The Jaire Alexander Saga Just Keeps Getting Weirder

This has not been a great season for Green Bay Packers cornerback Jaire Alexander. The two-time Pro Bowler has suffered numerous injuries that have limited him to six games this season. On Wednesday, his season took yet another bad turn when the team suspended him for one game for his conduct during the coin flip before the Panthers game last Sunday.

The incident was a strange one. Alexander was not a captain but decided to go out for the coin flip anyway. Alexander, a Charlotte native, wanted to be out there for the coin flip in his hometown.

When he got there, the former Louisville star almost bungled the coin flip. He was lucky that head coach Matt LaFleur had already told the referee what he wanted to do if the Packers won the coin flip.

“I said, ‘I want our defense to be out there,’ and they all looked at me like I was crazy,” Alexander said. “It’s pretty simple what I said. ‘I want the defense to be out there.’ They like, ‘You mean defer?’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I guess.’”

Saying he wanted the defense out there is not the same as deferring a decision to the second half. It could be interpreted as saying the Packers choose to kick off in the first half, and then Carolina would have had their choice in the second half. He should have said we wish to defer. The officials actually bailed Alexander out on this one and the Packers did defer as a result.

On Wednesday, GM Brian Gutekunst announced the suspension of Alexander. In a statement, Gutekunst said, “The decision to suspend a player is never easy and not one we take lightly. Unfortunately, Jaire’s actions prior to the game in Carolina led us to take this step. As an organization, we have an expectation that everyone puts the team first. While we are disappointed, we had a good conversation with Jaire this morning and fully expect him to learn from this as we move forward together. We look forward to welcoming him back next week as he is a valued member of this team and will continue to be in the future.”

This means Alexander will miss Sunday’s must-win game against the Vikings in Minnesota. He will not be available to cover star receiver Justin Jefferson who has enjoyed some very big games against the Packers in the past. He presently is averaging 102.9-yards per game in receiving and is coming off a six catch, 141-yard effort against the Lions last week. Jefferson missed the first meeting between these two teams earlier this season due to injury.

The Packers will likely have Eric Stokes and Carrington Valentine on the perimeter with Keisean Nixon as the slot corner against the Vikings.

Alexander has endured a difficult season in 2023. He played the first two games of the season before suffering a back injury that sidelined him for three games. Then, suffered a shoulder injury. Thus far, he has played only six games all season despite often practicing during the week before a game.

The injuries have also hampered Alexander’s play this season. According to, opposing quarterbacks have completed 71 percent of their passes when throwing to receivers covered by Alexander and have a quarterback rating of 120.6. Last season, the numbers were a 59.8 percent completion percentage and a 63.7 quarterback rating.

The injuries have also hampered Alexander’s ability to tackle and play the run. That hasn’t helped his game when he has been in the lineup.

Could this incident be indicative of a bigger problem on the team? After the win over the Panthers, Alexander was asked if giving up 30 points to a 2-12 team was a concern to him.

“Yeah, it is, honestly. But we just gotta play the call that’s called,” he responded.

Was that a not-so-subtle dig at Barry’s defensive schemes and calls? Is there a bigger issue between Alexander and the coaching staff? Or even more players and the defensive coaching staff?

We don’t know the full extent of the issue that led to Alexander’s suspension, but it’s certainly something that should be monitored over the coming weeks.

The Packers just suspended their top cover corner before a must-win game against a divisional rival. There has to be something big behind this for them to do that. We’ll see how Alexander and the team respond to this decision.  





You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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10 points

Comments (96)

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albert999's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:24 am

The Packers will likely have Eric Stokes and Carrington Valentine on the perimeter with Keisean Nixon as the slot corner against the Vikings.
Recipe for disaster….. somehow have to double team Jefferson and blitz our asses off
Could be another 300 plus career passing yards for another rookie/backup qb

8 points
Coldworld's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:40 am

If we do, we’d better not play off, or they will be. Use their length and contest and they might surprise. We probably won’t, and so you will probably be proved right.

