Top 3 Reasons To Trade Aaron Rodgers

If you thought last year's offseason was full of Rodgers drama, just wait to see what this year has in store! There's really only two options: trade him or keep him. Today, we're looking at the Top 3 reasons to trade him.

There's a lot of news and rumors flying around about Aaron Rodgers, what he's thinking, and where he might end up.

Unless he retires, the Packers either have to keep him or trade him. Yes, Rodgers will have some say in what happens, since he could refuse to report to the Packers or any other team, but for now, let's focus on the Packers thought process.

Here are the top reasons why the Packers should trade him:

  1. They haven't made it to the Super Bowl with him in over a decade: This is not (as some sensational media and social media personalities may try to convince you) all the fault of Aaron Rodgers. Winning is an incredibly difficult thing to do in the NFL and it takes an entire team of players, coaches, and front office staff to accomplish. For a number of reasons, things haven't lined up with Aaron Rodgers in that mix. At some point, maybe it's time to stop banging your head against the wall and try a different approach. Maybe a run-first offense with a dynamic pair of complementary backs, paired with a rejuvenated defense, and a special teams unit under new leadership, would yield better results.
  2. His value will never be higher: He's a back-to-back reigning MVP Quarterback with a Super Bowl MVP on his resume. Go check the history of how often guys like that are ever available. Then look at what a guy like Matt Stafford - with a far less impressive resume and skillset - was able to garner on the trade market last year. Plus, Rodgers is in a very cheap contract year. A team acquiring him would only have to pay for his $25M base salary, which is insanely low for a player of his caliber. This makes him very appealing to a team that has all the pieces in place and just needs a quarterback, like the 2019 Buccaneers.
  3. This is their last chance to trade him: After this year, his contract with the Packers is up. He would be a free agent and the Packers would have no leverage to do any sort of sign and trade deal. If they tried to push the envelope and franchise him, he would certainly rebel and refuse to report. If they want to trade him, they have to do it this year. The end of his career is nearing. The Packers could let him play things out and retire... or they could get some draft picks and potentially some future stars that could help the team win more in the future.

Here's the kicker: the Packers have a crazy cap situation to deal with this year. If Rodgers was moved, he would basically cut their deficit in half. If they're going to roll with Jordan Love, they won't have to pay a replacement cost and will be in a better position to keep the rest of the team together. Buffing the roster with cheap rookies from the draft picks they would get would also go a long way in healing the salary cap.  




Bruce Irons has played, coached, and studied football for decades. Best-selling author of books such as A Fan's Guide To Understanding The NFL Draft, A Fan's Guide To Understanding The NFL Salary Cap, and A Fan's Guide To NFL Free Agency Hits And Misses, Bruce contributes to CheeseHeadTV and

Follow Bruce Irons on Twitter at @BruceIronsNFL.


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6 points

Comments (153)

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jh9's picture

February 13, 2022 at 06:09 am

4. You’re in the military, serving alongside a talented sniper. A hundred yards out, the guy never misses. One day, your position is overrun. It’s hand-to-hand combat. You look around and see your sniper buddy cowering in the corner. No matter how talented, would you be willing to risk your life and serve with him again?

-2 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:06 am

This is the NFL, not a war. And your analogy basically says Rodgers quit on his teammates like the sniper did.....and that never happened. So it's a bad take.

Aside from that, I have been saying on here and will say it again that I want to trade Rodgers at all costs. Sell high while we can and get a boatload of picks. I appreciate everything he's done, but it just feels like it's time to move on.

10 points
jh9's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:43 am

Did you watch the Divisional game against the 49ers? Did you see the last two Packers’ offensive possessions where they went three and out? Did you see the last offensive play Rodgers made in that game? The “Hail Mary” pass to a double-covered Adams with Lazard open by at least ten yards? Do you think the quarterback who has the best TD to interception ratio in NFL history didn’t see Adams was double-covered? Did you see the Bills-Chiefs Divisional game the following day? Did you see how Allen and Mahomes battled each other with their last few possessions?

I was an ardent Aaron Rodgers believer ever since I saw him light up the Falcons in Atlanta in the 2010 playoffs. What I came to realize this year is that if everything goes right Rodgers can be great. If things don’t go right, he’s no warrior.

8 points
BruceIrons's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:35 am

I don't know if Mahomes's last possession supports your argument.

5 points
jh9's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:39 am

The Divisional game. The Chiefs made a TD in their last possession in overtime that won the game.

0 points
mrtundra's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:43 am

Not only was Lazard wide open, but ESB had his man beat by almost two steps down the left side line. A first down there, changes everything.

9 points
Packerlifer's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:53 am

Assuming ESB doesn't drop the ball.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:02 am

Even the worst NFL receivers catch about 50 percent. Better odds than triple coverage probably.

5 points
Packerlifer's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:26 pm

I recall St. Brown dropping a 2 point conversion in his hands against Tampa in the prior year's championship game. Had the Packers trailed by 6 instead of 8 on that last possession, when they kicked the field goal on 4th down, it might have played out much differently.

3 points
cpabandit's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:31 pm

It would only get them to the next round where the Rams would have killed Rodgers and the D would never have gotten Stafford off the field. And if the Packers got to the SB, do you really believe they were better than Cincinnati or KC?

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:31 am

Would Rodgers, ever the front runner, have played so well if he hadn’t had a comfortable lead? For me that one has always been “the Tramon Williams game.”

1 points
egbertsouse's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:11 am

I would have sought a trade to the Swiss Army where I could play with my cool knife and not get in these situations. Or better yet, not flunk out of college, get drafted and sent to this shithole in the first place.

-5 points
SanLobo's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:22 am

I got a couple of combat tours, a bachelors and two masters degrees. I’m very proud of my military career. During my time I served with some of the smartest, bravest and most compassionate human beings I’ve ever met. Not, sure gratuitous comments pushing a false stereotype is particularly helpful.

15 points
WTFcheesheadChuck's picture

February 13, 2022 at 03:54 pm

When I was playing football I could not stand these Rah Rah posers trying to compare football To war, football is a game so stop with the BS, it’s insulting to our real hero’s. If you want war Pooh bear just said he will bloody the heads of anyone who attempts to stop the reunification of China and Taiwan on a steel wall forged by 1.4 billion Chinese (commies) As much as I love the game you cannot compare football to war.

2 points
Im Fubared's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:31 pm

I think he is ego is so frail that he doesnt want to throw an interception and have it cost them the game and he has to deal with it, so he looks for adams as his savior and if he is covered he throws the ball away. He had two receivers wide open for big gains and threw the ball away

-2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:44 pm

If he was good, they'd never get close to you to overrun your position...

Just saying

-2 points
gkarl's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:07 am

AR has been been a great player the GBP. Has great has TB12 was with NE, even he moved on. Has the article pointed out the value is at its highest and it's time for the GBP and AR to turn the page in this story.

8 points
Pack88's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:16 am

I wrote this to one of my Packer Buddies and I think it is true;

I said all year I felt this was 12's farewell tour! In the 9ers game in the 4th Qtr I had a disturbing felling that AR looked like Farve in the 07 game (old and cold) and more important- when the D stopped the 9ers down close, them I really felt this is where greatness shows. I don't care about talent its about will and leadership.

