The Packers' Offense is a Mess

After starting off the season strong, Green Bay has sputtered offensively as of late. 

What once started out as a promising offense has since turned into a dumpster in a short amount of time for head coach Matt LaFleur and the Green Bay Packers, and there is plenty of blame to go around. 

Let’s start up front. The Packers boasted one of the best offensive lines a season ago, and that unit's performance got off to a strong start in Week 1. Like the rest of the offense, though, the wheels have come off the wagon over the past few weeks. After playing in 55 snaps in Week 1, left tackle David Bakhtiari missed the following two games before opting for season-ending surgery. Elgton Jenkins left the game early in the first quarter against the Atlanta Falcons and proceeded to miss the next two games. While he returned to action last week against the Las Vegas Raiders, he struggled in pass protection as he allowed three pressures. And over the last two games, the unit has not been up to par in that realm. 

Quarterback Jordan Love is not necessarily doing them any favors, either. He is 13th in Sack Probability Over Expected, which uses “variables like pressure %, allowed pressure % (similar to pass block win rate), dropbacks, sack rate, and more to help standardize expected sacks, then scaled to help create this sack probability over expected model, which yielded an r^2 just over 0.52.”

In addition, Green Bay is near the bottom of the NFL in composite run block ratings through the first five weeks, ranking 24th. The Raiders came into the Week 5 contest as the seventh-worst run defense in the league based on average rushing yards allowed (134.3), but the Packers only mustered 78 yards on 22 carries (3.5 yards per carry) between running backs AJ Dillon and Patrick Taylor, the latter of whom has since been released. Getting Aaron Jones healthy and back in the mix will surely help the run game, but if there are not any holes for Jones to run through, the ceiling for his big-play ability in the run game is only so high. 

The elephant in the room is the recent play of Love. After starting off the year red-hot, throwing six touchdowns and zero interceptions with an average passing rating of 118.35 through the first two games, he has thrown two touchdowns and six interceptions in the last three games. His average passer rating has been 56.17. I’m not a math wizard, but that is a stark drop. 

Part of the problem, and perhaps more than that, has been QB1’s inaccuracy at all three levels. While he is in the 97th percentile in terms of “Aggression,” he is in the 11th percentile, 14th percentile, and 17th percentile in terms of short accuracy, medium accuracy, and deep accuracy, respectively. The actual numbers behind his deep passes are just as concerning. 

In sum, the Packers cannot run the ball effectively nor can they convert on deep throws down the field to take the top off the defense. That is a problematic combination. There is still plenty of season left to turn things around, so can the team's young offensive players rise to the occasion? 




Rex is a lifelong Packers fan but was sick of the cold, so he moved to the heart of Cowboys country. Follow him on Twitter (@Sheild92) and Instagram (@rex.sheild). 


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3 points

Comments (102)

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NickPerry's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:02 am

No offense to Rex or any of the other CHTV writers here who provide us great FREE content each and every day.

But DAMN, the articles are depressing lately. For all of you that were born around 1985 or later, THIS is really starting to feel like the 70's and 80's again. So for those of you who were in diapers for The Majik Man, grew up with Favre, and graduated college with Rodgers have no clue

Fast-forward to 2018 when Mark Murphy decided it was best to CHANGE the way the Green Bay Packers did things at 1265 Lombardi. Yup, DAMN all that success, lets change shit up. Well Mark, some things just don't need fixing and making yourself the last stop is one of them. It just DIDN'T need fixing.

Has Love sucked the last 3 weeks? Absolutely. Has the O-Line been a dumpster fire? Hell yeah. Has this Packers team actually REGRESSED since week 2? I sure think so.

So who's to blame? The GM who's really had his hands tired since 2018 when he was hired? Are ALL these players THAT BAD who Gute has drafted the last 5 years or so? IMO that answer is NO. Is he perfect? No, but I don't think he's done a horrible job either, not even close.

"The Packers' Offense is a Mess".... Yes it is Rex, and you can blame a lot of that on having the youngest WR and TE Group EVER in the SB era. You can also point to the many injuries the Packers have had on the O-Line. But that's not the BIGGEST issue...It's Coaching. Period!

I hate losing and I guess I forgot what it felt like not to have much hope. Those of you born around the time I mentioned above have NEVER felt the feeling of no hope. Or at least if they did it was fixed pretty quickly. But I don't have faith in Murphy to do the right thing. The right thing IMO is to give Gutekunst OR any other GM who might replace Gute full control if it came to that. Murphy needs to get out of the way and the GM needs to have final say.

Just like Ted and Ron Wolf had... Just like it was when EVERY season was filled with hope.

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:11 am

Nick, I was a Lombardi Era guy who survived the Long Dry Spell of 1972-1992. IMO, what we have now is nothing like what we had then.

There's a lot of overreaction. And the offense may be a mess, but we're averaging more points per game than we did last year. After five games, we only had 97 points and in Week 6 we scored another 10. We finished the season with 370 points; we're on pace to finish with 384 this year.

If our offense is a mess, it was a bigger mess last year.

-6 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:23 am

"There's a lot of overreaction."

Yes, there is, and it's you. Do you even realize the bs you spout? Look at what you posted.

" We finished the season with 370 points; we're on pace to finish with 384 this year."

A 14 point difference doesn't even equate to a one-point difference per game. How does that make a difference in the failure of last year and the failure that appears to be this year on Offense. Unless, you use it as saying that Love is playing to the same level as Rodgers because of the horrible amount of points scored. Praise Love, he equaled the worst of Rodgers, so he must be good.

