Could the Packers beat the Bills?

It would take a perfect game. Here's how.

And so the dark clouds of disbelief and depression have descended upon Packer nation, and it’s dreadful. Yet for reasons perhaps known only to a handful of neuroscientists, there is always enough green and gold in our DNA for us to imagine the sun breaking through, to let us entertain hopeful questions such as: Could we really beat the Bills on Sunday?
Spoiler alert: nah.
But let’s pretend, as a wild and crazy thought experiment, that such a thing was possible. How could it be done? The coaches seem out of answers, so let’s do this ourselves.
First, let’s talk about running the ball. This is such a radical idea that no one has mentioned it anywhere else, or at least anywhere inside 1265 Lombardi Ave. But I know what you’re thinking: You’re thinking that the Bills are number 1 in DVOA when it comes to rush defense. Doesn’t this suggest not running the ball?
No. But it also does not mean swinging the pendulum all the way from hardly ever running the ball to nearly always running it. That kind of over-correction is almost as bad as not changing anything at all. Especially against Buffalo’s D.
Instead, Rodgers needs to get back under center and run a relentless regimen of play action and RPO. It’s the best way to keep the defense guessing and to neutralize heavy pass rush, provided the coaches mix in some fresh formations and designed plays that the Packers have not yet put on tape.
It means giving up on virtually all deep shots, and deploying a patient, short and medium passing game that uses the middle of the field much more aggressively, instead of constantly testing the two-high shell with go-balls. Properly executed, this would have the added benefit of keeping Josh Allen off the field. Use more rub routes, clear-outs and crossers to scheme receivers open.
Second, dial up the pressure. It’s been a mystery why Joe Barry doesn’t blitz more. Not to Wink Martindale levels, necessarily, but the Packers had some success blitzing Washington. Do it more. This probably also means assigning a spy to monitor Josh Allen and not let him get big chunk plays with his legs.
Third, pull out all the trickeration you can muster. What is there to lose? Sneak in an eligible lineman and pass him the ball. Try fake punts or field goals, and direct snaps to the running backs. Use three-tight-end sets but vary the plays you run out of it. Anything to put the defense on their heels and slow them down.
Fourth, get the basics right. Stop taking dumb, drive-killing penalties. Play clean on special teams.
Fifth, when something is working, keep doing it. And when it stops working, have a plan for what you switch to next. And then switch.
Bottom line: Come in with an aggressive mindset and an even more aggressive game plan. Surprise the Bills with energy and intensity and grab the initiative first. In other words, come out swinging, punch them in the nose (figuratively), and prove Robert Saleh is wrong about this team being soft. The Packers are great at playing down to the level of their competition. It’s time to play up to it as well.
Even with all this, it will take a lot of luck to win. Not to mention the biggest X factor: whether the Packers will actually make the changes necessary.
But we can dream.


Jonathan Krim grew up in New York but got hooked on the Packers — and on hating the Cowboys — watching the Ice Bowl as a young child.  He blames bouts of unhappiness in his late teens on Dan Devine. A journalist for several decades who now lives in California, he enjoys trafficking in obscure cultural references, lame dad jokes and occasionally preposterous takes. Jonathan is a Packers shareholder, and insists on kraut with his brats. You can follow Jonathan on twitter at @Jkrim.


5 points

Comments (86)

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pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:28 am

Yes, yes they could. On any given Sunday night!

Last I checked, as of right now, the game is tied folks!

Go Pack Go!!!

3 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:59 am

Oh no, the game is on already!?!? That means I slept through work on Friday, all the way through Saturday and Sunday…. Which is actually pretty normal for a guy like me.

3 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:24 am

Rare, you got this!

0 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:06 pm

No, WE got this. Where you been buddy, it's been awfully dry around here lately w/o your antics.

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:55 pm

back to my modeling underwear, side hustle gig...

