Packers: 21 Eagles: 16

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Packers' playoff victory over the Eagles

James Starks, Tramon Williams, Tom Crabtree

The Bad

The Bad

Jarrett Bush (from scrimmage), Daryn Colledge, Brandon Underwood

The Bad

The Bad

The Eagles






0 points

Comments (116)

Fan-Friendly This filter will hide comments which have ratio of 5 to 1 down-vote to up-vote.
ZeroTolerance's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:30 pm

I think Colledge did some positive things.

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lebowski's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:56 pm

I gotta give Colledge his due. I rag on him all the time, as I get tired of him playing too high and soft and getting shoved around. I really wish he'd get it together, because the guy is always stand up with the media, constantly giving interviews, is very articulate and seems really smart. And he's a big dude. Maybe he's like the nice guy in 'Dodgeball', and someone just has to punch him in the nuts to get him mean.

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Jack's picture

January 10, 2011 at 12:03 am

Can't they give James Jones a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall?? The guy sure seems to have ADD.

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tampa packer's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:31 pm

Is underwood on the bad because of the first punt? That was a BS call.

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PackerAaron's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:36 pm

He's got to get away from the ball. Period.

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murphy's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:44 pm

Underwood's oops resulted in 0 Philly points.
Jones's drop resulted in likely -6 Packers points, and yet he does not make the Bad.

He's got to catch the ball. Period.

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PackerAaron's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:47 pm

He makes the Bad every week. A big drop is now expected. I can't even get upset about it anymore.

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lebowski's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:51 pm

He's in the 'Bad' Hall of Fame.

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alfredomartinez's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:52 pm

fucken hey im with ya...hes got such beautiful hands...just such bad habits though...

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:54 pm

Yeah, he's an honorable "bad" category guy. Not even worth wasting the time to type him in there, we all know where that slouch resides.

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Bearmeat's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:59 pm

He's the Jarrett Bush of 2008/2009.
But at least he makes some plays. In those 2 yrs Bush NEVER did...

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Real66's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:46 pm

Second that. 89's just an absolute yutz.

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Jake's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Well put. Big drops every week. Not just JJ. But frustrating.

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Bogmon's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:23 am

'BAD' hall of fame...hilarious.

Too bad. He's been making big plays as of late, but the huge drops seem to negate all of the good.

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foundinidaho's picture

January 10, 2011 at 10:16 am

If TT doesn't get rid of Jones, I will then get upset. VERY.

0 points
PackersRS's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:29 pm

Sorry Fitz. Jones is no "slouch". You can't say his drops are because he's lazy. According to records, he's a hard worker. He's a great guy, and he's the most upset with his drops.

But they are there. He's simply not reliable.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:44 pm

In my book if you can't rely/trust a guy he's a slouch.

"he’s the most upset with his drops."

Could not care less about the guys feelings. If he catches the ball he will have nothing to be upset about.

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Bob Hagen's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:36 am

I agree! Keep Underwood away from the ball! It still was a crappy call, but not as crappy as the refs allowing Philly to re-try the 2 point conversion. The play should have been over with the penalty on Celek.

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thepretzelhead's picture

January 10, 2011 at 11:44 am

Can't blame Underwood- if the NFL is going to let players drag and hold a guy on to the ball- so be it. Packers need to practice doing the same thing- that's all. It will certainly make punts more interesting.

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ELevenHage's picture

January 14, 2011 at 03:33 pm

That was dumb of Underwood, he should be no where near the ball. He can run back to the sideline once he knows it will not be returned. Just dumb football.

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Dude's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:33 pm

How does James Jones not make the ugly? That was the ugliest play I saw in the entire game.

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:38 pm

agreed. take colledge off and put jones in there. that was 7 points that his stupid mistake cost us!

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Chad Toporski's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:55 pm

He also made a great TD catch. If anything, throw him in the "Bad."

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MarkinMadison's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:06 pm

It was a decent catch. I don't think I'd say great. On a scale of 1 to 10 in NFL difficulty, it was like, a 6.

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Chad Toporski's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:00 am

Great or not, he still made it. And he got open for it. That's the point.

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Tim V's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:35 pm

I thought colledge was pretty good. I gave him some redemption points with his blocking on Jackson's TD catch and run.