I still think about the 67 Title game as my example. Starr never had a great arm and the cowboys had a great pass rush (multiple sacks that day) but when the chips were down he skillfully moved the team for a touchdown.

Rodgers didn't even need to score he just needed to kill the clock with a few 1st downs and he couldn't even get close. I have not watched it 101 times like I usually do but just like Farve- he looked past the open guy to throw a home run ball! So should they trade him I will miss him for his ability to throw the football- but the time has come for someone with some spark to them!

12 points
HawkPacker's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:32 am

i can see benefits both ways and i am going to sit back and let the gbp fo deal with it. if they can work things out with him, great. if not, let's move on the best we can.

i can see it both ways. a lot will depend on what rodgers wants to do.

this is a very diffucult time for us fans and the fo as well.

hopefully, whatever happens, we are in great shape moving forward.

8 points
tincada's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:43 am

"a lot will depend on what rodgers wants to do." Really? I never could have guessed.

-8 points
HawkPacker's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:36 am

i guess my only response would be that he doesn't call all the shots.

2 points
Guam's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:38 am

I think the author's last paragraph is a touch misleading ("If Rodgers was moved........). The Packers could easily structure a deal whereby they resign Rodgers for about the same 2022 cap hit ($20 million in savings) as they would have if they traded or cut him. The cap hits in 2023 and beyond would be substantial, but those caps will likely also be larger due to a new TV deal. The Packers can get the 2022 cap savings they need from Rodgers whether they keep him or trade him.

I would add one other reason for trading him. I believe Rodgers and LaFleur are at cross purposes in the type of offense they each want to run. Rodgers prefers a static, no pre snap motion offense that seeks chunk plays rather than moving the chains. Rodgers also has "trust issues" with some receivers and seems reluctant to throw to them even when open. LaFleur loves pre-snap motion and the "illusion of complexity" and wants short throws to move the chains and wants to spread the ball around to WRs, TEs and RBs. I just don't see them as truly compatible and the Packers wind up with the best of neither.

The author did hit on the biggest reason to move on from Rodgers now. His value will never be higher and the Packers might be able to reload quickly with the draft choices and/or players they could get in a trade. Change is coming soon, may as well be now.

13 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:28 am

The TV deal cap benefits are mostly expected to hit in 2024 to 27. Other than that, there is no doubt that the value is never going to be higher or that we won’t be able to give him as strong or as deep a surrounding roster this year.

2 points
BruceIrons's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:40 am

They could restructure, but at some point, those dollars are going to hit the Packers cap. In this scenario, that would most likely happen after he is gone. That would mean they would lose Rodgers and take the cap hit - a double whammy in trying to stay competitive.

If they trade him, that is someone else's problem.

8 points
Guam's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:50 am

Concur that 2023 and beyond would be tough problems because Rodgers will command a large contract that would use 15-20% of the team's cap. Very difficult to field a great TEAM with such a top heavy compensation structure. And if he retires before his contract is up, yes, a very difficult double whammy.

I am all in favor of trading him now.

5 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:49 am

I point to Pittsburgh and their clinging to Roethlisberger, except the Packers boast a much stronger OL and aren't as good on defense and lack the young talent at the skill positions. They still barely cracked .500.

2 points
PeteK's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:31 pm

Actually the Packers were better than Steelers in every defensive category except passing yds ( 4yds worse per game). However, their receiver group is very talented.

5 points
packerbackerjim's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:38 am

The decision whether to trade AR will be mutually determined by Rodgers and Gute. IMO, he will be traded. And with him goes Adams and the thanks of a grateful Packer Nation.

11 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:51 am

Whatever happens, the Packers are destined to be a less talented team in 2022. I'm not grateful for that, but if it leads the Packers to longer term, sustained success, I'm on board.

6 points
packerbackerjim's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:57 am

The gratitude is for what and how they performed. Hope is for what will be.

6 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:52 am

Well stated.

3 points
PeteK's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:53 pm

Yes, well stated by both of you. It probably will be a 50/50 roll of the dice that we could be in for some losing seasons. However, with a weaker roster and Rodgers our chances are less than recent seasons of making it to the SB. I'm ready for a bit of possible mediocrity for a better future with cap relief, draft picks and less drama.There's enough of that in the real world. If Love doesn't work out there might be a veteran QB available that could win with a very good O line and defense.

3 points
Handsback's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:43 am

Rodgers is a HOF QB and can never be replaced. That said, you build a team to win the SB and easier to do that at this point w/o him and the picks they would get then to keep him and cut the roster down to a shell of what it was this year. You can win the SB with a good QB and strong roster.
This year was an all-in year and they didn’t get the golden ring. Since you can’t keep this group together for another run, try with another team.

10 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:21 am

"Favre is a HOF QB and can never be replaced", said just about all of us in 2008. As I've learned throughout a long and varied career, ANYONE can be replaced at any time. With a tremendous amount of luck, we have our next HOF QB already on the team :) Doubtful, I know, but imagine the faces of Vikings and Bears fans if/when Love becomes a superstar over the next 2-3 seasons and we continue to dominate the division.

But yeah, it's time to move our QB and let DA find a new home.

-1 points
PeteK's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:11 pm

We could dominate if Love just plays a bit above avg . (Foles, Flacco, Johnson, SB winners or be in the same position of the last few seasons, Tannehill, Garoppolo, Roethlisberger)

1 points
cpabandit's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:41 pm

...and let's not forget SB winning QBs named Simms, Williams, Hostetler, Rypien, Dilfer, Johnson, E Manning and Foles, none of which I feel will never be in the HOF. The team gets you to be a SB winner, not the QB.

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:28 pm

You have a point, but I would not include Eli Manning on that list. There likely is a place in Canton for a two-time Super Bowl MVP.

5 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 07:50 am

Another Trade Rodgers Article. Green Bay has never been about Fantasy Football. The only reason they haven't made it to the super-Bowl: is because this team has never been good enough! Rodgers has done his job. His MVP awards say so. And when you compare the personal changes during his time. It's so obvious where the fault lies. The FO never got him WRs. Instead of a juggernaut. We've put up with the status Que. Ok so now you want a different approach. Then YOU FIRE THE GM. HE drafted a QB to replace a MVP. Instead of drafting speed at WR. Instead of getting the misses pieces on Defense sooner. No!!!!! . This isn't about a new direction when your GMs are to blame. You got new coaches. You got FAs. Yet; they never went after what it takes to turn this offense into a juggernaut. The problem is money. You don't want to pay him. Forget the hand shake sucker.

-18 points
Jared's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:50 am

“The FO never got him WRs.”—True but how much did they try? How much would you give up to trade up or give up to get a “dynamic” WR? I’m not convinced that “we traded up to get Jordan Love” I’m convinced they traded up to get Justin Jefferson and the Vikings beat us to him cuz we couldn’t get a deal done to move up higher. Again how much do we give up to move up or trade for a player. Everyone knows that getting another “dynamic” WR would make us lethal. So why would they not demand a premium in return? We talk trading AR now cuz his value won’t be higher, the same for us getting someone in a trade or draft pick.