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:50 am

No, Taryn, Love isn't equaling the worst of Rodgers; he's an improvement on last year's version of Rodgers.

A 1ppg difference.....for some perspective, Taryn, if we had scored 7 more against Detroit both times....if that's the only difference....We finish the season at 10-7 and make the playoffs. So yeah, 1 point/game is a big deal. Last year, 5 teams were within 1 ppg of us in scoring. On defense, 1 ppg separated #13 from #19 last year.

This more point has already made the difference in two of our 5 games.

One more time: We've scored more points through 5 games than we did last year. We're on pace to score more points this season than we did last year, when we were 14th in the league. We were average on offense last year, and we're only slightly better than that this year. But still, better is not the same as worse.

-3 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:23 am

LH, I do respect your perspective and I always read your posts... but just for a little perspective...

yeah, this current spell isn't exactly like the 70's and 80's of Packer ineptitude,
The NFL is a completely different beast now. The way the league is run as well as the attitude and preparation of the players coming out of college is completely, and I mean COMPLETELY, different. I have also been following the Pack since the Lombardi years and have lived through everything after Scooter 'whelmed' one opponent.

Please, take a moment and adjust or change your "lens" periodically as you expound on the valid points you make and let your great experience and perspective shine through with a current tint to it.

I would love to hear what your perceptions are with this small modification.

Thanks for all of your contributions to this FREE forum, that is the best on the internet IMO.

3 points
fireball's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:43 am

Did not know that about point totals from last year to this year so far. Interesting. . .

0 points
Since'75's picture

October 16, 2023 at 06:43 am

Bragging that this years offense is scoring more than last years offense is absolutely ridiculous Leatherhead.

Last years offense had to rely on 2 rookie receivers fresh out of college.

More importantly, and out of your grasp, is that this years offense has been playing bad teams, and soft defenses.
Besides the fact the O line was in flux the first 3rd of last season.

But not to worry, the Packers play Denvers 32nd ranked defense next, they allow an astonishing 33 PPG.

The cushy schedule continues....

Now if.....the Packers somehow lose to Denver, we'll enjoy reading your 'spin' on why that was and how it was no one's fault, except maybe Rodgers.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 16, 2023 at 08:30 am

It’s not bragging,, I’m just mentioning facts And with 40% of our opponents in th Top 10 in scoring defense, you might want to reconsider that soft schedule stuff.

You guys see failure; I see a toddler learning how to walk and run.

-4 points
Since'75's picture

October 18, 2023 at 12:10 pm

Some of us see reality.
Keep me updated, let me know when you're running.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:38 am

He didn't bring in an OT(s) with high picks the past two drafts. He didn't select a flex RB to back up Jones in the wide zone schemes. He whiffed on Creed Humphrey. Tom is not an OT. Walker cannot move his feet and engage. The WRs needed to be added along the pathway while Adams was still the man. Equan and MVS don't fill the well. The entire inbred front office should hit the road. Seen all the Pain over the years since my first game in 1960 as a kid.
This group is not going to lead anybody to the Promised Land.

7 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:34 am

My fellow JB, There was really no need for more Tackles, that cupboard was fully stocked until Bakh went down permanently for the season.

There has been a need for a more physical Guard who can be run behind and lead the physicality of the interior OL.

IMO the coaching for the OL has been abysmal and declining since James Campen moved along. Steno was serviceable when he had Campen's students to carry on with, but development of the new guys has stagnated. The current reign of Butkus has been just horrible.

The trajectory of the OL coaching and it's subsequent results parallel that of the GBP offense under the direction of MLF with and without AR at the helm. MLF's promotion of Steno just to keep him on staff was a terrible mistake and took a position coach with strength and capability and put him in a no growth position of weakness what with MLF running the offense as the de facto OC.

The promotion from within of Butkus was a knee jerk reaction much like the promotion of Mo Drayton was.

This is not looking good for MLF. The more the current situation is dissected, the more it sure looks like MLF is in over his head and there isn't any lifeguards on the beach. I wish it wasn't so, and he has some time to learn the proper strokes to get back to safety, but there needs to be tangible improvement from many areas for him to saved from drowning and the unemployment line.

Of course, the selection of MLF was a unilateral decision by the meddling and unqualified Team President, Mark Murphy, who IMO is the root of all of the current issues with the football side of the GBP house.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:57 am

He went down in 2020. Out for the entire 2021 season. He barely played through 2022. There was zero replacement for Bulaga. Two Pro Bowl guys absent at the key positions on the O line. No SB 4 U. The guy at LT is not a new age version of Tauscher. Tom needs help against power rushers. Players, not Plays is the mantra. Cannot win games with backups, long-in-the-tooth fillers like Kelly, or scrubs and expect to create a dynamic offense. There is no running game, because Dillon cannot turn the corner.

3 points
CanPackFan's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:17 am

Hey JohnB, I believe you have hit the nail right on the head! Promoting Steno just to keep him on staff was just another dreadful MLF maneuver! And Butkus has become the new Mo Drayton. Cheap, internal coaching promotions are killing this team when we need competent coaches more than ever!

And Murphy? Argh.

It's way past the time for GB to go out and find better coaching OUTSIDE THE ORGANIZATION like Rich B! But can the cheap, cigar smoking Board of Directors approve of such a progressive idea?

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:09 pm

Must be our age( I'm a couple years behind you) and although times have changed one thing that hasn't is our eyes.
This group is not the one that can take us to where we want to be and go. It's so obvious.

