A Look at the Numbers: Dom Capers Has to Go

The Packers crapped the bed on Monday Night Football against the Lions. The whole world watched as the lifeless Packers got embarrassed in Lambeau by a team that had won just one game there since 1991. Sure, Green Bay was without Aaron Rodgers, but Brett Hundley was not the reason they lost. The Packers lost because, once again, their defense could not get off the field. Detroit scored 30 points, had a near 14 minute advantage in time of possession, and netted 417 yards of offense. The Lions punted as many times in this game as they did in any of their Super Bowl appearances.

The aforementioned performance led to this take from one of the more level-headed minds of Packers Twitter:

What the Lions did to the Packers defense was neither rare nor an aberration. In fact, it was right in line with how the defense usually performs against formidable offenses. From 2011 through 2016, the Packers allowed an average of 30 points, 281 passing yards, and 125 rushing yards to top-12 scoring offenses. It’s worth noting that we’re not dealing with a modest sample size of eight or nine games, we’re talking about more than two and a half seasons worth of data (41 games including playoffs).

Some teams are good at stopping the run, while others excel at stopping the pass, but since the beginning of the 2011 season, the Packers have done neither. When they have faced a top-12 rushing attack, the Packers have allowed an average of 138 rushing yards per game (152 in the playoffs). Against top-12 passing offenses, they have allowed an average of 287 passing yards per game (329 in the playoffs).

It’s not fair to talk about Dom Capers without mentioning his first two seasons in America’s Dairyland. From 2009 through 2010 the Packers were a top 5 defense in nearly every statistical category and a big reason why they won Super Bowl XLV. There, I mentioned it – and now it gets ugly. Since 2011, the average Packers defensive ranking is 17th in points per game, 21st in yards per game, 19th in passing yards per game, 20th in passing yards per attempt, 19th in rushing yards per game, 22nd in rushing yards per attempt, 13th in turnovers, 14th in sacks, 21st in score percentage, 11th in turnover percentage, 22nd in points per drive, 21st in time per drive, 24th in yards per drive, and 21st in third down percentage.

One argument people frequently use (though less frequently now) to defend Capers is injuries. I’m not going to address the injury argument with numbers, though I will say that each and every NFL team deals with injuries and many coordinators have found ways to overcome them.

Another argument is lack of talent, and that’s simply not accurate. Take the current defense as an example: Mike Daniels, Kenny Clark, Morgan Burnett, Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, Clay Matthews, Nick Perry, Blake Martinez, Josh Jones, and Kevin King. They are all very skilled football players and you can make an argument that Dean Lowry, Damarious Randall and Davon House are too. The Packers couldn’t make Casey Hayward and Micah Hyde fit their scheme and they are both likely to be Pro Bowlers this year. One more thing – Since 2012, Ted Thompson has selected 10 defensive players in the first two rounds of the draft; the NFL average is 6.4 during that span and no other team has taken more than 8. The talent is there.

It was understandable for the Packers to allow Capers to milk his 2009 and 2010 accomplishments dry in hopes that he’ll get the defense back to where it was during those two seasons. It was understandable for two, perhaps even three seasons – yet here we are, seven seasons later, and he’s still milking.


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Comments (108)

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GBPDAN1's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:30 am

"From 2011 through 2016, the Packers allowed an average of 30 points, 281 passing yards, and 125 rushing yards to top-12 scoring offenses. It’s worth noting that we’re not dealing with a modest sample size of eight or nine games, we’re talking about more than two and a half seasons worth of data (41 games including playoffs)."

Great job providing this data. It has been so disappointing watching this D fail time and time again. And not only against quality QBs, but against bad QBs to many times. It's basically been pathetic. Dom must hit the door!

And I'm not letting TT off the hook, either. He's hit on a few D players, but over all he has not drafted well on the D side, or, has not supplemented the D enough over the years though FA. We currently have a pathetic pass rush, but are paying top dollar for one. Thats on TT. The lions were down to their 3rd LT and then 4th during the game. The D still was unable to pressure with a four man rush.

TT has left to many holes on this D since 2010. The Pack, with AR, should have at least one or two more SB rings by now. I doubt we'll get anymore with TT and DC. It's time for TT to part ways along with Capers.

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Big_Mel_75's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:10 am

You can't let MM off the hook for allowing Dom to be here as a DC. MM is an average coach that has a HOF QB. You are seeing the real Packers.

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NashvilleCheesehead's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:28 am

After Rodgers went down, I was thinking an 8-8 record this year. After seeing our defense exposed, 4-12 is not out of the question.

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NickPerry's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:33 am

They might beat Tampa Bay or Cleveland but don't be surprised if the Browns win their first game of the year against the Packers.