4 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:18 am

They Would demand a premium. We got an extra one from New Orleans. But it has to be done. And Richard Rodgers was to slow at TE, compared to Finley. They never have found a Finley. Which is why they can't make a 30 mil. mistake with Adams. He is getting slower like Nelson. With Rodgers considering Retirement. I wouldn't give him an extension. Rodgers must assure them he won't retire! The packers have to be a take it or leave it. Gutey is in big trouble. A change at WR must happen. And Tonyan won't be enough at TE.

2 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:26 am

Assuming that Rodgers signs for $20million this season, please tell us where the team will get the money to sign two dynamic WRs (because the one we had will be gone, and your own thesis is that we need two) and a Finley-esque tight end (specifically, whom do you have in mind? Names please!). And what will you do for the defense to remain competitive? Whom will you cut? Sign? Extend?

It's easy to spout off, much more difficult to justify what you spout.

Talk about fantasy football...

1 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:33 am

The only way would be to take all 3 in the draft and smash the odds against significant first year all pro type production. The cap pretty much rules out more even if Rodgers is paid everything in signing bonus (up front) to minimize the cap hit this year. It’s all beyond improbable. So much so that any FO that does it should be impeached.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:38 pm

But, it's almost feeling like that is what they're going to do...


0 points
Gee's picture

February 14, 2022 at 10:22 am

Sadly for them, if they go this route it will SB or their jobs. My bet it will be there jobs.

0 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:10 am

Jurp this is your answer. The biggest mistakes made; is on Wr. This was a TT statement. So it's not surprising he took Jennings, Nelson and Adams in rd 2. But the draft is the answer," if Rodgers comes back." The packers either trade up for Burks or take Tolbert early. Why Tolbert? He tracks the deep ball! They still must keep Lazard and MVS. They will never be better then Boykin. But they have chemistry. The Trick here is speed. Adams is slowing. And they should be able to get a second WR with speed. other then Cobb. There is No way you cover 4 WRs with speed. The Defense: Renegotiate- to- bonuses. Keeping Douglass (cheap) & Campbell for 2 years. (or they can go. ) Take offers on King, Lowrey, and Love. If they can get a second rd. pick. trade them. It would be huge and go up in the second round this year. I wouldn't extend anyone. Except Rodgers; after he guarantees them he still wants to be a packer. And it shouldn't be pass 2 years. (And then pay him to retire.) They won't go the the Super-Bowl without him. He is becoming a warm weather person as he ages.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:49 am

King and Adams are out of contract (King’s is about to automatically void). If you can get a great deal for Lowry I’d take it, but then we have a DL of Clark, Slaton and who? Tolbert may be great, but the chances of a first year WR contributing significantly are low, much more so as a number 1. As a certain former raiders owner proved, speed alone is no panacea. This is all pie in the sky. divorced from any contact with Mother Earth.

1 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:19 pm

The only guy you let go is Adams. Cobb resigns if Rodgers stays. Tolbert is Second Rd. And will be gone by 60. Like Most who could help!( It's a gamble.) Lowrey has The best Trade value. And any Rookie will out play him selected in the first rd.. Leaving a move up in the second for that speedy WR. Either way your first picks then are DL . WR. And hopefully Rodgers makes that Cobb jump .

2 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:56 pm

"The only guy you let go is Adams. Cobb resigns if Rodgers stays."

I think Adams and Rodgers are a package deal. If one goes, both go. Rodgers has said he doesn't want to be part of a rebuild. Picking Adams out of the offense is rebuilding it. At least in the eyes of the guy that ignored wide open players to laser-focus on Adams.

And I don't see how the cap allows them to keep Adams.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:18 pm

Wow, you would be able to keep Z, Preston, Mercillus, sign Campbell, Douglas, Amos, new deal with Jaire, take 5th year option with Rashan and Savage, bring some new exciting FA for substantial amount of money. I wonder how you would be able to stay under cap. Only 20 mil you need for new rookie class. Give us the numbers, not your wishes!

-4 points
PeteK's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:30 pm

If all pans out, you might have a pt. I just think that some key players on D will not be signed. So we are in the same position.

0 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:54 am

"Except Rodgers; after he guarantees them he still wants to be a packer. And it shouldn't be pass 2 years. (And then pay him to retire.)"

God, you're dumb as a post.

2 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:56 pm

Didn't they offer Favre money. Like 20mil I believe. Go support your Lions.

-2 points
PeteK's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:32 pm

As Kramden said, "You're a blabber mouth" Come on Stock, that's funny. I disagreed with the many posters that said Rodgers plays hero ball too often, but after the last game , the videos prove them correct. Let them both go play hero ball elsewhere.

2 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:40 pm

The Lions wouldn't have me.

1 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 05:13 pm

Is seems that you have still have Adams on the team, which is almost impossible given our cap situation. So - who is your dynamic second WR? And expecting a rookie WR to be dynamic his first year is very unlikely, although it has happened. You say you want speed, but adding a single speedy WR will not increase overall offensive speed.

Experience over the last three years has indicated that GB won't get to a Super Bowl WITH Rodgers. And that's with a great team that will now have to be gutted just to keep him.

0 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:53 am

"Yet; they never went after what it takes to turn this offense into a juggernaut. "

Apparently you slept through 2020 when they were an offensive juggernaut with largely the same cast of characters. It didn't get them the prize.

6 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:09 pm

They were a regular season juggernaut in 2020. In the playoffs, they had 3 straight possessions in the 4th quarter with the opportunity to tie the game or take the lead. They failed all 3 times.

The meme that the Packers have had a great offense lately is just wrong. They have a great coach and a great QB. That's enough in the regular season. It's not enough in the playoffs, when greatness is truly measured. The last time they had a truly great offense might have been 2014, when Adams was coming on, Cobb was around and Nelson was in his heyday.

In my not so humble opinion. :)

6 points
croatpackfan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:23 pm

Well, only if Diva noticed Lazard 1 yard front of end zone alone as last man on the Earth or big Bobby deep in the end zone uncovered on 3 and 8 they might reestablish regular season juggernaut offense even in the playoffs. But that is another story that repeats every year Packers find themselves in the playoffs after 2010, when, basically D won NFCCG and SB.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:30 pm

duplicate aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:51 am

Hmmm. No receivers. Jordy, Adams, James Jones, Randall Cobb...

Ok sure. Seems to me that the offense was always top ten. The one constant of not getting over the hump in the last ten years was #12. No year more obvious than this.

2 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:31 pm

"Hmmm. No receivers. Jordy, Adams, James Jones, Randall Cobb.."

Exactly the point. You forgot about Greg Jennings and Jermichael Finley. Not one of them was a 1st round pick. That's 6 day 2 guys in about 8 years. That level of investment resulted in a SB win.

After Adams on day 2 in 2014, the next day 2 WR was Amari Rodgers. It's not fair to call him a bust after one year. So I won't call him a bust. But I will say that the guy he is routinely compared to is Randall Cobb. Cobb looked electric right away. Amari looked timid and indecisive.

1 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 05:16 pm


0 points
Bure9620's picture

February 14, 2022 at 04:40 am

They scored 3 points in 3 and a half quarters.....He did his job?

1 points
NickPerry's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:20 am

As we've all heard Murphy, Ball, Gutekunst, and MLF havd all said they want him back in Green Bay...They HAVE to say that. As Bruce and others have pointed out, the trade value will never be this high, nor will it ever be there after the next few months.