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Oppy's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:58 pm

While I didn't watch him the whole game, I will add in that on one particular run play, Colledge succeeding in doing something he is usually woefully poor at- he got into the second level and sustained a block 10 yards downfield.

That's only one play, but it spurred a comment from me at the time.

For those that are trying to critique Colledge on his not blocking anyone on Jackson's TD screen, I can only say that no one needed to be blocked. I can't fault the guy for keeping his position and not going after someone who's not going to make a play anyways. He played his part in that screen to a T.

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PackerBliss's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:36 pm

James Jones makes me so angry!!!!!!!!

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willis's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:04 pm

Oh man, I swear our WR's drop way more easy passes than teams with a much less talented group. All the WR's have dropped their share, but Jones is something else. New WR coach?

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packnic's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:17 pm

bahahahahaha you gotta be kidding me . fire someone quick!!

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:38 pm

As great as Starks's performance, Jackson's TD run was key for the win. His hesitation to get behind the blockers on that play was just beautiful to watch.

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Oppy's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:02 pm

As I've said in the past, if Brandon Jackson could only determine how to walk the fine line between patience and decisiveness, he could be very good in this scheme.

Unfortunately, he is far to indecisive much of the time.

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Bogmon's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:26 am

You can see the difference in Starks...young man seems very sure of himself and just goes for it when he sees a hole...

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:40 pm

Yep, Jarret is a liability in coverage. Who knew? Rodgers played within himself, I like to see that. If James "hands of shit" Jones catches that dimepiece A-rod softly dropped into his hands with pin-point accuracy #12 has 4 Td's in his first 2 playoff games and the game isn't in doubt with 45 seconds left. Bench the guy, give Swain his shot. Perhaps he isn't afraid of greatness.


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jack in jersey city's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:43 pm

hahaha!!!! "hands of shit". awesome

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:52 pm

I'm gonna trademark that.

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cow42's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:54 pm

i agree.

1-jennings, 2-driver, 3-nelson, 4-swain is better than...
1-jennings, 2 driver, 3 jones, 4 nelson.

i've been a jones fan up to this point.
now i'm done with the guy.
he can't catch. not a good attribute for an NFL receiver.

i thought his signing might be a difficult decision going into next season. so much for that. have fun being jacksonville's (or whoever's) "#1".

don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:56 pm

"he can’t catch. not a good attribute for an NFL receiver."

No. No it is not.

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:23 pm

the few times that we've seen swain this season he has made big plays for us. why not give him a shot? he seems to be more sure handed than jones

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:42 pm

Bush should be in the good, his special teams play alone kept the Eagles offense at a disadvantage

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PackerAaron's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:47 pm

That's why it says "from scrimmage"...

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lebowski's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:59 pm

It was sadly humorous watching him desperately flail at the ball on the TD pass.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:14 pm


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JerseyPackFan's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:28 pm

at least he made the effort...LOL

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:18 pm

maybe a first player to be in the good and the bad

The crazness that is Bush

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murphy's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:50 pm

Exactly. He has greatly improved as a ST player and continues to show it. We know he's not the next great shutdown DB, but give the guy credit where it is due.

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willis's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:11 pm

Bush is more valuable than most dime backs, that's all that matters for his roster spot, you can't have unlimited shutdown corners. Do you see how many times CB's are schooled by our recievers? Bush contributes quite well in my opinion.

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:43 pm

Colledge > James Jones

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:46 pm

Offensive line was solid, what was the deal with Buluga and Clifton switching sides??

Bet that was the first time in 10 years Clifton has played on that side.

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MarkinMadison's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Trying to keep Cole guessing? Or were they just yanking MM's chain? I've never heard of any team doing that before.

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Ryeguy812's picture

January 10, 2011 at 12:03 am

I'm not sure they actually switched sides. I think Buck/Aikman misread their jersey numbers

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Chris's picture

January 10, 2011 at 06:46 am

They did switch sides on the first play from scrimmage. Very strange. Don't know what that was all about.

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zub's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:47 pm

Bush > James Jones

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willis's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:16 pm

Problem is Bush has little talent/potential while Jones has so much upside and wastes it through poor effort. Like Aikman said "Then Concentrate better!"