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zoellner25's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:43 am

agreed. 4-12 is pretty likely. and a very high pick

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 12:30 pm

Perhaps I am foolishly optimistic but I think the Packers will get at least one more win this year. Maybe two. I'm not so foolish as to think they can win 3 more.

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dobber's picture

November 07, 2017 at 12:51 pm

The adjustment that needs to be made to get more than 2 wins is to try to open things up all the way: spread the field, #7 out of the gun, single back. They're going to have to try to win games the way this team is built to win: by scoring...a lot. Can they do it? I don't know...we haven't really been allowed to see what Hundley can really do in that kind of wide open scheme. But it's better than throwing WR screens 3 yards behind the LOS and hoping they'll break 2 tackles.

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NickPerry's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:35 am

Yes Capers has to go BUT shame on McCarthy for keeping him or Thompson not forcing him out. After watching that game last night I'm actually embarrassed for the entire Packers Organization. That offense only works because of AR. Otherwise it's boring, unimaginative, and defenses now now exactly what is coming when.

Offense, Defense, ST, they were ALL were awful. Hundleys a joke. Are you telling me both TT and MM didn't know this kid had absolutely nothing? Do they really have their head buried that far up each others backsides?

Capers should be fired this morning. Thompson should be informed this will be his last season, stay till the end of the year if you want but come the Monday morning after week 17 you sir are done in GB. Bring in Dorsey, hire Elliott Wolf, I don't care but change is needed from the top to the bottom.

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KenEllis's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:07 am

Exactly right Nick.

And don't give me the BS that Dom has to go now, 11-7-17, due to numbers.

He should have been gone 5 years ago, but in Green Bay Aaron Rodgers brilliance has masked the glaring deficiencies at head coach, GM, and defensive coordinator.

Time for a good old fashion house cleaning.

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NickPerry's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:51 pm

Oh I agree 100%. Capers should have been gone after the Packers got routed in SF in the 2012 playoffs. My GOD, can you ACTUALLY believe he's still here???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:17 pm

"Are you telling me both TT and MM didn't know this kid had absolutely nothing? Do they really have their head buried that far up each others backsides?"

It seems crystal clear that MM knows that Hundley has nothing. The game plan vs both NO and Detroit speak much louder than his words to the media.

Of course, that raises more questions than it answers. Which we'll be discussing at least until the Joe Callahan era begins.

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Coldworld's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:39 am

If that is Hundley's promise, I want him to break it. Sadly, After two weeks of preparation what we saw was that McCarthy and Hundley are both rabbits. As for Capers, behind the run defense (against a terrible run team) there is a complete lack of coordination and appears to be a total lack of confidence among the DBs. We are making them worse players not better. For that reason, the unthinkable short week firing of Capers is now rational. Sadly, in what has become a sink of temerity, I doubt the courage exists for anything like that. It is better to go down in flames than a meek status quo once one accepts that the current position is actually regression on an individual and organizational basis.

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Lphill's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:02 am

We have talented players on defense they are just not being used correctly , Capers is not able to keep up with today's football , had we gotten a few 3 and outs last night and given Hundley some more opportunities it could have been a game. What is it going to take to get rid of him. I think Rex Ryan would do a better job, how about Kevin Green.

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al bundy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:27 am

Even with Rogers they didnt get three and outs. You have to blame Ted.
Last year the team couldnt get off the field. The year before the team couldnt get off the field. Last year pass d was non existant and the year before it was worse than non existant but the constant: They kept Capers.

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NickPerry's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:57 pm

Mr. Bundy, for once you and I agree.

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NickPerry's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:57 pm

Mr. Bundy, for once you and I agree.

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ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 03:29 am

Both Rex Ryan and Kevin Greene are intriguing names. Though to be fair, any name would be intriguing when compared to Dom Capers.

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1955cheesehead's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:08 am

I have defended Dom Capers for many years, but last night during the game I surprised my wife by saying "It's time for Dom to go".

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Coldworld's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:24 am

I reached the same point of no denial. That said, I think we risk letting Capers obscure the same problem on the offensive side. We are in an old rut across the board.

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:48 am

No doubt that the defensive stink is masking the pungent aroma from the offense for some people. Many are busy congratulating themselves for being right about Capers and are missing a rather startling development on this team. The Packers offense faced a defense that was statistically similar to the Packer defense. And could not move the ball at all.

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BaldingersBentDigit's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:38 am

I was just sitting there watching my TV and was greatly disappointed by the play of the defense. It is time for Dom to go. It is time to see if Winston Moss or Mike Trgovac have a better idea for an attacking defense. I can go along with a bend and not break defense if you severely limit the big plays but if you can't do that then attack and go for the big game changing play.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:39 am

You're a little SLOW on the uptake, aren't you?
Sheesh, he's been bad for 5-6 years, and suddenly last night the light bulb goes on?
No wonder nothing changes in GB, people still suck up the WORTHLESS stock to fund a stadium. Too many dumb fans that just like to drink cheap beer and sing roll out the barrel.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:49 am

Just curious. Are you going to be a jackass all day?

