Steelers: 38 Packers: 31

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Packers' loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers

Eddie Lacy, Micah Hyde, A.J. Hawk

The Bad

The Bad

M.D. Jennings, Matt Flynn, Don Barclay

The Bad

The Bad

Nick Perry






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Comments (82)

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:18 am

Bad: Capers for constantly insisting on starting MD Jennings before realizing his mistake after 3-4 series. He's like the guy from Memento.

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:21 am

Its amazing, but minus one nice play at the LOS, Richardson didn't look much better. His feet looked stuck to the tundra on that TD to that no namer TE who hadn't caught a pass all season.

Bad safety play is just expected at this point.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:24 am

Yeah - he gave up the TD. But at least he was there. Jennings would have been wandering off chasing a butterfly or something.

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RunAndHyde's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:14 am

I agree with ya Evan he was there immediately...I was actually kinda impressed

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GrnMachine's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:43 am

Agreed. He seemed to read the play and get to the spot as fast as anyone would, positioned where he was. From what I've seen, he's CLEARLY around the ball more than Jennings and should benefit from a full offseason.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:34 am

Richardson was a lot better. He was in on multiple tackles. Jennings continues to miss tackles.

On one of Bells long runs Jennings came up to make a tackle and Bell ran right through him.
The very next series Richardson came in and tackling was much better.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:38 am

There was a tackle "attempt" along the sideline that was easily the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:43 am

YES!!.. that was pathetic. I can only imagine what was going through Williams' mind on that when he started slowing down and then had to take off after Jennings missed that.

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The TKstinator's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:36 pm

I agree. That was bad. He just seems small, weak, hesitant...and not good.
I would be very interested to see how the coaches grade him week to week vs. Richardson. At least 28 LOOKS LIKE he's just a better player, but we never know the players' assignments and sometimes a safety (or any player) will LOOK BAD when really another player blew the coverage or whatever.

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jeremy's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:00 am

Jennings looked like he was curling up into the fetal when he saw Bell coming around the corner on that play.

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D B H's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:40 am

Richardson was at least in the right spot. He didn't make the play, but you can't guarantee that Jennings is even in the vacinity if he were in the game.

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Derek in CO's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:22 am

Agreed. Why even start Jennings when he gets pulled three straight games for Richardson. What is the point of that? Stupid.

also ugly: Special Teams

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Bugeater's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:26 am

You're right! Capers needs to get this tattooed on his chest:

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:30 am


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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 02:34 pm

I know everybody thinks Richardson overall looks better, but when the bar is set that low, it is really not that difficult.

Richardson look as bad at the Doctor on that TD pitch and catch to that no name TE.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 24, 2013 at 07:27 am

At least Richardson can tackle.

Yes he didn't do a good job on that TD.

But also remember, that Richardson is only in his 2nd year and basically has missed most of the 2 years. He needs more playing time.

What is probably the most important trait of a safety? I would say tackling. The safety is the last line of defense on the team. If he misses the tackle the offensive player can go for a TD.

Jennings has shown he can't tackle. He shy's away from contact. Richardson should start, hands down.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:20 am

Also, I've read 2-3 game recaps so far this morning that have called Barclay for the false start at the end of the game. It was Lang, though, yeah?

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:22 am

Not sure who it was called on, but it was both.

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markinmontana's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:24 am

Seemed like it was Lang during the replay, but the ref's called it on Barclay, so it might have gone onto the official record as such.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:26 am

I remember 3-4 plays where Lang got off the ball awfully quick - could have been called.

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mark's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:26 am

I heard somewhere that it had more to do with EDS' snap.

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PackerAaron's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:35 am

Yup. EDS said it was his fault for not getting the snap off.

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Rich Beckman's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:52 am

Kudos to EDS for stepping up and taking responsibility.

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SOL's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:24 pm

I scoured the press and reviewed the tape. EDS's quote blames it on crowd noise that he couldn't hear Flynn. If you look at the tape Flynn is waving his arms trying to get the crowd noise down.
What kind of idiot fans did we have at the game that they don't know what home team etiquette is when your team is in the red zone? You pipe down!!!
Do they need to have the scoreboards flash be quiet? Do flyers need to be passed out as they enter the stadium?
Where I work CI (Continuous Improvement) is a mantra. I know the one play was not the lynchpin on the loss of the game. It was lost on cascading team errors but the fans should not be part of the problem. The questions is how to fix it?

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Michael from Winnipeg's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:21 am

Good: Lacy

Bad: The Jumbo package didnt work? How can that not work? Also, the fake punt by the Steelers. I was tipped off when the WR on the right moved back to the formation. I thought it was a give-away that something was going to happen.