1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:38 pm

Silly me, how could I forget that the overweight underwear modeling season just so happens to coincide with the start of the NFL season. We need to talk to somebody about that...

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:05 pm

Nobody likes a skinny Santa!

-1 points
NickPerry's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:36 am

There are so many excellent points in this, excellent piece Jonathon! I'll TRY not to be long-winded.

"Instead, Rodgers needs to get back under center and run a relentless regimen of play action and RPO."

We all know Rodgers HATES being under center which IMO really limits the MLF playbook. Dillon has become a complete liability in the running game. I understand if the O-Line is getting whipped, it's tough to run the ball. BUT, handing the ball to a RB like Dillon when he's 7 yards deep which would allow him to gain some momentum and see the hole better. Well, if there is a hole.

"when something is working, keep doing it. And when it stops working, have a plan for what you switch to next. And then switch."

OMG YES!!! We all heard last week the announcer suggest the Packers keep running Jones around the right edge. Washington didn't seem to have a clue how to stop it before Jones ripped off a nice run. Nope, they'd run it and then three or four 3 & outs later run it again. Unbelievable and unexcusable on BOTH Rodgers and MLF. I mean Mike Sherman even had the sense to do that!

"It’s been a mystery why Joe Barry doesn’t blitz more. Not to Wink Martindale levels, necessarily, but the Packers had some success blitzing Washington. Do it more. This probably also means assigning a spy to monitor Josh Allen and not let him get big chunk plays with his legs."

Joe Barry's Defense is a mystery...PERIOD! It's a mystery they even call it a Defense to be honest. But we have seen moments where the Defense has been good, even great (I said MOMENTS folks) like in the playoffs last season. IF, Barry tries to bitz Allen he'd better have a spy like Quay Walker watching his every movement. As much as I like an attacking blitzing defense, blitzing Allen is dangerous. Not to mention even with a spy, Allen is around 6'5, 250 lbs. If it is Walker as the spy, he better not miss making the tackle. Good thing that is one his strengths...Tackling.

"In other words, come out swinging, punch them in the nose (figuratively), and prove Robert Saleh is wrong about this team being soft."

The problem with this is the Packers ARE a soft team and have been for years. They haven't been tough since Charles Woodson left and they aren't going to change anytime soon, well at least until they get a player like Woodson. I don't mean being an All-Pro like Woodson though that would be awesome, but a player with Woods mentality.

Well shit, I guess I was a bit longwinded. Sorry guys!

8 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:12 am

Give Chucky Cecil a call....

5 points
NickPerry's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:36 am

There ya go!!!

0 points
Lphill's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:40 am

I said it earlier in the week I think the Packers win this game. But should look to trade Dillon .

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:01 am

May as well throw in Deguara. We don’t seem to need them since this Is a well oiled machine.

Any team can blow a game. Not every team can snatch one. This is a game where, if we are to win, it’s perhaps the best, last chance for LaFleur to show how talented a tactician and game planner he is.

3 points
coolhand's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:40 am

I think if we trade any TE it should be Big Dog. We rarely ever pass to him and when he is on the field the opposing D will know we are running the ball. Maybe then is when we run the play action, but to whom?

-1 points
wildbill's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:14 am

His blocking seems to have regressed this year so I think this year is it for him

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:51 pm

He should have never been re-signed. The slow legs and lack of any playmaking ability, (see Fumble in playoffs) needed to be replaced by a veteran FA or one of the many TEs from a solid class of '22. Get Deguara rolling like Chris Cooley, or is that too complex for the millennials ?

0 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:10 pm

To make a trade it has to be appealing to the other team. All respect to Big Dog, but I don't see a lot of teams wanting to trade for him simply due to age. And therein lies the rub of any trade talk. I don't see anyone interested in anyone from our offense this year period. Defense, that's another story but if we're trading star defensive players it means we've really given up on this team.