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dobber's picture

November 07, 2017 at 12:53 pm

Yep. And most others, too.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:03 pm

Are you not ENTERTAINED!!

It's getting better.

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ollie418's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:26 am

I was calling for Capers' head 5 years ago. He stinks!

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ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 03:33 am

1955cheesehead, welcome to the dark side ;)

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Bearmeat's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:25 am

I'm a Packers fan through and through, so I'll be watching next week. But the competitive part of this year is over. Fire Capers. Force TT to retire. Find a pass rusher or two.

I am a fan, but I refuse to be a lemming. The Packers are a bad football team right now, and their chance to recover and make it to the playoffs is slightly larger than laughable. Not with this defense and not without a great QB to score a whole lot of points.

Calling a spade what it is, isn't giving up. It's being an intelligent fan. As much as it pains me to say it, the best thing that could happen for the Packers long term now is to be so bad for the rest of the year that big changes are made. We are not going to win the super bowl without massive defensive changes

Dom Capers has to go.
Ted Thompson has to go.

Turn out the lights. I'm already excited for the next meaningful game in September.

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badaxed's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:08 pm

Howdy Doody, the white Zombie, Mcfatty, and Dumb Capers all have to go.

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PACKERNICK's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:32 am

Pull the plug on Capers now. The defense can't get worse, it's at its worst now. The offense needs someone else besides Hundley. After three years behind Rodgers, he is in my opinion tentative, low arm strength, inaccurate, doesn't see the field. I don't think he is the heir apparent to Rodgers MM and TT sold us a bill of goods on him. If The Lions game was McCarthy's best then maybe he should go too. Hopefully, Rodgers can play long enough for this team to rebuild, but we have to start now. While we are looking behind, we are falling in the hole in front of us. Move on! Now!

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rdent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:59 am

The knock on Hundley coming out of college. Can't read defenses and is slow to process. This is quite apparent. A 5th rd pick for good reason. Can't polish a turd.

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BPEARSON21's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:47 am

Finally someone gets it. I said ALL off-season that we made little to no changes in our defense so why should we expect a different defensive result this year?

The sad thing is, we'll add 3-4 more defensive players in this years draft and do it all over again with the same guys next season.

Just rinse and repeat for Teddy Thompson and crew.

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al bundy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:26 am

Good point. Moronic is doing the same dumb thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time. Capers cant blame it on injuries he had a full stable of players out there.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:19 am

Thank you for writing this article. I wish it would have been a bigger name writer doing it, but we have to start somewhere. Hopefully this starts a ground swell of media pressure that's been LONG overdue!!!

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:26 am

'I wish it would have been a bigger name writer doing it, but we have to start somewhere.'

What does that mean?

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:33 am

Do I have to explain everything here? I'm in no mood for this today.

OK - I've never heard of her, understand? I think it makes a difference WHOM is writing an article like this.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:50 am

I don't care if your in the mood for this.

This looked insulting towards the author to me.

Who cares who the author is if its a good piece written.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:41 am

DUNCE of the day, probably longer!

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Andrew Lloyd Peth's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:36 am

Relax, guys.

Fin complimented the writer, then bashed better-known writers for needing a fresher voice to swoop in and tell the real story.

Could it have been put better? Heck, I think virtually every post from everyone including me could be put better.

But the central point and intent were clearly to compliment the writer. So let's relax.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:54 pm

Correct. I would have thought this should have been written by Rob Reischel, Bob McGinn, Tom Silverstein, or heaven forbid, the hapless Jason Wilde, he of the political mental disability. LOL

Sorry Jason, I had to take the shot, for all the needless, petty crap you give, and the arrogant attitude you display toward Homer all the time. You have to realize, he's smarter than you are, so as soon as you figure that out, you'll be a better writer.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:56 am

Tell your boy to relax.

I simply asked a question, because i didn't know how he meant it. It looked like a dig at the writer to me and I was hoping he would clear it up, but gave me attitude for it.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:00 am

Too much booze/beer last night has you slow on the uptake today.
I didn't drink, but wish I would have.
Last time this season I let them rile me up.
I'm done.

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Norm's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:46 am

You seem nice.

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JerseyAl's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:50 am

just for the sake of accuracy, the author is not a "her." I know what you were trying to say - it was more of a knock on the beat writers for not being as forceful.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:55 am


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billybobton's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:02 pm

I am totally in agreement with you. but it is the packer press that is the problem.