Ugly: Flynn throwing the fade in the end zone. Unless I am mistaken, he hasnt hit one yet, and I dont think he can.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:25 am

"Ugly: Flynn throwing the fade in the end zone. Unless I am mistaken, he hasnt hit one yet, and I dont think he can."

Yeah, he's like 0-9 with that throw. Time to cross that play out.

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Ho Le Fuk's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:16 am

Time to cross him out too. He obviously has shown he can throw a nice spiral and pin point pass every now and then and a few TD's too.
His humungous weakness is between his ears.
I was screaming at the TV, "hey you idiot get up to the line call a play and get your arse movin you have 20 seconds left".
I know he was looking at the D trying to figure in advance who to throw to rather than let the play develop and find the open guy. He is one of these QB's who decide before the throw where he is going and telegraphs his throws, ofter missing a wide open guy.
He was dumped by three other teams in a one year period, lets make it 4 after the season ends.

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The TKstinator's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:17 pm

What does your screen name mean?

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:39 pm

Unless it's total coincidence, it's a reference to one of the most insanely crass practical jokes that somebody played on a news team:

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:25 am

"Ugly: Flynn throwing the fade in the end zone. Unless I am mistaken, he hasnt hit one yet, and I dont think he can."

I don't think he's thrown on that has been catchable all season. And yet, MM keeps calling them.

And on that front, how about we call another quick out and/or WR screen on 3rd > 12? If I were an opposing CB and I saw Jordy line up in the slot on 3rd and long, I'd jump it.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:36 am

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that throw has been out of bounds every time he has thrown it...
I wouldn't blame McCarthy for that though. That is a QB's decision to make that throw, right?

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:41 am

"I wouldn’t blame McCarthy for that though. That is a QB’s decision to make that throw, right?"

No idea. Whoever is at fault, its ugly ever time he throws it.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:45 am

Yeah, I agree with that... I'm just saying that from what I have been reading, most people want to blame McCarthy for it.
To me its more on Flynn the McCarthy.

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:51 am

Let's make a deal - one of us sneaks into the facility and steals the pages from all the playbooks for the endzone fade and the fullback dive.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:07 pm

I do have to admit though. I hated the fullback dive. I will say, I like the fullback dive better with a legit RB.

Now I don't want to see it all the time, but it has worked a lot better when there is a RB that teams are more concerned with.

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Fred's picture

December 23, 2013 at 02:23 pm

Hasn't Nelson been lining up in the slot almost exclusively since Cobb went down? Not sure why it would seem odd On any particular down & distance at this point in the season.

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 02:35 pm

Not exclusively, but good point.

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markinmontana's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:21 am

Hyde seems to be a little bit of an "under-the-radar" returner- maybe just not flashy or fast enough for teams to want to kick away from him, which is a good thing. I was pleasantly surprised to hear yesterday that he's the #2 punt returner in the league.

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jeremy's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:03 am

It's nice that he secures the football and then just get's upfield to grab what's there. It's amazing how few can do this.

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MarkinMadison's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:09 pm

ESPN has got Hyde averaging 12.9 per punt, good for fourth in the league among those with the "qualified minimum." They've got Jeremy Ross averaging 17.0, good for 1st on the "all players" list, but with 15 attempts on the season he does not make the "qualified" list at all.

At the end of the day Ross needed a change of scenery. He scared me while he was in Green Bay. He looked much, much more confident playing for Detroit on Turkey Day.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:29 am

Also, in that Barnwell recap on Grantland, he said the refs screwed up the end of the game too. They let 3 seconds run off the clock after the false start was called. So, we should have had 13 seconds, not 10. That would have given us 1 more play.

Who knows if we would have scored and it's probably karma for the gift they gave us on the blocked kick, but still...screwing up the simple shit is what's infuriating.

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Derek in CO's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:35 am

that is interesting, especially in light of all the other officiating F-ups we've seen in the NFL this year. Officiating seems to have regressed.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:37 am

Also, EDS said that the Ref told him to wait and not snap yet, while the clock was ticking? Why?

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:53 am

Yeah, it was really annoying to go through the replacement ref junk last year, but really part of the cause of that was the NFL trying to implement measures that would help improve refereeing in the NFL. As much as we were clamoring for the real refs back, I hope the NFL at least got some of what they wanted there.

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mark's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:30 am

My big critique of Flynn's game is that he seems to lock in on one target off the snap, and rarely will he look at a 2nd or 3rd option.

This was on display on the last play when Jordy broke open on the slant and Boykin was covered. I realize it was a shallow play where a quick decision was required, but the critique stands.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:32 am

I think Nick Perry's forced fumble should negate his ugly... I think he should be moved to the bad category...

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:40 am

Nah. That encroachment was inexcusable.

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:43 am

That penalty was brainless at a critical juncture. You just don't do that. "Ugly" suites him just fine.