1 points
stockholder's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:53 am

The Bills have the #1 Rated defense. And the #1 Rated Offense. Not to mention; home field advantage. Hyde and Kumerow are hurt. I'm just hoping the packers come out with No injuries.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:05 am

Kumerow has one more catch than Amari Rodgers, 2 more than Winfree and a whopping 3 more than Toure. I think they might struggle through without him.

2 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:05 am

Moral victory with a loss by under 21 points

2 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:32 am

“The Packers are great at playing down to the level of their competition. It’s time to play up to it as well.”
This! Others have beat us when we were favored…time to go do it to someone else.

7 points
Fubared's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:37 am

Ya for some reason they've played the level of their comp for many years? Rare for them to have a blowout game. Part was Mike Mac becoming Mr Conservative with a lead and going run run run.
LeFleur is similar in that

1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:10 am

I agree with the overall sentiment but I think we can all agree that we’ve never seen MLF go run run run. He’s more of a put your hands up kinda guy.

4 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:32 am

This is perfect!

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:39 am

Can we win the game? Yes

Will we win the game? Most likely not.

I agree with some points here. These are my keys to winning the game and in no particular order.

First Key- They have to be balanced on offense. Balanced means they have to run the ball effective as well as throw the ball effective. They can't rely on only one of these. They have to be able to blend the run and the passing game together. Keeping the defense guessing to what they are going to do will be huge. Probably more motion plays. I have seen numerous amounts of talk about Shotgun vs under center. I do wonder if it is hurting Rodgers hand taking snaps under center. So if it is hurting, why not go into the pistol? They can blend shotgun with having the RB behind the QB to make the play action making that more effective.

Second Key - 3rd down success. They can't be continue to have negative plays on 3rd downs. They can't be dropping the ball on 3rd downs. And to have success on 3rd downs, they really can't have negative plays on first and 2nd downs. They need to stay ahead of the chains.

Third Key - Win Turnover battle. Last week GB had an opportunity to about 4 more interceptions. When the DB's get their hands on the balls, they have make the plays. They need to come out of this game with a couple of turnovers at least. At the same time they can't have any turnovers on offense. They really need to try and play mistake free.

Fourth Key - Play Smart. This maybe the most important. They need to take what they are giving on offense. If its short yardage to the first down, get the first down. Keep the chains moving. They need to not over think stuff. They have to catch every ball that hits their hands. They need to not have penalties to hurt them on both sides of the ball. They need to have eyes on Allen at all times on defense. They can't lose focus in the secondary. They just need to play smart football.

Will they win this game? Odds aren't great. Do I believe they can win this game? Absolutely. Do I have any reason to believe that? No, not really with how they have showed us. But a few things give me hope. The OL changes worked well. They now have a game under their belts at those spots. The OL should improve. Watkins is another week back and should be closer to 100%. Watson might be back. Doubs is coming off of his worst game as a pro. I don't think he will have 2 bad weeks in a row. If the offense can play smart, convert 3rd downs, play more mistake free, they can absolutely win this game.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:13 am

To win, we have to extend their defensive field beyond ten yards. With an average yards per target around 5 we won’t get anywhere, literally.

In essence this O spends most of its time hoping players can run after the catch through heavy traffic, and that’s often from a near standing start. 5 yards per target is run down distance. And we wonder why we go nowhere, are always covered/contested and drives fizzle out. To go 60 yards that way means a lot of catches have to be made in very adverse conditions. Running helps but minimally since the D is in the same spaces.

That’s a questionable recipe for beating a team with no offense, but we’ve seen actually it can’t even do that. Against this team, if we even try to approach the game that way it’s tantamount to mailing it in before we start.

2 points
T7Steve's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:44 am

Jonathan, it's a fun premiss and all possible until it gets to fantasy when you say: "provided the coaches mix in some fresh formations and designed plays that the Packers have not yet put on tape".