ESPN blisters happy teddie and the coaching today, top 2 stories. Steve A ripping the waste or AROD's career.....another link to someone expressing (the correct view) that AROD probably wants out of GB and to play for a team that goes in to .... and compares the best players on O that NE went and got for brady to what teddie has done for AROD...guess who wins?

the problem is packer homers like at packer.com refuse reality, the season is n't sinking or lost and we 'stay the course'. the really bad reporters that form the core of packer reporting Demvoski, silverstein are NOW finally seeing what has been obvious for years and that they ignore and refuse to raise questions about.

Bob McGinn even without press credentials is the only remotely accurate packer reporter and he has his own pay site now, it is worth the money.

As long as reporters keep licking and brown nosing and being afraid of asking real questions nothing is going to change.

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flackcatcher's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:22 pm

HA HA HA. You serious. Ha Ha Ha Ha. The beat reporters are the bad guys for not reporting what you see is happening on the field. HA HA HA HA HA. I got shares of a bridge on the east coast, want to buy some..... I am as hard on reporters being sloppy and lazy and biased because of my job. But I am not going to blame them when they are shut out and not allowed access to the players and teams. The NFL shuts down beat reporters across the league. The Packers are one of the few teams who still allow reporters access beyond what the league mandates. I have my complaints too, But not about the beat guys who do the straight reporting. The beat reporters don't play the game, the players do.

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Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:33 pm

Come on Flack.....that shut out from the players excuse only goes so far.
All these reporters have to do is watch the games to know there's a problem with the defense, and has been for years.
They're mostly in the tank for the Packers because they're afraid of being ostracized by team officials from getting access to press briefings and interviews. They've covered for this defense for years, with rare exceptions which mostly get ignored. It's not easy to ignore anymore.

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flackcatcher's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:48 pm

OK Finwiz. Name Them. Not the folks at cheesehead TV and other blog opinion sites, but the beat reporters who do the news gathering that you and I consume. I see what the beat reporters deal with outside of Green Bay, and it's not pretty. At least the Packers don't lock these reporters out like most of the league does. Yeah, there is more 'Hollywood' among the national sports journalist than I care for. But most beat reporters try to do their jobs, the Packers beat reporters more so than most. Just because they do not report what you want to hear about this team is no reason to frag them. That said look for the beat reporters to become more assertive now that there is trouble in Packerland. Things have a way of bubbling to the top, as the recent trouble's for a certain former Democratic presidential candidate shows.

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ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 03:43 am

Thanks for the compliment....I guess. I don't know what columns you've been reading or what press conferences you've been watching, but the Packers media has been asking the right questions. There's not much they can do if McCarthy gives condescending responses or refuses to answer at all.

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al bundy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:23 am

I ragged on the pass d for three years as being god awful. This year I had high hopes that King and Jones would make a diff. They havent and I dont blame them.
Your point is good, we gave Capers some new talent and he has no idea what to do with it.

Take last night. One play really stood out. House dropped back, the receiver ran by him, he looked at the guy and rushed towards the line of scrimmage? The guy was then thrown the ball as no one was near him because the safety was like in the bleachers.
Why would you ever let a guy run by you when it was an obvious pass play not a run and no reason to run the opposite direction as the receiver. The reason.
Our backs are so confused by nitro this, nickle this, attack this prevent this, they have no clue what to do.
That is Capers.

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Packer_Pete's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:23 am

"Take the current defense as an example: Mike Daniels, Kenny Clark, Morgan Burnett, Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, Clay Matthews, Nick Perry, Blake Martinez, Josh Jones, and Kevin King. They are all very skilled football players and you can make an argument that Dean Lowry, Damarious Randall and Davon House are too." -
I don't agree with this list. Davon House shouldn't be close to any such list. He wasn't really good in Jacksonville or here. Randall??? Ok a few INTs but overall shoddy tackling and generally seems lost. Lowry? got to be kidding me. Clark, Burnett, to some degree Daniels, Martinez, and Nick Perry when healthy. Matthews was, but is over the hill. Josh Jones is purely an athlete, not a football player. And Kevin King? Well time will tell. But look at who backs those guys up: Fackrell, Rollins (even though on IR now), Montravius Adams, Dial, Josh Hawkins, the list goes on. Depth is a huge issue, especially since one has to consider every team will have injuries.

The D lacks talent. That is Ted's fault, he spend really high draft picks in recent years and missed too often. Even the O is a problem, but that was always masked by having #12 as QB. Now that McCarthy has to work with minor talent, he can't have success. Also speaks volumes about this so-called "great QB coach"...

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Ds300916's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:15 am

In fairness Josh Jones deserves time too. You can't judge a rookie after 8 games. Clark and Daniels are good DL. Martinez is looking like a stud. If we can address the pass rush in the offseason (and get a new DC) we'll have a great squad next year (Because we get our franchise QB back!).

Side note, how good does Rodgers look when our team looks this bad without him?