Play off or vanilla zone on Jefferson and that’s it if the QB is not flat in his back pre throw. We have of course had that demonstrated amply in the opening game of 2022.

3 points
Tundraboy's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:54 pm

Absolutely but with an injured Alexander it would be far worse. So who knows? As long as Barry's still toast, I'd love to see this group play over their heads and stuff that stupid horn!

1 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:22 pm

Nixon couldnt cover an old lady with a cane in the crosswalk. He is too slow for the NFL. He is the only guy who can catch a ball in the endzone and the entire defense is at the 20 before he is including the kicker.

-12 points
Packers0808's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:22 pm

And your speed now is what again? Get out there dude and show us how great you are at the job.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:43 am

Alexander has been a seeming malcontent working for Barry for over 2 years.

He's not wrong to despise the failed DC's stubborn insistence to play prevent (the win) Defense, even though his players' strengths would point to a pressuring, attack style of play.

Barry is all about his hard-headed "play with a lead scheme" vs creating synergies with the men he is supposed to coach.

But Alexander is wrong to selfishly place himself ahead of the team. Very disappointing.

I get he wants to be showcased as a shutdown man CB. He's not a zone guy and it wastes his talent. Just like Josh Jackson was ill-suited to play man (better in zone)...Jaire is an ill fit in Barry Ball. Coach Gray agreed with him and left the Packers in silent disgust.

Still, Alexander's first loyalty is to his teammates and then to the team that pays him $millions to play a game.

17 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:11 pm

Look I havent been thrilled with his play and lack of tackling ability. However, if he in his mind is being asked to do something he knows he isnt good at he has every right, team or no team, to discuss it with the d coach and his fellow d players.
For all we know maybe he went to LeFleur and ended up on the wrong side the conversation. I mean is LeFluer is protecting his buddy, you can bet Mr Alex is in hot water. maybe he was benched and they didnt want to talk about it so they came up with a mysterious injury?

-3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:42 pm

You can tell by watching him play that he is not healthy.

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:05 pm

So well said!

0 points
Coldworld's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:45 am

I don’t think Alexander should have been out there last week. In fact that decision is one that bothers me more than the non-immediate benching and hence I therefore don’t see the fact that he will miss this week as being as shocking as some do. In any case, if we use our DBs like we did last week, it probably wouldn’t matter if we had 2 prime era Woodsons, so far from the ball and player.

14 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:13 pm

He was benched to take the heat off Barry. If the Vikes eat up the defense again Barry can say, I had my best guy on the bench so you cant blame me.
I wonder if leFleur is going to dump him? Maybe thats not even in the cards and we go on with Barry next year and just blame (new guys new guys) excuse.

-5 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:45 pm

Yes, the HC would rather lose a game and a playoff spot than to have the heat come down on the DC. That's a ridiculous take. LaFleur's job will be on the line if the D doesn't improve, so hindering the team by benching a guy for an attitude issueis not something he would do.

Plus, how in the hell does Gutey go along with it if it is just Matt protecting Barry? Makes zero sense, but how GBP fans love controversy and intrigue.

All these posts yesterday suggesting Gutey did the suspension without LaFleur's input. Ridiculous. MLF cleared that up in the presser that they made the decision together.

3 points
Packers2020's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:13 pm


Barry does not have a contract with the Packers next year. His contract ends after this year.

ML does not have to fire his buddy. He can just say, Packer management has decided I need to go on another direction.

I just do not see the Packers giving Barry another contract at this point.

3 points
stockholder's picture

December 28, 2023 at 03:17 pm

Regardless: if he takes off his uniform and throws it in the stands;
It will be too late.

2 points
exbody's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:58 am

So does this indicate a bigger problem in the locker room ? Is this a symptom of a bigger issue with the dysfunction on the defense.
I had mentioned a couple weeks ago that maybe the reason he's missed six straight games despite practicing might be that he's not on board with Joe Barry's philosophy/ scheme??
Whatever the reason is it was Jaire Alexander that suspended Jaire Alexander not the organization. Unacceptable behavior.
Please someone in that organization call Charles Woodson or Le Roy Butler to mentor this guy ASAP!!