The Packers only show fresh formations and pre-snap motion. After that, it's basically the same four play choices. There's nothing they do that's not on tape. Remember MLF saying his plan "appears to show complexity"? It's all on tape now and even the worst Ds are feasting on it and looking in a different league. How many teams are fooled by the end around (this year run by Watson when he's healthy)? It only works when it's executed perfectly or as a play action.

People above are calling out Dillan but, he's just starting to get a line to run behind and still doesn't have a quarterback that will run a couple plays in a row under center. If it's because of "THE THUMB" they should start platooning Love in for series that need to use up the clock.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:23 am

Dillon isn’t and never was a shotgun runner. What he needs is not necessarily the first block but one about 3 to 6 yards down field. He will get 3-5 yards in his own as long as he’s not swamped in the backfield, but with Ds sitting within ten yards, the shotgun means they are coming before he gets to the line of scrimmage. Jones can squeak through on agility and burst sometimes, but Jones is stellar at that. The shotgun stinks with this year’s O usages for many reasons, not just for RBs. I really suspect Stenavich is a negative as an OC.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:18 pm

Does he understand a pitch play, or flooding the short zones with TEs on 3rd and short. Basics, as in a Draw play when the heat is on.

3 points
dobber's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:52 am

Josh Allen turns the ball over--fumbles, INTs--it's just that the offense is so prolific (and relentless) that they can overcome those mistakes most of the time. Periodically they lay an egg and get beat. The Packers need to control the clock (usually translates into run the football), capitalize on Allen's mistakes with takeaways, and score. This also means they'll need to pressure Buffalo in the intermediate and downfield passing zones. They've done none of those things with any consistency or regularity this season, though.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:27 am

Reminds me of Favre and his teams. On any given day they could come out and hand the game to an opponent or rip it from them, regardless of quality, but that opponent still had to put up around 30, whether we did it for them or not.

1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:58 am

If LaFleur gives Aaron Rodgers less reps.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:28 am

Or Rodgers gives LaFleur less or just trashes his headset.

One without the other is probably better. Sad but true.

“I want you to lay down your life, Perkins. We need a futile gesture at this stage. It will raise the whole tone of the war. Get up in a crate, Perkins, pop over to Bremen, take a shufti, don't come back. Goodbye, Perkins. God, I wish I was going too.”

Peter Cook, Beyond the Fringe.

3 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:36 am

Trashes headset! 😆

2 points
Roadrunner23's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:03 am

Rodgers took the money then didn’t show in off-season workouts, basically stealing money from the packers, the fans and his teammates.
What a leader.
And no the game may be close but they will break our hearts at the end……again.

2 points
Lphill's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:33 am

Rodgers not showing up for 4 day walk through practices ?

0 points
GregC's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:05 am

I think they're going to get killed. But the formula laid out here is the most realistic one to give them a chance. I've been thinking for the past few weeks that since our QB can't throw an accurate deep ball and our WRs aren't much good at getting open deep anyway, plus the O-line can't hold their blocks for long, why not spread the field horizontally? Use quick throws to the outside and run Aaron Jones wide. Last week the offense was operating in such a small box that the Washington defense was not challenged much.

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:07 am

Just crank "Wind Beneath My Wings" in the locker room right before they head onto the field. That ought to get blood flowing...

At halftime, in case of emergency, break glass: "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider or "Hair of the Dog" by Nazareth.

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:30 am

Okay, I laughed out loud at the nod to Nazareth. I'm picturing LaFluer giving a nod Flea to press play on the CD player right before pumping his fist in the air and screaming "now let's get out there and show them who they're messing with!"

3 points
MooPack's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:08 am

This would be for home games, but...
How about pumping the Barney Theme song into the opposing team locker room. Although that could backfire and they come out crazed. Maybe ' I'm a Little Tea Pot '

Could also play Three Blind Mice in the stadium whenever the refs make an obvious bad call. We used to play that at our hockey games.

Just don't want to hear ' The Wheels on the Bus ' when nothing changes.

