LaFleur, Gutekunst face major early test against Belichick & Patriots

Packers' second preseason opponent might be the most unique challenge of the 2023 season.



The NFL 2023 Preseason is officially in full swing, and while many a fan will say that the games "don't matter", for most inside the league they absolutely do. For the aging matters. For the late-round draft pick that's on the matters. For the player who's been dealt a bad hand on matters. For Packers' Head Coach Matt LaFleur and General Manager Brian Gutekunst, this preseason might matter more than any they've shared so far together. In the midst of a youth movement, as the Packers look to bring about a new generation of champions, the Packers look to find success against one of the oldest stalwarts in professional football: Bill Belichick and the crafty New England Patriots.

Tom Brady or not, Bill Belichick is a master of football and he deserves every credit for the 8 rings he can wear on his hands. The master tactician will have had the luxury of joint practices with the Packers prior to the Aug 19th game, and being not only the head coach but general manager of the Patriots will have a unique eye for the young talent that's on the Packers' roster. Belichick and his gritty Patriots squad will test the young, upstart Packers in more ways than one during Saturday's contest.


On the field....

  • What should be one of the many upsides of the Jordan Love era in Green Bay is the willingness to make plays in the middle of the field. Unfortunately, Belichick's counter-cultural single-high safety looks are predicated on taking away the middle. Shallow routes run the risk of passes being batted down near the line of scrimmage while mid-range crossers run the risk of being intercepted by the additional defender downfield. Love will have to be quite sharp while operating the Packers' offense. No matter how it turns out, I'd really appreciate seeing Jordan out there for the entire 1st quarter; the Patriots defense presents a particular obstacle that the Packers offense really won't encounter until midseason.
  • Matt LaFleur institutes an outside zone concept for his run game. The Patriots incorporate a "wide 9" concept for their defensive line, and are some of the league's best examples for setting the edge(I hope Barry took notes this week). Not saying Aaron Jones can't be effective being forced inside, but I also wouldn't be surprised if I didn't see a healthy dose of A.J. Dillon and Emmanuel Wilson either. I'm quite curious if LaFleur has a power concept he's added to the offense in the wake of a defense that changes it's looks week to week.


Off the field...

  • The Packers took no offensive linemen during this year's draft, which I truly believe was on purpose to discover what life might be like sans David Bakhtiari in 2024. The Patriots can and usually only generate pressure with just four linemen. Belichick's system relies on linemen who can quickly overpower their assignment which allows the edge rushers to defeat pulling linemen and forces the play back inside for easy cleanup. The Packers will get to see how truly skilled some of their reserve linemen are. For a player who's fallen from grace like Royce Newman, this game could spell the end of his time with the Packers. While regular season games with the Rams, Steelers, Chargers, and Buccaneers await, this early test will inform Brian Gutekunst of possible draft strategies and free-agent targets for next year.
  • Without elite separation from the Patriots' WR corps and an offensive line that is in tatters, the Packers' safety group should really shine in this week's game. The defensive line should have their way this weekend and hopefully force more than a few errant throws from Mac Jones and Malik Cunningham. I'd even love to see Carrington Valentine take snaps at safety, it couldn't hurt to see what a rotation could look like once Eric Stokes returns off PUP, and could give insight into the flexibility of the secondary room. These preseason games should inform the front office on whether a premium pick or player needs to be added to the secondary next year.


This is probably going to be the best early test of these young Packers, I wouldn't mind if I saw them struggle a little, as the struggles should eventually lead to growth from the experience. Regardless, a somewhat early deep dive look at this roster should prove quite intriguing. Let's see how they weather the storm of Belichick & Co. Saturday evening at Lambeau.







Joseph has been an avid fan of the Green Bay Packers since 1997, citing an affinity for dairy products during his childhood and his favorite color, green. Born in Jacksonville, FL, Joseph currently is an Active Duty servicemember in the U.S. Armed Forces. Joseph considers himself a lifelong fan of the game of football, competing since his youth well into adulthood. When it comes to the Pack, Joseph is particularly impassioned about the NFL Draft and collegiate scouting process, and will contribute regularly on leading to that year's upcoming Draft. You can follow him on Twitter at @joeyreyallday.


