Trotter: McCarthy Doing His Best Coaching Job

Sports Illustrated's Jim Trotter thinks Mike McCarthy should be a "Coach of the Year" candidate.

Jim Trotter, a senior writer over at Sports Illustrated, has some high praise for the work Mike McCarthy has done through the first half of the 2010 season:

McCarthy, arguably, has done his finest work since arriving in Green Bay in 2006. He started the season without injured secondary starters Al Harris (knee) and Atari Bigby (ankle), then lost running back Ryan Grant, linebacker Nick Barnett (wrist), tight end Jermichael Finley (knee) and safety Morgan Burnett (knee) to season-ending injuries. Both of his lines have been banged up and outside linebacker Clay Matthews has been fighting a hamstring injury, still the Packers are 5-3 and leading the NFC North.

They have not been the juggernaut we all expected, but they appear to have developed some grit that was missing earlier in the year when they lost three of their first six games by a field goal each. The past two weeks, however, they beat a desperate Minnesota team by four and halted the Jets' five-game winning streak despite failing to score a touchdown.

They appear to be building momentum similar to last year, when they started 4-4 and rallied to win seven of their final eight. If the Packers have similar success this year, McCarthy should be strongly considered for Coach of the Year. More likely, he'll be overshadowed by Kansas City's Todd Haley, St. Louis' Steve Spagnuolo and Tampa Bay's Raheem Morris, each of whom has turned a projected doormat into midseason contenders. They deserve the recognition, but so does McCarthy.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump on this bandwagon, but I will admit McCarthy has done his best head coaching during the last two weeks.

Yes, I placed him in the "Bad" category after the Jets game, but that was for his use of the running backs and for an offensive gameplan that I didn't agree with. But as a head coach, I think the Minnesota Viking and New York Jets games have brought out the best in McCarthy. He has kept a team together that has been absolutely decimated by injuries, not to mention the fact that he navigated his squad clear of back-to-back overtime losses. Those two weeks could have sunk a team with a lesser coach (See: Childress, Brad)

Again, I'm not ready to say he's "Coach of the Year" material. But McCarthy is doing an impressive job the last few weeks. Here's hoping he's just starting his patented late season push.




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Comments (48)

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Chad's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:41 pm

Agree with your take, Aaron.

As a Head Coach, he is doing well. The area he struggles in is the offensive play-calling.

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bogmon's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:52 pm

I would have said the exact opposite just last season.
Always thought his offensive planning was good, but lacked the big picture vision.

This team is like the nega-universe version of last year.
Defense carrying the offense...Secondary is superior to the front line...Rodgers throwing picks...More Sacks than Ints...
negative turnover ratio...Charles Woodson NOT the best corner on the team...reserves filling in on defense and doing better than the initial starters in some positions...I could go on and on.

Football is weird.

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Brando's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:26 pm

"Football is weird."


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Dale Zawada's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:46 pm

This is weird. I was calling for McCarthy to be fired a couple weeks ago(and am not completely off that train yet).

He HAS done some nice things dealing with all the injuries, and he HAS improved the last couple weeks(It's like he heard me call for his head and knew he lost his biggest supporter)...

But his offensive playcalling is killing us, and going to kill us in the playoffs. Nagler, you called it...Kuhn screens? Kuhn tosses? No balanced playcalling whatsoever. A lot of deep passes when the underneath is there.

I like MM. I like his style and stubborness. I don't like what he does on offense and we need someone who does. If we get that guy and Capers and the 3-4 stays...superbowl. I don't think we get superbowl with McCarthy. Hope he proves me wrong though.

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CSS's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:51 pm

Trotter left the strength of schedule difference out of the equation this year. 07' and 09' schedules were a joke, not much of a lithmus test. In 08' they played a brutal schedule but couldn't pull out all the close games.

I'll give hime some credit, some grief. They're finishing a few games undermanned and winning. They're still not playing their best ball during the latter-half of tight games (sans the Jets).

Kudos for the progression while short-handed, now put together some complete games and also put away inferior competition by the end of Q3.

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Patrick Duprey's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:51 pm

He's not worthy of consideration. I get the impression that Trotter, a member of the national media, is looking at this issue from an outside perspective and clearly has not been paying in-depth attention to this season. I'm not even ready to consider Mike McCarthy as doing a good coaching job the last two weeks. His play call management in the fourth quarter of the Vikings game, where he didn't challenge an obvious first down conversion by Greg Jennings and then ran John Kuhn again on 4th and 1, would have cost us the game if Collins doesn't pick off Favre on the subsequent drive and/or if Brad Childress wasn't a moron. Sure, the team has rebounded from injuries better than I ever expected, but I think that's a credit to the guys stepping in and Ted Thompson for establishing substantial roster depth more so than McCarthy.