3 points
Fubared's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:34 am

Yes they can and here's how
1. Amari breaks loose on a deep ball hauls it in for a TD
2. Dillion breaks through the line of scrimmage, mows downs the bills and plows into the end zone TD.
3. Stokes intercepts Allen for a pick six TD.
4. Jones sweeps around end and go untouched for 60 yards TD
5. Rodgers tosses to Tonyan in the end zone, td.
6. Watson streaks down the field and makes a miraculous catch for a td

This team was envisioned by Gutt and the Staff to do all of the above. These people are supposed to be accomplishing these feats.
They arent were losing.

-1 points
Fubared's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:34 am

Yes they can and here's how
1. Amari breaks loose on a deep ball hauls it in for a TD
2. Dillion breaks through the line of scrimmage, mows downs the bills and plows into the end zone TD.
3. Stokes intercepts Allen for a pick six TD.
4. Jones sweeps around end and go untouched for 60 yards TD
5. Rodgers tosses to Tonyan in the end zone, td.
6. Watson streaks down the field and makes a miraculous catch for a td

This team was envisioned by Gutt and the Staff to do all of the above. These people are supposed to be accomplishing these feats.
They arent were losing.

-1 points
badaxed's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:43 am


0 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:44 pm

3. Douglas intercepts Allen for a pick six TD.

There, ftfy ;)

0 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:05 am

Someone PLEASE send Coach LaF images/video of former player/coach Forrest Gregg and his snarl! If Coach LaF gets it down before his pregame speech, we have a chance...

-1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:45 pm

Why don't you just send him some pics of your mom when you talk to her before she gets her morning double shot of whiskey? That snarl could kill any beast.

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:00 pm

You son of a ________ Rare. Ask your momma to wear high heels around the yard. Good chance she hits oil. (I get half the earnings)

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:19 am

I don't think that the Packers have played what I could call a perfect game since their 8-0 run during the 2016 season. But that version of the Packers was a better team than what we have now.

First things first, it appears that Rodgers thumb is still injured. He did not practice Wednesday and had only a light light practice yesterday. If his thumb is still hurt it's unlikely that he will be able to go under center. but 'we'll see where he is at on Sunday. I do agree that Rodgers going under center would be better for the offense.

I don't think that the Packers have had a balanced offense since the Holmgren era!! But yes, that would be the best approach.

Trickery?? Really!!! Our FG holder can't throw a pass or at least I don't think that he ever has so a fake FG is not realistic and our punter is our FG holder. We could try a short snap to one of our blocking backs on the punt team if the yardage to make a first down is reasonable. Direct snaps might be worth a try.

Get. the basics right. Another good point but if this team had been getting the basics correct we wouldn't be talking about the fact that we have almost no chance to win this game or that we need trickery to possibly win. Also to pull off a trick play the OL needs to be playing in sync and that is not a phrase (in sync) that I would use to describe how our OL has played so far this season.

As for our defense, Walker should be the spy on Josh Allen and yes we should blitz more often in this game. Definitely avoid stupid penalties.

Yes if something is working we should stick with it but then again, on offense, that too would be a first for this season.

Also if the Packers win the opening toss they should take the ball and hopefully drive down the field for a score and take the lead. That would take the crowd out of the game at least early on and would give our defense an opportunity to play with a lead. If we defer we give the Bills the chance to drive, get a score, get the lead and keep their crowd in the game. I vote for taking the ball and taking charge of the damn game for a full 60 minutes.

I will never give up on a game until it's played and I won't give up on a Packers season until they're eliminated and even then I'll still watch the games. But I am losing any confidence that I once had in MLF and the coaching staff to get this team properly prepared to make the mental and physical effort that they will need to pull off the upset against the Bills. Stranger things have happened during the time that I have been watching sports and hope does spring eternal.
"It ain't over 'till it's over." Yogi Berra. Thanks, Since '61

7 points
T7Steve's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:39 am

Good one Since'61. You said: "Also to pull off a trick play the OL needs to be playing in sync and that is not a phrase (in sync) that I would use to describe how our OL has played so far this season."

