Jayme Does Dallas - The Tweeter-ers

Is this a tweet up or are you always this happy to see me?

Dallas weather apparently did not get the message that it was supposed to be cold for a couple of days and then warm up, because Friday morning, the day I was originally promised would be the warm up, greeted us with a couple inches of snow.

The snow actually made driving more fun, and it was the first time in the car that I didn’t see Alex’s white knuckles.

We met a great group of packer’s fans, possible drunk, who arrived at our hotel in a van with a flat tire. They were lovely people, with lovely can cozies, that I’m pretty sure Alex got on film.

It was at this point in the week that I received the greatest gift ever, Jason J. Wilde started following me on twitter. Meeting Santana Dotson is one thing; getting Wilde to follow my tweets is a whole ‘nother thing.

I made a snow man.

And then promptly napped while Alex edited our Cribs footage and we patiently waited for Brian to come home.

It was decided that we would join the Packers fan tours that night and watch Paige Pearson and the rest of the Fox 11 crew work. On our way out, decided to grab a bite to eat and get Alex the BBQ he was craving. Saw a place that was packed, and named Red Neck Heaven. How can anyone say no to such a place?

I learned how as we got to the door and saw a lady holding a drinks tray, wearing underwear or a bikini that even people in Brazil would blush at. We ended up settling at the much less crowded Logan’s Roadhouse. It must be challenging to be the clothed BBQ place.

Eventually though we made it to the Great Wolf Lodge, which is normally over run with families on vacation and the overwhelming smell of chlorine. However, not today. Instead if was filled to the brim with Packers fans. Got to meet some of Aunt Gert’s relatives, which really felt like an honor.

I bought the sweetest Packers scarf known to man and a shot glass that later SB would ask me if it was a candle holder.

Alex got to meet the once in a life time fan, and that clearly made his day. He kept trying to explain to newbie me who that was. I nodded a lot.

Our Friday night tweet up was tame, Saturday’s was not.

Saturday day, Brian, Alex and I tried to find our way around Sundance Square. However, Saturday was also the first nice day in a week, so saying it was crowded is a huge understatement. After spending nearly an hour and a half in a tex-max place for lunch, getting many Jesus pamphlets, and wandering around trying to find XLV gear to no avail, we headed home so Mr. Hardworker could get some much needed rest. Alex and I would spend the rest of our afternoon trying to brave a mall and a salon in attempts to get Mrs. Alex great gifts.

But eventually it was time for Sherlock’s and for tweet up. I’m sure there were Steelers fans somewhere in the city, but apart from Sundance Square, I really didn’t see a lot. Walking into Sherlock’s again we were surrounded by Packers fans. We quickly made our way to the back and set up camp.

This was a great night, meeting Jersey Al, Dick Chang, Kyle, Acme Packing Co, Mat Trix, WiscoKid, and many others. Sat and talked Packers with fans all night. Does life get any better?

Met fans from all over, some who drove up from Mexico, some who were from the DFW area and some who like us just traveled to Dallas without tickets just for the experience. I don’t think words can fully describe how great the night was. Meeting all these people that I’ve had nearly daily interaction with all season was amazing. There was never a dull moment all night. Felt like every time I turned around there was a new face with a familiar name.

There's a reason Alex doesn't do Cheesehead Radio anymore, him and Jersey Al are always at odds.

Brian Carriveau and Kyle Cousineau share a cold one.

You its getting late in the night when I stop posing for pictures and just have a goofy excited grin on my face. Me and the hardest working man in the blogesphere.

Corey is a very fancy dresser.

I woke up the next morning with a sore hand, after finding this picture on my phone, I think I know why. Alex and I really don't get along at all. :)

I have a great picture of Brian imitating Jersey Al's thinking face, who in turn was imitating Lombardi's thinking face. Look for it later today on twitter.

At the end of the night, I became completely obsessed with having access to the game day live blog for the next day, pretty sure I referred to it as “my baby” upwards of 10 times and made Corey drive me all around the city to get his iPad.

Eventually though we all made it home, and safely in bed; the next day was kind of a big one.

Would the Packers win? Would the sun stick around? I know you are all on the edge of your seats.

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Comments (4)

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aussiepacker's picture

February 14, 2011 at 04:42 pm

Am really enjoying these posts Jayme, You have a really good way of Bringing humor to your articles. But please don't forget to do your friday night lights recap on the final episode, I am hanging for your thoughts.

0 points
Jayme Snowden's picture

February 16, 2011 at 11:51 am

Thanks! I promise to get the recap up soon. I went into way slow-mo mode upon returning home. Great last two episodes, now that my XLV recaps are done, FNL will be up soon. :) Thanks for reading them, you're like the only one. :)

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foundinidaho's picture

February 14, 2011 at 09:05 pm

Freaking hilarious. We must meet up in GB next year, Jayme. This must happen.

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Wiscokid's picture

February 17, 2011 at 07:40 pm

I'm only half way in the photo but fortunately its my good half :)

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