Mike McCarthy is frankly not a legitimate Coach of the Year candidate unless this team wins out. Compared to some of the other guys Trotter mentioned, McCarthy's accomplishments this year are weak. Period.

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CSS's picture

November 04, 2010 at 02:56 pm

That being said, some of us 'fans' are so deep in the weeds in critizing weekly game plans that we fail to look at the overall body of work that includes coach and all his appointed assistants preparing newly acquired personnel to compete in games. I agree, his week-to-week game plans lack continuity.

Howevery, he and his staff deserve an 'A' for preparing a whole host of reserves with minimal lead time. That's part of the equation as well.

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PackerAaron's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:02 pm

Deciding to go for it on 4th and 1 is fine. That's good Head Coach-ing in my book. Choosing to run the exact same play is stupid. That's the OC that drives me nuts.

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davyjones's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:04 pm

Wow. I'm not sure looking at this from an "outside perspective" isn't the right way to look at it. I think sometimes we get bogged down in the minutia. I don't think the 2 challenges mentioned above were all that clear cut. No coach is going to bat 1000% and MM has made his share of mistakes---whose HC hasn't if every single individual play is examined game in and game out. Perhaps it is our "in depth attention to this season" that is clouding OUR vision, not the other way around.

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WoodyG's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:51 pm

The fan's approach to play-calling ....

Plays that work = good
Plays that don't work = bad

AR snuck in on a QB sneak on 4th down with 13 seconds left to tie Miami ..... Good call? ..... And if he hadn't scored?

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Chad's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:03 pm

For some fans, that holds true... but some of us can differentiate certain plays.

Take, for example, the fake punt in the Minnesota game. It didn't work, but I though it was great play-calling.

Besides, the play-calling issue has more to do with trends than specific plays.

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andrew's picture

November 05, 2010 at 12:34 am

i agree with chad CSS and woody..

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AK26's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:05 pm

I agree that McCarthy's head coaching has been good, but I tend to agree much more with your initial assessment, Aaron. McCarthy the play-caller has done one of his worst jobs this season IMO.

Capers deserves the credit for how well that D has performed. Even McCarthy so much, referring to the defense as "they" rather than "we" in an early-week presser. Semantics? Maybe. But we all know that Dom earned the Jets' W, and maybe even the Vikings W, given the way he's replaced Burnett/Barnett/Neal/Poppinga/Pickett/Jenkins in the past two weeks. Don't confuse McCarthy as COY material just because one of the best DCo's in the league has masked McCarthy's shortcomings on offense.

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Tom's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:05 pm

It's easy to get upset with the way some of the scheming has played out on the field this season. But with so many injuries happening so quickly, I think it stands to reason that things would get shaken up a bit when a team has to start improvising right out of the gates. It's important to recognize, just as Mr. Trotter does, that holding the locker room together and fielding a team that hasn't lost the motivation to win or the belief that they can win can be just as important as a good scheme. You don't have to look far to find coaches in this league who can motivate but not scheme (Mike Singletary), scheme but not motivate (Mike Shannahan), or do none of the above (Brad Childress). And right now the Packers are looking much better than any of that lot.

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ONeill's picture

November 05, 2010 at 04:51 pm

I think this is a major issue which no one is talking about. MM and his staff go into the year creating a playbook and gameplan based around the talent that they have. When you take significant players out (Grant, Finley, now DD, etc.) the coaching staff has to slightly change their philosophy and playcalling in order to cater to what are now the new strengths and weaknesses of the offense. Our passing game was going to ride on the shoulder of JMike and he's simply not the kind of guy you can replace.

I think MM's playcalling will get better as the season goes on and he learns more about what will be effective with the team we're fielding (as opposed to the team we had this preseason before injuries).

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WoodyG's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:11 pm

Since GB's 4-4 status after the TB game in 2009, MM has coached the Pack to 12 wins & 4 losses (Reg season) ...... Those 4 loses have been by a total of 10 points (1, 3, 3, 3)......

Without checking, MM probably has the best W-L record of any HC over the same time period ..... Keep it going another 8 games plus the playoffs & he should at least get an 'honorable mention' ......

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Chad's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:06 pm

Good point all around.

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Zub-a-Dub's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:23 pm

If MM was calling the defensive plays as well as he has coached the offense, we would be 1-6, with our only win against the Bills.

Capers and the defensive staff have kept the Packer's alive this season despite MM.

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:36 pm

To be the coach of the team the vast majority of the media picked as a SB team,the spotlight was already focused on him and every thing he does or doesn't do.

Struggling on offense and the long list of injuries will only bolster him to earning that award,if the Packers ride through this and get to the NFC Title game.

Anything less will make him another coach that was hampered by injuries like others.Getting wins in important games will overshadow many blunders the fans want his head for.

