Packers Reportedly Sign RB Khalil Bell

Bell ran for 121 yards against the Packers as a member of the Bears in 2012.

Veteran running back Khalil Bell took to social media to indicate that he had been signed by the Green Bay Packers on Monday, which was also later reported by's Rob Demovsky.

The Packers have not confirmed Bell's signing, nor was he listed on the NFL transaction report at the time of publication.

Bell had 121 yards rushing in game against the Packers in 2012 as a member of the Chicago Bears, but he has not played with any team in 2013.

In order to make room for Bell on the roster, the Packers would have to make a corresponding transaction, either cutting a player or placing one on injured reserve. Center Evan Dietrich-Smith could be a candidate for I.R. after suffering his second knee injury of the season in the Packers' most recent game against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving.

The need for another running back was created when rookie Johnathan Franklin was placed on injured reserve last week with a neck injury.

At the time, the Packers elevated linebacker Victor Aiyewa from the practice squad to replace Franklin on the roster. Aiyewa played on special teams against the Lions.

Going into this past week's game, the Packers only had two true halfbacks available, Eddie Lacy and James Starks.


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Comments (20)

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:07 pm

Not really surprising that they are bringing in another RB. 2 isn't enough.

I am curious to who they will release though.

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Buster's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:17 pm

EDS to IR would not be good. The OL is a mess. I'm not a fan of EDS but he's better than anyone else at C on the roster.

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Evan's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:18 pm

If EDS went on IR, they'd have to bring in a true center, no?

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RC Packer Fan's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:25 pm

I hate the thought of EDS to IR. He wasn't a good guard, but honestly, he has been a very good center.

I have no idea what they would do. I guess Lang will be the full time starter at C, probably bring up Garth Gerhart?

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Longshanks's picture

December 02, 2013 at 08:35 pm

What about Tretter? Isn't he still practicing? Yeah, I hope EDS doesn't go on the IR. He's one of the most important people on offense. When he went down so did our offense. So it's either Lang to center with Sherrod, Barclay or God help us, Newhouse at right tackle OR Garth Brooks or Tretter at center and Lang stays put. Not good. lol


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cLowNEY42's picture

December 02, 2013 at 09:28 pm

Sweet C backup plan.
And don't give me that whole "It was going to be Tretter" crap.

1. - He's a rookie who no one knows anything about.
2. - He got hurt practice #1. Plenty of time to figure out another back-up option.

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dawg's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Seattle is a rocking machine!
WOW, Snieder has got that team a Smokin!

THATS how you play NFL football!

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cLowNEY42's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:09 pm

Only losers make trades and sign free agents.
Winners draft AND ONLY DRAFT.
Everyone knows these things.

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piet heyn's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Your saterical blog, brings the chickens home to roost...

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hump's picture

December 02, 2013 at 11:30 pm

yeah, why would any gm waste time by signing reasonable priced free agents who desperately want to win a ring and will play thier asses off for a qb like arod and.......HAVE ALREADY PROVEN THAT THEY CAN PLAY AT A HIGH LEVEL IN THIS LEAGUE!!! when you can put the md jennings and nate palmers and dez moses' and jarius wynns erik waldens etc etc in your line up and become a laughing stock!! CASE AND POINTS: JON BEASON OR DARYL SMITH TYPES WHO BRING IT EVERY GAME AND ARE PLAYING FOR PENNIES COMPARED TO OUR LINEBACKERS!!!!

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hump's picture

December 02, 2013 at 11:45 pm

AND I MIGHT ADD...when we do find that diamond in the rough like a SAM SHIELDS and has proven he can become a shutdown man,instead we offer a ridiculously STUPID FKN CONTRACT TO A FORMER 1ST RD PICK BJ RAJI instead of paying someone that has proven that they should be payed like a 1st rounder.RAJI IS A DECENT PLAYER AND NOTHING MORE,thats why other scouts are awed by the 8mil a yr offer!! P.S...... 8.5mil yr is the franchise price for D TACKLES and your gonna pay RAJI like a TOP 5 D LINEMAN?????? TED WAKE UP!!!!

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Bibbon Hazel's picture

December 03, 2013 at 02:05 pm

They are smokin. Most every player in their team has been drafted by Seattle. With the exception of Michael Bennet (decent) Lynch (great) and Rice and Harvin who have spent more time on an operating table than a football field. Clowney42 is mistaken, shit will hit the fan when all this young talent is up for contracts. The entire secondary Thomas, Babs, Sherman, Browner are all still in their first contract, they will break the bank soon enough, not to mention the picks they gave up for the receivers wont be able to fill the holes left by the departing stars who want more money. The DBs, Lynch, and Wilson all have contracts up within a year of one another and it will be decision time leaving Seattle with less talent because they cant pay them all. It will knock them back into the pack. Yes they are good but the bubble will burst soon enough. On average, it always does in the Salary Cap era

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PackerPete's picture

December 03, 2013 at 02:28 pm

you're dead on. John Schneider is the drafter there, and does a great job. But once all those first contracts run out, they'll have to decide who to keep and who not. Wilson alone will demand a high amount.

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dawg's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Bevel will be a head Coach soon!

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Stroh's picture

December 02, 2013 at 11:08 pm

If he does he'll be a failure! He sucks...

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Paul Ott Carruth's picture

December 03, 2013 at 03:12 pm

As the offensive coordinator in Minnesota, the offense was able to increase their points per game average in the first 3 years with franchise quarterbacks like Brad Johnson, Tavaris Jackson and Gus Frerotte and throwing the ball to Hall of Fame receivers such as Travis Taylor, Troy Williamson, Bobby Wade, Robert Ferguson, Bernard Berrian, and Sydney Rice. Upon Favre’s arrival the offensive production increased to 29 points per game and 379 yards per game. If this sounds facetious you’d be correct in the assumption.
You state he’d be a failure as a head coach. Maybe so. There is a lot that comes with the territory when you are named the head coach of a professional football team. It isn’t just about calling plays and designing schemes so it’s possible he would fail. In terms of pure offensive strategy, play design, and personnel use, Bevell is a step up from McCarthy. In his first year as OC in Seattle the offense averaged 20 points per game and just over 300 yards per game. In 2012, they jumped up to 25 points per game and 350 yards per game. This year Seattle’s offense is averaging 28 points per game and 364 yards per game. They rank 2nd in both categories behind Denver. Also keep in mind it was Bevell that wanted Schneider to draft Wilson.

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dawg's picture

December 02, 2013 at 10:20 pm

No McCarthy presser!

Whats up, something big?

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Longshanks's picture

December 03, 2013 at 01:39 am

I would have preferred Dr. Samkon Gado to be honest as he could also serve time with the medical staff trying to figure out why every other guy on our team is on the IR. I know Gado. He would figure it out. He's a very smart man.


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TommyG's picture

December 03, 2013 at 03:52 pm

And the Packers have cut McMillian to make room for him. no heartburn here.

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larry valdes's picture

December 03, 2013 at 08:46 pm

Hump you hit it rigth i think the same.

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