3 points
White92's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:49 am

I don't know if it was Murphy who decided to trade up for Love and not tell the diva HOF QB they were planning to do so. To me, that is how this dumpster fire started. I don't know if Murphy decided on the contracts that put them in cap hell and forced all these rookie starters. If so, I agree Murphy should go. Honestly I'd get rid of all 3 Murphy, MLF and G-Kunt

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:42 am

I was not in any of the rooms where decisions for the GBP were made, so take this for what it is worth.

I think MLF and Gutey conspired for the Love pick and MM went along at the time. I use Guteys selection and MLF's fist pumping at the moment of the selection as proof of the conspiracy to take Love. BTW I was and still am in avor of that selection, develop or not, it was time to get some talent into the pipeline at QB. AR's hurt feelings are just a symptom of his weak psyche and over blown ego. No player needs to be or deserves to be forewarned about the teams' draft strategy. Their mental position should be "bring 'em in, I will put them on the bench". That's what is best for the team. Competition makes the team stronger, not weaker, unless the aforementioned player is weak.

After the fact MM saw his retirement looming and the QB transition scared him and what an unsuccessful transition might do to his 'legacy', so he mandated the contract with AR and the edict to NOT trade him when Denver was mortgaging their future to bring in a QB. After all, "We are not idiots". But... maybe one of you were...

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:05 am

They would have had the choice of Love ,or Hurts. It was not a bad QB class to choose from, but the next three picks did not help the Packers get over the top. The fourth was used on the Love deal. Runyan salvaged the back side and became a starter, but he's not a priority re-signing. The 2017-2020 drafts kept them out of the SB.

3 points
White92's picture

October 15, 2023 at 05:37 pm

It's all well and good to say what a player's psyche should be. I actually agree with that ideal mindset you described. We deal in the real world where personalities react in unique ways. My point here was they should have been able to predict how Rodgers would react. Maybe they knew and thought his skills had deteriorated to the point where they didn't care. If so, it was just another poor evaluation. I can't help but think what might have been if more draft picks had been used on offensive skill positions.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 06:33 pm

Rodgers didn't care about the pick. Love was no threat to him. The complaint was about adding firepower to the existing squad to WIN a superbowl.

5 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 07:10 pm

Did Gute replace Daniels- NO
Did Gute replace Bulaga - No-
And then he couldn't sign anyone.
So he drafted Love.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 15, 2023 at 05:50 pm

Okay White92, you had your say! My thoughts are that picking Love was a great pick up. I had and still have faith in Gutey. Sure it pissed off the almighty Rodgers. So what. If you remember, Mr. Chip on his shoulder garnered two consecutive MVP's after the selection of Love and I think that had something to do with it.

Finally, you don't have to like Gutey, but to refer to him as you did is pretty bush league! Show a little respect. I have no problem with getting rid of MLF and Murphy but I like what Gutey has done for us. The only problem with his draft picks that I can see (and I am sure there are more) is not picking Creed Humphry who was rated superior to Myers.

-6 points
White92's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:27 pm

You know, you're right. I shouldn't refer to the GM the way I have. I apologize to anyone I may have offended.

To say "so what" to offending your best player is a little curious. Why not help the team win while you have the most important position in sports figured out? Had the GM invested some meaningful draft capital into the WR room, they would undoubtedly be in a better spot than they are now. It just seemed to me that with the SB window closing on the Rodgers era, just about anything would have been a better move than trading up for a piece that wouldn't see the field for 3 years.

5 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 16, 2023 at 07:58 am

Yes, I see what you are saying. I often wondered why Ted did not bring in more players to get us over the 'hump' to win another super bowl. And yes, maybe a stud wr would have helped but on the other hand Rodgers may not have played as well.

Like so many things in life, we really don't know.

Have a great day White92.

1 points
White92's picture

October 17, 2023 at 06:53 pm

And you sir

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:33 am

A return of the "gory years"...I hope not...Lynn Dicky, David Whitehurts, Anthony Dilwig, Hadl. Tagge, ahh, those were the days...

-2 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:34 am

and some of the coaches...even better!!! There were some dandies...

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 15, 2023 at 05:46 pm

You can even go back to Scott (I can't pass) Hunter!

3 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 07:17 pm

The only way to fix the packers is draft the trench.
The Lions did and found a QB.

1 points
Deepsky's picture

October 15, 2023 at 03:22 pm

I've watched John Hadl, David Whitehurst, Jim Zorn, Randy Wright, Blair Kiel, etc, etc. What happens when you have a bad QB is the offensive line looks terrible, the defense looks terrible and the receivers look average. Even when the Packers had Lofton and Sharpe, when they had bad QBs, the offense looked terrible. When Favre arrived, all that suckage went away. I've seen enough of Love to determine he's not NFL quality. His accuracy is on par with all those losers I've mentioned. It is the most important QB quality and he doesn't have it. He's had years to improve and if he's not got it by now, he's never going to get it. Embrace the suck. You bandwagon jumpers can go root for the Chiefs.

-2 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 15, 2023 at 05:53 pm

'I've seen enough of Love to determine he's not NFL quality.'

And we have seen enough of you to be thankful that you are not our GM!

-4 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 16, 2023 at 08:34 am

I like that. Skilled, experienced professionals work with Love for years, but 5 weeks is all it takes for an armchair GM to see he’s no good.

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2023 at 10:20 am

well all the skilled professionals didnt do much to fix his accuracy and footwork problems did they...same problems he had in college in that crappy conference he played in and led the ncaa in interceptions one year.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

October 16, 2023 at 05:24 pm

Ugh, yeah but the OL was terrible?

