Report: Packers Wide Receiver Randall Cobb Not Yet Cleared to Run

Cobb is eligible to return to practice, but he reportedly hasn't even been cleared to run yet, according to Drew Smith of Fox 11 in Green Bay.

Drew Smith hosts a syndicated Packers talk show with wide receiver Randall Cobb called Inside the Huddle that airs Mondays in Wisconsin, so he's a pretty good authority on news related to the injured Green Bay playmaker.

After going on short-term injured reserve after a Week 6 game on Baltimore, rules state Cobb can't practice for six weeks and can't play for at least eight weeks, making the earliest he could return Week 15 at the Dallas Cowboys.

Cobb is eligible to practice this week, but seeing as he apparently hasn't been cleared to run, the odds that Cobb returns in time to play this season are becoming longer by the day.

According to a report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Cobb suffered a broken fibula, but neither the Packers nor Cobb have confirmed the nature of the injury.

In the aftermath of his injury, Cobb was using a Segway scooter for several weeks to move about, unable to return to his typical day-to-day activity.

The Packers were in the midst of a four-game winning streak when Cobb originally went down in Week 6, but are now in mired in a five-game winless streak without the services of Cobb, quarterback Aaron Rodgers and several other players.

While mathematically still alive to win the NFC North division and a spot in the playoffs, the chances the Packers are able to do so only become worse without a healthy Cobb and his teammates.

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Comments (27)

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Buster's picture

December 02, 2013 at 07:49 pm

Too bad but not really a surprise.
Cobb is the only other impact player on the roster besides AR & CM3....Need him completely healthy for 2014 and beyond.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 02, 2013 at 07:58 pm

Yeah, i agree its not a surprise.

I wouldn't classify him, CM3 and Rodgers as the only impact players...
Hayward was an impact player last year. Finley was an impact player. Nelson is an impact player.
Perry has been an impact player while playing ROLB.

But I agree.. If Cobb isn't ready to play, then no point of rushing him back. We need him in the future.

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Buster's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:13 pm

I must define impact player differently than you do. Jordy is close as long as AR is throwing the ball. Finley was close in 2010. Hayward hasn't played enough to be termed as an 'impact player'.... Perry is still a project. He could become an impact player if he weren't playing out of position. He's a DE, not an OLB. My guess ... He'll reach his potential as a DE on his next team.

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Archie's picture

December 03, 2013 at 09:41 am

How about AJ Hawk, Justin Harrell, BJ Raji for impact players? They were TT's three highest draft picks during his tenure here. Can't wait to see who picks this time around. Currently we pick 16th but I see that closer to 10th by season's end.

Truth be told we have two impact players: 12 + 52. Anybody that tells you otherwise has got the green and gold glasses on.

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Matt's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:36 pm


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cLowNEY42's picture

December 02, 2013 at 09:23 pm

Thank goodness they're not going to the playoffs this year.
There are 4 NFC teams that would easily throw a 50-burger on this garbage defense (Car, NO, Sea, SF).
Not to mention what the front 7 of each of those teams would do to this porous OL.

Packers would've shriveled up per usual.
I don't need to see that again.

Watching Seattle right now...
It is absolutely amazing that the Packers even semi-competed with them last season.
The talent/speed/strength/creativity/execution/coaching gap is astonishing.

It's crazy that the Seahawks are any good at all... I mean some of their players were traded for or signed as free agents. Everyone knows that the only way to build a team is by drafting. Only stupid - loser teams fill holes via trade and FA.

Stupid Seahawks, and 49'ers, and Saints, and Panthers, and Patriots, and Broncos... What the hell were all of those teams possibly thinking when they decided to use all player acquisition avenues afforded them?

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KennyPayne's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:10 pm

I laughed watching that Seahawk defensive touchdown in the first half when Free Agent Cliff Avril (former Lion) knocked the ball out of Brees' hand into the arms of Free Agent Bennett (former Buc).

That is a play that truly would never occur in GB under the current GM.

And you forgot the Ravens and Giants as teams that do not shun free agency & trades like the Packers do.

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murphy's picture

December 03, 2013 at 08:45 am

"That is a play that truly would never occur in GB under the current GM."

We all know that a couple of Uncle Ted's draftees could never force a sack/fumble and return it for a TD:

Why think rationally when emotion feels so much better?

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brobob's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:19 pm

You nailed it; there is a mindset regarding player aquisition the needs to be reviewed.
Also, at least in my mind, the coaching staff should be overhauled. The is not a new position for me, as I've been consistent about the above even when we were winning.

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AguilarK's picture

December 03, 2013 at 08:00 am

While they are very good, let's not anoint them as the second coming. Half of their 10 wins were by 7 points or less, they struggled against TB and Houston to win by 3 each for goodness sake. They pummeled the Jags, Falcons, and Minnesota - big deal. The only impressive wins were vs. SF and NO. They are definitely mortal.

That being said, they certainly would destroy the current iteration of the Packers, especially at home.

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Nerd's picture

December 02, 2013 at 09:42 pm

We get some guys back, we can make noise.