4 points
Brewcity_BearsFan's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm

The first symptom was the Tweet from Campbell. A guy who certainly won't be back next year.

I won't be shocked when Alexander requests a trade in the off season.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 08:42 am

That wasn't the first symptom. Look at Rasul Douglas.

Actually look at the end of last season, when JB promised the defense that they could play more aggressively this season.

He lied.

1 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:47 pm

Alexander is HURT. He's not playing because he is HURT. Ridiculous take to say he's not playing because he is not on board. He's very likely not on board, but that's not the reason he's been out.

4 points
Green Bay Shareholder's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:01 pm

May be more going on than meets the eye here, other than the Coin Toss Brain Fart. Did Lafleur not pay attention to who the Team Captains were on the field for the Coin Toss - equally as disturbing but no one is talking about it. Then as someone mentioned he isn't benched for at least 1 half of the current game or the whole game - there is a delayed reaction from above. Who is calling the shots on the field ? And is Alexander referencing his displeasure, like the entire fanbase, with the Charmin like defense of Joe Barry. At some point game changing players want to win and want to be put into a position to make an impact. I just think there is a deeper issue than a Coin Toss debacle and now lack of coaching oversight and awareness that has put this team again at a disadvantage in a Must Win Game. A failure on a lot of people's parts to let this spin like this.

2 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:45 pm

It is very possible that the coaches were ready getting ready for the game and did not notice Alexander walking out for the coin toss. There is a lot going on and the coaches trust the players not to act like this. {lus even if the coaches noticed I believe they did not want to make a scene and MLF had already voiced his intention to the officials so it was a mute point.

4 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:48 pm

Listen to the LaFleur presser from yesterday if you want some insight. Or, just make stuff up.

3 points
Packers2020's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:17 pm

You do realize that coaches do not tell the media all the information and all the things that go on behind closed doors.

ML can say whatever he wants to the press and we will never know the whole truth.

0 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:40 pm

Makes total sense to me that ML wasn’t hawking a coin toss. He has said before they talk about it, so players are aware of how it goes. But, honestly, there has to be so much else to get ready for and check on before a game than standing and watching a coin toss from the sideline. At some point, you have to trust your players to do what they’re told.

4 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:01 pm

Actions such as this simply add fuel to the fire to have a competent defensive coordinator who is innovative and will instill discipline in the team.

13 points
T7Steve's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:03 pm

Let's keep beating a dead horse.

The next players need to step up for a division rival, and I think they will.

All the players know what's at stake.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:23 pm

the headline should be 1-armed cornerback sidelined until health returns.

2 points
MooPack's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:30 pm

Dead horse has to be really tenderized. Don’t want to choke on it.

2 points
splitpea1's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:43 pm

If Jaire wanted to be out there that badly, all he probably had to do was ask if he could trot out there with a team captain. It's kind of dumb anyway because it's not like he wasn't going play in the game.

MLF on the suspension: "It's never one thing..." I never know what to believe when he speaks, but there's a lot of room for speculation. Maybe it will all be clarified once the season is over.

I would imagine there is a great deal of frustration with Barry's schemes and calls. Much of it is unspoken, but you know it's there. No matter how well compensated the players are or how willing they are to follow instructions, it hurts their pride to be ridiculed by the national media for the goofy predicaments they find themselves in the current defensive system. You know it's bad when Carrington Valentine finds himself at the end of a telescope in outer space. It's a young team, and that's probably one reason why some of the players haven't been more vocal about their dissatisfaction.

So under the present circumstances, it's perfectly natural that defensive unit seems to becoming unglued in a couple of places. There is no chemistry and there is no leadership here from MLF or Barry, and there doesn't seem to be much of it on the field, either. I don't think a punch-the-clock mentality has set in, but I wouldn't be surprised if were halfway there.