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jdondlinger's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:53 pm

James Jones could have been in the "bad", despite catching a TD. That drop was sooooo bad. Starks was a beast! On to ATL!

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davyjones's picture

January 09, 2011 at 09:54 pm

Seriously, I simply would not put James Jones on the field...
EVER. AGAIN. How many times can it happen? How Many???

That said, to win when they play was really pretty ugly was awesome. Can't put the ball on the ground that many times and expect to win without another sterling effort from D. No stupid penalties...not a single PI call...when is the last time we saw that?
I like the discipline they are demonstrating.

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Real66's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:48 pm

Did he even see the field in the second half?

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:01 pm

he might have been out there but rodgers didn't even look at him. as much as i don't like JJ as a player, i think the packers are gonna keep him around. he's one of ted's guys and if they've kept guys like bush, underwood, and harrell around then they will keep JJ too.

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Mike's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:08 pm

Very happy to get the W, was getting a little nervous at the end thinking we may lose another heartbreaker. Tramon saved James jones today. I completely agree with those who say keep him off the field. Enough is enough, dropping sure td's repeatedly, taking plays off not fighting for the ball or finishing routes. Just can't have that happen anytime much less in the playoffs. swain and jordy are fully capable of producing. Jordy had a big catch at Atlanta last time let's see it again Saturday. GOPACKGO!!!!!!

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Mike's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:38 pm

Forgot about the fumble at chi as well. Sure Jennings has his moments where he drops a ball but not nearly as much as JJ.

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Cole O's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:15 pm

I wasn't a big fan of McCarthys playcalling in the 4th quarter.Especially the third down play before the Eagles last possesion. It was third and 10(I think) MM should have known the Eagles were bringing the house and Rodgers wouldnt have much time to throw. And they didnt have one short crossing route that would probally have gotten a first down, it seamed that every rout was a long one. But we got luckey Tramon was able to pull off that int or the Eagle might have won.

I'm not saying MM deserves to be in the "bad" because besides his forth quarter play calling he had a solid game.

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pab's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:25 pm

what about clifton switching sides, just shows how good he was playing never heard his name all night

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PackersRS's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:31 pm

James Jones: 1 big drop, 1 big TD.
Greg Jennings: 1 big drop...

So... Past achievements? Because, in this game, JJ was better than Jennings.

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NoWayJose's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:48 pm

This is a fair point. Jennings had at least one drop that probably cost us points as well, as it was converting a 3rd down and pushing us into field goal range. Arguably, it was an easier catch too.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:52 pm

No way Jose. You don't get an easier catch in the NFL than JJ dropped. #85 should have caught the ball, but it did get on him quick. Not even close.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:50 pm

It has been a trend for JJ his entire career (not to mention his great timing for coughing up the ball). Luckily it didn't cost us today. So you trust JJ more than #85? Am I reading that right?

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PackersRS's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:59 pm

JJ had a better game than Jennings.

This thread isn't about career.

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MarkinMadison's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:10 pm

Agreed. Jennings was neutrailized.

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NoWayJose's picture

January 10, 2011 at 12:20 am

It is just hyperbole to say that you don't get an easier catch than Jones dropped today. He was sprinting downfield, with a man trailing closely, and it was a long throw. Not exactly a little floater wheel route to a wide open guy or something along those lines.

Jones HAS to make the catch as a professional WR. But so do Jennings on that out route. Jennings has had some of the worst drops on the whole team this year, but doesnt get scapegoated as bad as Jones.

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Dude's picture

January 10, 2011 at 06:08 am

They both caught one pass for about the same distance. Sure one was a td, but the Jennings catch was far more difficult to make. They both had drops, but JJ's was for a ball that was as perfect as you could expect on that route. Jennings draws more attention in general, and who's to say which one performed their other assignments the best? In my mind, it's not obvious that JJ had a better game simply b/c he caught a td that he should have. I believe JJ had an additional drop as well.

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PackersRS's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:23 am

JJ got himself open in a TD. It doesn't get any bigger than that. Samuel covering him, nonetheless. Much shorter field, more crucial time.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:40 pm

"This thread isn’t about career.".

Sorry dude. When comparing the 2 I have to look at their respective bodies of work. It's not close. Make sure you spend plenty of time watching JJ the rest of the season because he has a good chance at not being back. Where as #85 will be around for a long, long time. Due to his superior body of work and dedication to improve.