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Comments (10)

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SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 17, 2023 at 03:47 pm

I think it's very fortunate that we get to face this team now, and don't have to see them in the regular season. I hope JL10 plays much closer to 30 minutes than 15, assuming our O line can keep him from injury. His "processing speed" could use the workout!

Any weak players on our O line will be revealed, likewise people we've been hoping are good will get to prove it. I hope Bakh Jenkins Tom JRJ Nijman get some time together, to see how our 5 obviously best fare as compared to Myers at C. I suspect today was the only chance for that as Bakh will not play in the game.

It's an interesting question if Valentine or Douglas would be the more effective transplant to S. I hope MLF is willing to try it, at least in practice. It seems to me like moving Douglas around has less chance to throw him off.

3 points
dblbogey's picture

August 17, 2023 at 04:54 pm

I'm a Gute supporter, especially these last couple of drafts, but it seems he really whiffed on Myers. 2nd round... ouch.

1 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

August 17, 2023 at 07:07 pm

I think I'd give Myers a little more time. He missed like 10 games as a rookie, so this is really going to be his second full season in the league. He wasn't awful in pass pro, but he absolutely needs to improve in the run game. The competition at center should push him to be better and then only time will tell. They like him and his work ethic, so he is doing what he's supposed to. We'll see if the needed improvement is there or he risks losing his starting job.

2 points
Guam's picture

August 18, 2023 at 07:26 am

A little early for me to give up on Myers. He needs to improve his run blocking but some competition may push him into better performance.

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

August 17, 2023 at 04:24 pm

Almost always forgotten by fans is the teams usually run extreme vanilla offenses and defenses in the pre-season. While you can see some good individual performances, by late in the second quarter you're seeing each teams "future stars" and the first-teamers are on the bench. The 'good stuff' offensively and defensively stays safely in the vault until opening day.

I don't get too worked up by any performance during August. What is important is the regulars get some 'hardening' toward the opening of the regular season. You only have to look to the opener against the Saints not long ago to see what a Packers team look like when the regulars don't play much in the exhibition games.

They don't need to stay long, just enough and hopefully no one is hurt. A good performance in a pre-season game can help toward making a roster spot, but consistent practice habits are just as important.

2 points
jont's picture

August 18, 2023 at 12:50 pm

I'm with you, Harry. Pre-season games aren't really about team vs team as much as they are player evaluation. Look at game one; the lessons were about a few players, not that GB is two TDs better than the Bengals.

0 points
dblbogey's picture

August 17, 2023 at 04:50 pm

I hope the OL stays healthy. A healthy running game is critical, because I imagine Love will have his share of bad games, as did Arod in his first year. If I ever seen Royce Newman or Jake Hanson playing in a real game again, I'll be sick. On the bright side, there is a good amount of young talent almost everywhere. Here's to a fun season and a +.500 record, and a healthy season for Arod but bad year for the Jets.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

August 17, 2023 at 05:01 pm

This game should show a glimpse of the starting OL if Bakh plays...with Jenks to his right, Tom, JRJ, and Yosh. Even a series or two would tell me MFL is serious about starting the "best 5". I would love to see this line up. It could truly shore up the middle OL and not see much let down, if any, on the flanks.

Next week only a few of the 5 best will play and Bakh, Jenks and Tom may not play at all.

0 points
coolhand's picture

August 17, 2023 at 05:22 pm

I was just watching Cowherd on youtube saying the Jets have a real problem on their O line and are seriously trying to make a trade for Bakh. If I'm Gute, there is no way I trade 69 and it will be fun to watch ARod running for his life every game.

2 points
barutanseijin's picture

August 18, 2023 at 01:07 pm

A-Wad can’t run anymore, so it will be just him getting sacked. Which is fine with me.

0 points