The decision to suspend Jaire with such an important game ahead is curious. I know he hasn't been a world-beater this season, but still....The last Stokes-Jefferson matchup resulted in 9 catches for 184 yards. Can Valentine handle Jefferson? The last time we played the Vikings, Jefferson was out. So if you want to look at the bright side, we get a real good chance to see how much we'll need to prioritize CB help in the off-season.

The Jaire situation is really a minor drama in the larger scheme of things. Surely the front office realizes by now that the lack of competent leadership has created a potentially sour environment on the team that shouldn't have been allowed to go this far. Making the playoffs would certainly help alleviate the situation, but either way big changes need to be made if the organization wants to retain its credibility.

Sorry to be so long-winded.

9 points
Houndog's picture

December 28, 2023 at 06:54 pm

"big changes need to be made if the organization wants to retain its credibility".
Wow, that's a mouthful, and dead-on accurate! Kudos to you!
But I do worry if you should have said "regain" its credibility? Right now, they're looking like a real shit-fest!

2 points
PackfanNY's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Just saw that Vikings are starting rookie Jaren Hall. Sadly, I smell the start of the legend of Jaren Hall incoming based on the fact Joe Barry is our DC. Like he legend of Tommy Devito it will be a quick rise and fall. I mean you can’t play a team with a two man rush and DBs 5 yards behind the sticks every down. 🤌

12 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:40 pm

NY —I believe you are probably right.

2 points
Houndog's picture

December 28, 2023 at 06:58 pm

Ah, no worries, Hall's a rookie and there's only 60 minutes.
He probably won't even break 400 yards, and he won't throw for more than 4 touchdowns, It'll be a cakewalk!

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 08:48 am

He might get 5.

I hope JL gets 6

0 points
fireball's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:01 pm

It may be that Jaire's one-game suspension is just the tip of an iceberg called Head Coach Not In Control of Team. No accountability? No discipline? And then Gute suspends Jaire, not LaFleur. Makes LaFleur look weak. Bad messaging.

Maybe the inconsistency of play last season, and this season, is due not to the inexperience of the players but to the incompetency of the head coach. Like maybe the team of his first three highly successful years belonged to the coaching staff before him. Maybe LaFleur's hiring simply freed up Rodgers and the rest of the team to become as good as they already were. LaFleur's hiring got the team out from under the non-creative Mike McCarthy.

-4 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:53 pm

Another ridiculous take.
1. Gutekunst does not have the power to suspend the HC. Only Murphy could do that.
2. LaFleur has not done anything that he could be suspended for. He has retained a bad DC. That's not fixed via suspension.
3. Inconsistency this season is the result of being the youngest roster in the NFL. They would NOT have had the success they have had this year if he had lost the locker room. The offense is playing much better, even with their major producers out with an injury.
4. Having LaFleur at the helm completely invigorated Rodgers' career. He picked up 2 MVPs AFTER McCarthy left. Not sure how you can say that is the benefit of the previous coaching staff. It is the benefit of a Hall of Fame QB working with the HC and OC to create an offense that worked. And it worked well until the injury last year and the complete lack of receiving weapons with any experience.

1 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:02 pm

Dude, pay attention. Good lord! No one’s saying suspend Lafleur!! The poster was speculating that BG suspended Jaire rather than Lefleur doing it. Which is also BS. It’s the coaches job. ML suspended Jaire. If he consulted with BG first, that is absolutely what he should have done. People just say bullshit they think as fact.

0 points
DocHoliday's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:02 pm

LaFleur is going to ax Barry after the season. If Jaire wanted input on the next hire he should have respected the organization and players who want to win a SB in GB.

Let’s see, Adams was offered more money by GB, but demanded a trade to the Raiders. Raiders failed him miserably.

Rodgers kept refusing to throw to wide open Lazard in playoffs and the last game against Lions in 2022. Result, Packers under achieved. He blamed everyone else. Was paid a fortune by Packers. He demanded trade to Jets. Jets signed everyone he wanted. 2023, Jets were expected to be a top 4 team in NFL. Instead they flopped.