Pretty tough to get the whole O-line in sync when (this week) the left tackle did LP practice on Wednesday and DNP on Thursday. The left guard DNP Wednesday and did LP on Thursday. They did play together three years ago when everyone from the center on over to the right weren't on the team. To pull off a trick play is going to be hard when they are having trouble pulling off normal assignments together as a line. Not even a basic trap!

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:36 am

The D is Healthy. They have to create and Win the turnovers. I would give Ford more snaps and play the slot, two-way spies on Allen. Let Douglas take Stokes spot on the perimeter. Nixon can play the nickel. Get Veterans on the field. Q Walker is the Third OLB/pass rusher, use him. This is a big boy's moment. They have to turn the table over, Gutedkunst won't reinforce the troops. The management has been riding a couple HOF QBs and writing a PR script right out of OZ land. Stay well.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:39 am

"Get. the basics right."

That is sound advice in every situation, and it certainly applies to the Packers. Get your guy blocked, run the correct route, catchthefrickinball,

Unless you get the basics right, the rest of the stuff just doesn't work. That's where we're failing.


When the second half starts, it's a 30 minute game and I'd like the ball at the start of that. If I'm ahead or tied, great. If I'm behind, here's a chance to catch up.

If you thought there was as pretty good chance we could take the opening kickoff and turn it into points, then you could consider it, but how many times have we done that this year?

Shorten the game, make it a 30 minute game where you get the ball first.

2 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:46 pm

Leatherhead's got this lion back - surely that's what we've been missing!

0 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 08:02 pm

He still has those dreamy, lion eyes...

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:40 pm

Leatherhead you make good points about deferring and taking the second half kickoff. I agree with your post and if we were playing at home I would be fine with deferring. I'm usually OK either way the opening kickoff.

But for this game I'm just thinking that we need to get off to quick start and build a lead to take the crowd out of the game and to keep the pressure on the Bills to play catch. The Packers no longer have the weapons to win a shootout or to come from behind. In our 3 consecutive losses the Packers have been outscored 54-16. Actually 54-14 not counting the Safety that the Giants took. The Packers need to get some confidence early in this game rather than falling behind early. Agree that the Packers have not been good with opening game possessions but the Packers haven't scored an opening second half TD during the losing streak either.

I agree that if the Packers get to halftime with a tie or a one score game it would be excellent for the Packers. Shortening the game works for me. The question will be can the Packers hold up in the second half? We need to play for 60 minutes. The Packers have yet to play a 60 minute game yet this season. We'll find out on Sunday.
Thanks, Since '61

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:39 pm

The typical Packer sequence when they get the ball to start the second half is a 3-n-out where they throw long, run for 2 & then Rodgers throws incomplete. Or someone drops the ball.

2 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:33 am

They can. They were waking all over the Bucs until they let the fumble unravel themselves. A common argument I’ve read here is the Bucs were a shell of themselves but that was only the offense. The D was only missing 1 starter and was rated the best D in the league at the time.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:43 am

The Bucs were the team that figured out this O and imposed a template to do so very effectively that other have just followed, though the Jets took a half to do so.

0 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:33 am

Probably so but the recent play seems more like whipping the guy across from you, as Vic used to say.

1 points
Lphill's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:34 am

Packers 27 Bills 24

0 points
wildbill's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:21 am

Please pass me what your smoking…

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 06:58 pm

I have the Pack by two.