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:49 am

Yeah, I agree that it was a horrible play and especially at that time.

I will say that that play was ugly. But his forced fumble in my opinion offsets it.

That's just my opinion.

Ugly for me is the Packers Redzone offense in the last 2 drives.

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Point Packer's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:57 pm

"Ugly for me is the Packers Redzone offense in the last 2 drives."

Can't argue with that.

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KurtMc's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:42 am

You get what you get with Flynn...Nuff said.

Assuming Lacy is back, if the Lacy, Starks tandem can't put 150 yards rushing on da bums next week, we're in trouble.

Capers is in the ugly for no imagination, keeping MD playing. Stick with Richardson. 26th in total D, 21st rushing & 26th passing. hate to keep beating this drum but...

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 09:51 am

Yeah, whoever's decision to start MD Jennings should be in the UGLY.

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markinmontana's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:23 am

Richardson also looked a little lost and out of position yesterday. Weak safety play is going to be a fact of life this year, no matter who is back there.

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jeremy's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:06 am

I hope McCarthy looks at the two running plays the Eagles ran about 20 times at the bears for like an 8 yards average. Although I don't know if EDS can pull and block the backside.

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:59 am

Those were beautiful, and what's even more impressive is that many of those came at a time when it was obvious that the Eagles would run.

I would also like to steal from the Eagles' (and others') playbook that play (I don't know what to call it) where you fake the handoff for an off-tackle run to one side, then pretend that you're going to throw it to the other side of the field, and then the QB flips around and throws the screen back to the RB that he originally faked to. That's probably a terrible description, but I love that play (if you can pull it off).

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markinmontana's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:18 pm

That's the ol' Fake Flicker Flipper.

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cLowNEY42's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:31 pm

With our OL?
QB would be killed.

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:43 pm

Actually, since it's a type of screen pass, it involves letting the defensive lineman come through after a second or two. That seems right up our alley...

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Fred's picture

December 23, 2013 at 02:30 pm

I think either Lacy or Starks should be be able to hang 120 on the Bears. I really hope we hang on to Starks. He so beastly in this role. I'd even like to see him get a a couple/three more carries a game. He can't handle Lacy's load, he's too fragile. But man, he comes off the bench like a raging bull, and the combo of speed and power is a great compliment to Lacy's pure power and patient running style. I like to call them Thunder and Thunder.

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Bearmeat's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:00 am

UGLY: GB's Chances to beat the Hapless Bares without ARod, CM3, Lacy and Cobb.

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RunAndHyde's picture

December 23, 2013 at 10:19 am

Ugly..the ref comin up to tell Flynn with about 6 seconds to go ...."hey I started the clock dipshit"

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jyros's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:34 am

Good + Boykin

Bad + Defense tackling

UGLY - From'Matty Ice' to WTF Flynn!

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GrnMachine's picture

December 23, 2013 at 11:54 am

I pprrreeetttyy much erased that game from my mind when the eagles went up by 30 in the 4th. Let's focus on what's going on right now... Haters and doubters, alike, are starting to form their excuses as to how we made the playoffs, despite their incessant non-support amd pessimism.

And we TRUE Packer fans have, yet again, the very enviable task of knocking the bears out of the playoffs for the 2nd time in 4 years!

Let's rejoice in the "house money" we've been gallivanting around with in this putrid NFC North division!!

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Jameson's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:06 pm


Jarrett Boykin. TT has a knack for finding wide receivers. Which quite honestly is his only knack I think. But this kid has really stepped up in the absence of Cobb.

James Jones. He made some fantastic catches including literally robbing Ike Taylor of an interception. We need to re sign him in the off season.

Micah Hyde. A lot is expected of this 5th rounder and he's really stepped up to the plate. He's really come into his own in the return game and is not a liability in the secondary. I think he's been a great player for us!

Tim Masthay. Just because it can't be said enough what he does for this team. He gets off a punt on a terrible snap, he pinned them deep on a great punt, and was the one to stop a TD. Besides he may be the only special team player who can tackle.

Run Game. Eddie Lacy and James Starks are a fantastic combo because they are such different runners yet both effective. I wish MM would allow Starks more chances.


Flynn. He gave the Steelers 14 points with two huge turnovers. Take away those points and we win.

Perry. I'd put in him the ugly category but he did have a key fumble recovery. However his stupidity was costly. Very costly.

Defense. I won't put them in the ugly category because they did ok. But once again no pass rush or no ability to stop the run.


Mike McCarthy. He once again was out coached at home when it counted. HIs play calling makes me want to smash something against the TV. But perhaps his biggest blunder as a coach is allowing such undisciplined sloppy play week in and week out. And let's not even get into the last minute of the game where we couldn't have looked like a bigger bunch of idiots if we tried.

Penalties. Way too many and way too many critical ones. There are no excuses for that.