0 points
Fubared's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:15 pm

1.lets stop the youth excuse. Jefferson a rookie, was the best receiver in football, now Addison is lighting it up.Tourre Doubs Watson year two and playing like newbies. They drop as many as they catch.
2. O line wasn't helped via draft or free agency knowing Bakh and Jenkins had issues. GM
3. Love avg. 8.2 yds a pass, 61% pass completion and 25 interceptions in three seasons. You don't go to the NFL with those numbers and improve and become a great success usually. Perhaps his first two games were a fluke and the last three who he really is. Ouch

The real problem, we lose talent and developed players because they won't pay em so every draft we have more holes to fill then picks. Other teams fill a few holes with the best picks they can get by traden and bundling late round picks they don't need.

0 points
Vachio's picture

October 16, 2023 at 12:59 pm

When you have the same issues week in and week out, that's 100% on coaching. When you have obvious, fundamental issues that not only do not improve, but get worse, that's 100% on coaching. Yeah, the players have to perform, but a coach has to know the strengths and weaknesses of his team and game plan accordingly. You can't call plays based on what you wish the guy can do.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:32 am

The offense has two salient issues. The OL and the extraordinary statistics in what Love has been doing as a passer in his first few games. That’s been reviewed many times. Let’s just say if you told me that this was the plan for any new starter, I’d have laughed at you. Even more so when only one WR (Doubs) has an over 60% catch rate on balls deemed catchable. Let’s instead discuss the OL.

Nobody is going to convince me that we have put the best OL out there. Much as I have come to like Tom, I can’t get behind him at RT, and we are seeing why. Yes, he should be starting but anywhere essentially other than RT. He’s just getting overpowered. Teams have realized that they can simply push him around. Without Bakh he’s probably our best OL but he’s being used in the least advantageous position for him and therefore us.

I actually like Walker’s upside, but it’s clear he’s not ready. He is not just bad in the run game, he’s clueless at times and he’s easier moved than Tom without the elite agility. What on earth is he doing playing on the blind side?

The struggles of Jenkins and Runyon, two players that have regressed having previously played very well and well respectively are, in large part, due to the fact that Myers is between them. I will say that I disagree with the allocation of fault by pff. Others and my viewing ascribe far more issues to Myers. However, even then Myers is rated replacement level. As Andy Herman, an erstwhile defender of Myers said yesterday, he’s never been and isn’t NFL level in performance or effort.

Just watching, I’m consistently struck by how often our Gs are visibly watching our Gs have to worry about what’s happening on both sides and where they need to fill. Instead of applying power they are almost playing interior tackles in space, horizontal and at times vertical. Unless we shore up the middle that puts them on the back foot and gives up the leverage that is their advantage.

The pressures stats in the article tell only part of the story. Bad as they are if you think about what Love has as a pocket, especially for a guy being asked to throw deeper, they underestimate how often that pocket collapses. It’s become rare to see Love with time to the point of being striking. No QB thrives in such circumstances, especially a novice.

The run blocking is dire. Dillon last game managed to overcome that decently against a weaker DL, Jones did the same in game 1, but that’s not going to cut it against better fronts and has not. Yes, the run blocking really did not improve materially versus the Raiders.

All this time we have had a player who consistently protected Rodgers blind side on the bench. Actually, this time last year, before Bakh returned, he was rated as a plus pass blocker and looked to be ascending. He’s been our best run player on the OL for the last two seasons by consensus of rating sources. Now he can’t get on the field? If that’s because he’s not in our coaches future plans, they need to be changed. If Nijman isn’t starting in Denver, it will be criminal after this.

Aside from Nijman, the next two best run players in the pre season on the OL were Jones and Rhyan. Jones liked decent in pass pro, Rhyan seemed to be improving, we’ve refused to blood either. This despite what we’ve seen from Newman and Walker. As the pressures stats indicated, neither are definitely a downgrade in pass pro given how bad it’s become. Both may improve the run blocking, which may actually improve the pass pro in reality.

I’d not start Rhyan, but he would be my next guy up over Newman. I’d move Tom to C and play Jones. Nijman would start on the left. If the result was poor, so be it, but if it’s better then both our run game and likely our passing O improve. Tom and Nijman were both better than Hanson and Newman but we waited ages to prove it. Certainly just repeating is not going to cut it and may well starts to undermine Loves chances to develop.

I’ve never seen a position group so bafflingly and poorly handled as the OL. It is strikingly at odds with supposed objectives, actual results and merits.

10 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:13 am

The offense has two salient issues: It's scoring more points than it did last year and the fans are unaware of that.

-13 points
Coldworld's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:16 am

It was dire last year. The issue is how to be better than not good enough and to get the most from its parts. Your defense isn’t one, it’s really an indictment of the coaches you seek to defend. Good grief, how low do your expectations have to go before you face up to the fact it’s failing across the board?

6 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:21 am

It was 14th last year in a 32 team league. That's not called dire, it's called AVERAGE.

Failing would be doing worse, we're doing better. If we ended up scoring 400 points this year....totally'd be 10% improvement over last year.

So, using the FACT that we're actually scoring more on offense than last year isn't a defense? It's an indictment? Maybe in Bizarro world.

-5 points
Coldworld's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:48 am

What do you not understand about the fact that this offense is a dumpster fire at present. At this point it is by virtually unanimous consensus.

Saying that’s not true because it was worse last year with mostly different players at the skill positions is the definition of deluded. More so because our OL is as bad as it was with the infamous Hanson/Newman axis. All IOL have regressed and LT has fallen off a cliff.

If you don’t think that’s going to impact Love’s and skill player’s growth (whatever that can be), you are fooling yourself. That is criminal if it occurs. Getting the most development from this this roster is the single most important requirement this year and always was going to be.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:10 am

A dumpster fire? We're better than last year!!!