The Packers are going to have to rebuild or retool no matter what. Extending Rodgers GUARANTEES a worse roster moving forward, loss of several key players from 2021 who maybe could have been brought back, and the worse, a MUCH tougher rebuild once he does retire a few years later.

I appreciate the greatness that is Aaron Rodgers and it's a damn shame the Packers only won one SB with him. But bringing him back doesn't guarantee a SB. The HAUL the Packers could get for Rodgers gives them a much better opportunity to build greatness with a DIFFERNT kind of Roster.

I've listened to several podcasts, read several articles by "Cap Gurus" like our own The Great Reynaldo. The bottom line in EVERY podcast or article is the Packers are better off moving on, at least IMO. Give me Jerry Juedy or Noah Fant, or fill in the blank and draft picks...

Stafford brought 2 firsts and a 3rd plus Geoff. Stafford was younger but the Rams needed to sell even more of their future to put this team around him. Can you imagine how BAD this Rams team will be in 2 or 3 years when Von Miller, OBJ, Stafford, and even Aaron Donald are no longer performing at or near this level or even on the team? Can you imagine trying to rebuild or retool WITHOUT any draft picks because you traded them all away?

The Packers have been pretty good for 30 years, since 1992. First Favre, then Rodgers, and now Love or possibly someone else. IF it is someone else, wouldn't you want as many swings at the plate as you could get? Trading Rodgers does two things. It gives you more swings at the plate for Rodgers successor if Love isn't the guy, OR it helps build a friggen powerhouse for the next 5 or 6 years, maybe more starting with hopefully Denver's 9th overall selection.

Rodgers isn't retiring, he's not sharing the HOF stage with Brady..NO WAY! Hopefully he's playing in the AFC next season, and Jordan Love is running this offense the way it was meant to be run.

14 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:29 am

Amen to this. Publicly, their messaging is unified and saying one thing (we want Rodgers back).

But privately, they know how awful the cap situation is and what kicking the can down the road does to them and destroys the rest of this roster.

Then the message from Gutey hopefully becomes, "well, we obviously all wanted Aaron back, he's the MVP for a reason, he's an amazing QB and person....but after talking with him, and considering all of our options, what's in the best interests of Aaron and the Green Bay Packers was to trade him. This was not an easy decision and we had many talks about it with him, but it was time to go in another direction."

Something along those lines....yeah, that would be music to my ears.

If Stafford can fetch two 1st rounders, then Rodgers should fetch three, or at least two 1st rounders and a player like Jerry Jeudy.

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:32 am

I think another way to look at it is for Gutey to really evaluate the roster and cap letting high priced guys (friends of Rodgers) whose contributions to the team do not add up leave. Guys like Cobb, Crosby, Big Dog, possibly Preston, and even Bachtiari. Gutey would only be doing his job but at same time would make it harder for Rodgers to come back with his best friends on team gone. That along with the team doing a rebuild will force Rodgers to want to move on because at end of day it always has and always will be all about Rodgers.

0 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:22 am

I appreciate everything Rodgers has done, but the SF loss felt didn't feel like another playoff loss, it felt like an end of era loss.

They went all in. They lost. It sucks, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

It's perfectly ok to want to move on from a 38 year old 4x MVP QB who could be a golden goose for the Packers and set them up for the next decade with draft picks and/or players.

Everybody wants the next Patrick Mahomes. The 49ers showed that with great defense, a tough running game and competent special teams, that someone like Jimmy G is enough to at least get to a Super Bowl and to another NFC title game (and narrowly losing).

That should be the strategy and way forward now: trade Rodgers, cut other salary cap heavy guys like Z, re-load with draft picks, and build around keeping the elite D intact, rebuilding special teams, leverage the two-headed monster we have at RB and using the picks on WRs.

This ain't rocket science. Father Time is undefeated and Rodgers' time will come as well. Man, Denver makes so much sense for so many reasons...I hope we find out before the end of February.

18 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:24 am


3 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:34 am


-1 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:54 am


2 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:28 am


3 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:31 am

I think the cap value of ARod to another team is misleading: he'll need a new contract pretty much immediately, so the 2022 cap hit is TBD for an acquiring team.

I've been mostly about ARod the commodity and his value not just to the Packers in 2021...or 2022...but how he helps the Packers going forward. The covid cap crunched this team into a one-season run in 2021 and it didn't pay. The pieces are going to have to shuffle, and the ticket to a 2022 contender is unexpected young players stepping up around ARod. I contend that ARod's highest value now is as a source of draft capital. Yes, it's a crap shoot, but a decimated roster with an aging QB and a cap that will continue to be handcuffed by his deal--even when it expands because his salary demands will need to be pushed down the road--won't allow this team to grow with its competition.

It has little to do with Jordan Love. I could care less which QB the Packers win with going forward. If it's Love? Great. But find that player. ARod in green/gold at this stage is more of an impediment to future Packers success as it is a aid.

15 points
Guam's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:42 am

Cookie for Dobber!

5 points
Since'61's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:20 am

I will second the cookie for Dobber! Thanks, Since ‘61

6 points
Guam's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:47 am

Two down votes on a Cookie for Dobber? Either I am unpopular or they want you on a diet Dobber.

6 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:57 am

One was probably my wife.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:01 am

Assuming the only goal is to win a Super Bowl, the only reason that Rodgers stays is emotion, on his part and that of the team. Staying makes no rational sense for either him or the franchise.

If Rodgers wants to win he needs the strongest possible roster around him. That simply isn’t close to happening here this season and not for the next 3 if he’s here.

I’ve yet to see anyone seriously argue a basis for believing that Rodgers can win it all with a weaker roster than we’ve had in the last couple of years. I’ve yet to see anyone explain why we won’t repeat the same failings we’ve now seen thrice in a row with Rodgers and LaFleur.

Essentially, for all the emotion, I don’t believe there are many who think Rodgers staying leads to a Super Bowl. I see a lot of fear about what comes after. That’s natural, but unless a shot at winning a bad division does it for you, it’s just empty pining for past hopes.

If Rodgers stays, it’s not because of a rational belief that he can win it all here. If we keep him, it suggests that we don’t believe that LaFleur can get us back there. Any scenario where Rodgers stays should alarm fans of the franchise and ask real questions of LaFleur and whomever really pulled that string.

5 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:35 am

Rodgers deciding to stay with GB pretty much guarantees that he'll finish his career with mediocre-to-average teams, which is self-defeating. I can't imagine that he wants an extension at this point.

I keep having the same nightmare, though: I wake up my computer to see the headline "Packers Sign Rodgers to Record Contract Extension".

7 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:00 pm

"Rodgers deciding to stay with GB pretty much guarantees that he'll finish his career with mediocre-to-average teams"

I think the only way this ISN'T true is if the Packers hit on 3-4 future all-pros with their later-in-rounds picks this draft and next. Those guys will be there, but it's asking a lot.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:51 pm

All pros in the later round in their rookie years … about as much chance of finding 3 or 4 of those as there is of finding a diamond mine in one’s back yard. More chance that Benkert is actually the next Doug Flutie.

1 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:44 pm

I meant those end of 2nd and end of 3rds need to turn into all pros, but you're there.