Hire someone like Rex Ryan as DC. Need someone who is respected and a loud mouth to humiliate Alexander.

-5 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:20 pm

My pea brain says LeFleur is not going to get rid of Barry but instead blame it on malcontents on the defense, one who is already gone and a new guy on the bench who will be gone. Hope like hell I'm wrong amundo but my Gutt says LeFleur is a whimp afraid to fire Barry.

-2 points
Packers2020's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:24 pm

Again, he does not have to fire Barry. Barry's contract ends in 2 games.

4 points
Houndog's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:05 pm

Is that right? I didn't know that.
That'll make it easier for LaFlake, he can blame it on the front office, he can tell his buddy Joe that they're not offering him a new contract.

-1 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:04 pm

No no no no no no no!!! NO!!

-1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:31 pm

"My pea brain"

Could've stopped there.

4 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:51 pm

I agree that they need to hire a good strong coach that will lead them but the days of Rex Ryan coaching are gone. They need a coach that can discipline without berating. The list of good DCs and projected good DCs is fairly long so we should be able to find a good DC. We need a DC that can do the job without MLF watching and not being involved so he can concentrate on the offense. He does not have that with Berry.

3 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:43 pm

Doc-interesting take on Rex.

0 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:07 pm

He’s not wrong

-1 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:16 pm

I think its funny as hell. I think he did it deliberately because he and LeFleur and Barry have been going at it and perhaps he was benched for a while and LeFleur didnt want people to know it so they made up an injury?
What if they said, okay you can play now if you behave and do as your told and he decided "screw you guys" how about I do the coin toss. Thats pretty puny.
If at the end of the year they look to trade him, I'm probably a dam good guesser then. I say we've seen the last of him IMO.

-5 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:10 pm

If that happens, they’ll have to say it. They’ll have to say he’s not a team guy. Publicly. Because he’s too good (when healthy and apparently happy) and BG is gonna look bad getting rid of Alexander.

1 points
DocHoliday's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:27 pm

Anyone think some of this goes back to Murphy? He hired LaFleur but told him he had no say on DC. He had to keep Pettine and his staff. So MLF was basically offense only. 2 more years of Pettine failure and then he was fired.

Seems to be a lack of trust from Murphy. He should hire GM he trusts. GM hire HC he trusts. HC then hired coordinators and may have some input on other coaches.

Players see Murphys lack of trust.

3 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:55 pm

Maybe it is that MM only trusts MM to make a good decision.

A good employer hires people that are better than him/her. A good leader surrounds himself/herself with high quality and very capable people.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:21 pm

So, after we fired Pettine, who did we hire? And did things improve?

Murphy did hire Gutekunst.

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:33 pm

technically, Pettine was not fired. His contract expired and they mutually decided it was time to part.

3 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:13 pm

That’s just totally wrong!! Fabrication!! Lafleur absolutely could have brought in a new DC and anyone else he wanted. You people who spew your BS as fact are the WORSE!

-4 points
zoellner25's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:28 pm

Jaire is the new Jalen Ramsey. Becomes so toxic and problematic the team will be forced to trade him.

-2 points
NFLfan's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:49 pm

Absolutely-he's a problem.

-4 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:32 pm

He is. For wide receivers

2 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 03:44 pm

Jairre coulndt be that lucky

1 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:32 pm

Fuck off

-3 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:31 pm

No!! Jaire is calling bullshit on JB and Lafleurs decision to keep him. I applaud the dude. Even though it might cost him his job.

0 points
lou's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:54 pm

Check out this article a few days before the Panthers game, maybe this prodded the management team to suspend Alexander as it appears that is the perception of the organization per the press;

1 points
MooPack's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:57 pm

Good overall article that covers much of what has been said here. Culture starts at the top.