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BLACK HAWK's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:47 pm

I am just upset as anyone with the play of James Jones, but let's get one thing straight....we all know what kind of weapon JJ can be, so let's ride with him onto Atlanta, one game at a time!!!

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:54 pm

I'm pulling for the guy, always have. I just don't trust him, he's given me absolutely zero reason to. I hope he catches 3 TD's next week. Really do.

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Mr_Fastbucks's picture

January 09, 2011 at 10:54 pm

I love Tramon. I dare any NFL QB to throw at him. He has blockaded Reavis Island.

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:03 pm

tramon is my real american hero of the game!

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Buckslayernyc's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:03 pm

James Jones gets replaced by Jermichael Finley in these 4 and 5 player sets normally and next year.

Nice guy who annoyingly refers to himself in the 3rd person way too much.

Jones is a head case, seems like he could play for the Cowboys.

We need to draft a WR for sure. Driver is on the way out

Swain is a #3 at best in any scheme.

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IdiotFan's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:16 pm

How about we sign Sidney Rice to replace Jones next year? That would *rock*.

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JerseyPackFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:17 am

Have the Packers ever signed anyone who played Vikings? Probably not.

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IdiotFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:40 am

Part of the reason for that is that they don't generally have good players getting free (and we don't sign their declining leftovers like they do for us).

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montanapackerfan's picture

January 11, 2011 at 06:57 am

the packers had quadry ismial for a short while who was once a viking..

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Norman's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:09 pm

I have an issue with MM's clock management at the end of the first half. First of all, call a timeout when it's obvious you're going to get the ball back with under two minutes left (after Philly failed to get a first down and it was clear they were going to settle for a field goal and the Pack would get the ball back). They could have had 30 extra seconds to work with, plenty of time to get into position for a possible FG attempt. Then, after the effing JJ TD drop, MM pretty much packs it in for the half. WTF? Try another deep pass, maybe they catch it, or get a PI, or worst case it's picked off an equivalent to a punt. There was still plenty of time left and I believe they still had two time outs.

i'm not saying put him in the bad, but come on, don't be afraid to be aggressive and try to score!

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IdiotFan's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:17 pm

I'm a general MM supporter, and I often defend his in-game decisions, but that one baffled me too.

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FootballGods's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:29 pm

Play of the game (beside Tramon's) = Bishop's shoe-string tackle on DeSean Jackson.

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IdiotFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:39 am

Exactly right. There was so much open space in front of Jackson, he might have scored or gotten very very close.

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:07 pm

yes!!! nobody has mentioned that play. it might've been the play of the game. it looked like a TD if bishop doesn't make the tackle. good point!

0 points
BLACK HAWK's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:48 pm can you say JJ is a head case???? NO way, he is far to good of talent that doesn't know how to hang onto or catch the ball. The last time I checked he wasn't making noise like TO or OChocino or a cocky Joe Horn. The guy has talent, and is a class act off the field and on, but just sucks at holding onto the ball. His days are numbered in GB, it's his own fault, but I don't think he's a head case. Saying that...let's ride JJ and ARod and company into Atlanta!!!

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PistolPete's picture

January 10, 2011 at 10:12 am

The dude refers to himself in the 3rd person and did in fact bitch about not getting the ball enough earlier in the year using that as an excuse for a dropped for sure TD against the Jets. Call it what you will, but repeated mental mistakes and lapses in concentration = head case.

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BLACK HAWK's picture

January 09, 2011 at 11:56 pm

BTW...there's is no way we need to pay Sidney Rice money for WR we have no need for. Many other area's to spend good money signing up Cullen long term, Clay M3, Walden, Sitton, Lang, and Shields and Masthy as well!

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BLACK HAWK's picture

January 10, 2011 at 12:04 am

This year and the next couple could be really special....special thanks to TT for having the gonads to lay his ass on the line, looking out for future of the Green and Gold and tell #4 we are moving on! Ted has replaced the face of the franchise (Favre) with his way that Clay goes into free agency! The way Ted is married to his draft picks, Clay is Ted's boy...even traded up to get him, how did that work out....all you TT bashers!!!!

