Look For Teams To Go After Shields

Sam Shields has a bright future ahead, but Packer fans will have to live with the growing pains along the way.

Rookie cornerback Sam Shields has been a marked man all season - what offensive coordinator and quarterback wouldn't look at an undrafted rookie playing nickelback behind Charles Woodson and Tramon Williams and think "Target - Acquired"?

But through the first half of the season Shields had done an admirable job of holding up his end of the bargain in the Packers' secondary. He played well in both man and zone. He was, as expected, beaten on occasion but he never got down on himself and continued to battle back on the next play. His play was so exemplary that Joe Whitt, the Packers cornerback coach, dropped this mini-bombshell last week:

Sam is going to be one of the top corners in this league in two years.

High praise indeed for a guy who had played in all of nine NFL games up to that point.

Let's just hope his performance against the Vikings wasn't a case of the young corner reading his own press clippings.

What I saw against the Vikings was a young guy who may have gotten away from some of the fundamentals that had served him so well over the first half of the season and who started to do a little too much guessing. This could be a result of just trying to make a big play, or it could be simple laziness. A good example was the go route Favre threw to Greg Lewis where Favre caught Shields peeking into the backfield and completely burned him with a pumpfake.

I mean, Shields doesn't even give the receiver a cursory glance. He's completely zeroed in on the quarterback. That's unforgivable and Favre made him pay with a big completion.

Now, obviously, Brett Favre getting the better of an undrafted rookie is not exactly news. It's going to happen. And I fully expect Shields to continue to play well this Sunday against Atlanta - but his uneven performance in Minnesota should remind us that, despite his strong start to the 2010 season, he will undoubtedly continue to be a big focus of the opposing team's passing attack.




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packsmack25's picture

November 27, 2010 at 11:47 am

All of these things are true. But by all accounts, he's a student of the game, so he probably won't make the same mistake twice. That's honestly more important than his speed or athleticism. He LEARNS.

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PackersRS's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:12 pm

Yeah, it's great, but he did made the same mistake against the Cowboys.

Not worried, though.

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Oppy's picture

November 27, 2010 at 11:48 am


Joe Whitt Jr. dropped an even bigger bomb shell before the first game of the season, that was over looked by everyone, saying that Shields would be a superstar in the league once he got coached up.

Joe Whitt, Jr. can't keep his praise for this kid contained. I don't know if I love it, or if it's inappropriate and possibly damaging to SHield's psyche by way of over-confidence. Who knows.

Gotta root for Sam Shields. Gotta admit, watching locker room interviews with Sam, he seems to be confident, yet modest about where he's at in his development and the fact that it will continue to take hard work and dedication to learn the position.

BTW, I noticed that Shields got caught peeking on that play as it happened. This is something that Shields has to learn to curtail, as it has been the source of most of his breakdowns throughout the season thus far. He's still not completely comfortable in man coverage and learning when to take the visual cues from the WR to look for the ball, and his propensity to peek into the backfield (or STARE as the case may be) affirms that. Could be he relies to much on his ability to make up lost ground due to his speed, or he's just getting greedy and looking for the big play, trying to emulate the vet Woodson, who, of course, is far more experienced..But I put my money on it being a comfort issue. He relies on the peek to know where the ball is going.

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PackersRS's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:15 pm

Yeah, a guy that only played one year in college, peeking at the backfield? That has Woodson's fingerprints all over it. It was an innapropriate time to do it, but you can tell that Woodson is teaching those guys how to be ballhawks...

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Oppy's picture

November 27, 2010 at 11:52 am

BTW, Aaron, Corey: What's up with the time stamp? Just realized it's listing the time as 2 hours ahead of Central.. in other words, it's 10:53 am here in WI, but the time stamp will say I posted at 12:53 pm? That's even fast for your Eastern time.

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Cole's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:14 pm

We all knew QBs were going to be taking ajantage of him and not one person would say hed play as well as he has before the season started. Heck hes probally doing alot better than CBs who were drafted in the early rounds this year.

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Cole's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:14 pm

taking advantage

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Wiscokid's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:16 pm

We'll see how he stands up this weekend. It's a big game. If he comes through this one unscathed I'll be impressed.

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PackersRS's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:18 pm

"what offensive coordinator and quarterback wouldn't look at an undrafted rookie playing nickelback behind Charles Woodson and Tramon Williams and think "Target - Acquired"?"

In a lot of other backfields, teams wouldn't be picking on Shields. But as you said, between the reigning DPOY, the current best CB in the league, and the undrafted rookie, who do you pick on?

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Jersey Al's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:32 pm

I wrote this after the Eagles game:

"Sam Shields is going to get exposed by good quarterbacks. It pains me to say that. Nobody has been in his corner as much as I have, but let me tell you, if I was an Eagles fan, I’d be ripping Andy Reid and both quarterbacks for not going after him. Not until the fourth quarter did they even look Shields’ way and get him into positions where he didn’t have safety help. Watching the game again and focusing on the Packers secondary, it was kind of surreal. They threw at Tramon Williams, they threw at Charles Woodson, they threw at Nick Collins. It was comical. The Eagles did the Packers a big favor."

Since that time, teams have indeed tested Shields, and as we know, he has mostly passed the tests. He really hasn't been exposed that much. I'm still surprised teams haven't gone after him even more. Perhaps Atlanta will declare war on Shields.

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Jordan's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:46 pm

Just to point out one of the CB's who got drafted in the first round and isn't playing as well as Shields --- Kyle Wilson of NYJ, who i actually wanted the Pack to draft. Looks like Ted knows football better than i do, big surprise.

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Jordan's picture

November 27, 2010 at 03:49 pm

Oh, and Kareem Jackson of texans.

Devin Mccourty - NEP is playing, for the most part as well Shields, in some cases better.

But we didn't spend a first rounder on the guy, the value is definitely on our side.

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PackersRS's picture

November 27, 2010 at 06:05 pm

And Chris Cook, of MN.

Though I never liked him to begin with.

Don't know how Joe Haden is playing. He was by far my favorite corner entering the draft.

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Wiscokid's picture

November 27, 2010 at 09:35 pm

You mention Cook, talk about somebody being exposed. lol

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