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NMPF's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:22 am

Scheme, scheme, scheme!!!!!! Stafford stated after the game, their O knew EXACTLY what Capers D was going to do. No matter who you have at QB you have to ask them to score 90% of the time they touch the ball with this D. The Kittens did not punt the DAMN ball. Friggin' Bart Starr was our QB the last time that occurred. 500 yds given up back to back weeks? Scheme, scheme, scheme!!!!!!

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ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 03:54 am

Devon House is one of PFF's highest graded corners this year. Randall was and is a talented player. Yes, he does look lost more often than not, but it could be a situation similar to Hyde and Hayward - where they weren't as successful in GB because they were playing out of position. He's probably best off in the slot. Lowry has certainly flashed some talent.

Matthews isn't what he used to be, but he's not over the hill just yet. Josh Jones is the most physical football player on the Packers and has the tools to be a star. King has been one of the better rookie corners this year.

You're right, this team doesn't have much depth, but they do have talent at every position. I don't expect them to be a top 5 defense, but I do expect them to be better than this.

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Razer's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:33 am

The Atlanta Falcons are 4-4 and they have Matt Ryan, Julio Jones some good RB's and an aggressive young defense. Just some perspective here.

I agree that this team needs to make changes and improve talent in some areas. Loosing Rodgers has exposed more weaknesses than anyone likes to admit. How this organization responds for the remained of this season and in the off season will tell us if the Packers have the intelligence and guts to address the issues.

In the meantime we should have a little more strength and class than name calling or quiting. Buck it up Packer fans - we play in 6 days.

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rdent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:09 am

The fact that the Falcons are 4-4 and what they did to GB twice IMO speaks volumes how bad the talent and coaching in GB is. AR has covered that up for years. GB is now 3-7-1 in games when AR has been injured.

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murphy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:25 pm

Time to call up Matt Flynn?

After last night, I'm not sure I'm joking.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:05 am

Yes, Rdent, but it is another example adducing that coaching matters. In 2016, Atlanta led the NFL by scoring 33.8 pts/game. Their OC left to become a head coach. They have pretty much the same personnel, but this season they're 17th in the NFL by scoring 21.3 pts/game.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:07 am

Yes, Rdent, but it is another example adducing that coaching matters. In 2016, Atlanta led the NFL by scoring 33.8 pts/game. Their OC left to become a head coach. They have pretty much the same personnel, but this season they're 17th in the NFL by scoring 21.3 pts/game.

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:35 am

" Sure, Green Bay was without Aaron Rodgers, but Brett Hundley was not the reason they lost. The Packers lost because, once again, their defense could not get off the field.."

This is only true because you cannot pin yesterday's debacle on any one thing. There is no single thing that is THE thing. And that includes the defense. It was a total team stinker.

What is this fascination with boiling a loss or win down to one thing? Sure the Packer defense sucked. There is no reasonable defense of their effort last night and believe me, I'm not trying to magic one up.
But the Packers offense scored 3 points before garbage time. So even if they had played well on defense, the Packers would have still lost.

I do not absolve the Packer offense of blame just because the defense stunk as much as they did. Or slightly more. Or slightly less. With the odor emanating from the Packers yesterday on both sides of the ball, it's really hard to tell which stunk worse.

What is not hard to tell is that neither unit put up a winning effort and both are worthy of criticism. And you don't need to make foolish statements about one side in order to hammer home the criticism of the other.

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ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:04 am

I don't think the offense should be absolved of blame, nor did I say that Hundley was not worthy of criticism. What I said was that he was not THE reason they lost. It is very hard to get an offense into a rhythm when your defense can't get off the field.

That being said, this article isn't about one loss, It's about a common theme that appears in nearly all of their losses since 2011.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:50 am

My problem with Capers is not putting players in the right position. I actually don't know if he knows the best position for half the players. Great examples of this is Peppers and Hyde. Peppers is not back to play 4-3 DE and is excelling, where in GB he played a lot of DT. Hyde is playing safety and is having a pro bowl caliber season, where in GB he played CB/S.

I really question his scheming of the defense too. Last night Stafford said they knew what the defense was going to do. When Capers first came to GB his blitzes were exotic and know one knew where the blitz was coming from. Now?

I think its time to make a change. I actually thought the perfect time to make a change was during the bye week. It would have given the promoted DC 2 weeks to prepare the defense.

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4thand1's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:51 am

Well it seems unanimous with everyone. Everyone but the Packers brass. Either way the season is a wash, take our lumps and wait for the draft. I can only imagine what players are saying to each other behind the scenes. The rest of the NFCN is licking their chops for a chance to play the Packers. The thing is we will be drafting rookies with a 2 or 3 year learning curve, not good with a teacher like Capers. If he is there, I'm selling my stock back to the team.

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:01 am

If there is anyone out there that still believes Capers should be the DC, that person is hiding in a bunker, worried about the barrage for saying so. The "TT: Genius or Moron" debate has raged for a decade. Not many new or interesting angles to it. Just a lot of the same old back and forth we've seen for the last decade.

