The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Packers vs Giants

Aaron hands out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Green Bay Packers Week 14 loss to the New York Giants.




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4 points

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Wenis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:34 am

We're one loss closer to Lafleur getting fired.

We looked completely inept in all phases of the game.

We still employ Joe Barry.

13 points
Packrat4's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:09 am

Unforgivable clock management. WHY would you go into hurry-up offense for two plays on their 25 yard with 2:45 left on the clock?? They had an opportunity to win by clock management and running it down to a do-or-die and instead they hurried up and left them with 1:33. Elementary stuff and Lafleur blows it on two unsuccessful hurry-ups and wastes an opportunity to run down the clock to less than 30 seconds AND force them to use their timeouts. Beyond belief!!

3 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Exactly.. you don’t want to give the ball back with more than 15 -16 seconds. You knew ( LaFleur had to know the defense wasn’t able) that they were gonna get an attempt off. The point would be to make it a 55 yard + attempt.

0 points
ricky's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:50 am

What is sad is that the Packers lost the game; the Giants didn't win it. Love and the offense regressed. Joe Barry showed his true colors, thank goodness, so there is hope he will be gone at the end of this season. There were unforced errors, blown coverage, and Tommy DeVito rushed for 71 yards? This team just wasn't ready to play for some reason. Perhaps it was looking at their opponent, and after beating the Lions and Chiefs, they were feeling too confident. The key word for many this week was "trap game". Instead, the Packers played a "crap game".

12 points
jjbathgate66's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:45 am

Spot on Ricky, these are losses that get you fired, play calling was horrendous how many more times are they going to run these end arounds it going to cut Reed's career very short. The soft defense at the end was just awful, Tommy Cutlets was made out to be next roger Staubach and #4 Joe Barry no answer as usual.

Good, Kraft may end of being terrific pick
Bad, Love, too long of motion to get rid of ball. no quick release, terrible field vision locks in on receivers. O line is terrible, AJ Dillon see ya given enough chances, Taylor looked better, D line was just average no sacks, Gary was invisible (again) Savage (soft), JA soft,) Stokes (bust)
Carlson scary bad just not the guy to replace Crosby.

Ugly: coaching its your job to get these guys ready to play, of all games this was on national TV. Easiest schedule at end and can't get the boys ready. also Special or not so special teams.

-1 points
jjbathgate66's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:53 am

JA and Stokes I know didn't play but to me they represent the season as a whole over pver hyped players that don't deserve the contracts they get. You need to perform on the field and not brag about it off. Defense is trying to cover with guys that just are lucky to be on roster, ST players and Joe Barry is no help.

-1 points
KenEllis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:01 am

200+ yards rushing given up in 4 of the 13 games this season.

Including to teams with QBs Desmond Ridder, Kenny Pickett, and Tommy Devito. All losses.

And yet much of the fan base, MLF, and the Packer Organisation is just fine with Joe Barry coordinating all those 1st rounders on his defense.


11 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:07 am

"Stopping the run isn't a priority."

2 points
KKB's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:46 am

Instead of good, bad, and ugly, I am going to go with didn't suck, sucked, and really sucked...

Didn't suck: Heath, and Kraft
Sucked: pass rush, special teams, and MLF play calling (how many times are you going to run Reed around left end, before you learn it doesn't work)
Really Sucked: special teams, Nixon, and a defense that couldn't stop Tommy Cutlets. AND a team that was clearly not prepared for this game, and played like crap except for a handful of plays. AND Troy Aikman laughing all night at his own comments.

7 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:11 am

Troy Aikman's typically bad commentary would have been a lot less annoying had the Pack played well.

A few beautifully executed plays, and some others that worked maybe as much due to luck as anything else. That's still more than they had in some earlier games.

I always wince when they use Reed as a RB. Fortunately he hasn't gone down to injury from it yet.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:08 pm

But give Aikman credit. He threw Barry under the bus and called out Love for a shitty pass that cost a TD.