-1 points
ricky's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:41 am

Most you have good ideas. The "trickeration" plays don't seem likely, however. After all, if Rodgers won't throw to WR's he doesn't trust, how likely is he to throw it to an OL? And fake punts/FG attempts? Ugh. This would simply give Buffalo better field position, and take the possibility of scoring points off the board. The other problem is having a "Plan B" ready. So far, in three years, LaFleur has never had a backup plan if his initial plan fails. It would be nice, and would make sense, and would seem to be one of the basics of being a HC. But it doesn't happen. Lastly, these ideas would mean that Rodgers would have to change his way of playing the game, becoming more of a team player, rather than playing "hero ball". Because, ultimately, Rodgers will decide what will happen on the field. LaFleur and Stenavich can draw up whatever they want. Doesn't matter; this is Rodgers team, period.

5 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:49 pm

Agree on the trick plays. If they were that effective at pulling teams out of a slump we'd see a lot more of them - it seems like the only reason they are effective at all is because they're so rarely used and even when they are they usually get picked up right away in the NFL. If that's what you're going to as a recipe for success your team has bigger problems.

1 points
badaxed's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:47 am

Miss the flight to buffalo is the only way GB does not get hammered......or bench Rodgers. I do not see either happening so we see who Rodgers can blame for this loss.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:49 am

Benching Rodgers would at least screw up their game planning. Sometimes crazy works, but it would take a whole lot more guts and self-belief than anyone in Lambeau has hinted at.

Love under center, Doubs, Jones/Toure, Watkins/Toure, Watson. Dillon in the backfield and just play like we own yards 10 to 30. Then throw in some Deguara and move Jones back.

For once, it would be playing with another teams heads. Not going to happen.

2 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:44 am

The TV people want Rodgers beaten not JoRdan Love. $$$

2 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:54 pm

That's pretty much it. As Sammy Watkins said, the NFL is a business and they focus on what drives the bottom line which is winning and famous players playing. If everyone else on the team were playing great and everything were obviously Rogers' fault then we can start talking about benching him. Until then, suck it up sally, and root for who we've got.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:51 am

When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose. Maybe run an Infante game plan. Get the video people working --deep state stuff.

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 28, 2022 at 05:25 pm

Exactly, jb! You're invisible now, you've got no secrets to conceal...

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:48 am

I will be there. So that, in and of itself, will be enough to pull out a win!

8 points
T7Steve's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:54 am

Good luck! Be safe and have fun! Don't forget your lucky jersey/hat or whatever. We can't start the game with a built-in excuse. GPG!

3 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 28, 2022 at 10:03 am

I can't pretend.

I haven't a pretentious bone in my body.

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:00 am

from The Impossible Dream (with minor modifications):

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your sore thumb is too weary
To reach the unreachable Bart starr

This is my quest, to follow that Starr
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world would be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable Bart starr.

2 points
Roadrunner23's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:05 am

“When a player contemplates retirement, he’s already retired in his mind.” MI

Should’ve traded Rodgers

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

October 28, 2022 at 11:30 am

Even before the season started, you'd have to think this would be one of our toughest games of the season, and the Bills are as good as we thought they'd be, and the Packers are not, so it hasn't gotten any easier.

The Packers can beat the Bills, if the Packers can stop beating themselves. That's been the big opponent all year, the execution. We simply make too many mistakes. I think Aaron Rodgers observationthat we're making critical execution errors on about 20% of the plays is accurate, and that averages out to at least one critical error on most possessions.

So we can't stay on the field. If we could keep the offense on the field more, we could get more touches for everybody, but the penalties and drops are killing drives.

1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:59 pm

"If we could keep the offense on the field more, we could get more touches for everybody, but the penalties and drops are killing drives."

That pretty much sums it up - fix that, then we can start talking about player's actual performance. Seems like a lot of players playing frustrated right now which is just exacerbating whatever real problems there might be ie Oline, receiving corps, defensive scheme, game planning, lack of run plays etc.