0 points
marpag1's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:37 pm

"If Rodgers stays, it’s not because of a rational belief that he can win it all here. If we keep him, it suggests that we don’t believe that LaFleur can get us back there. Any scenario where Rodgers stays should alarm fans of the franchise and ask real questions of LaFleur and whomever really pulled that string."

What a massive overstatement. I'm not necessarily arguing to keep Rodgers, but do you really think that it simply cannot be rational to believe that the guy who just won his second consecutive MVP might be able to win it all?? Maybe you don't think he will, and that's fine. But to call the other side of the argument irrational is pretty absurd.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:49 pm

Not with the cap/roster position we are in. No, I don’t believe they can eke out another plausible shot next year, while I do believe that the future consequences will be painful.

Rodgers can plausibly still win with a team with a 2020 Bucs like loaded roster. We aren’t going to be able to match that. We will try, throw everything forward and then be in the outer darkness for a number of seasons.

It’s irrational to assume more can be done with less. Convince me otherwise and I will be happy, but I’ve seen not one argument that goes even close. MVP means nothing. Rodgers was a lot less effective this year than last, just less so than others during the regular season. But the regular season has never been the issue.

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

February 14, 2022 at 09:32 am

At the trading deadline last season, Rodgers clearly understood and stated the FO position, the team did not have the cap room to sign a Beckham etc.

He has also expressed gratitude for his rebuilt relationship with the FO, especially Gutey. But also stated, he "wants no part of a rebuild". I believe Gutey and Ball will show him the strategy outline for the "rebuild" that will be needed if Rodgers comes back. It may well be Rodgers who pulls the plug... "guys, I don't think it is going to work out, unfortunately. Thanks for trying."

It is not absurd to look at Rodgers' performance in the big playoff games, in spite of the MVP regular season trophies, that have not translated into NFCCG and SB wins. To expect that to happen with a much less talented roster is simply not realistic. Rodgers is becoming Coach Marty Shottenhiemer of NFL QBs, as a Chiefs fan told me years ago: "He will get you there, then break your heart.

3 points after the opening TD drive and 53 yards of O in the second half was a heart breaker...again.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:36 am

Several down votes Dobber...amazing how there are some who simply cannot see the forest because of the trees. Now is the time to pull the plug and rebuild into something better and more balanced going forward.

6 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:58 am

I'm glad I don't measure my self-worth based on click-icons! ;)

4 points
stockholder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:33 am

QB Brett Hundley 24 1 9 192 for 316, 1,836 yards, 9 td, 12 int, & 36 rushes for 270 yards and 2 td
RB Jamaal Williams 22 Rook 7 153 rushes for 556 yards, 4 td, & 25 catches for 262 yards and 2 td
WR Davante Adams* 25 3 14 74 catches for 885 yards, 10 td
WR Randall Cobb 27 6 14 66 catches for 653 yards, 4 td, & 9 rushes for 17 yards and 0 td
WR Jordy Nelson 32 9 15 53 catches for 482 yards, 6 Look at who Rodgers had to throw to for 10 years. I'm surprised, and you would be too. The stats don't lie. Rodgers should have had more then 4 MVPs. Forget Love! He's not going to be better then Hundley. The speed of Jennings, Nelson, Finley, and Driver was never replaced.

-2 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:57 am

How do you not draft a receiver for Rodgers when the best you've got, aside from Adams, are two butchers like MVS and Lazard? Neither should be starting for a Super Bowl contender. MVS is a one-trick pony, go long, who can't cut, can't catch, and can't stay on the field. Lazard is a glorified TE, and that's what his numbers show. And yet they'll both likely be brought next year. Insane.

How did they not sign OBJ?... and this isn't in retrospect. Many were screaming loudly that they had to give Rodgers another weapon and here was a guy light years better than what we had at #2 receiver, AND he wanted to play for the Packers. For cheap!

Gute has done a fine job but has made two colossal mistakes. Drafting Love, when he had a SB contender that so obviously needed another offensive weapon for Rodgers. And flinching when OBJ came available and letting him go to the Rams. Who, btw, are in the SB and he is a big reason why.

If you're hired to build a football team and you can't see the weaknesses that are glaringly right in front of you, then you should be watching games on TV with the rest of us. You might see things more clearly,

0 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:19 am

The reason we didn’t sign OBJ was cap. He admitted that he took more to go where he did. One reason why we had so little was Cobb.

I’m also past the point of patience with this argument when our receivers were open for firsts regularly throughout a second half in which we managed 53 yards ignoring them. You don’t need great receivers to catch in space. You do need to throw to them when they are. The same was true in the 2 years prior except for one ‘piece of junk’ WR per you, MVS. Rodgers BS insistence on playing the starters in Detroit cost us dearly.

I’d go on, but my derision of this theme of visibly inapposite exculpatory drivel would just lead me to say things I’d regret, and that takes some doing.

8 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

February 14, 2022 at 12:33 pm

Sorry to hear about your "impatience and your derision of my inapposite exculpatory drivel." How awfully Dorothy Parker of you. I won't sleep at night.

Love this line, "You don’t need great receivers to catch in space. You need to throw to them when they are." When Rodgers had a stable of good receivers; Jordy, Cobb, Jennings, Driver, Jones, ... he found them all. The fact that MVS and Lazard got open on a few occasions doesn't negate their crappiness.

So not giving a hoot whether you "say things you'll regret", I'll say again, they could have found a way to sign OBJ, they didn't want to spend. And yes, MVS is junk.

2 points
Lphill's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:36 am

Schefter said today Packers all in on Rodgers for 22, working a deal similar to the Saints and Brees , 13timesachump won’t be happy .

-8 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:46 am

If that's the case, then they're throwing in the towel on Love and look like idiots for wasting a 1st round pick on him.

Yeah, they traded up, but it was just a 4th rounder. It's not like some mega trade-up like duh Bears did for Trubisky.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:14 am

That would be a disaster. A lot of good it did the Saints.

5 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:40 am

...who are some -$80M on the cap...

4 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:11 am

And in their second year of roster purges and down one good HC. It was also rather sad watching Brees at the end.

6 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:01 pm

...and Roethlisberger.

2 points
BruceC1960's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:01 pm

Hope Schefter is wrong…….again

4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:59 am

because adam schefter works in the packers front office, right? click bait. look at the numbers. he will be traded. they had a plan, they went all in, now the bill is due.

to think otherwise is folly. this reporting is the packers keeping it civil. we want aaron back to celebrate the ring of honor, the packers hall of fame, and his first ballot induction to the hall.

no hard feelings, time to get the fiscal house in order and see if MLF is actually a good coach, or if he's been riding aaron's coattails and keeping his mouth shut.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

February 14, 2022 at 09:45 am

So Gutey and the FO should state to a rumor monger like Schefter they "are unable to go all in on Rodgers, given cap issues."

A possible suitor would immediately cut a possible offer, knowing the Packers will likely sell lower than expected.

I think Gutey and the FO are playing poker and probably even chess, not checkers here.

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:51 am

In another universe, Brian Urlacher has another biscuit for breakfast on a January Sunday in 2011, jukes Aaron Rodgers and takes it to the house for a pick-6. Caleb Haney becomes a Chicago folk hero / Nick Foles avant-la-lettre when Robbie Gould hits a walk off 55yd FG. Rodgers comes close several more times but always comes up short in the big game. At the end of his career he and Kirk Cousins are elected to the Statistical Hall of Fame.