2 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:33 am

The good:
Really not much to say here. The 4th quarter touchdown drive was nice... And Tucker Kraft had a nice game.

The bad:
-We went back to October (for a lot of reasons) with poor offensive execution, dropped passes, killer penalties, horrific special teams play, missed kicks and to top it all off, a defense that gave up a late score after taking the lead.
-Pass protection was suffering and Love under duress on a lot of throws. I vividly remember watching Walker and Runyan get thrown to the ground on the same play late in the game and got Love sacked, against a 4-man rush. Can't wait to see how Runyan is far and away the lowest graded player on offense and I can't wait to see him trot back out onto the field next week because the team can't seem to figure out that he is God awful and doesn't deserve to be starting. #FreeRhyan
-Running game was hit and miss and runs were going for 10 yards or 0.
-Drops were bad again and Love didn't help himself out much with the placement of some of his throws. -Carlson missed another field goal which was aided by a Love sack while near the red zone and it seems like if GB misses a field goal, they're going to lose the game by roughly that many points.
- Injuries are piling up yet again and with Reed and Wicks both going down, we may be without 2/3 of our receiving core come Sunday's game against the Bucs. This team simply cannot stay healthy.

The ugly:
There's a lot to put in here today.
-#1 I'm putting the pass rush. For playing against quarterback who has been sacked 20 times over the last 3 games and coming away with a total of 2 QB hits with 0 sacks, it's inexcusable. Against the 32nd ranked pass blocking offensive line, no less. Gary and Smith were constantly over rushing the edges leaving wide open gaps for DeVito to run through and the gap of Rohan in the middle of the field. The defense made him look like an All-Pro QB, especially on the final 3 drives.
-Not one pass defensed and only two incompletions on the day for DeVito after the very first drive, also inexcusable for playing against a rookie quarterback.
-Joe Barry's defense on the final drive. Love didn't play his best game today, but to watch the defense hemorrhage yards like that in the 4th... It's discerning, especially against one of the weakest offenses in the league.
- We get it, Lafleur. You like the misdirection with Reed. You ever think that, maybe, just maybe, it doesn't need to be called 7 times? He took the game out of Love's hands and started being cute again calling misdirection plays. When the offense isn't executing, complexity is NOT going to help. Didn't we learn that in October?

Pathetic showing by Lafleur and the entire team who obviously were overmatched and ill prepared to play football. Out coached for the second time in as many years by Daboll. Hopefully this lights a fire under their asses and gets them ready to play.

On to the next one.

9 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:11 pm

I agree with your summary except the hope it lights a fire under their asses. This is MLF.. he’s clueless. It will not change. He should be calling plays in Chicago, not coaching in Green Bay

3 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:45 am

I realize my comment above was a little long, let me summarize it:

Good: Tucker Kraft, almost GW drive at the end.
Bad: Pass protection, drops, injuries, pass defense, Jordan Love, Keisean Nixon
Ugly: 3 turnovers, special teams with 2 penalties a fumble and a missed FG, exotic play calling on offense, pass rush, run defense (over 200 yards again)

7 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:20 am

I really hate to pin such a 60 minute loss on one play, but the failed 2 point conversion was HUGE. Very poor judgment to think that play was going to work at that point in the game.

After the draft I said good strategy would be high percentage plays using TEs and RBs a lot. I'm still saying that, and specifically in this game throwing to 28 and 85 more would have been a good idea.

3 points
Malland56's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:03 pm

How many times did we throw to Dillion last night? I didn't see Love throw to him once when I watched the game. Missed most of 2nd quarter. And I did not see one blitz last night and Gary was out of position many times

0 points
Lphill's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:12 am

Embarrassing performance every phase of the game ,

13 points
NickPerry's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:49 am

The Good... On a night where they sucked in just about every phase of the game, they stuck it in the endzone to take the lead with under 2 minutes.

The Bad... Jordan Love's TOs.

The Ugly... The 2 Pt. call...How many times are you going to call that LaFleur? The Giants has been sitting on those calls the last 3 times you ran it.

