Packers Calendar: Practice Behind Closed Doors

Practice will take place on Wednesday in Green Bay, but the session will not be open either to the public or the media.

On Tuesday in Green Bay practice was closed to the public due to inclement weather. On Wednesday, it's closed to the public and the media because... just because.

Only one day of Organized Team Activities per week is open to the public in Green Bay, an executive decision from management. Today, players will return to the practice field, but they'll do so behind closed doors inside the Don Hutson Center.

Fans won't have another opportunity to see the team until next Tuesday's mandatory minicamp on June 4.

Whether defensive lineman Johnny Jolly will return from his previous suspension to join the team during practice remains to be seen. He's graduated from a drug treatment program in Houston, but head coach Mike McCarthy on Tuesday said he's still going through the process of returning to Green Bay.

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