So pretty much like this universe.

6 points
Gee's picture

February 14, 2022 at 10:47 am

Hmm you so take that game, what out the face mask non call against the Cards, or the off side kick in Seattle? Look I get the displeasure with Rodgers by some, but to compare him to Cousins, really? You want to who has as many rings as Rodgers Mahomes. Now his cap goes to 40 million-ish. We will see if he can get back.

0 points
mrtundra's picture

February 13, 2022 at 08:53 am

It will be interesting to see how re-signing Rodgers changes this roster. I doubt they can restructure Rodgers cap hit, to keep other players, but we'll see...

3 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:56 am

They would HAVE to do an extension.....

1 points
Gopack12's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:29 am

I would rather be an NFC Championship contender with a shot at the SB with Rodgers than a team that most likely won’t make the playoffs with Love or some retread like Fitzpatrick … If we had the answer at QB on the roster I would be all in for trading Rodgers.. but that is not the case.. extend Rodgers and buy some time to find his replacement

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:37 am

When was our last NFC Championship with Rodgers?

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:48 am

And how do you propose doing that (finding Rodgers replacement) when consistently drafting from #20 thru 30 in round 1 should Rodgers stay? You won't!

Denver has #9 pick in this year's draft, plus the Packers own at #28 (I believe). They would also have possibly three 2nd round picks with a trade to Denver. Maybe there just isn't a QB available this year the Packers like but it would give the Packers a full year watching and evaluating Love at QB. If not happy he is going to be the guy they likely would have another shot in 2023 at a top QB in draft with two 1st round picks and possibly two second round selections.

3 points
barutanseijin's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:08 am

They did in ‘05 drafting 24th.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

February 14, 2022 at 09:58 am

I was thrilled to get Rodgers at 24...yet facts are stubborn things and MANY fans were upset with the pick with Favre on the team. And Rodgers actually looked worse than Love in his first live action in the preseason and a few games of mop up duty for 3 years.

With Love playing OK with 2nd and 3rd and 4th stringers in the preseason....actually outplaying Mahomes in a defensive battle, and out playing Rodgers in the second half of the Detroit game...even staking the Pack to a lead late in the game...a lead the D could not hold...he's a glass half full.

0 points
Gee's picture

February 14, 2022 at 10:58 am

That's the thing for me about Love, let's give him a real shot. Besides the team going to be a run first who ever starts next season, if Rodgers is traded. Add to that the defense won't be as gutted, giving Love another safety net, to not have to shoulder the load by himself.

0 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:32 am

I guess my hope is this "We are all in on Aaron Rodgers" talk is simply the Front office's attempt to drive up his trade value essentially saying to other teams you will not get Rodgers short of 3 firsts. If we extend Aaron Rodgers then the Jordan Love pick is then officially a wasted other way to say is not possible they can have a full evaluation on Love either. He needs to play.

10 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:42 am

If they extend AR, then whoever makes that decision needs to be immediately fired because he did it not in the best interest of the team but only to save his own job for a couple of years.

Unfortunately, real life doesn't work that way, and he'll probably be rewarded with a promotion/raise (until he's fired in 23 or 24 as the team tanks post-AR).

6 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:46 am

This, I believe, is the most likely cause and effect of an extension.

It's maintaining the profitability of the surrounding environment over the short term over the better chances of long-term competitiveness of the team.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:32 am

Picking this team up after Rodgers does depart after this contract will be a monumental task undertaken with a lingering cap hangover due to void years. That would seem to be crazy for a GM, but it would likely be post Murphy’s retirement. More worryingly, it suggests LaFleur really lacks self belief.

We could end up with a lead weight of 10 percent or so less cap than the league, a failed HC (if LaFleur can’t win with Rodgers over the next couple of years, will anyone want him?) and quite likely a full roster rebuild facing the next President and GM. Talk about bottom dwelling future. Gary, Alexander and other prospects approaching mega contracts, which probably lead to them being let go while we strip back and reset with youth. Dystopian.

5 points
jurp's picture

February 13, 2022 at 05:20 pm

Not dystopian, but 1975 all over again.

Oh, wait... yeah, dystopian.

1 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:56 am

It would be Gute. He frankly has drafted very well in recent years. But the Love pick is absolutely fireable if this is the case.....this is organizational malfeasance.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:36 am

We are assuming Gute is behind keeping Rodgers. I suspect he may not be. He and Ball are not speaking really, it’s Murphy and LaFleur. Thanks to this awfully opaque structure Murphy created, it’s impossible to be sure.

2 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:01 am

He may not be, however I recall before the playoffs, Gute made a comment "our #1 priority is keeping Aaron" so we shall see... the Team President said this as well which I find weird....

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

February 13, 2022 at 05:17 pm

And who will be the Prince of Titletown, {district) ? Murphy, Ball?

1 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:45 am

I think we've hit most of the possible scenarios...that there's nothing new. I subscribe to the position that this was mostly predetermined last summer when they reworked a year off #12's deal and he came back all smiley and happy.

All a lot of good talk. EVERYONE is invested at this stage on both sides. It's good for the Packers in general rather than having a fan base wallowing in self pity over an early playoff exit.

We're only a little over a week from the opening of the tagging period. We'll soon see who's guessed right and who's guessing wrong on how the Packers will proceed.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:40 am

No prizes for being right or wrong about the what the parties do. Just the consequences of that. None of the options are good in the short term.

2 points
Rossonero's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:06 pm

"He needs to play." - that's what I keep telling people! How do they know Love is not the answer?? How? A one game sample size vs. the Chiefs? A few snaps in a blowout to the Saints (who no less dominated Rodgers in that game too).

People have short memories. Peyton Manning threw 28 picks as a rookie and went 3-13. Rodgers went 6-10 in his 1st year as a starter. Manning and Rodgers then had winning records in their 2nd seasons and the rest is history. Anyone who is declaring Love a bust either has a crystal ball or is a genius, because we simply do not have enough of a sample size -- not even ONE season -- of him as a starter to fairly evaluate him.

7 points
coolhand's picture

February 13, 2022 at 04:59 pm

And let's not forget Adams looked terrible his first 2 years with drops and many in Packerland were calling for him to be let go or traded. You never know with young players.

1 points
barutanseijin's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:00 am

I think it’s best for the Packers to trade Rodgers. However, it takes two to tango. Who wants him? On paper he looks like an attractive option for a team wanting a short term QB. The problem is the same one the Packers have: will there be enough left over after paying Rodgers to field the kind of team you want/need? It depends on what you want. Rodgers doesn’t make enough plays to get you to the Super Bowl, but his salary precludes teams from signing the kind of players they would need to put them over the top.

OK, but what if a team just wants to get out of the basement? If a team’s ambitions are modest, they’re less likely to want to pay a king’s ransom for a QB, either in terms of salary or picks or players.

I think the closest comparison is more Favre than Stafford, who was a better overall value than Rodgers. (Which doesn’t mean Stafford is the better QB) Then the question for Gutekunst becomes “Are you willing to trade your marquee guy for a 4th rd pick?”. Regardless of whether that’s fair value or the best price available, you know you will catch flak for trading a fan favorite. If things don’t go well, you’re out of a job. From a bureaucratic perspective, it would probably be better for him to hang on to Rodgers and let Father Time and the salary cap take the blame for whatever happens.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:53 am

I’d prefer a 4th than nothing just so we could watch Rodgers decline with a lesser roster, especially if it avoids years of cap hangover.