In an effort to read something different that isn't all doom and gloom, let's assume that a night's rest has convinced MM that today is the day to make a change at DC. So who would be named interim DC? My guess would be Winston Moss, who MM brought from NO and is an assistant HC. His background away from the Pittsburgh scheme tips the scales to him slightly over Darren Perry for me. I think that background gives him a better perspective on what to keep and what to scrap in order to try to salvage something over the next 8 games.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:05 am

I think the players would respond well to Joe Whitt. He has personality and I think the players would take well to him.

I'd like to see Whitt get promoted. After him probably Moss.

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rdent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:16 am

All this outrage is warranted but lets face it, NOTHING is going to change until GB gets rid of the "Three Stooges"TT, MM and Dom Capers, in that order.

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HankScorpio's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:06 am

Over the years, I have been very impressed with Joe Whitt. He's got a couple of unqualified, no doubt success stories to his name, including UDFAs Tramon Williams and Sam Shields.

I would be happy with Whitt.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:16 am

Listening to the members of the media that I trust, they all have said Whitt will be a good one too.

Players seem to respond pretty well to him from what I have seen.

0 points
Since'61's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:42 pm

RC - remember that Joe Whitt's healthy DBs allowed nearly 400 yards passing last evening. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Andrew Lloyd Peth's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:11 am

I'm not concerned about team leadership, since it's mostly decided. Capers will be gone soon, Ted will retire at season's end, and McCarthy's status will be decided by the new GM.

My bigger concern is what will be done to overhaul the team's cap going forward.

My hope is sentimentality will be jettisoned, as this team needs an aggressive 2-year plan to capitalize on Aaron's last years. We even need to release some pretty good players who aren't worth the money.

Dump Jordy, Randall Cobb, Matthews, Bulaga, Richard Rodgers, House, Fackrell, Brooks, Jamaal Williams, and even Burnett if his price gets too high--it's not like he's the "savior" everyone thought he was. And thank Almighty God that Martellus Bennett is leaving.

Declining skills and athletic mediocrity must go, period. Youth and speed must predominate, nurtured by a real coaching staff with vision. Take your lumps this year and next, then roar back for Aaron's final years of glory.

Capers's exit will help, but our revival truly starts with the departure of Ted Thompson.

0 points
al bundy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:10 pm

Ted T had one great pick in his life and we know who that is and he was a fluke pick. Lets look at Ted's picks:
1. Fat Ass Eddie who had one and a half good years. He is bench sitting in Seatlle and was hurt after 5 plays last week.
2. Datone Jones james worthy, a one and a two and they are out of football and sucked when they were in football.
3. Randall and Rollins, Jones and King. They are OK but none of them are ones or twos in my mind. Round three and four and back ups at best.
4. Fackrell? Really? Ryan? hey Ryan used to get faked our of his jock strap at Michigan, one of their worst LB's ever. He is doing nothing. Hawk was better.
No Ted make horrible mistakes in the first two rounds and has mediocre players to show for it.

0 points
ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:21 am

Jones and Kings have played a half of a season and they have shown flashes of stardom. Jones was indeed a bust. Fackrell was a third round pick. Lacy was a talented player and one of the best backs in the league during his first two season. Ryan was a fourth round pick. Randall and Rollins have struggled with injuries over the last two seasons, so it's a bit early to completely close the book on them.

I'm not the biggest Ted Thompson fan, but he sure as hell has had more than one great pick: Nick Collins, Greg Jennings, Jordy Nelson, Josh Sitton (4th round), Clay Matthews, T.J. Lang (4th round), Bryan Bulaga, Morgan Burnett, Mike Daniels, David Bakhtiari, Corey Linsley, Blake Martinez, and Kenny Clark were all great picks. Hawk, James Jones, Bishop, Crosby, Starks, Cobb, Perry, Hayward, Hyde, Tretter, HHCD, and Aaron Jones were all solid picks as well.

0 points
Ds300916's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:13 am

Hello everyone, a few of you may remember an article was written like this a few weeks ago. I tried to defend Dom Capers, and I truly believe in the past he was blamed for losses that weren't his fault. However, after watching last night unfold after having TWO WEEKS to prepare for a division opponent I believe it is time for a change. I don't understand how a one dimensional team like the lions can impose their will in said dimension if we know it is coming. I don't understand why we can't get off the field on third down. I don't understand how the lions can get to 2nd and 19 and then convert via a 5 yard catch and run. I believe it is time for Dom Capers to be fired.
Also, It's a frustrating time for us fans, but remember we are still better off than most teams that won't make the playoffs this year because we have a franchise QB coming back to us. 8 straight playoff appearances had to end sometime (especially since it is a current record until the Pats get their 9th this year) Next year will be better! Until then I will keep rooting the Packers on and I hope you all will join me in not abandoning our team.