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Cuphound's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:38 pm

Coach of the Year? For a guy whose teams always start cold? No.

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CSS's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:41 pm

Coaches don't win the award based on how they start, they win it based on how they finish. Let's see what their record is going into the bye week, compare it to their NFC peers, and assess their relative health.

Let's discuss on November 21st afer their 2nd game vs. Minnesota.

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Wiscokid's picture

November 04, 2010 at 05:33 pm

Did you know that Lombardi never won the Coach of The Year award? So what does that tell you about the award? It's subjective at best.

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Chad's picture

November 05, 2010 at 11:37 am

Don't know where you got your information, but it's wrong.

Vince Lombardi "Coach of the Year" awards:

1959 - AP NFL Coach of the Year
1959 - UPI NFL Coach of the Year
1961 - Sporting News NFL Coach of the Year

The last Packers HC to get a "Coach of the Year" award was Lindy Infante. Holmgren never got one.

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CSS's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:47 pm

On a side-note: Do people try to keep their opinions/assessments fluid as information presents itself and the dialogue happens; or do they stick to their pre-conceived notions about teams, players, GM's and coaching staff and dry-hump it to death on a soap-box every opportunity they get?

I wish we could have a polling function to vote on this site, I wonder what the split would be (how do people perceive their fellow commentors?)?

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WoodyG's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:56 pm

As the winds blow, so do the opinions of most commentators ..... The over-all picture is only a footnote for most ....

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CSS's picture

November 04, 2010 at 03:58 pm

I'm referring more to the fans (commentors at CHTV), but toss in commentators as well.

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Chad's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:08 pm

I think it would be interesting to see... though I think being too "fluid" is just as bad as being too "stubborn."

It's a tough balance to find sometimes.

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WoodyG's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:27 pm

You must consider that many have a tendency to want to be 'right' & as a result will maintain their preconceptions at all costs ..... That's why numbers (stats) must be part of the equation ...... Stats may not be the end-all but they do help clear up misconceptions ..... MM is 12-4 (Reg. season) his last 16 games as a HC .... How can anyone complain about winning at a 75% clip?

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:37 pm

"How can anyone complain about winning at a 75% clip"?
Because they can and can ask how you can be happy with it.Does it make them wrong,no.Perhaps to your thinking yes,but to them your as wrong to them as they are to you.

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WoodyG's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:47 pm

If GB can finish 2010 at 12-4 I'll be thrilled .... I suppose if you need GB to go 13-3 or better to be happy, then 12-4 is a lost season for you ..... Not me, hell, I'd be happy with 11-5.

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 04, 2010 at 05:38 pm

I said no such thing for myself.Only gave a point about what you asked and you just proved what I said.What makes you happy must make all happy.

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 04, 2010 at 04:27 pm

WHY? Bringing personal thoughts in about people we don't know other than on this site is to no benefit.

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FootballGods's picture

November 04, 2010 at 06:20 pm

I just about disagree with everything that comes out of your keyboard T412, but nothing personal.

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 05, 2010 at 04:30 am

So how much sleep should I be losing because of that?
Which also means you disagree with many others as there are those who do agree with me.
Sorry we all can't be happy with what you feel.

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CSS's picture

November 05, 2010 at 08:45 am

You really need to read and process what I wrote. I didn't ask for or want any referrendum on individual commentors. Just nice to see a poll, for example:

Is TT getting the job done at GM? And simply see the results, with submissions being anonymous.

I think my writing tends to be pretty clear, Taryn.

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CSS's picture

November 05, 2010 at 08:46 am

No offense, but I can rarely understand what you're saying.

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Tarynfor 12's picture

November 05, 2010 at 05:37 pm

Only one reply was to you and that asked Why/The rest of my replies were to others toward their comments.

Perhaps you try and succeed in reading what I write as solely meant for you. Get over yourself.

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Graffin's picture

November 04, 2010 at 07:26 pm

"...stick to their pre-conceived notions about teams, players, GM’s and coaching staff and dry-hump it to death on a soap-box every opportunity they get?"
LOL! Sadly, this isn't the only place in life people won't let go of their pre-conceived notions even when they're presented with new information. See political parties, Henry Ford, religion....

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Cole's picture

November 04, 2010 at 05:18 pm

What Trotter doesn't realize is that the injuries, while prevalent and numerous, haven't really had a huge effect the team's effectiveness. McCarthey has done okay as a HC, and below average with play calling. From an outsiders perspective, you look at the record and say, "Wow, look at all those injuries, and they're still 5-3." From our perspective, following the team very closely, we see that this team would be 8-0 or 7-1.

McCarthey has been overall very average and he said it himself, he needs to do better.