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jack in jersey city's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:03 am

this season is already special. i picked the packers to go 10-6 (11-5 at the very best) before the season started. i also picked them to go to the nfc championship game before they lost 15 players to the IR. the fact that we're 10-6 and 1 game away from the nfc championship game is unreal.

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lebowski's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:48 am

Yes! This playoff experience is incredible for a young team. Even a little success, get them hungry for more. Our great team of the 90's struggled for a few years in the playoffs, then became dominant. And just think, next year we get Morgan Burnett, Ryan Grant, Mike Neal, Brad Jones, JERMICHAEL freaking Finley back, and... hopefully.... another solid draft. These are the good old days.

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IdiotFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 02:24 am

Yep, the amount of experience that our young guys are getting this year is invaluable and can only help in the coming years. The future is indeed bright.

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montanapackerfan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:04 am

this "dropping passes" bullshit has to stop!!! wtf??? superbowl teams dont do that shit...

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JerseyPackFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:28 am

If Jason Avant does not drop those two passes, do you add Sam Shields to the bad list?

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Juice's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:13 am

#1: Everyone can just get use to JJones and JBush. They're not going anywhere. We at cheese head nation have all come to know one thing: TT loves "his" guys. It doesnt matter how bad they play or how often they cost us, theres bound to always be some excuse to keep them around.

#2: Someone said JBush is a viable dime CB who's a better #4 CB than what most other teams have. Interesting. It's also interesting to notice how every team we play targets him knowing that the chances of him making a play are slim to none. I don't care how good of a special teamer he is, if you were to make a list of all the pros/cons from his career, I guarantee you it'll come away one sided! Guarantee it. Moving on...

#3. Packers drafting Dez Bryant this year. Solves the problem of DDriver getting old and JJones not being reliable. I'm sorry, but I'm not sold on BBulaga, not from what I've seen thus far. We past on Randy Moss in 1998, a top overall talent in the draft and look how that ended (apparently we didnt learn our lesson bc once again we passed on a top 5 talent). DBryant would have also given us a kick/punt returner with lighting in the bottle capability (the name Desmond Howard ring a bell?).

In short: JJones and JBush should be gone after this year, no more excuses, there's plenty of talent elsewhere. Secondly, the draft isn't the only way to build a team. Would someone please tell TT that. Had we gone out and either traded for or picked up a OT in free agency, then we could have grabbed Dez Bryant at #23, a top 3 talent that dropped to us, in the which case would have solved the issues we are currently having at the wr position.


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CSS's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:31 am

Advancing to the 2nd round of the playoffs despite 206 missed starts from critical players. The top 5 payrolls are out of the playoffs (you know, the active FA teams).

I'm leaning towards trusting TT.

Ill timed, pointless rant.

0 points
jack in jersey city's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:13 pm

i don't agree with you on bulaga. he's a rookie and is playing out of position. he's doing a good job this year. yeah, he's had his share of bad plays (especially last week against the bares) but the dude is gonna be a solid player for this team for many years. and randy moss??? the guy is a very good player but is a cancer in the locker room. i'm glad we passed on him.

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Juice's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:27 am

Brett Favre, Reggie White, Santana Dotson, Sean Jones, Eugene Robinson, Andre Rison, Don Beebe, Keith Jackson, Frank Winters, Desmond Howard.

= List of players either traded for or picked up in free agency that helped contribute to the last time the Green Bay Packers were Super Bowl Champions. (Proof to TT that building thru the draft isn't the only route).

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CSS's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:34 am

Woodson, Picket, Williams, Peprah, traded draft picks to get Matthews.

I'm leaving out several...

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Juice's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:38 am

Not saying I dont trust TT...Just going with what history shows. Don't quite see how it was "ill timed or pointless rant" to go into further depth on what EVERYONE else in this convo has been briefly talking about.

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CSS's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:40 am

Is it preseason? Did I miss something...

Bulaga is solid, receiver core is fine, team advanced. Do I trust Jones, no. He is what he is, hot and cold.

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Juice's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:42 am

P.S. Totally agree with Nagler that JJones should be automatically assumed to be in either the bad/ugly week in and week out, hence no reason to take the time to put his name in there. Classic A.N.

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Scrumptrulescent's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:56 am

Mark me down as wanting Jones to be permanently on the Ugly list. Hope they let him walk at the end of the season. Talent does not outweigh his pea brain.