2 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 28, 2023 at 03:00 pm

I don't get this at all. Just a bunch of speculation. Has anyone ever been able to see a connection between Barry and LaFleur that would indicate they were friends.

And if he was hiring his "friend" why did he offer the job to Jim Leonhard first? So much of this narrative is media-created crap.

-2 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:33 pm

Their families had Christmas dinner together dude Nuff said

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 01:57 pm


thanks for the link!

I fear this move might backfire, stirring up more malcontent in the locker room. Of course I hope for the best ...

1 points
NFLfan's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:54 pm

My guess is Alexander has been insubordinate more than once. They've clearly increased the punishment.
I really think the Packers are moving on from him; I feel he has character issues which are not easily overcome.

-1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:35 pm

to be fair, Jaire witnessed Aaron Rodgers disregard plays, and flaunt his status to undermine the head coach. Aaron did whatever Aaron wanted, and Aaron never got suspended.

4 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:41 pm

Also let’s not forget JOE BARRY’S DEFENSE SUCKS FOR JAIRE!!! Right? 23 is a young, talented, rich, disgruntled employee who feels he’s not being used the right way. Everyone that watches football agrees! I’ve always tried to support BG and ML, but if we keep Joe Berry and get rid of Jaire Alexander and De’vondre Campbell, I’m suspending my fanship. And I was born in Brown County Hospital in 1957. The first person in my family to be born in a hospital! Haha. Lived on Langlade. We could hear the stadium explode with joy!

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 02:03 pm


those "character issues" are exactly what makes Ja a GREAT CB in this league. Do you remember the drama of Richard Sherman? Same thing. You create players by starting with a certain personality type and this is what you get. You need somebody aggressive, fast, decisive and intense. You don't get that on the field and it never shows up off the field.

Hopefully this all simmers down and our defense returns to playing like they did in KC.

1 points
jhtobias's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:09 pm

I actually have bo problem with jaire he is paid to be a tip flight cb following the other teams best wr yet they have never used him this way since lafraud hire berry . Yes this is lafraud problem berry didnt hire or retainn himself.

I am perplexed how gute has let this go on . He paid jaire big bucks and lafraud is making hom look bad.

I cam only assume murphy is behind this. Playoffs for this team until vikings put up 40 and lafraud says we need to improve lmao this is funnoer than lynn dickeys perm

-7 points
Bure9620's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:14 pm

People are acting like this is a huge loss but Jaire has been playing horrible football. He literally is playing with one arm right now and cannot tackle. Not touching the locker room controversy and other issues, but just Jaire the player, right now he is leaving much to be desired. Not having him out there right now is a good thing. If he were shadowing Jefferson, Jefferson would eat his lunch right now. The Vikings have no viable tight end, Addison likely does not play, but if he does, he hobbled on one ankle. Jefferson is the ONLY threat, other than maybe Hall's legs. Double him, bracket him, jam him, just do not let Jefferson go off. If Osborn or Powell beat you, just tip your cap.

5 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:47 pm

He’s been hurt all season, dumbass!

-5 points
Bure9620's picture

December 28, 2023 at 09:45 pm

Hence why I said he has been "playing with one arm".....try reading before responding, you will look less ridiculous, but just slightly..

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 01:55 pm

Ja took Justin Jefferson out of the game last season. You don't know how he would play Sunday. Perhaps MLF weighed the risk of re-injury and reduced effectiveness and decided that this isn't a loss to the team at all? Perhaps it will backfire and stir up more malcontent in the locker room?

This is DRAMA, and as much as I do not like it, it was entirely foreseeable at the end of last season. MLF announced JB's return, JB promised the defensive players they'd get to play aggressively, and we all knew that would prove to be a lie. I'm surprised the players didn't mutiny by week 4 with 2x4s.

0 points
Qoojo's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:46 pm

Jaire made a mistake. There should be repercussions for his actions and there was. He is relatively young guy at 26 and his action was quite childish. He still deserves a chance to learn from it.