If I thought Rodgers and what we could give him had a realistic chance of winning out, that would be different. I do not. Last year I thought differently, but Rodgers was not as good, nor was the O. Next year the roster will not be as good or deep.

6 points
barutanseijin's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:39 pm

Agreed. The problem is our wants as Packer fans will be different than Gutekunst’s. His job depends on pleasing Murphy & ultimately (but indirectly) fans, and many fans, maybe a majority, are still die hard Rodgers fans. The easy thing to do for the Packer front office is to keep Rodgers.

There’s also Rodgers’ wants to consider. Does he want to play? Does he need to win? Enough to put in the practice and preparation it requires? The arguments about Tom Brady’s retirement making that unlikely seem far fetched to me. Being inducted at the same time as Brady would probably bother Brady more than Rodgers. Rodgers is used to coming in second.

5 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:04 am

Expected from the Packers Head Office: We are all in on keeping Rodgers as our quarterback

Imagine if the Packers Head Office said: We thank Rodgers for his contributions, but it's in the best long term interests of the team to allow him to retire as a Packer or if he chooses to... move on.

I'm no football guru so like most Packer fans, I will sit and wait...and wait... to see what happens.

4 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:10 am

There really is a possibility the FO put this "We want Aaron and he will the the highest paid QB" into the ether as a strong bargaining position. They get maximum compensation for Rodgers and they can say something along the lines of "we did everything we could to keep Aaron" to the fanbase. This contract stuff coming out is strange....this is not how the Packers traditionally negotiate...

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:06 pm

The only way this makes sense to me is if it’s theater, and not real, and we’re saying we want him back but we really don’t.

2 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:24 am

I think these articles are kind of ridiculous. It is clear that the Packers want to keep Rodgers in the fold. The first reason for trading him is it you haven’t been to a Super Bowl in 10 years. So here you have a Hall of Fame quarterback and you can’t get to a Super Bowl. How do you think you’re gonna do that going forward with a huge question mark at quarterback. How did the saints look without Brees? How do the patriots look without Brady? The Steelers have nobody in the wings to replace big Ben. And what have the Giants done since two time Super Bowl winner Eli Manning retired? Not to mention, the Colts since the other Manning left. Or even the Broncos since the other Manning left. I think when you have a quarterback of this caliber you have to keep swinging for the fences. Seahawks know this and that’s why they’re trying to hang onto Russell Wilson. That’s why Tampa Bay went after Brady. It just doesn’t matter how strong of a roster you build, if you don’t have a top level quarterback you’re not going all the way.

-5 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:32 am

They have not been to a Super Bowl in 11 years......Rodgers is part of the reason why, a huge reason why this season.....when is it time to stop bashing our heads against the wall? This was an ALL-IN season! THE Season..... It was a failure.

10 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:39 am

Rodgers is both a blessing and a curse. Between ML's superior scheming and Rodgers incredible talent, the horrible pass-catching group and a somewhat suspect OL (particularly when they are down Bahk and Jenkins) is papered over in regular season play. 2 straight years, we've seen an offense with a lofty regular season ranking fall apart in the playoffs. At home. Against warm-weather teams. I don't think anything changes until the Packers come to grips with the fact that their offense is in need of a serious talent infusion.

Ron Wolf figured it out. He once said his greatest regret was not surrounding Favre with better pass catchers. TT learned that lesson and invested heavily to help Rodgers along. It worked to bring home a Lombardi. Gute is repeating Wolf's mistake. Trading Rodgers should give them the draft capital for Gute to atone for his sins as they move on to Jordan Love.

-2 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:13 pm

The WR were open a lot. PFF had our WR group with the 2nd best win rate in the league. Rodgers was awful in the playoffs. The last failed play is a great example. Lazard WIDE, WIDE WIDE open and Rodgers throwing to Adams doubled. Not the only time he forced it this game either. To say we failed because of WR play is just not true. This one is on The infallible Player/GM/MVP

Serious question: If Jordan Love made this decision, and same throw. Do we say "Love showed his inexperience?" Or is it still everyone else's fault?

9 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:49 pm

Too bad they don't award Lombardis based on PFF win rate. That pesky score counting thing can be a real drag to the teams that excel at PFF win rate but can't seem to get a first down when it counts.

"Or is it still everyone else's fault?"

I'm not saying Rodgers is blameless in his choice of where to throw the ball. Those words were not written by me. I never thought them, either. I'll speak for myself and thank you not to put words in my mouth. I'm just saying that expecting him to make a different choice in the same situation is, well, doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Right or wrong, it's in his head that Adams is all he's got. I think it is far more right than wrong. And let's face it, he's forgotten more about football than you and I will ever know.

At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. Until something changes, there is no reason to expect things to change. I've reached the point where I accept it is over with Rodgers. The cap does not allow them to implement meaningful change until he'll be out the door, IMO. The draft is too slow to make meaningful change before he's gone. So might as well try to get a bounty of picks to speed it along for Love. Or whoever else.

0 points
Bure9620's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:07 pm

It is quite hard to justify a decision to continually defend Rodgers and defend him throwing into double coverage, like it is the WRs fault. On the last play, San Francisco, learning from their regular season loss said they WILL NOT allow Adams to be open on this play. We are taking him away. They bet Rodgers would force it to Adams regardless of whom else is open. They were right. There was NO ONE within 7 yards of Lazard....This is 1000% Aaron Rodgers fault. Again, the Packers WR were open the 2nd most in the league.

10 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

February 14, 2022 at 04:48 am

AR got rid of the ball in a career shortest 2.47 seconds in 2021. It takes almost .3 to throw the ball after the decision is made as to where to throw it. That means the decision was made - on average - at the 2.17 mark or so. In 2020, IIRC or it may have been 2019, AR took 2.97 to throw the ball on average. For his career, AR has been in the top 5 or so in longest time to throw the ball.

The point: the WR win rate probably is based on 2.5 seconds. The decision was made before then and the ball was out of AR's hand by then on average.

These analytics can be useful, but they also have to be put into context. The old eye test is still a thing as well. Cobb for example was still a useful guy but it seems to me that he got open against zones using his experience or wiles more than beating CBs in man. The eye test tells me that Lazard and MVS needed time to get open.

1 points
PhantomII's picture

February 14, 2022 at 05:47 am

It doesn't take long to know you are gonna throw it to Adams. It was determined when he put the uniform on and walked on the field.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

February 13, 2022 at 02:41 pm

Wolf also realized the FO fails in securing D-Line starters. His front four were all free agents.

3 points
jhtobias's picture

February 13, 2022 at 12:52 pm

Rodgers reminds me of something that is old and extremely valuable, but has reached it's peak value. He is like a valuable collectable which others will obtain at a high price if made available, To it's owner (Packers) it has brought maximum value, but change is scary for anyone especially to a place which is only relevant because of it's football history . You have to be willing to move on at some point and take a chance.

A great investor understands that the time to sell is when you have achieved maximum value from your investment and will get maximum value from moving on from it .

