effectively our opponents' run games perform the more effective their play action passes will be.

Bottom line when the defense is ranked 31st against the run they're not stopping too many opponents.
Thanks, Since '61

0 points
MomaClarkx4's picture

April 11, 2023 at 05:20 pm

Please….. Clark can’t do it alone just in case anyone didn’t know he’s Human and makes mistakes and corrects them…. He’s the most double/triple teamed defensive lineman in the league That would mean because he’s a BEAST AT HIS CRAFT…. Have a blessed always….

4 points
JerseyAl's picture

April 11, 2023 at 06:29 pm

Thanks for checking in, Mom!!!

1 points
Lphill's picture

April 12, 2023 at 02:36 pm

not his fault its Joe Barry and his 2 down lineman scheme .

1 points