That said, I heart Tramon Williams!

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Clay Toporski's picture

January 10, 2011 at 11:59 am

If the Vikings can teach Peterson to not fumble the ball, then the Packers can teach JJ how to catch. The guy can get open and he has the potential to be really really good. Just needs to hold on to the ball. I personally would like to see him next year - but catching the ball instead of dropping it.

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Ken at UWM's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:15 pm

Rodgers' last 8 games: 19 touchdowns, 2 Int.

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JerseyPackFan's picture

January 10, 2011 at 01:36 pm

I would like to nominate Giants fans. Feeling pretty happy about the win last night I figured I would throw on the Packer sweatshirt and hit the town and gauge the feel of the day seeing the town I live in is a mixed batch of Giants, Eagles and Jets fans.
As I expected, I got some dirty looks from a few Eagles fans(screw em) but what I did not expect was having Giants fans come up and congratulate me on the Packers beating the Eagles.
So while I was driving home, I was thinking even when the Packers beat the Giants and basically helped ruin their entire season. They still are happy as heck we beat the Eagles.
You know sometimes living in New Jersey ain't half bad.

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MikeNJ's picture

January 10, 2011 at 02:36 pm

Just when you thought JJ was going to have a good game.

Is it me or is Hawk frustrating? Yes he got the late sack but he blew a few coverages early and seemed to be playing a little flat.

Can't compare him to Matthews either cause that boys just a beast. 110% and the motor goes all game.

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Pack66's picture

January 10, 2011 at 03:55 pm

All I’m gonna say is…that the Pack was LUCKY…

The Eagles should have won that game…

Two missed FG’s by Lowry..c’mon, wtf is up with that? A cheap shot by Hawk that rolled Vick’s ankle. Rodgers really didn’t do sh*t in the 2nd half. The eagles kept shooting themselves in the foot, and Andy Reid coached a terrible game.

No way does the Pack get past Atlanta next week!

What does that give us?

1 playoff win without Favre for Thompson with Favre in 6 years? Big deal…

This just in, Green BAy has a running game...????

Big deal.

What, was this the first over 100 yard game for a GB runner all year…???

hahaha…way to go TT…(It won't happen in Atlanta).

1 playoff win in 6 years? hahahaha…you’re never getting out of Atlanta…stop deluding yourselves..

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PackerAaron's picture

January 10, 2011 at 04:13 pm

You are so predictable.

0 points
Norman's picture

January 10, 2011 at 04:33 pm

Who is this Lowry that missed two FG's? Is that in addition to the two that Akers missed?

The statistic that made the difference in this game is red zone efficiency; The Packers were perfect and the Eagles not so much. Normally losing the turnover battle 2 to 1 on the road when total yards and TOP are pretty equal spells defeat. But in this case the Packers converted red zone trips to touchdowns, and the Eagles didn't. Simple as that. Comes down to play calling and execution, and the Eagles have been terrible most of the year in red zone efficiency.

0 points
WoodyG's picture

January 10, 2011 at 05:28 pm

Same old Pack66 ..... A day late & a dollar short.

0 points
Black Hawk's picture

January 10, 2011 at 08:54 pm

And a playoff win short, he's forgetting the team TT built in 07 only to have another Favre pick end the season. That's two playoff wins under TT and still playing...that's twice as many playoff wins as the Vikings in the last 6 years

0 points
viscapack's picture

January 10, 2011 at 09:05 pm

It is worth watching that Maclin cross that he caught while Tramon was covering him. Tramon gets beat, which is rare, but his catchup speed and angle are a thing of beauty. Hard to credit him on such a big gain, but his tackle saved a touchdown and is testament to what a great corner he is.

0 points
Pack66's picture

January 11, 2011 at 04:13 pm

Paper Tigers...YES..that's EXACTLY what the Packers are.

0 points
ELevenHage's picture

January 14, 2011 at 03:41 pm

Yeah, James Jones please catch the ball when it hits your hands. BUT.......He does get open, and catch about every other ball, you can't tell me Brett Swain OR Jordy has better ability at getting open. Jump on the JJ bandwagon for the rest of this year, don't look for reasons to hate him... Come on!

0 points