-7 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:30 am

You, sir, are now the all-time best denier in this CHTV world. Fear not, though, your other deniers will show their support of your delusion by down voting me.

4 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:53 am

Nah, I voted you down strictly on your own merits...


1 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:07 pm

Taryn, please don't try to convince me that 113 is not more than 96, or whatever we had last year after 5 games last year.. I went to school. I know that's not true. Call me a denier. It doesn't change the fact that we've scored more points in 5 games than we did last year.

You know what else? When the sun comes up tomorrow morning, we'll still have 113 points in 5 games, which will be a better average than about half the teams in the league.

And heaven help you if the Packers get some things worked out against Denver, because then you're going to be explaining why a team in the Top ppg scoring average is a dumpster fire on offense.

-3 points
Vachio's picture

October 16, 2023 at 01:58 pm

Are we really, though? We played a terrible Chicago team in week one and hung 38 points on them. 1/3 of our point total came from that game. It's been downhill ever since. And it's not like we've faced a murder's row of top tier defenses in the other 4 games. The 113 is a 22.6 points per game average. We've bested that only twice and the way we've been playing, we won't be seeing anywhere near that any time soon. At least not until we play the bears again...

1 points
PhantomII's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:06 am

Are you using strength of schedule?.....Cause as of now we've played zero quality teams and my EYES say we suck EVEN MORE than last season. We looked decent against the Bears....Quit trying to defend the indefensible. ML is calling plays too deep...JL is holding the ball too long...Our OL is so pathetic in the run game...they don't need to go into pass coverage because the pass rush is there. We need a starting CENTER Today. We need a starting LT TODAY. We are not trying Nijman anywhere. Might as well trade him to a team that WILL use him.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:10 pm

Hey, you have to play whoever is on the schedule. And the W and L doesn't have an asterisk by it. We could play that game. We could deduct 7 from our defensive totals for the punt return, or we could deduct another 7 for giving Chicago a garbage time score and then that would put us 12th in scoring defense.

But we don't do that, because it doesn't fit the narrative. So I'm just going to keep mentioning the inconvenient fact that our offense is scoring more points per game than we did last year. I'm sure the narrative will adjust.

-6 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:51 am

What fans are aware of is that last year was last year. Different team, different schedule.

What fans are also aware of is that our ppg ave is bloated by the 38 points scored against the Bears. We've been on a downward trend since then, scoring 24,18,20,13 since.

Most everyone said their expectations for this year would be tempered because of the youth, and would be focused more on the team showing improvement as the year went on as opposed to W's or L's.

So far this year, most have seen regression as opposed to improvement since the start of the season. At some point, that becomes a concern...if it hasn't already.

9 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:50 am

last year was last year.

Sammy Watkins... nuff said!

Alan Lazard as a #1 WR...

I will add... Marcedes Lewis - great guy, over the hill and not a threat, reasonable speed bump for defenders.

Tonyan was a shell and worthless.

2 rookie WR, one oft-injured but explosive when healthy.

A checked out and injured QB...

If any team cannot improve slightly over the shit-show that was last year, they do not deserve to be in the NFL. That does not equal reasonable improvement for an entire off-season. The coaches are on notice, order the pink paper for printing slips.

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:14 pm

You should go and check that before you say things like that. I look at the Packers scoring last year, and the teams right around them.....Atlanta, Giants, Raiduhs and Chargers. How much have they improved over their 2022 shit-show?

-3 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:41 am

Thank you CW for as always putting the time and effort into your analysis and observations. I agree and can only add I have never seen anything like this in any sport. Only a fool could not see this. I can not believe there isn't anyone in this organization who will not say anything.

2 points
CanPackFan's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:23 am

Murphy fiddled while GB burned!

3 points
Racingdad's picture

October 16, 2023 at 09:29 am

CW I totally agree with your post. I’d love to see Tom at center and yoush at tackle maybe even try Ryan at guard? But if they really want to fix this line it will take the 24 draft to do it right now our picks could net us one of the three top tackles ( my fav is jc Latham for RT than add copper beebe or zac zinter in second rd for RG ) intstant improvement of RS leaving Tom at center LT might be a challenge but we should have someone who can man that spot or even use the second 2 pick on another tackle like Jordan Morgan if that were to happen I believe gb would have one of the strongest lines in football Again just my thoughts

0 points
TxFred's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:34 am

They continue to play this way hard to see how the win a game. Maybe SP or defense pulls a trick out of their asses. The offense is STARVING for basic, fundamental coaching on blocking technique. WR as well. Execute precision pass routes. When JL is in trouble, stop & run back towards him. Damn. Fundalmentals!!!
1st rounders or not practice the fundamentals!!
They have their choreographed end zone shit executed perfectly. Damn it. Coach basics!!!!!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:56 am

Thanks for that TX...

The end zone shit just brought my pot to the boiling point!

I am so sick of the bullshit with no dedication to the aspects of the sport.

These punk ass spoiled children-athletes should be very happy I am not their head coach.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:20 pm

While we're at it. I'm so sick of plays like Watson being horse collared, and not one of his teammates or coaches from what I saw came away enraged. Did anything. I was pissed . Why weren't they!!

We certainly didn't see it in the effort on any of the next few plays either

1 points
Guam's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:47 am

I don't know what the Packers have in Love and the receiving group yet, but it is really hard to run any offense when the O-line can't run block and are turnstiles in pass protection. The Packers haven't run the ball well all season due to the O-line opening no holes to run through. Love and the receiving group played well starting the season when Bahk and Jenkins were playing and Tom wasn't hurt and the pass pro looked decent. Since Bahk has been out and Jenkins and Tom have been playing hurt or not at all, the O-line has been a sieve in pass pro. As the article pointed out, the O-line has allowed 30 pressures (not to mention several sacks) in the past two games, 18 of them through the tackles.