0 points
Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:27 am

You don't know much about football if you FINALLY realized Capers is a problem just last night. Sorry.

0 points
Ds300916's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:22 pm

can I have some tips from a football expert such as yourself?

0 points
billybobton's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:09 pm

AROD is a restricted free agent after this year if he wants, why are you so positive he wants to come back?

What makes you think Denver won't run to him ? shovel money his way?
promise him real talent.

Do you really take adams over anyone on denver at WR?

take our D v the denver D? where do you think AROD has the best chance of another super bowl? What do you think motivates AROD? money or proving something?

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:17 am

While we are on the subject of poor coaching jobs, I am posting the link below about the offensive game plan. I'd recommend paying attention to the routes that D. Adams ran.


0 points
Gianich's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:41 am


0 points
Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:57 am

When I think of that ONE stat, I start getting mad all over again.

I was just starting to calm down.
What a bunch of idiot coaches.
Me thinks they've begun to "lose" the team, if they haven't already.

0 points
al bundy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:05 pm

Ya and were talking the Lions who with the win went to a whopping 4-4 record. The Lions.

0 points
cheesehead1's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:04 am

What a disappointing and listless performance on both sides of the ball but especially the D. I think the only time we touched Stafford was when he ran a QB sneak at the goal line. We’ve had a good run for many years so you take the good with the bad. Will always support the Packers just as in the 70’s and 80’s when things were awful to say the least. Hope Bulaga’s injury isn’t too bad but early reports suggest otherwise.

0 points
jfajas's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:44 am

Hi guys,

I agree Capers must go, now! The season is lost. D is plain awfull (except from Blake Martinez), painfull to watch really. I find myself looking at the TV thinking:" how are they going to screw up the defense on this long yardage situation"... and it pains me even more to be right...
On a related subject about the lack of talent I think this team has...
12 makes our receivers look good and they are the slowest in the NFL. Without 12 our offense is exposed for the lack of skill players.
So, no D, mediocre offense (at best). The second half of this season is going to be hard to watch...
Greetings from Lisbon

0 points
aaronqb's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:36 pm

"The Packers couldn’t make Casey Hayward and Micah Hyde fit their scheme and they are both likely to be Pro Bowlers this year."

Also, Julius Peppers has 7.5 sacks this season in Carolina. Two of the worst plays this year by the Packer defense were with 10 men on the field.

It IS a coaching issue with Capers. And, if MM won't fix it, then he is the problem.

0 points
Doug Niemczynski's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:43 pm

I totally agree..hyde was good now he is great..hayward was good now he is great...peppers was good now he s great..when d.house left he was great....

What has been one constant that keeps are defense in the botton 25_32 in defense..DUMB CRAPPERS!!!! FIRE HIM!! For the past 6 years we have been BEGGING Mcarthy to fire him. We have Wasted 6 years of Aaron Rogers career just l8ke we wasted all the Brett Favre years., .Disgusting. Now Doug Pedersen former packers QB coach is taking the Eagles to the Super Bowl...Mcarthy and TT are INSANE...Fire Capers now!!

0 points
4thand1's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:48 pm

Run the table, r-e-l-a-x= e-x-l-a-x.

0 points
Doug Niemczynski's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:46 pm

Exlax....i love it...good post

0 points
Packatron's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:52 pm

Capers is only PART of the problem on D. All of his subordinates are the goofs that are actively "getting these players ready" to play. They all have a personal hand in this mess and all have to go as well. Dom is just the guy creating schemes. It's the specialty coaches that can't get these players prepared properly.

0 points
TommyG's picture

November 07, 2017 at 08:45 pm

They all can follow dom right out the door too.

0 points
TXCHEESE's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:59 pm

If I'm McCarthy, I'm telling Capers to get rid of all the exotic crap, simplify his schemes and let the players play fast. If he see's no evidence of that in Sunday's game at Chicago, then out the door he goes. Capers reminds me of the "chef" in our executive dining room. She comes up with a new recipe every six months, which is actually only a different sauce on the same piece of crap fish or chicken she's served for years, and just like Capers gives it a jazzy new name.

0 points
Bure9620's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:21 pm

My 2018 Wish list

Eliot Wolf-GM

Gruden- Head Coach ( he would do it in the perfect situation, West coast principles and a franchise QB)

A young, assending D coordinator with a toughness to him (Who would not want to work with Gruden?) Joe Whitt?

Maintain EB in some capacity.

David Shaw OC

This will never happen! But one can dream!