Special Teams. Outside of Masthay and Hyde what a terrible day.

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gmanB's picture

December 23, 2013 at 01:02 pm

Field position lost the game for the Packers. The SP teams unit gave up huge returns. Even when the Steelers started with average position the defense gave up a huge play to flip the field.

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KurtMc's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:31 pm

+1 Great observation

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sam's picture

December 26, 2013 at 12:41 am

I got off work at 4 so I started watching the game late but I noticed when they showed field position that Pitt's avg was the 40 and green bays was at least 20 yards less. We can't do that and expect to win.

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Idiot Fan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 12:17 pm

It seems like at this point we know who Flynn is: a decent QB who is capable of stretches solid play, who also tends to have at least one catastrophically bad play per game, and who is no good in end-of-game situations.

The question for me is, is it worth having a guy like that as your backup? I'm kind of torn. At least you know what you have in him, he'll know the playbook really well, and he is capable of winning at least some games. He could be Rodgers' Doug Pedersen. But then again, that prevents us from developing a young QB. I'm curious to see what Tolzien can do after a year in the QB school.

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Mojo's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:16 pm

This doesn't relate directly to yesterdays Packer game, but in the "Ugly" category, I would put the increased likelihood of Detroit ousting Schwartz.

For years now, we Packer fans could count on the dysfunction from Detroit high-ups to throttle whatever collective talent the Lions may have assembled. Wayne Fontes, Matt Millen and now, most likely, Jim Schwartz. I'll miss you all.

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:18 pm

Thought the same thing. Ha. I'm terrified of them getting a competant coach. But then I remember they're the Lions.

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KurtMc's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:34 pm

Hey Detroit, Gary Kubiak is available for immediate hire

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KurtMc's picture

December 23, 2013 at 03:38 pm

Speaking of Texas, Hey TT, give a call out to Wade Phillips after the season. He might be available or Give Greene a shot

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steven's picture

December 23, 2013 at 07:18 pm

Alright packer fans, unbiased opinions only. LACY OR BELL?

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Evan's picture

December 23, 2013 at 07:29 pm

I haven't seen enough of Bell to say. I can say I absolutely love everything Lacy has brought to this team. I wish he was a tick faster, but otherwise I have zero complaints.

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4thand1's picture

December 23, 2013 at 07:30 pm

DUH! Lacy

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4thand1's picture

December 23, 2013 at 07:36 pm

What this team has done with what they have is pretty dam good. All the bitching is unwarranted. Everyone knows this north race would have been over 6 weeks ago with Rodgers, Cobb, Finley, Matthews, Hayward, Bulaga, etc etc. The Pack would be looking at a buy. WTF, they're still in it thanks to the Bears and lolions. The Packers are the class of the north and will run away with it next year. A healthy Packers 14-2 next year. Book it.

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gmanB's picture

December 23, 2013 at 08:12 pm

Agreed but 14-2 is a bit ambitious. They play the Saints, Carolina, Atlanta, New England and the NFC West (on the road) next year. Plus the Bears will probably be decent, the lions could be better under a new coach (they have plenty of undisciplined talent). Can't guarantee they will stay healthy in 2014 either.

They better bring it this weekend against the Bears. Watching the playoffs is better when the Packers are playing in them.

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Stroh's picture

December 24, 2013 at 03:18 pm

That's what everyone said going into this year. Very difficult to predict how teams will do from year to year. One thing changes that... If you have a Franchise QB its almost a guarantee you finish w/ 11-14 wins unless he gets hurt. Then your in exactly the position the Packers are in. Closer to .500 and trying to survive and still stay in playoff contention!

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Albert Lingerfeld's picture

December 24, 2013 at 09:41 am

If what I read was true, the ref had to tell Flynn, hey the clock is running 8,7,6. He did not know that and was standing there letting the time go by.
I blame Mac for not having a time out left. He does this all the time. Never has a time out to manage the game in situations like this. Chaos is his middle name.
An offensive coordinator would help. But then you would proably have to pay the guy. Mac is a cheap alternative.

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Stroh's picture

December 24, 2013 at 10:03 am

That's not even remotely close dumbass... EDS was told he had to wait for the Ref to point to him to be able to snap the ball and the play clock was supposed to start simultaneously. However, the ref started the clock but forgot? or for some other reason didn't point at EDS so he could snap the ball. It was EDS who said hey the clock is running before he was told/pointed to so he could snap the ball!

Where do you read? the garbage you spew? Feel free to provide the link... I won't be holding my breath since we all know you don't have one.

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4thand1's picture

December 24, 2013 at 01:25 pm

Frustrating, merry x-mas stroh

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Stroh's picture

December 24, 2013 at 03:14 pm

Yes it was and he is... LOL

Merry Christmas to you and others.

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