The Packers have serious problems at the tackle spot and no Marcedes Lewis to help cover them up. The IOL is not much better. I don't know if the answers are on the roster or if Gute needs to be looking elsewhere, but this offense won't go anywhere without significant improvement from the O-line.

7 points
lou's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:02 am

Agree on Lewis, they could slide him to cover either Tackle side based on the strength of the other teams personnel and he gave the backs a greater chance to turn the corners on outside runs, that is where the explosive runs start.

P.S - I was in Guam, on R&R from Danang we stopped to refuel going to Honolulu, first time I saw a B52 (they were staged there), could not believe something that big could get off the ground, we always heard them but they flew so high we could not see them in country.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:53 am

When you dedicate your TEs as chippers, you remove one more weapon from the passing attack. TEs were out there the past five years to augment the blocking and receiving corps. Instead ,he chose players like Sternberger, Amari, Jackson, Josh Jones, Burks, Newman, Ja'mon Moore etc...Roster building ain't his thing. Andersen AFB, they are big birds and they smell.

0 points
Guam's picture

October 15, 2023 at 04:51 pm

No you don't remove them from the passing game. You do shorten the routes they can run, but they are still available as receivers.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 06:38 pm


0 points
Guam's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:09 pm

I was responding to TE's that "chipped". Lewis didn't chip, he was virtually an offensive lineman.

0 points
Guam's picture

October 15, 2023 at 04:49 pm

Spent 8 years on Guam. Watched a B2 crash and burn at Andersen Airbase, the only accident a B2 has ever had. High humidity on Guam caused a sensor to malfunction and the fly-by-wire system flew the plane into the ground. Imagine, high humidity on a Pacific do you not program that into a fly-by-wire system??? Kinda sounds like LaFleur and the Packer O-line decisions lately.

0 points
ricky's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:47 am

The head coach seems to be at a loss as to how to turn the team around. The "promote from within" OC is, right now, the second worst in Packers history. The OL coach was a "promote from within" mistake. As noted, Love started hot and has since become a liability. The run game coordinator also handles the DL. Doesn't that seem somewhat unusual? It seems the rest of the league has cracked LaFleur's offense of "illusion of complexity". And, as usual, there is no answer or adjustments once that becomes apparent. What to do? Give this entire staff the rest of the season to turn this around. If they can't, wholesale change.

6 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:27 am

The Offense is a Mess. Nobody will disagree with that.
But if the numbers and players were so good in prior
Years. Why worry about it.
This was Jordan Loves year.- Well how do you do!
You can’t expect MLF to address all the problems.
Unless you start with QB 1. Love STINKS.
Don’t get my uniform dirty about says it all.
It’s his job to protect the ball.
Regardless how bad the OL plays.
We knew this was a learning process.
So take what you learned and fix it.
Love is dangerous.
Making changes anywhere could wreck this team.
When we all knew; Love had to be like Rodgers.
The warning signs are there. The odds makers called it.
So just let it play out now. Give Gutey his draft day.
And let's see what happens after the “Love" wears off.
If you think we're frustrated. Think of the players.

-10 points
Untylu1968's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:56 am

I wonder why Aaron Rodgers was just speaking highly about love? Is he just blowing sunshine up our ass when he says to be patient and give it time?

0 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 02:15 pm

Rodgers bitch was with management
Not personal.
His statements were -
I don't want to go through a rebuild.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:00 am

How did Rodgers look when Bhak and Bulaga were out? Myers is your guy?

2 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 02:20 pm

Like a team ready to rebuild.
We both know who was the better Center.
Obviously Gute didn't.
But they're stuck. He is better than Hanson.
But is he better than Patrick.?
Obviously MLF is playing the hand he's dealt.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 06:43 pm

I have no complaints about keeping Patrick around as a safety value. He brought attitude, but alas, he is again beat up and injured. If you're going with the greenhorn at QB, you have to build your line with blue chips from the outside in and stock RBs. As you know, in Gute (i) do not trust.
This group has no strategy when it comes to rebuilding. Most quality GMs just reload. Rodgers is at the end of his trail. Brady was gifted a CH game by King.

0 points
stockholder's picture

October 15, 2023 at 07:02 pm

As you know, in Gute (i) do not trust.=
I agree. They will never win a SB with Gute..
When they drafted Love. The reign was over.
Gutey must be replaced. Soon.
His mistake was avoiding the Trench.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:12 am

Yes, let's keep calling improvement failure, because that satisfies the narrative. I won't be bothering the echo chamber on this any more today.

Scored more points through 5 games than last year. IMO, we'll score more than the 370 we scored last year. That's improvement to guys go ahead and call it failure.

-11 points
LLCHESTY's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:26 am

It's funny whenever someone uses stats to prove you wrong you poo poo them and say I know what I see but you do the exact same thing with even more selective stats like yards per completion from a QB with an extremely poor completion percentage or today's garbage.

Your eyes should tell you they scored 38 points against a team that was at that time the worst in the league. That's not a great indicator of how the rest of the season will go and since the 4th quarter of the Falcons game the offense has been mostly 💩.

5 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm

No, I believe in one stat above all others: Points. You're trying to convince me it's some massaged stat like adjusted yards after catch or something.

My eyes tell me we've scored 113 points, which is more than we scored in our first 5 games last year.