0 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:29 pm

I think we're glossing over the real threat that Rodgers leaves. The Packers have a short window to prove to him they are serious about improving the D and coming up with a more creative offense. Rodgers is not just one of the best, but one of the smartest players to ever play in the NFL. He's also incredibly competitive. He saw what we saw, but he has a far greater idea than we do what the reasons are. I think that the FO, unless they're even more blind than we think they are, have to see that if Rodgers goes it all falls apart. Rodgers loves the Packers, but the FO has to show him they're trying, and excite him with the possibility of an improved defense and offense. That means Murphy almost has to fire at least two of the three of TT, MM and DC.

0 points
Finwiz's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:52 pm

Every once in awhile you read something here that you never considered, or though of yourself. It's rare unfortunately, but it happens.

This is one of those times. Profoundly interesting.

Unless they have really, really gone off the deep end drinking the G&G koolaid in Murphy's office, I will be absolutely jaw dropping shocked if Capers isn't fired after the season. That one I say is most likely. (85%)
Thompson - 2nd most likely, but it will be a retirement thing. (80%)
McCarthy - possible, but I still doubt it. (40%)
New GM makes it more likely McCarthy will be gone, but they may give him a year with a new executive.

0 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:32 pm

BTW I think this is a great article Elisha. Good work!

0 points
ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:23 am

Thanks, Johnny! I appreciate it.

0 points
Doug Niemczynski's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:30 pm

For the love of god Mcarthy enough is enough. I am begging you to please fire Dom Capers today.

1.This season is over. It is over! Hire someother coordinator now!! We can start instilling some type of new defense now while we we have at least 8 games to review going into the offseason.
2. Draft a QB in 1st round. You will not get an opportunity like this again for min of 7_10 years
3. Start playing ALL the 2nd and 3rd stringers on offense but NOT defense. You will continue to use ALL starters on DEFENSE with the new defensive coordinator.
4. Use ALL 2nd and 3rd stringers on SPECIAL teams.

0 points
Doug Niemczynski's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:30 pm

For the love of god Mcarthy enough is enough. I am begging you to please fire Dom Capers today.

1.This season is over. It is over! Hire someother coordinator now!! We can start instilling some type of new defense now while we we have at least 8 games to review going into the offseason.
2. Draft a QB in 1st round. You will not get an opportunity like this again for min of 7_10 years
3. Start playing ALL the 2nd and 3rd stringers on offense but NOT defense. You will continue to use ALL starters on DEFENSE with the new defensive coordinator.
4. Use ALL 2nd and 3rd stringers on SPECIAL teams.

0 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:56 pm

Deleted Post...not funny enough.

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:44 pm

Last year about this time the usual suspects were calling for Capers head. Then the Packers went on their run to the NFC title game. With a broken defense, with a secondary playing three SS and a third string CB. Perry and Whitt deserves all the credit in the world for making it work, But who is their boss who gave them the leeway to make that incredible run possible, Dom Capers. Capers may retire or be fired, but not till the end of the season. And if you are serious football fans, you know the reason why. Lets see how the rest of the season plays out, all right.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:57 pm

It's official. The players have tuned out DC. MM as well. Eyes do not lie. Few make the effort to show they still care and have pride. Can you really blame them?

0 points
FAN24583's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:50 pm

Elliot Wolf GM, John Gruden HC, Kevin Green DC. Sign a top Pass rusher.

0 points
Free agent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 07:25 pm

Capers to the Vikings

0 points
Free agent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 07:41 pm

How many times did you hear Gruden say, “That was to easy”, in reference to the Packers giving up big yardage on simple plays. This team is lifeless on both sides of the ball. The Niners would defeat this team and the Browns we will soon see. This could be the worst team in the NFL without Rodgers.

0 points
ElishaTwerski's picture

November 08, 2017 at 04:27 am

Agreed. We heard that way too often. It was also striking how often we heard him say "The Packers rush five" or and "here comes the blitz" followed immediately by "...And Stafford has all day to throw".

0 points
TommyG's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:45 pm

The lions may have done us a favor. They knew the defense and perhaps took too much. The failure that is our defensive unit was embarrassingly evident on a national broadcast. Our team is being chastised by national media, some are even telling AR to walk out of town. Please let this be the start of a new Packers team. I know it will be painful but after a few years with new leaders it will be competitive again.

0 points
Rak43's picture

November 08, 2017 at 10:43 pm

I've been calling for Capers dismissal for 3 years now. The best coordinators put their players in position to succeed and help their players play fast with much less complicated defenses than Capers runs. Capers defense is so complex for his own players he needs a "defensive QB" just to line the defense up properly and make the calls. Packers need to simplify and get good at playing basic schemes without all the complexity.

0 points
Rak43's picture

November 08, 2017 at 10:49 pm

The Packers are not winning the SB this year and probably not even making the playoffs. So maybe the best thing that could happen to them is to lose out and be forced to reevaluate everything from the coaching staff to the roster. The Packers have several extra picks coming in this draft as compensation for lost players and picking at the top of the round instead of the bottom could make a huge difference for the team in the upcoming years.

0 points