Sucks about Cobb. HOPE it's not his knee.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:15 pm

I still am curious what his actual injury is. He said its not what was said before.

since he isn't even allowed to run yet, I would assume it was much, much worse then we initially were told.

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Stroh's picture

December 02, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Broken Fibula is the only thing that's been reported. I don't see a reason to misrepresent what the injury is if its keeping him out most of if not the rest of the year. Besides I would imagine the NFL has rules about misreporting an injury that doesn't exist. Packers are always the most straight, follow the rules teams in the NFL from an organizational standpoint.

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Nerd's picture

December 03, 2013 at 06:52 am

Packers lie straight up to our faces ROUTINELY when it comes to injuries.

Case in point.

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Stroh's picture

December 03, 2013 at 10:51 am

About how long they are out, not the nature of the injury. Jennings was a simple misdiagnosis in a very complicated area w/ a lot of inter-related muscle groups.

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dawg's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:26 pm

No McCarthy Presser today!

Whats up,

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Point Packer's picture

December 02, 2013 at 11:20 pm

Leave both Rodgers and Cobb out for the rest of this year, get a great draft pick and move forward next year, This year is toast. I don't want to see these guys out there risking additional injury. Horrible year.

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Fiscr's picture

December 03, 2013 at 01:30 am

Not run? Make him a safety

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hump's picture

December 03, 2013 at 03:19 am

Some excellent posts guys!! All the big boys use EVERY avenue to maximize talent on thier team!! None of this EGOTISTICAL BULLSHIT that we keep getting fed each time Thompson actually stands at a podium and actually addresses us owners for 10 minutes!!! WE LIKE OUR OWN PLAYERS... WE LIKE OUR OWN PLAYERS...WELL, WE KINDA LIKE OUR OWN PLAYERS.................. When you have an Aaron Rodgers, you have the biggest platform next to Tom Brady, and free agent veterans will play for reasonable 1 or 2 yr contracts just to try get that ring,so just right your wrong TED,and mix your drafting ability with good ol common sense and fix this sinking ship this off season

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TedT42's picture

December 03, 2013 at 03:27 am

I think the only reason teddy boy signed Woodson is because no one else wanted him (I think tb wanted him as a safety) so the whole ego look what I found no one else did theory still applies

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joshywoshybigfatposhy's picture

December 03, 2013 at 08:24 am

i'm still not sure how this is a Ted Thompson problem. most of his best drafts have been injured for part or all of this season.

let's not take our eye off the ball fellas. we have plenty of talent on this team. i'd say somewhere between slightly above average and elite.

we expect the offense to miss a step without rodgers. it's missed the stairs entirely. that's a mccarthy problem. not a fire-able job imo, but bad.

what we didn't expect is for a defense which showed flashes of real potential earlier this year to entirely crap the bed at every possible turn. this defense went from average with promise to downright non-existent at the very moment we needed them most.

the ball is dom capers. and we should have hit him out of the park before this season even started.

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Stroh's picture

December 03, 2013 at 10:35 am

I had Capers on a short leash going into the season. The D got better last year and finished just outside the top 10 overall rankings. But after the way the D has played this year, He's gotta go. His M.O. is the same everywhere, make dramatic improvement very quickly sustain it for a year or 2, then the drop off precipitously. He again has followed that pattern in GB. Get rid of Capers, find a younger better 34 DC w/ leadership and move on. The D has the talent for the 34 to work very well, but they apparently don't respond to him or respect him anymore. Replace him and the D will become a Top 10 D again almost immediately IMO.

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Evan's picture

December 03, 2013 at 10:38 am

If they do end up firing Capers (I'd put it at 50/50 right now), I do hope they go outside the organization.

I don't really know anything about the defensive assistants (I like Kevin Greene from what little I know about him - not sure if he'd be in line or not), but I think fresh blood would do this team good.

Let's grab a top assistant from SF or SEA.

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Stroh's picture

December 03, 2013 at 10:48 am

SF maybe, but Seattle runs a 43 so I wouldn't look there. SF would be fine. I like Greene too, but his only coaching experience comes from his time in GB, so IMO he's not ready for DC. I wouldn't be against Whitt he's an up and comer and has made Shields into a top flight CB. Used to think Perry, but his work at Safety is up in the air. Its not like there's a lot for him to work with tho. Trgo would be the safe choice but he's another retread. Mostly look outside the organization tho. GB would be a very attractive DC job and the chance to turn a D around quickly and help w/ a SB to advance a career.

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Evan's picture

December 03, 2013 at 10:49 am

"SF maybe, but Seattle runs a 43 so I wouldn’t look there."

Right, of course.

They could always go after the 49ers secondary coach Ed Donatell...wait, nevermind.

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Longshank's picture

December 03, 2013 at 11:53 am

I'd love to see them promote Kevin Greene. F Winston Moss. I want Kevin Greene. The guys a hall of famer and knows that defense inside and out. He'd be just like Buddy Ryan and his boys.


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G-man's picture

December 03, 2013 at 12:21 pm

It may be time to consider changing to a 43. Find a new defensive coordinator and run his system....

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