Packers Prospects: 5 Safeties to Know Ahead of the 2024 NFL Draft

Mark looks at five safeties in the 2024 draft class that fit what the Packers like from the position.




3 points

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golfpacker1's picture

April 24, 2024 at 10:48 am

Regardless of all the non-actual need position groups that the articles on here try to shove into the early picks GB has, #41 almost has to be LB so we fill the biggest hole on the roster. #41 ensures we fill the position and get the player we want.

#58 is also a must pick to fill the Saftey hole with one of these players. Ideally, we trade back from #25 to early 2nd round which gains at least an extra early 3rd round pick where we could take the best CB, OL, or whatever. The trade probably also gets us a super important early Day 3 pick too.

It's funny how Nubin & Kinchen were Top 2 for almost everyone and now they aren't even mentioned. Someone will score early starters with them.

1 points
Untylu1968's picture

April 24, 2024 at 01:12 pm

Nubin, in the fourth, could be a bargain!?

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

April 24, 2024 at 01:20 pm

My Safety rating has been calibrated in accordance to Gutekunst's specs - i.e., a versatile player who can tackle and cover in all areas of the field. So:

1. Cooper DeJean. His added value as a CB and on STs could justify being selected @25. So I wouldn't protest if he was selected at this spot.
2. Javon Bullard. My NFL comparable is Budda Baker. Also Jersey Al selected Bullard @58 (in his final mock). So I rest my case.
3. Cole Bishop. Can do all - but better in some areas than others. Seems more effective closer to the line of scrimmage than away.
4. Jaden Hicks. Similar to Bishop but not as instictive.
5. Dadrion Taylor-Demerson. More like Bullard but a little less so.

I also noted that Nubin, Kinchens and Bullock were not mentionned. All have had a precipitous drop on my draft board due to poor RAS and/poor tackling.

4 points
Im Fubared's picture

April 24, 2024 at 01:58 pm

Again this year the Vikes did their home work and moved pieces to grab one of the top QB's. they are not standing pat and understand they have a very solid team shy of one great armed QB. The LIons, Bears and Packers are not going to walze through the Vikes this year if they get their man. This will be a tough division and no one is getting off easy. Two very good teams could miss the playoffs this year from the NFC north.

-3 points
Untylu1968's picture

April 24, 2024 at 03:10 pm

The Vikings will be blowing their horn from the cellar of the North.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 24, 2024 at 04:47 pm

The Vikings will be what they always are, bang average.

0 points
ShooterMcGee's picture

April 25, 2024 at 01:13 am

If we don't land a top safety in the draft there are still FAs like Simmons, Blackmon, and Hyde.

1 points
golfpacker1's picture

April 25, 2024 at 09:04 am

Blackmon signed already. We should have signed him, Fuller, or Curl to 2 year contracts. They all signed under $5 million on 1 year deals.

0 points
bethellewis's picture

April 26, 2024 at 04:44 am

Cole Bishop has been my draft crush. If we can’t get Cooper DeJean, a combination of Bishop and Hicks with McKinney could be fun to watch

0 points