O.J. Atogwe Contract Details

Howard Balzer of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat has the details of safety O.J. Atogwe's five-year, $32.1 million dollar contract, which Balzer notes is really a one-year, $4.1 million dollar contract.

Per Balzer, Atogwe received a $2 million dollar roster bonus on July 1, and has a guaranteed $2.1 million dollar base salary in 2010.

"The bottom line is that the remainder of the contract will likely void one day after the Feb. 6 Super Bowl, or he will be released later in the month before an $8 million roster bonus is due. If he were paid that roster bonus, then an additional $3.5 million in salary becomes guaranteed if he’s on the roster on the 60th day of the league year, which would be at the beginning of May."

If the Rams pick up the roster bonus on February 7, 2011, which is a big "if", the then soon-to-be 30-year old Atogwe's deal will include $15.6 million dollars in guaranteed money, as the Rams would be unlikely to just cut Atogwe after picking up a roster bonus of that size.

Contract Breakdown:

2010 Signing Bonus: $0
2010 Roster Bonus: $2,000,000
2010 Base Salary: $2,100,021 (guaranteed)

2011 Roster Bonus: $8,000,000 (due 2/7/11)
2011 Base Salary: $3,500,000 (becomes guaranteed on 60th day of '11 league year)

Remaining Base Salaries

2012: $5,500,000
2013: $5,500,000
2014: $5,000,000

Deal includes a $500,000 bonus for making the Pro Bowl in any of the five years of the deal, which can only be earned once, and $600,000 in yearly escalators. Therefore, the maximum value of the deal is $34.5 million dollars.

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