Packers: 9 Jets: 0

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Packers victory over the Jets

Dom Capers, Tramon Williams, Tim Masthay

The Bad

The Bad

Mike McCarthy & Joe Philbin

The Bad

The Bad

Rex Ryan






0 points

Comments (80)

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fish's picture

October 31, 2010 at 09:37 pm

It's a toss up with the "Bad". Was it Bad Play calling, or bad (pathetic really) execution? Dropped passes, bad route executions, poor overthrown/underthrown passes, you know... the same as last week.

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D.D. Driver's picture

November 01, 2010 at 03:48 am

Yeah. I don't understand putting McCarthy in the "bad" column. I thought that may have been McCarthy's best coached game of the season. I loved that he stuck with the running game even though it was only somewhat effective. He won another critical challenge. He had the nerve to stick with the run at the end and force the Jets to use their time outs. Well-executed game. No turnovers. Few penalties.

The Packers didn't score too many points, but that has more to do with facing a good defense with a slumping QB.

I hope McCarthy can coach another bad game like this next weekend.

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PackersRS's picture

October 31, 2010 at 09:39 pm

Like I said, I'd add Rodgers to the bad. Just because he has more impact than the others. But, yeah, it was the whole offense.

BTW, I don't remember a game with such clear cut recipients for the "good, bad and ugly" and the "chips" awards as this game...

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MadMan's picture

October 31, 2010 at 09:39 pm

The defense played great today but the offense could not have been more inept. Poor execution for sure, but the play calling from McCarthy this year has been atrocious. McCarthy has not shown an ability to modify his play calling as conditions change. He has become so predictable that even posters during the game can call out what will be run on the next play.

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PackersThad's picture

October 31, 2010 at 09:40 pm

For good, I would also add Green. He was pretty good, additionally, put the Green Bay Packers fans down there for coming in and representing in an opposing stadium!

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thepretzelhead's picture

October 31, 2010 at 09:54 pm

Some improvement from the O- We actually ran with the vaunted three back set- 8 yard gain.

And- a pass to Jackson in the flat- 15 yd gain. If O is our ultimate problem... I like our chances.

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davyjones's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:01 pm

What happened to that tight end screen to Donald Lee that worked so well against Minn??
Really thought we'd see some variation of it.
Otherwise I thought MM called an ok game. There were more than one pass to Jennings that was just inches beyond reach and Jones didn't help Rodgers at all.

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Jayme's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:33 am

Screens are normally used to relieve pressure by punishing over-pursuing rushers. The Jets weren't getting much pressure for most of the game and they are a really well disciplined defensive unit. I doubt the screen would have been too effective.

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davyjones's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:45 am

Niether was anything else. The one dump off to Jackson went for 12 or so.
The pitch out to kuhn continues to be completely ineffective, but it doesn't stop them from calling it a couple times a game.

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Tommyboy's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:10 pm

Yeah, I was really confused why we didn't see any screens today. I was sort of hoping to see it on the first play of the game. The Jets were all jacked up to get to the qb, I thought it would be beautiful to use their aggressiveness against them. On one check down to B-Jack, they got about 10-12 yards. I just don't know why we don't use that more.

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redlights's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:18 pm

Raji is incredible. Not much for stats, but sure is a presence.

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NoWayJose's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:19 pm

Masthay!! Who would have thought he would DOMINATE a game like that. What a performance.

Ugly - James Jones. Enough is enough with this guy after this year.

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jack in jersey city's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:54 pm

not sure what to say about jones. he's the type of player that flat out sucks one week and then is fantastic the next. maybe they should try to get swain in there more often.

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MarkinMadison's picture

November 01, 2010 at 07:29 am

Agreed, put Swain in. Five dropped balls by ESPN's count, Jones has to get an ugly, or at least a bad. 0 for freaking 5. The Packers will get the same amount of production out of me, and I'll do it for 1/2 the money.

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Idiot Fan's picture

November 01, 2010 at 10:33 am

I agree that Jones is too inconsistent, but we had 5 drops, and the Jets receivers (who are pretty good) had six drops. All in all I think the conditions made it a rough day for the QBs and receivers.