Only wrench in this plan is if Rodgers Retires which I find impossible to believe . The ,man is not married has no kids but also is still super competitive and supremely talented.

Will the packers be irrelevant without Rodgers , maybe most likely unless Jordan Love is above average which he might be no one knows 1 game doesn't tell a story.

2 points
Lphill's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:06 pm

Amazing all the hate on Rodgers , did anyone notice the play of special teams against the niners ? Even if the Packers scored more special teams may have cost us the championship game or even worse the super bowl so its a good thing it happened in the first round , it was bound to happen but go ahead and blame Rodgers .

-12 points
dobber's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:50 pm

"Even if the Packers scored more special teams may have cost us the championship game or even worse the super bowl "

I would have loved to give the STs a chance to play in the SB.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 03:03 pm

It is not hate - it calls reality!

ST gave 7 points and mason Crosby did not score one FG. I remember several games (eg Detroit or Cincinati) when Mason Crosby had more missed FG, Packers still won. The issue is not that. The issue is that Packers had only 53 yards in the second half on offense. Despite very bad ST because of why Packers had bad starting position. Once again - FIFTY THREE YARDS - FOR WHOLE 2ND HALF! Packers offense scored 7 points only! 3 points were scored by ST so the difference was 7 points ST gave.

We are talking about Aaron Rodgers and his performances in several NFCCG and post season games where he was awful, disgusting, horrendous etc. And opponent teams DCs knows his habit to throw the ball in crucial moments only to one player he trusts the most. That is why against Bucs Lazard and Tonyan was completely free, and against Niners Lazard and St. Brown was completely free. Nobody was covering them. there was no need for that. The ball would and was going to Adams. That habit you are not willing to admit and that is why you and some others trying to find excuse for AR.

But, if you like lets talk how to trade Packers ST. Who do you think will be interested?

7 points
Packerlifer's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:21 pm

The Packers were weak on special teams all year long but the offense and defense were good enough to cover their flaws to win 13 games. On playoff night the defense was good enough but the offense wasn't.

That game was the first time in the Rodgers' era that the Packers couldn't score at least 20 points in a playoff game. Even in some of the worst defensive showings in playoff games they always managed to put points on the board.

The Niner D is good but not THAT great. Dallas scored 17 on them. LA got to 20. But the team with the 4 time MVP playing at home in its element produced only 10. Special Teams may be the scapegoat but what did the G.O.A.T. do?

0 points
Im Fubared's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:29 pm

He is being paid the big bucks to win play off games too. He again froze up and became a stiff only passing to Adams on most plays, he basically stunk up the field.

0 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

February 13, 2022 at 01:39 pm

After weeks of worrying about the Packer's future, it finally hit me:
I'd rather have a team with no Rodgers than Rodgers with no team.
The Szotman

9 points
calabasa's picture

February 13, 2022 at 02:46 pm

Wow, ARod making the news on Super Bowl Sunday. Who woulda thunk it? First he derails draft day, now this. Coincidence?

3 points
Packerlifer's picture

February 13, 2022 at 04:02 pm

The Packers need to move on from Aaron Rodgers for similar reasons the alcoholic needs to throw away the bottle or the smoker needs to ditch the cigs. It's become an unhealthy addiction dependency.

Rodgers' sal-cap space isn't the only thing with him too big for the club. He's got a swelled head. He's now an out and out "me" guy not a "team" man. He's a brilliant performer but he's not a team leader. Watch him sitting on the bench when not on the field. Brady used to be up bucking up guys, encouraging, challenging. A Rod just sits there with his cape on and a blank stare in his eyes.

Check his expression and "body language" almost from the start of the playoff last month. You could see the Pack was in trouble by the absence of any passion or drive to him. 'Last Dance" ha. More like last laugh.

Even if he just retired or the Packers were to outright release him the $46.6 million cap clearance could mean at least half a dozen good players being retained or acquired instead.

What might he fetch in trade? That depends on the old buyer or seller motivation. There are some teams that would certainly like to have him; Denver seeming most likely. The Broncos GM denies but he's made moves that appear exactly to bring A Rod aboard. He can't appear too eager because it motivates Green Bay to asking for more.

But potential trade partners know the Packers have incentives to want to move Rodgers due to his sal-cap hit. That could mean Green Bay getting less than some imagine.

Right now Rodgers thinks he owns the Packers and he's got the front office and coaching kow-towing to him. That's never a good situation for an organization. If Murphy, Gutey and MLF are going to surrender their jobs to the quarterback they might as well go on leave for a year and let Aaron run the club his way.

It's time to be the GREEN BAY Packers not the "Aaron Rodgers' " Packers.

2 points
Buckywunder's picture

February 13, 2022 at 06:23 pm

Do we even need reasons at this point?

Just trade him already — and may god have mercy on his soul…

3 points
Dragon5's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:02 pm

Price just went up.

1 points
Im Fubared's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:17 pm

Worse they already leaked they plan to basically bankrupt the team in two years when Rodgers is done they will be so far in debt all the top players with Rodgers will exit stage left and you will be stuck with a horrid team for years to come.
Now if they try and keep Adams too this team is in serioius fn trouble. They better hope they win a super bowl but this team aint anywhere near good enough to do that.

0 points
Im Fubared's picture

February 13, 2022 at 09:32 pm

rodgers has zero intention of going anywhere, This is all bullshit, He wants to come back but has to make sure Adams in on the team. He can do that by threatening to leave.

0 points
Jordan's picture

February 13, 2022 at 10:36 pm

That’s pretty much it. Rodgers is using his power and leverage to get what he wants with personnel decisions. If he doesn’t get what he wants he’ll throw a tantrum right before the draft and demand to be traded to Denver and throw gute under the bus. Wait a minute…didn't he already do that?

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

February 13, 2022 at 11:32 pm

I've talked to several people I respect greatly... 2 of the 5 think the Pack will bring 12 back, even though they shouldn't. One thinks they will bring him back and they should. Two think they will trade him because it's the only smart thing to do.

The farther we get away from the debacle of the Divisional Round Game, the less I'm convinced they will trade him.

I still believe 12's value will never be higher than it is right now, and the plethora of draft picks/players the GBP could gain from a trade could propel this team into the future.

That being said, I've watched the Saints pull off some unbelievable cap gymnastics over the years, so if the GBP FO decides to bring back the 4 time MVP, I do believe with a decent draft and some luck the Pack could be right back in the mix next season, and maybe the season after.

There is no doubt the best thing for Aaron Rodgers "overall" career is to win another Super Bowl or II and ride off into the sunset retiring a Packer after spending his whole career with the franchise. That is, unless he wants to be traded, and we won't know that for another week or two.

If Aaron Rodgers professes publicly he wants to come back for the next couple years and retire a Packer, I expect the FO to make it happen. If he professes publicly that he wants to be traded, for whatever reason, I expect the FO will have no trouble. Either way, I think the Pack will be just fine.

1 points
michaelturi's picture

February 14, 2022 at 03:54 pm

Rodgers says he wants to win another Super Bowl and is threatening to break his contract. If he now stays just because the Packers throw more money at him, leaving less for supporting cast, it will show his hypocrisy. If he really wants to win then he should take less money and spread the wealth.

1 points