My opinion has been unchanged on this: The Packers will score more points than they did last year. That's an improvement, not a failure.

-3 points
Bitternotsour's picture

October 15, 2023 at 01:08 pm

hard to argue the points. numbers are not subjective.

i'm not dedicated enough to see what time of possession looks like opposed to last year, but the offense not controlling clock impacts the defense, that's the evidence of my eyes, with a little logic thrown in.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:35 am

W's and L's is what counts in the big boy league...nothing else...

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Are how are Ws and Ls measured? By points, perhaps?

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

October 15, 2023 at 01:09 pm

you may have something there LH. points.

0 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 15, 2023 at 03:52 pm

113 points this year with a 2-3 record after 5 games. 97 points last year with a record of 3-2 after 5 games. Wins not points. TYVM

5 points
Rarescope's picture

October 16, 2023 at 06:43 am

I usually enjoy your contrarion views LH, but this just feels like cherry picking data. That doesn’t make the data wrong, just insignificant. Like scoring points in a game you lose.

0 points
packerbackerjim's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:38 am

It’s the goddammed offensive line. Ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

4 points
J-Rome's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:52 am

The announcers during the Raiders game commented the Raiders were clogging up the middle of the field and taking away the intermediate routes. It’s like they were daring Love to throw deep. The problem was the line couldn’t block long enough and Love isn’t accurate enough. Until something changes that’s the formula to stop the Packers offense.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:26 am

The wheel routes worked, so they stopped running them. Was Doubs partying all night? He didn't seem to get open. Watson dropped two deep balls and ran a sloppy route on Love's second pick. Love has to get the ball to the rear pylon and they win the game, but he was chased out of the pocket on that toss.. Walker cannot be the LT.

4 points
J-Rome's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:22 pm

Agree Watson needs to be better too. Even though that last play wasn’t a good pass, pretty tough to catch it fading away from it. Walker has this tendency to be late and completely whiff on his blocks.

0 points
fireball's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:19 am

I thought Rich Gannon had an interesting analysis of Jordan Love's struggles in that it is " Love's lack of live-game experience is a major factor in his development. " The speed of the game is too fast for Love. It doesn't matter that Love had three years of study behind Rodgers. What he needed was live-game experience. . . which is now, finally, obviously, what he is getting. In spades.

Like a beginning driver who sees very little while driving and concentrates mostly on just hanging on to the wheel and steering straight, let alone trying to anticipate danger from other cars and pedestrians and where is he going and how to get there. Turn left here, turn right there? Speed and intensity of live-game action is completely different from practice play, obviously. And add to that the absolutely responsibility Love has as the starting quarterback. It's all him, now. There is no turning back.

Love needs this first season as the starting quarterback. There's no way out of it. It's do or die. And I agree, it could be die. But let's find out. We have to suffer with him. There's no way out of it. Besides, five games in ( his first real season ), it's too early to make the decision to move on from him. And let's add it may well be the same for his mostly new receivers and the rest of the mostly new offense. . . including Matt LaFleur who has to figure out what the hell has he got with all the newbies and, especially, with Love. Wanna be a head coach, huh? Well, you got it, baby, in spades!

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:29 am

Gannon would know. Remember they wanted to convert him to a running back/safety in New England. He demanded a trade.

0 points
fireball's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:39 am

Yeh, I read that about him.

0 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

October 15, 2023 at 07:48 pm

Lack of live game experience. Too bad there was no chance for Love to have played in 22/23. That other guy, No. 12 was just so damned healthy all season…

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:41 am

Lets hope Love can catch up to his 2020 classmates, Burrow, Hurts, Herbert and a ways to go but one can only hope...for the sake of the franchise...

4 points
CanPackFan's picture

October 15, 2023 at 11:44 am

If we are to talk just tactically about the offense, consider this analogy - In the Navy, the cardinal rule of any commanding officer is to NEVER admit that you are confused and don't know what to do next! So, in this vein, let's excuse Steno because he's not really a qualified OC - but MLF is.

So, what does MLF say in the media? He's baffled and has to try different things. Even though football is not true war, it has eerie similarities. A HC should NEVER say he has no answers, even if he doesn't. It is the surest and quickest way to lose the room and the fragile confidence of young players.

Again, this is a huge leadership issue that MLF must solve if he wants to stay a coach in the NFL.

1 points
fireball's picture

October 15, 2023 at 12:33 pm

I have to admit, I've sort of thought the same thing: Man, you don't wanna be telling people you don't know what the fuck is going on. and least of all how to fix it. Like your honesty, coach, but, jesus.

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

October 15, 2023 at 05:53 pm

Analytics BS aside, the team stunk last year and stinks this year regardless of whether they score 1.0 points when the moon is in the 7th house or average.002 more yards when Jupiter aligns with Mars.

Time to trade Jaire, Campbell, Clark, Dillon, Savage, Jones, Deguara, and begin the rebuild. So you win 2 games, tank and get a QB whose ceiling is higher than Aaron Rodgers at 40, which seems to be the bar you’re setting for Love.