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Austin Auch's picture

November 01, 2010 at 06:54 pm

Same goes for Jordy Nelson but Packer fans love to give him a pass.

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Ron LC's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:21 pm

Ball Control MM, Ball Control. Thank Capers for this one. Once again a disappointing offense performance. They haven't put together a good four quarters yet. The bye is needed and will help. Maybe MM will look at films and see just how bad his game stategy has become. Let's hope so.

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corey jenkins's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:31 pm

Any good wideouts to poke at for the 2011 draft??

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PackersRS's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:35 pm

Lots. AJ Green, Malcolm Floyd, Jonathan Balwin...

Don't know if they'll be available, though, picking at #32...

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thepretzelhead's picture

November 01, 2010 at 07:40 am

Heck Yeah!

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Idiot Fan's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:35 pm

What's amazing is that, despite all the injuries and the O not playing well, we're three last-second field goals from 8-0. If we can get things clicking, we might actually make something of the season. There's nobody in the NFC that I would say we wouldn't have a decent chance against.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:43 pm

"There’s nobody in the NFC that I would say we wouldn’t have a decent chance against."

Or AFC. We just beat the jets, N.O. just beat the squeelers, buffalo should've beat baltimore last week. The AFC may not be as dominant as we thought a week or 2 ago.

6-3 going into the bye, get a bit healthy...


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TPacker's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:39 pm

I concur.

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Idiot Fan's picture

November 01, 2010 at 08:34 am

Good point. I wasn't trying to say that we can't beat the AFC, but rather that nobody in the NFC is dominant, and it seems wide open. I guess we'll get our chance to prove it later in the year against the Giants and the Falcons.

I really hope we don't have a let-down game against Dallas. If we could head into the bye at 6-3, that would be sweet.

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Glorious80's's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:07 am

Yes, Dallas may be in a mean mood Sunday night, plus national TV.

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Zub-a-Dub's picture

October 31, 2010 at 10:54 pm

As many questions were answered by the defense, more questions and concerns can be made about A-rod and the offense.

MM's press conference even brings up more questions and concerns about our offense.

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alfredomartinez's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:02 pm

AROD is starting to worry me a tad bit...

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jack in jersey city's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:52 pm

i'm not sure what the hell is up with a-rod. i think losing finley really messed him up in the head. it seems like jermichael was the whole key to the offense this year and now the whole thing is falling apart. quarless really needs to step up his game but he's a rookie and is VERY inconsistent. he might be good in a couple of years but he isn't very good now when they need him.

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NoWayJose's picture

November 01, 2010 at 10:05 am

Not to pile on a roookie, but I think its generous to say Quarless is inconsistent. At this point, I haven't seen a whole lot that shows he should be on the field at all this year.

I'd like to see us work Lee in more, with less Q.

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Ron LC's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:05 am

You're right, his third down performance is awful this year. 2 for 13, if I remember correctly, yesterday is unacceptable. Somethings is not right with him. He evens looks tentative or upset out there. Where did his outward confidence and control of the offense go? This is a problem that must be addressed against Dallas and over the bye week.

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Glorious80's's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:13 am

Defenses know something about AR and the offensive schemes.
Maybe it's not a bad thing Finley is out - they shouldn't be over reliant on one player and it will give them a chance to find out what's not working.
The opposing Defenses are relying more on confusing fronts rather than straight blitzes. But the Pack's O is resembling '08 a bit, stalling out in the Red Zone and at the end of games.

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Cole's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:00 pm

To A-rod's defense, even though he isn't playing well, the receivers are dropping an outlandish amount of passes. That one to jones would have changed the game, as well as the quarless drop. He also had that long bomb that was a nearly perfect pass and went right through jennings hands. Also, the deep throw to Jordy where he fell down or got tripped.

The problem is the receivers as much as it is A-rod.

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djbonney138's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:06 pm

I would have liked to see our offense play better too but we were playing the Jets. They have a decent defense. Now if we only kick 3 field goals next Sunday we will have real problems.

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Doug in Sandpoint's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:49 pm

If we only kick 3 field goals next week we still win by 12. That's how bad the Boys and wade Phillips are.

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Zub-a-Dub's picture

November 01, 2010 at 08:04 am

I reality the Jets pretty much shut down (as far as points) our offense, all our points where set up by defensive plays and then special teams did their thing.