I don't consider him a cancer on the team. That's JB. These guys go out there and play hard and get injured when they know the passive system won't work. That grates on everyone except maybe the new rookies just happy to be playing in nfl.

8 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 28, 2023 at 03:45 pm

He's no kid and he knew what he was doing. Jokes on the packers

-2 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:48 pm

You’re wrong as usual

0 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:48 pm

Totally agree. Nice to hear a voice of reason among all the knee jerk hate and bullshit.

-4 points
stockholder's picture

December 28, 2023 at 02:48 pm

Smart players would have said No comment-
Smart players would have issued a statement.
Smart players would have apologized to the team.
D None of the above.

2 points
cdoemel's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:49 pm

You have no idea if he apologized to the team! You’re just saying that to support your argument of your opinions. So shut the fuck up!

-6 points
stockholder's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:52 pm

Kiss off - He isn't playing because of the suspension!

4 points
Bure9620's picture

December 29, 2023 at 05:57 am

You add so much nuance to this discourse. Such thought. Perhaps Aaron and Jersey Al will add you as an editor to cheesehead TV.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:27 pm

The Packers are choosing to go into their biggest game of the year without Alexander, who has missed quite a few games already. The fact that we'd rather play without him than with him really says it all, IMO. He'll either rebound and be a solid corner for us to move forward with, or he won't, in which case we'd have to arrange a trade.

5 points
joejetson's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:25 pm

The problem with trading him is they won't get much in return due to this sub-par season. Plus, they probably structured his contract so they would still be stuck with yet another big dead money cap hit.
They're big believers in kicking salary hits down the road.
Then to top it all off, it shows the rest of the locker room you can get rewarded (traded) for bad behavior, and still cash in big $$$.

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 29, 2023 at 02:33 am

Traded, cut, picked up on waivers, cut again and then out of football. That’s Jaire’s likely trajectory over the next 18-24. months

-1 points
GregC's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:51 pm

Running out to take part in the coin toss seems like an awfully strange way to express one's displeasure in the coaching staff. It seems more likely that he was just overly exuberant about playing a game in his hometown, and with his massive NFL star ego, he figured, "Why not?" His ignorance of the coin toss rules is proof that he simply didn't know what he was doing. I'm sure there are other issues, as LaFleur implied, but none of those have caused an obvious disruption on game day.

For now, I'm thinking of this as an anomaly. The Packers have not had a lot of disciplinary issues under LaFleur.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 01:46 pm

It's definitely an anomaly. There's also a pattern. Unlike some here, I'm not making any grand pronouncements about knowing every motive or predicting what the future holds. I don't know that JB has "lost the locker room," nor that the defensive players have quit on him. I do wonder if this suspension will only make matters worse. It's possible that Ja's ongoing injury would have made him ineffective against Justin Jefferson and risked re-injury, in which case this suspension isn't as big a deal as it seems.

I hope that MLF's statement was honest, and our best players are back next season. I am curious to compare cap hits between Rasul Douglas and Ja ...

1 points
owen_in_sandpoint's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:58 pm


1 points
owen_in_sandpoint's picture

December 28, 2023 at 06:00 pm

There's a difference between swagger and distraction. I love Ja's swagger: he usually backs it up with his play on the field.

I wonder like some of you others if this has more to do with frustration over being injured, combined with frustration with Barry's defensive scheme.

Hope we get back to "normal" with him.

6 points
HarryHodag's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:03 pm

Rasul Douglas...gone. Campbell...not punished. Alexander suspended. All of them spoke out. I wonder if there's a problem with the players and how the defense is run? Duh.

What Alexander did was stupid and he deserved it. But it comes at a time when there are a lot of unhappy people concerning how the defense is run.

If the Packers want to improve in 2024 they can't trot out Barry and expect the fans to get behind it.

3 points
Bure9620's picture

December 28, 2023 at 09:48 pm

Rasul Douglas was traded, not punished. Why would Campbell be punished?? What did he do?