-1 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:18 pm

100% agreed/s. It is clear that the offense is putrid after a sum total of four games (not yet even 25% of an NFL season) in which the offense did manage to eke out two wins. So, let’s blow up the defense, which presumably helped in the two wins to make it just as putrid. That way we can start completely from scratch. The assumption that we’d be able to tank our way into a stud QB that will save the day is foolhardy. I’m assuming that this plan also entails blowing up the entire front office and coaching structure who cannot be held blameless in this doomsday scenario. So, the GBP will magically get a much better FO, Coaching staff, and sure fire top five QB stud to lead the team to glory. And just who picks these leaders since MM is presumably given the axe too? Oh, and the QB will, barring wholesale changes in the offense, still have a WR corps all under age 25 with a fantastical O line supported by a defense full of rookies drafted by the mysterious magical FO. Best case the pixie dust works and the team mysteriously becomes a 16-1 juggernaut. Worst case you have a totally inept FO, a disaster of a coaching staff, a QB in the vein of Trubisky, and a defense that can’t sack a grocery bag…. Just how long into the 24/25 season would you be calling the new GBP a failure?

I propose a more measured approach. Play the entire damn season before declaring the product unfixable. Make decisions then with a data set more complete than two Ws and two Ls. How about waiting a little bit for the salary cap dust to clear given that there is almost as much dead money as there is on the offense salary ledger? If at that point the HC and others needs to be shown the door so be it.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 15, 2023 at 07:21 pm

Listening to JT O'Sullivan's analysis, I hear consistent themes that reflect poor coaching, lack of attention to detail, and questionable play calls. There's plenty of blame to go around. It's worth 30 minutes of your time:

4 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:31 pm

It sure was, thanks Leotis.

1 points
Tjg1964's picture

October 15, 2023 at 08:17 pm

It's nice to go through stats but stats are for losers. The fact is Lafleur is a very bad offensive coach and play caller. 3 opening days in a row at Lambeau Field Lafleur has no game plan for the opponent. This year we looked good against the Bears. The fact is The Packers have the most vanilla bad offensive in the NFL and Matt Lafleur's play calling is just as bad. Putting blame on Love and the players is bad. The Packers need a coaching staff that is good as the talent on the team. 3 games in a row one back spread offense of other teams laugh at how easy it is to defend the Packers lame predictable horrendously bad offensive scheme. Jordan Love is a Super Star he needs an offensive coach to Let Him Shine. Clements saved Love by coaching him up Lafleur had no skills to coach up Love. The Packers are loaded on offense and we refuse to use plays other teams in the NFL use to get backs and receivers alone in open spaces. Our Run blocking schemes are pathetic. The Packers Get out coached on offense and defense every single game. When was the last time Lafleur had better plays or a better game plan than the opposing team never. Using 28 without bringing in 31 and 27 earlier the last three loses just terrible. All three running backs all the wide receivers and tightends the other team shouldn't know what we are doing on any play. Lafleur's bad offense and play calling have you reading off stats that don't mean anything. Put this Packers offense with a Solid Smart Coach and watch the Stats get Extremely Better. It's a coaching problem in Green Bay not a talent problem. Good coaching has the offensive line playing and looking better.

0 points
haevs6's picture

October 15, 2023 at 09:45 pm

We are the youngest team because of many regrettable draft picks for many years. Look at our draft history, (Please do). I will not pick it apart, but that is why we are so young. We have so many misses, so much of continually draft at same positions because we never did it correctly in years prior. (pretty sure most people think we are are a passing league vs running league) Really tired of this young stuff, we didn't accomplish a draft & develop philosophy, look back at our drafts from 2017 and beyond.......Our D is not that young, look at the years of experience on average.....we are young because of past draft misses or failure to find FA's to help

3 points
DocHoliday's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:24 pm

We are young because we went all in the last 3 years. Credit card has $58 million to players not on the team.

If you count Bahk and Jones injuries, our offense salary cap for remaining players is roughly what our salary cap cost is for Rodgers (and he is not on the team).

Things improve some next year, but Bahk is guaranteed to cost us roughly $20 million even if we cut him. If he stays on the team, it’s another $20 million against 2024 cap.

Can say we should not have paid Bahk the money, but at the time he was best in NFL.
Paid Rodgers and he won 2 more MVPs.
Problem is team has choked in playoffs (some is due to bad luck with injuries Bahk, Jenkins, etc)

-1 points
DocHoliday's picture

October 15, 2023 at 10:29 pm

Question for everyone…
Why is it Jenkins, Myers, and Runyon are playing so much worse? Could it be that Rodgers is no longer correcting Myers offensive blocking calls?

Bulaga and Tausch talk every week and they have criticized Myers every week.

Is it worth gambling on Tom at C?

6 points
Matt's picture

October 16, 2023 at 05:55 am

Fix the O-line and than take another look at this offense. I think this is starting and ending point of our struggles. I don't think we have an elite offense but they could be, they are average one. Leaky O-line is no time for QB. No time for QB makes the D to prepare for short passes. Add to it poor run blocking and we are left with no tools. I know Love is better than his last games, in week 1 and 2 I saw a confident guy making steady progress. In weeks 3-5 I saw a man fighting for his life. How do you want to judge someone in such conditions?

Fix the O-line even through the market. In general I am against acquisitions during the season for non-contender team but I feel like O-line needs one solid element for the rest to work properly and it will influence the whole team. Putting this unit on the field as it is means only wasting the time of this young team.

1 points
Packers2020's picture

October 16, 2023 at 08:38 am

Interesting Tom who is the media darling as well as with a lot of Packer fans has given up the most pressures as of late. Is Tom really as good as everyone thinks he is?

Personally, I think he is more of a back up then a true starter. He does ok at times but then gets his butt handed to him when he faces better DE's and OLB's.

We need to draft at least 2 OL in next years draft and I would honestly say 3 since this o-line is an absolute mess.

1 points
WD's picture

October 16, 2023 at 04:25 pm

let's be honest. The offense went to hell when Aaron Jones went down and the O-line got injured.. Love has no running game and minimal time to throw. It's that simple.

0 points