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Cole's picture

November 04, 2010 at 05:31 pm

8-0 or 7-1 with better offensive coaching meant to write. :)

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redlights's picture

November 04, 2010 at 07:21 pm

I give him an A for keeping the locker room focused. But he is doing it with veteran leadership. Besides that I think Haley is having much more success. Capers should get the credit for the D; ST is improved, but not outstanding; and O is currently the weakest link. Either MM play calling and game mgt or AR decision making or both needs to step up.

NOT COY material.

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RickyBobby's picture

November 04, 2010 at 07:49 pm

McCarthy is the head coach of the Green Bay Packers which means he is awesome.

He is my favorite head football coach.

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fish's picture

November 04, 2010 at 08:10 pm

Lombardi was known as a great coach, But really he was a superior teacher (Even won an award). He was considered kind of useless on the sidelines during the games because he taught his players everything they needed to know for that game, so there was nothing left to do except yell at the officials during the game. McCarthy is a good coach, but probably not the best teacher since they always seem to have to "clean things up" over and over again. (Or he has hardheaded students).

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Ruppert's picture

November 04, 2010 at 10:23 pm

I rip on McCarthy quite a bit, especially for his in-game adjustments and awareness in general (including use of that red flag).

But I think he has been very good, in-game, the last two games. I'm having a hard time citing specific examples, but it just seems to me that, especially in the Jets game, he made calls and decisions knowing exactly how the game would play out. Oddly, I think he is normally a very good gameplanner, but the Jets was a dud, which is rare for him.

A month ago, I was thoroughly convinced that he would never get any better at the in-game aspects. Now I think there is some hope. If he comes out Sunday night and successfully alters a gameplan at halftime, I'll faint.

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MarkinMadison's picture

November 04, 2010 at 10:54 pm

Here's another factoid to chew on - the Packers currently lead the NFC in points forced this season (although the Falcons Giants and Eagles have had their byes), and point differential. (Don't look at the AFC, the teams over there are just sick on paper.) In other words, as bad as the offense has looked, the team is scoring at or above average.

But to me, neither the 12-4 record over the last 16 nor the points changes my opinion. MM is predictable in his play calling. You can say that's not a head coach thing, but most head coaches seem to either run their defense or their offense. Half time adjustments are poor. Penalties, which I've been complaining about for over a year, have started to clean up recently. They are not longer at the "top" of the league, but are still in the "top" 1/3. All of which says to me that I just don't see him as a great right now (not to say he couldn't be - e.g. Bellicheck in Cleveland). And in this league, where parity is the norm, I do think that a great coach can make a huge difference.

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asshalo's picture

November 04, 2010 at 10:36 pm

I would agree with Trotter, but with a few stipulations. McCarthy is doing his best coaching job in the context of his career, but not the rest of the league. To be fair, the parody of the league has really skewed this debate. Only one NFL team has more wins than the packers and their two main NFC contenders, the Giants and the Saints are wildly inconsistent.

Back to the topic though: It's just McCarthy had two better games in a row, but in their three losses the offense (his specialty) has really let the team down in the second half. We could be praising his coaching in weeks to come, but the offense has had trouble adjusting and being productive in light of Grant and Finley being taken away. Maybe they turned the corner last week, not giving the ball of once against a great defense. That and a Cowboy team that has given up could go a long way in getting the offense more confident.

Overall, I think it's obvious Capers has done much more with less than McCarthy. The front seven is so depleted, the backups are getting hurt. Defense did it's part against Miami (20 points with Miami getting the ball from the offense twice) and Washington (13 points). I really don't care what the stats say. When you can't sustain a drive or put any points on the board in the second half, you're making the defense's job significantly harder. And without two pick-6s by the defense this team could very well be 3-5.

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andrew's picture

November 05, 2010 at 12:45 am

i agree.. think capers deserves an award before MM does...

the defense is thin.. yet plays great.. which shows how much talent capers has a DC...

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Ross Janes's picture

November 06, 2010 at 04:17 am

Anyone who listens to Packershow knows exactly where I feel on this. Today's game is about the head coach laying out a philosophy and the staff creating a plan and executing it. Unfortunately, McCarthy calls the plays ... but that is not what this post is about.

#1. McCarthy has no defensive philosophy other than 'get it done.' Dom Capers is the reason we are 5-3. The defensive players obviously understand the scheme they are playing and will do whatever, yes, WHATEVER is asked of them.

#2. In contrast the offense does not do this. It is in a fight for direction and only last game did they really begin to work as a unit.

#3. Quick - Name 2 in game adjustments that Lombardi made that made him a great coach. HA! Why was Lombardi a great coach? Because the players loved him, feared him and would cut their left arm off to please him.

And there is the answer to this question. A head coach, whatever their style (Dungy or Cowher)must INSPIRE players to WANT to win. Part of inspiration is fear, part is love. I don't see that in Green Bay.

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