The Uglier than Hell... Joe Barry and ANYTHING he does defensively... Joe Barry should be left in NY. In the 4th quarter with under 6 minutes left in the game there's the TWO MAN FRONT (with 2 OLBs standing up) and the Packers getting gashed. Only because Barkley gave them a gift did the Packers go ahead otherwise IMO the Giants would have scored on that drive.

ZERO form the highest paid players on the roster...

Gary was non existent. That play where DeVitto ran to the one yard line Gary was SO turned around. Embarrassing.
Alexander... Something really strange is going on with Alexander. LaFleur is clearly irritated with the Jarie situation and I am too. The dude hasn't played in what, 5 or 6 straight games. Okay, so he's hurt. But he practices all week and something tells me if it was Tramon Williams, or Woodson for example they's be out there with their teammates. I may be way off but I sure wish we traded Alexander and kept Douglas.
Thank God they only guaranteed him $30 million on that contract they gave him.

7 points
packerbackerjim's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:03 am

What, no meltdown? I sure did. The loss was a result of a thousand little things, the epitome of a team loss. I’d like to think this would be a painful learning experience, but I’ve seen this kind of game before.

5 points
mbpacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:07 am

What Nags and you all have already noted. Guess I didn't bring my A game to to formulate a game plan for writing my own, good, bad & ugly.

4 points
ddepula418's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:28 am

The Bad and Ugly: Joe Barry

3 points
Booner's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:48 am

Joe Dingle Barry WTF!!!!!!! Why is this idiot still employed?

6 points
NJ-RICK's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:52 am

It all starts at the top bring in new MGT.... Out played, out coached by a lowly 4-8 Giants team with a 3rd string QB. Embarrassing... The Packers are a Weak, Inexperienced and lack of talented football players. A playoff team what a joke... Just shows you just how far the Packers have to go to be a really good NFL football team. I guess our GM is already checking out other NFL teams practice squads for players... Get rid of GUTE...!

0 points
Houndog's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:13 am

Clearly a game where all three phases were sleepwalking, and another example of LaFleur's teams playing down to their competition.
The Good: Tucker Kraft, and honorable mention to Reed and Wicks.
The Bad: Where to start and stop? The defense, the play calling, Jordan Love, and the special teams stand out. Poor Reed gets the shit beat out of him cuz MLF calls the same play a dozen times, WTF, play football!?
The Ugly: Tommy Cutlet's Agent? Mark Murphy is still CEO? This was a complete embarrassment in all phases, and another reminder that our coaching staff is in over their heads. Add in anything else you can think of, it all fits.

6 points
jjbathgate66's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:29 am

The post is perfect yeah us the fans know what's going on but MLF can't see that Joe Barry should be fired months ago, you have the easiest schedule to the end and this performance was putrid. Patrick Taylor has burst and AJ doesn't, time for full time change he has been given enough chances. his huge thighs do him no good he is a way better receiver than runner.

-1 points
Cheesey51's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:37 am

The Good: Malik Heath TD, Devondre Campbell hit on Barkley
The Bad;No Adjustment to the running of QBTommy Boy- Joe B does the word Spy ring a bell
The Ugly: The final drive

5 points
tobinrote's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:42 am

good: Malik Heath td reception
bad: Love accuracy problems, hard to pick, undisciplined pass rush, inability to stop the run
ugly: playcalling and preparation. as for Nixon, well he giveth and taketh away; he won us a game last week and cost us one last night, but so did Carlson, so did Love, so did JB and MLF

6 points
stockholder's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:50 am

Good - Kraft.
Bad.- Reed. Forcing the Ball to him was obvious.
Jordan Loves accuracy problems.
Both can Rebound.
Ugly Nixon. The missing.

4 points
Norm's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:08 am

I'm starting to think that Joe Barry may not be a very good coach.

9 points
bjkdad44's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:12 pm

Ya think???