Not to have a drive resulting in a touch down in 4 quarters is almost as significant as the Packers shut out of the the Jets.

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Glorious80's's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:14 am

But this has been something of a pattern this year and maybe before that. No real ball control.

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jack in jersey city's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:46 pm

also in the good- PEPRAH!, woodson, matthews, and jordy nelson

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Doug in Sandpoint's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:53 pm

Green maybe doesn't deserve a good, but he deserves a call-out if just for a decent game after only one practice. And I also believe he may be the only human visible from space.

CM3 gets a good from me if only for the speed of his spin move on the sack at the end of the game. What a monster...I cannot believe how fast that move was!

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Scriptura's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:11 am

Ever seen Vince Wilfork of NE? Guy is a literal dump truck in human form. But Yeah I get what you mean, very cool that he played so well.

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Doug in Sandpoint's picture

October 31, 2010 at 11:56 pm

And also, can we give an ugly to the Bears because they can go backwards on a bye week. They suck even when they aren't playing. But I guess they could/should be there every week based on general lameness.

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misterj's picture

November 01, 2010 at 12:33 am

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nerdmann's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:04 am

If you get your offense into a rhythmn, it will get guys in the zone and greatly help this situation with all the drops.
It's like with Bishop. He got a real shot now where he's playing regularly and he's in the zone. A guy like James Jones never really gets comfortable like that, it seems to me. Still, dude needs to step up or he could be gone next year.
Anyway, I put the offensive woes on MM. Move the chains. High percentage plays. Keep that ailing defensive line fresh for god's sake.
Seems like they gotta throw for 15+ yards every 2-3 plays.

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Cole's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:05 pm

Seriously, why so many deep throws when they are not working and are killing drives. The slant to Jennings worked nearly every time. Why not go to that with Jones also like 5-10 times a game. Then mix in screens. Once all that stuff works THEN go deep. It's not rocket science. McCarthey is just bad this year. At least he recongized that in the post game presser and said he needs to do better. Yes mike, you do otherwise this team will be offensively handicapped the rest of the year.

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aussiepacker's picture

November 01, 2010 at 02:02 am

what a great display from the defense and even some good special teams play. Lets hope masthay can build on that performance for the rest of the season. Good win pack.

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Chris's picture

November 01, 2010 at 05:56 am

Says something about this game when the defensive coordinator, a CB and the punter are the "good" category. It was a struggle, and for once the Packers got a break from the officials, because I can see them rule both INTs differently.
I still would put Bishop in the Good. He made lots of plays and was a big reason the Jets run offense did not get into any kind of grove.
McCarthy has to work more with what he got. Time and time again he uses Kuhn on stretch plays, takes Jackson out on 3rd downs (Jackson played very well as the 3rd down back before), and doesn't use the quick underneath passing game enough. On the other hand McC cannot catch the ball himself. His receivers need to do that (*hint*hint* James Jones *sigh*). He can run block for his OLine. He cannot throw accurate passes for his QB.
In the end we have to be happy the Packers came out with a win and no new big injuries. Lets hope they make it through the Dallas game next week without further injuries and get a good 2 week rest then to heal up.
Question: Do they have to decide before the bye week if they activate any of the PUP guys or lose them for the season?

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WoodyG's picture

November 01, 2010 at 07:00 am

The status of all 3 PUP players has to be decided before the Dallas game .... Probably by this Saturday. .....

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MarkinMadison's picture

November 01, 2010 at 07:31 am

I think the only real question here is whether they think Starks is worth activating. Personally, I see him as a practice sqaud guy this year. Unless Nance is just totally useless.

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Chris's picture

November 01, 2010 at 08:36 am

Thanks for letting me know. I really hope for Al Harris that he can get it going, because I think he is just a great player and doesnt have too much time left to play. Bigby would offer some depth but I don't see him staring with Peprah stepping up like he did yesterday.

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NoWayJose's picture

November 01, 2010 at 10:09 am

Has Starks practiced yet? If not, don't they get an extra three weeks to decide on him if he comes back to practice this week?

