What We're Watching: "Aaron Rodgers-The Photobomber"

A videography of the photobombing efforts of Aaron Rodgers

The photobombing skills of Aaron Rodgers have been well documented at Eat More Cheese.

Since the beginning of the 2011 season, we have posted the captain's photo from each game here under the "Say Cheese!" tag. It's something that we look forward to every week.

It looks like NFL Films has finally caught up to us in documenting the bomb.

Recently, they posted a video documenting the photobomb efforts of a certain QB and the skill involved in such efforts. It is a great video, a nice break from the battles on the field, and a glimpse at someone who is all business on the field, but can still have a laugh just before game time.

Who knows, maybe EMC was the inspiration for filming this. If so, let us know who to contact so we can start receiving those fat royalty checks.


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