-2 points
HarryHodag's picture

December 29, 2023 at 10:15 am

Keep up to date. Douglas spoke out about the defense and then promptly got traded. Campbell hinted his displeasure but was hurt. Alexander spoke out as well. Alexander went out and acted like a toad, for which he got slapped.

But you don't see the Ravens or 49'ers with these kinds of problems, do you?

2 points
Bure9620's picture

December 29, 2023 at 01:54 pm

Yes, I am up to date and I really do not believe this was the impetus for trading Douglas, or his "punishment." He is not part of the future.
Valentine was playing well and Gutekunent was offered a 3rd for him, which value wise, as a GM during a rebuild, I do that deal as well. The notion these players are being punished for simply speaking is just not realistic, all 32 teams have players with issues on 2nd contracts , not playing enough, used wrong, etc

Campbell won't play through injury, said so. No punishment. If he believes the Packers were forcing him to play injured he has several outlets and can file a grievance. I doubt the Packers would risk doing this and having a lawsuit with the players union. Knowing how insanely conservative this team is with Injuries I don't see this being the case.

1 points
WestWi_Packfan's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:41 pm

This defense has been a hot mess all year long and Barry, LaFleur & Gute can all share some blame. First of all I think the HC's decision retain Barry was mistake #1 as he is obviously in over his head and it should have been obvious by the end of last season.

Jim Leonard was available, opportunity missed.

Gute did his part by trading away their best CB Rasul Douglass (not Jaire IMO) to move up a paltry two picks in the draft (looks like a great deal for the Bills) and in the process demoralize his defensive players even more. IMO the problem with Alexander probably stems from frustration over injuries this year and the obvious disconnect he has with the DC where Barry loves to play a lot of loose zone while Jaire prefers man on man tighter coverage. There could be more to this but it looks obvious to me that this is a problem of the Packers own making and one that now bites them for not dealing with it sooner, instead letting it fester, only to explode at a very crucial point in the season. If they don't salvage this game and their season somehow, I could see more then just Barry being shown the door after the season is over.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 01:38 pm

Point of correction: Gutey moved up more than 2 draft positions by giving Rasul Douglas away for nothing, and also losing a fifth round pick. At the time it was projected to move up 40 draft positions; it will be interesting to see the final tally on that.

I think what you meant to say was he moved up two ROUNDS? Yes, Gutey went from a fifth round pick to a third round pick by way of giving away Rasul Douglas, a veteran presence and team leader. Aside from the trade itself, the way Gutey handled it contributed a great deal to losing the locker room; it effectively told players that no matter how well they play, they're worthless to this organization. Not only is a rookie unlikely to contribute what Rasul does, a third rounder is unlikely to do that EVER.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 29, 2023 at 12:23 am

The fact that all of this has been going on when a very attainable playoff position was there for the taking is not good. Maybe MLF hasn’t lost the team, but he sure doesn’t have them laser focused either. I for one have seen enough.

4 points
WD's picture

December 29, 2023 at 11:46 am

We all know Jaire and other players have a problem with the defensive scheme. No doubt this was a cause of his acting out. That said, how does benching him for what could be a playoff game help the Packers win? How do the rest of the players feel about this draconian move by management? Does anyone think this will actually improve morale amongst the defense? If anyone should be benched it should be a coach or two. When healthy Jaire is the best CB on the team which already has a weak secondary. The mode of punishment should fit the crime You don't punish the whole team for the sins of one player. I suggest management take al look at them selves before casting the first stone. Lombardi would have found a better way of handling the situation that would not hurt the morale and the winning chances for a game. If the Pack loses against the Vikings the loss is on management. I know a lot of others feel the same way but don't want to say it.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 29, 2023 at 02:55 pm

For comparison:

Ja would save $3 MM by cutting him, with a cap hit of $24 MM next season. He doesn't hit FA til 2027.

Rasul Douglas saved $6.6MM by giving him away for nothing, and still has a cap hit next season of $5MM.

Hopefully Ja plays for GB for a long time ...

0 points