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jack in jersey city's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:00 am

i don't think starks is gonna be the guy. he hasn't really played football in almost 2 years. i have a feeling that he's gonna be the justin harrell of this draft.

not sure about nance either. maybe he's not smart enough to learn the playbook? i can't figure it out. they got him on september 14th and he still hasn't got his hands on the ball. it shouldn't take a month and a half to implement him in this offense.

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Cole's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:08 pm

Was there any update on Driver's quad injury or Quarless' injury?

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WoodyG's picture

November 01, 2010 at 05:49 pm

Update this ......

Per MM from Monday's presser ......

**The team has until next Monday to decide on the physically unable to perform players – Al Harris, Atari Bigby and James Starks. That means they could sit out the Cowboys game before being activated. The Packers also have the option of placing them on season-ending injured reserve or releasing them.

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davyjones's picture

November 01, 2010 at 08:20 am

Sure it was ugly, but I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day...especially on the road against a team tied for the best record in the NFL.
I've never been so excited by a 3-0 game in the 4th Q in my life.

I'm sure many of you have a far better memory than I do, but I can't recall back to back wins like the last 2 weeks that seemed more significant for the organization. This morning Mike & Mike were talking about how much individual talent Dallas has (same could be said for MN)but how they just don't play as a team. A few weeks ago, posters here were saying the Pack had no soul. If the last 2 weeks don't show soul (and character & commitment & heart), I don't know what does. Guttiest defensive performance I seen in a long, long time.

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RockinRodgers's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:01 am

A shutout victory on the road against one of the best teams in the NFL. No injuries. Tim Masthay for the win!

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Scriptura's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:10 am

Tim Masthay for NFC Special Teamer of week?

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jack in jersey city's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:01 am

heck yeah!

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Ruppert's picture

November 01, 2010 at 09:26 am

The Jets didn't blitz as much, and every other team we've played just sits back in cover 2 all game. Rodgers is just having a very hard time throwing the ball when there are 6 and 7 dbacks patrolling the field. I suppose with zero running game, he's going to see that same look all year long. The only question is whether he will get comfortable enough to be effective. I don't know the answer, but I'm still pretty confident. The first step is not turning the ball over, and he did that today. Bye week should help a lot, I hope.

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jack in jersey city's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:06 am

i was gonna say something about that. THIS was a game where having a good, solid running back would've helped the packers out. somebody like a rashard mendenhall or a shonn greene. it's sad when a team can't rely on their RB's to get a 3rd and 1. i was pretty satisfied just using b-jax and kuhn up until now but it's obvious that either nance has to step up or they have to bring someone in ASAP (especially with the passing game floundering like it is)

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davyjones's picture

November 01, 2010 at 11:31 am

And who do you suggest that is available?? Say, someone like Lynch who rushed 9 times for 7 yds this week against Oakland???

Saying they gotta go out and get somebody is one thing, FINDING someone is another. I just don't know who is out there that is better than Jackson & Kuhn.

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jack in jersey city's picture

November 01, 2010 at 12:19 pm

well, i think it's too late to get someone now but d'angelo williams would've been a great pickup. he's the type of runner who is excellent at picking up a couple of yards when you really need it. i guess we'll just have to see if nance amounts to anything this season.

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Idiot Fan's picture

November 01, 2010 at 12:02 pm

The Jets are an excellent running team, and we were able to shut them down with a make-shift Dline yesterday. When the conditions make passing the ball difficult, stopping the run is that much easier. I agree that our running game hasn't been great this year, but I don't take yesterday as proof of that.

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davyjones's picture

November 01, 2010 at 12:32 pm

I just can't agree with the beating up of our running game. At the season halfway point, we are tied for 10th (yes--top 10!!) in the league (no, not NFC, but NFL) in rushing average per carry at 4.2...ahead of teams with pretty good rushing reputations such as Miami & Pittsburgh.

I just can't say how tiring it is to hear the most supposedly knowlegable "experts" say, "GB just CAN'T run the football". Do they actually even look at statistics?? Or do they just parrot what they hear everyone else say? The facts say that GB runs the ball just fine when they choose to (the last 3 and out in the 4th Q yesterday notwithstaning).