1 points
brenner's picture

October 28, 2022 at 12:16 pm

I think running Dillon out of the shotgun is a disservice to him. He needs to be the dot in the I like Adrian Peterson was. If Rodgers can't be under center then start running the pistol offense like they did when Rodgers was playing on a bad wheel and lacy was in the I. Jones can handle either because of his quickness, but Dillon needs momentum to be effective. Defensively, the bills are probably going to play similar to WAS where they're just rushing 4 or 5 and covering with the rest so short and medium routes with rubs and crossers is the smart way to go. Death by a thousand paper cuts. However, this means that not having dumb penalties is even more important. If they can get play action bootlegs working there may be a shot or two. Defensively I like the idea of walker spying Allen, and ja is gonna have to man up on diggs the whole game and prove he is that shutdown corner they paid him to be. Maybe keep rasoul on the field in base and bring in Stokes when in nickel.

3 points
jhtobias's picture

October 28, 2022 at 12:40 pm

Might get laughed at but that's OK.

Sustained drives . You can't keep the defense on the field for 40 minutes . Can they do this so far they can't maybe they will.

Most important defensive player is quay walker he was drafted for these types of games. An all world qb who can run throw lasers etc spy him and cause him to make mistakes. If Berry actually let's him do this I would be more shocked than anything.

Buffalo is the closest thing to a spread offense he k can't remember the last time they had a 100 yard rusher.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:22 pm

Yes, attack Allen, do not sit in a picket line waiting to be annihilated.

0 points
Rossonero's picture

October 28, 2022 at 12:50 pm

Excellent article, but we all know it won't happen. LaFleur will sleepwalk in with a lame game plan and try to have Rodgers sling it all over the yard with a bad thumb to rookie WRs. No trick plays, none of that.

You'd think with Watson, Cobb and Lazard injured, that the LaFleur would run the ball more, but no. The minute this team gets down by so much as a touchdown, it's amazing how LaFleur panics. Has anyone else noticed that ?3rd & 1? Throw it! 4th & 1? Throw it!

What worries me the most is Time Of Possession. If the defense is on the field as much as they have been, they will simply get gassed and start making mental mistakes, penalties or give up big plays.

The offense needs to start holding up their end of the bargain and convert a 3rd down for once.

Bills 38, Packers 13

5 points
jlc1's picture

October 28, 2022 at 12:52 pm

Can the Packers beat the Bills? No. Can the Bills beat the Bills? Maybe. Plus three in TOs should be a Pack win. Plus two makes it close. Anything else makes it a laugher.

3 points
PackyCheese500's picture

October 28, 2022 at 01:23 pm

prediction: Bills 270,000 Packers -191

it is going to be an ugly night for us, folks.

0 points
LLCHESTY's picture

October 28, 2022 at 02:27 pm

The Packers D actually matches up with the Bills offense if they play up to their abilities. The Packers offense does not match up well with Bills D though. It would have to be at least +2 in turnovers for them to have a chance along with the offense playing better than it has all year.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 28, 2022 at 09:03 pm

If they can block effectively and get the tempo of the running game accelerated, they can pound on the Bills D.
Use the short game with TEs. Let A.Jones be the slot guy. Doubs has to be given safe routes and can handle the slants better than Lazard. If Watkins gets his mojo right he can contribute. Let Watson and Toure' put pressure on the CBs. Open it up LaFleur !

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 28, 2022 at 03:38 pm

They “could “ beat the Bills… but that wouldn’t change much. They are still a soft team.. have been for years. That’s why they got dumped as the #1 seed twice.
Even if by the wildest chance they snuck in the playoffs, they would go nowhere. The window closed when Mercedes Lewis fumbled against the 49ers. They obviously still haven’t recovered.

2 points
vin0770's picture

October 28, 2022 at 04:15 pm

Do you see Buffalo having to punt? I don’t…the over under is one and I’ll take the under 😢

0 points
Qoojo's picture

October 28, 2022 at 07:26 pm

It could happen, but it won't. Packers will run the same predictable offense that's starting to resemble MM's offense more and more because that's what AR likes.

0 points