1 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:26 am

Welcome to Mediocrity, this is our reality (for now).
Love, back to mediocre.
O-Line still mediocre.
MLF, rush defense, receivers... mediocre.
Joe Berry, special teams: below mediocre
But it is our team, we will back them if it means pounding our fists and pulling our hair out.
We bleed green and gold.
With an exhaustive sigh,,,GPG.

4 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 09:31 am

Oh, boy --- SOOO many choices.
The Good: Tommy Devito. Looked like Bret Favre. When he wasn't beating us with his arm, he was beating us with his legs. I underestimated him. So did the Packers, obviously. Hats off to the kid. He was (very) Good.
The Bad: TOs, especially the Nixon thing. Good Lord, son, just FALL ON THE BALL! Junior High football. Bad.
The Ugly: STs. Again. Like Freddie Krueger. Did they rehire Maurice Drayton? Or is Ron Zook back in town? Ugly.
Gotta move on, tho.
The Szotman

5 points
Packers0808's picture

December 12, 2023 at 09:54 am

Read another column that said Gary was Ill and playing. Any truth to that anyone know?

-1 points
CanPackFan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 09:58 am

The Good - Heath and Kraft
The Bad - MLFs play calling aka Coach Gadget
The Ugly - Joe Dingle Barry


3 points
jhtobias's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:03 am

The good : Eventhough Jordan love was off he showed character and led them to a game winning potential td

The Bad ; Thank berry nice game planning against one of the worst offenses in the Nfl

The Ugly ; Lafluer for hiring Barry and jeeping him employed for almost three yrs. Clown show on defense and for those of you saying points allowed grow up look at every metric on The defense it is horrible.

1 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:03 am

Ummmm.... Tim Tebow had good character, it doesn't make him any better at playing in the NFL.

3 points
albert999's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:33 am

Good= giants qb
Bad= packers qb
Ugly= Joe Barry’s run defense 31st in the league 209 yards rushing for the giants…HE HAS TO FUCKING GO NOW

2 points
Qoojo's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:52 am

Good: Reed, Kraft. Last TD drive, even though it was short field.
Bad: Telegraphed Jet sweep along with the play where Reed circles behind
- Love's accuracy and decision making for much of the game.
- Defense on last drive.
- Special teams
- Clock management at end of half and on last drive
- Gadget plays

Honorable mention: Taylor had some good runs but that boneheaded run at end of second half that forced a timeout cost him from making it to good.

2 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:57 am

Defense on last drive? Really? The defense didnt have one sack. The defense let the giants QB run all over the field. Nixon stood around 5 yards from the guy he was to cover and let him run right by? This is a piss poor defense

0 points
Qoojo's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:07 pm

Sorry i did not make an exhaustive list. The main defensive failure was QB containment.

0 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:55 am

The Good: The Giants found there QB an undrafted - not a guy in the first round who they gave picks up for. Good for them.
The Bad: The pass rush and pass defense that was non existant again. No playoffs for you!
The Ugly: Game 13 and were making pre season game mistakes. A team not ready for primetime. Fumbles, interceptions, missed field goals, letting the QB run at will. The Vikes find ways to win the Packers ways to lose.
Season over put a fork in them.

-3 points
Firethemall's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:18 am

Who cares if they make the playoffs anyway? One and done! "What about all the experience?" Means squat!

Packers need a good coach! They need a DC! They need a Special teams Cood!

Matt Lafluer never should have hired Joe Barry....Go look at Barry's track record...Terrible!

Worse than that, Lafluer refuses to fire him! If I were the GM I'd fire them both....
Barry NOW...and Lafluer after the season!

Talk to Bilicheck..... bring him in!!!!!

-3 points
Firethemall's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:19 am

Two words fellow fans: BILL bELICHICK!!!!! IMAGINE THAT!!!!!!

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:53 am

You mean the Bill Belichick who's team is currently 3-10?

The Bill Belichick who has never done anything without Tom Brady?

That Bill Belichick?

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:58 am

HOF coach, for sure, but he's 71 years old, and seems to be ending his NFL head coaching career like he started it; with at least three consecutive losing seasons.