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jay's picture

November 01, 2010 at 12:59 pm

Davy Jones,
I agree in general with your sentiments. People are too hard on Jackson, who has produced when given the ball. However, for whatever reason, we are not able to convert 3rd and short. It's simply inexcusable that we are that inept in converting short yardage situations. I don't know where the blame lies, but that is something that must be fixed.

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Chris's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:15 pm

Green Bay cannot or will not run the ball to get 1st downs. Put them in 3rd and short, they usually will pass and are better passing there. If they run they try the "old stuff" with Kuhn banging it inside. But in the last few years that's what happened to nearly every team (look at peterson not converting from the 1 yd line, Jones-Drew getting stopped short, etc). Name 5 run first teams which are really good at it and I will be surprised (only the Falcons and Chiefs are good at it this season, while other teams try and fail most often than not).

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bomdad's picture

November 01, 2010 at 10:59 am

Ugly on a select few Jets fans: the jackwagons that tossed a foam cheesehead off an escalator on the way into the game. It took three passes, too; what a bunch of rag arms. If they were serious fans, they would have wedged it through that cheesegrater facade around the stadium. And that way they could all admire it as they left with 4 minutes left.

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Chris's picture

November 01, 2010 at 01:09 pm

Aaron Rodgers is a class act. Gives credit where it's due, says all the right things and seems on tape like an all arond grounded and nice guy.

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hyperRevue's picture

November 01, 2010 at 02:00 pm

Holy shit - Vikings waive Moss!

Remember all the hand-wringing over that move? Man, what a pathetic organization.

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jamitch45's picture

November 01, 2010 at 02:36 pm

Whoa - waiving Moss - that didn't take very long did it? Favre wanted Moss; he finially got Moss. Certainly wasn't the answer to his of the Vikings on field issues. Who will want the thug now??

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Idiot Fan's picture

November 01, 2010 at 02:47 pm

Man, Favre is gonna be *pissed*. I can't wait to watch this play out...

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Chris's picture

November 01, 2010 at 03:52 pm

Leaves me wondering if his comments after the game are the cause for his release. Or has someone a better idea? Anyway, it's very typical for the Vikings organisation.

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fish's picture

November 01, 2010 at 03:21 pm

It'll be even funnier if nobody picks up moss, the Vikings still have to pay his salary whether he's on the field or not.

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hyperRevue's picture

November 01, 2010 at 04:15 pm

I don't imagine he'll get claimed.

But, the best scenario would be he clears waivers and re-signs with the Pats.

The Vikes give the Pats a 3rd round pick and pay his salary so he can play for the Pats? Can't script it any better.

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Ct Sharpe Cheddar's picture

November 01, 2010 at 05:15 pm

I think meams with a worst record get a chance at Moss first

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Ct Sharpe Cheddar's picture

November 01, 2010 at 05:18 pm

I mean teams with a worst record

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Ct Sharpe Cheddar's picture

November 01, 2010 at 05:16 pm

They blew the Brad Smith fumble dead didn't they?They could of scored on that play.

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davyjones's picture

November 01, 2010 at 10:19 pm

As a packer fan in Mn, I am simply pissing myself with delight over the state of angst the Moss situation has caused here!! You can't write fiction this good. Dallas AND MINN imploding in same year?? Does it get any better than this?

I really could see Zigi saying, "no, Randy, you stay, I'll get rid of Chilly instead".

Indescribably pathetic.

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PackersRS's picture

November 02, 2010 at 06:31 am

You know what wouldn't surprise me a bit? If WE took Moss. Definitively not expecting it, but we're short of talent on offense, TT has pursued him before, and pursued him hard.

If somehow he agrees on a fair, multi-year deal, Moss could be a Packer when it's said and done.

All with the queens having lost a 3rd rounder, and with a locker room imploding.

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fish's picture

November 02, 2010 at 07:47 am

Because of the last wins, McCarthy seems to be in a good place mentally right now. Listening to his last presser he seems stress free and happy, someplace he probably hasn't been for the last three years. That positive thinking and clear head can only lead to better things ahead as a head coach, especially going into a defunct Dallas game and then a bye. Bringing in Moss would be detrimental right now. Lets keep this train rollin without anymore headaches.

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PackersRS's picture

November 02, 2010 at 10:14 am

I'm not saying it would be the right move. I just could see it happening...

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