Packers Vs. Bears: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

One thing to watch for in each phase of the game as the Packers prepare to take on the Bears for the right to advance to the Super Bowl today.

Here's some key aspects to watch for in each phase of the game from a Packers perspective...


  • Neutralize Julius Peppers – After spending most of the Week 17 meeting lined up across from left tackle Chad Clifton and not getting much of anywhere, there's reason to think Peppers will move over to the other side of the defensive line at least part of the time today. Considering the regular season finale was one of Bryan Bulaga's worst games as a pro when he had four penalties, the presence of Peppers could keep Bulaga guessing and on his heels. It's important for the rookie right tackle not to be overwhelmed and for Clifton to continue his string of solid play and not revert to his early season struggles.


  • Solid underneath pass coverage – The Bears offensive line is their weak link, while the Packers pass rush is fearsome. Because of this Jay Cutler is going to have to get rid of the ball quickly on many occasions when he won't have time to hit a receiver deep down field. And even if he does get the necessary time, there's little reason to fear Tramon Williams and Nick Collins can't handle their own deep. It's the underneath portion of the field that will be vulnerable. Although he's not chopped liver, Charles Woodson has lost a step and can be a stride behind receivers lengthwise across the field. A.J. Hawk has always been a liability when forced to defend the deep middle. And Desmond Bishop isn't known for his pass coverage. Bears tight end Greg Olsen can be dangerous, as he was last week against Seattle. The Packers must bring their "A" to defend him and the underneath routes.

Special Teams

  • Contain Hester – If there really is reason to believe the Packers will go with short, high punts against Devin Hester in punt formation, it will be the guys on the offensive line of the punt team that will have to hustle downfield and surround Hester. The gunners like Jarrett Bush and Pat Lee have been solid all season long, but they're not on the interior. It will be guys like Brett Goode, John Kuhn, Rob Francois and maybe Korey Hall again this week that will be needed to force Hester to make fair catches and take away the middle of the field when he doesn't.
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Comments (6)

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Norman's picture

January 23, 2011 at 11:06 am

Screw the short, high punt. Just kick it out of bounds and concede the extra 10-15 yards. In my humble opinion, Hester is the only player who can beat the Packers today. And I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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Jacob's picture

January 23, 2011 at 11:46 am

Yeah thats what i keep saying. just give them the extra yard and saves the game for us

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jeremy's picture

January 23, 2011 at 01:23 pm

They'll probably angle it out of bounds when they are on the Bears side of the field. But if they are in their own territory the Aussie punt is a better option.

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DBH's picture

January 23, 2011 at 12:26 pm

I'm crossing my fingers that Crosby brings an accurate kicking leg with him today. We'll be in trouble if we leave points on the field. Remember Garrett Hartley in the 'ship last year? Yeah.

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davyjones's picture

January 23, 2011 at 12:28 pm

I'm thinking using Crabtree in motion to whatever side Peppers lines up on. Keep a extra guy on him and then occasionally use that TE on screens when he slips off the block.

My God, can time go any slower.

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jeremy's picture

January 23, 2011 at 01:19 pm

Just went out to shovel some light snow. And I can tell you it’s a lovely day for January in Chicago. There is just a little wind, and the air is about 20 degrees. If this weather holds for the next 5 hours Rodgers, Culter, and the kicking game will not be effected at all.

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