1 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:45 pm

More like "FUCK THAT"! Unless of course, you get a 25 year old Tom Brady thrown into the deal..

0 points
cheesehead1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:32 am

The good: no one
The bad: everyone
The ugly: everyone

This D had a chance to close it out but failed miserably. NY just waltzed down the field for the FG, absolutely pathetic. 209 yds rushing for NY. Nothing will change until our D coordinator is changed.

2 points
Malland56's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Question for MLF. Why the hell do you keep running a play that the defense knows is coming when you put Reed in motion? Especially down on the goal line late in the game (for a two point conversion to boot. Dumb play call there). If John Madden was calling that game for TV he would of gone thru the roof!

Now that everybody knows what happens when Reed goes in motion on a play, run Dillon like they used to. Never did once last night. Another thing that gets my goat is why won't we throw a lot more to our RB's coming out of the backfield down the middle? Imagine trying to stop Dillon when he gets the ball in the middle of the field.

And one last thing. With all the so called good picks we have on defense, where the hell are they? Oh thats right we don't give up that many points. Maybe we don't but they are the points that win the game against us. The rest of the stats show different. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE BARRY BACK NEXT YEAR. They might keep him and say we just need a couple more players to fill the gaps. Ya right, here we go drafting high for defense when we need OL players. Its the damn DC thats causing the problem.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:06 pm

It’s the same shit every week. Ok, a nice three game win streak, but it’s not as impressive as they say. Detroit should have lost 2X times to the Bears. The Chargers are in a season long free fall. The KC win was a good one… but this basically erased that memory.
I’ll ask.. how do you think this current Packer team would do with Daboll and Martindale at the helm?
I think you know exactly what you have in MLF. I didn’t need to see more after the two blown number one seeds. The story never changes. There are so many coaches out there that he just doesn’t match up favorably with. His ability to pick assistants is a joke. There is no discipline. Ballantine almost got a taunting to start the game. Nixon plays like a moron on ST.. penalties.. over and over. It’s not the young players, it how they are coached. Anyone that actually thinks that somehow next year will be different is not paying attention.
The missing players? Stop already. If you’re going to build an offense around an injury prone Watson.. well good luck with that. Alexander? No thanks I’ll take Valentine. Bahktiari? He’s already part of Packer history. They are not close to anything.. even if they sneak into a wildcard. Players like Savage, Stokes, Campbell, Runyon, Dillon and now Jones cannot be part of this franchise going forward.
If you believe in this staff, think about Kevin King .. LaFleur brought him back the following season. Think about Mo Drayton. Think about the two blown #1 seeds, the Lions game to end 2022. The lack of first half offense for two years now. Penalties for years.. out coached by coaches with less experience .. repeatedly.
MLF is in year five.. nice record because of Aaron Rodgers/ Davante Adams.
This roster has a bit of talent. The window closes quickly in the NFL. MLF , Bisaccia and Joe Barry need to go thank you. And it’s not just Barry. It’s the soft, mistake prone culture.. MLF.
The good? There really isn’t any when you lose an unforgivable game like this.. for about the 20th time under MLFs tenure.
He not Mike Holmgren.. we are not building anything. At best we are treading water. He’s gotta go if you want to get to the next level. There are other coaches with talent out there. It’s time for Gutekunst to pull the plug at the end of the season. Unless of course they win a playoff game. Making the playoffs isn’t that impressive this year.

1 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:20 pm

Good: Salsa, the frisbee catching dog at halftime

Bad: The Packers and the Giants. Refs, too.

Ugly: Watching this game in the cold at the Meadowlands.

1 points
Spanky65's picture

December 13, 2023 at 11:01 am

The Good :
The play of TE Tucker Kraft getting better every game

The Bad :
Joe Barry

The Ugly :
Joe Barry ( ENOUGH SAID )

Clint Eastwood must feel insulted seeing Joe Barry's Name being
mentioned with the title of THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY

0 points
albert999's picture

December 15, 2023 at 09:11 am

Bill Belichick for HC ?

0 points