Jenkins Should Play; Zombo Out

Defensive end Cullen Jenkins should be back in the starting lineup when the Packers face the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday.

Cullen Jenkins, while listed as Questionable on the official injury report, should be back at his starting right defensive end position against the Eagles for the Packers' Wild Card Playoff game in Philadelphia on Sunday.

From Mike McCarthy:

Cullen Jenkins I feel has had two good days of practice. We rested him today. I’m hopeful that he’ll go. Just want to give him a chance to recover. The doctors and the medical staff felt it was best to back off him today. Everything has been very positive, and if he’s ready to go, he will go on Sunday.

Meanwhile, outside linebacker Frank Zombo was declared Out for the game meaning that, baring a Brett Favre-like miracle elevation to Probable on gameday for Zombo, Erik Walden will yet again start opposite Clay Matthews when the Packers line up against Michael Vick and the Eagles offense.

Fullback Korey Hall (knee) and safety Atari Bigby (groin) were also declared Out for Sunday's game.




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Comments (10)

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TXPackerFan's picture

January 07, 2011 at 05:23 pm

I would have liked to have Zombo back as well. However, I feel real good with Erik Walden in his place. That guy was everywhere against the Bears. You find the ball and he was there! Hope he continues to do so well. It was refreshing to see him in action! GO PACK GO!!!

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Chad Toporski's picture

January 08, 2011 at 08:47 am

LOL, Ruppert.


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MarkinMadison's picture

January 07, 2011 at 08:24 pm

No offense to Zombo, but if he were back would he be starting over Walden? I know some on the site have questioned his play against the run, but 16 tackles and 3 sacks per Elias Sports Bureau? I think you'd have to look for a while to find the last time the vaunted CMIII put up those kinds of numbers. Not saying is IS CMIII, not saying that numbers tell the whole story. Not saying it wouldn't be nice to have another body. Just saying that between Walden and Zombo the better player may already be on the field.

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BigbyATTACK's picture

January 07, 2011 at 08:30 pm

While I'm a fan of Zombo, I have total confidence in Walden. The best players will be on the field. The Packers! GO PACK, GO!

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 08, 2011 at 12:18 am

Yeah, Walden over Zombo doesn't exactly break my heart. I actually think after last week Walden may have got the start regardless of Frank's status. But if Big Sexy is close to 100% for this here playoff run we are about to embark on, that's just going to be HUGE. Here's hoping the big man doesn't re-aggravate anything.


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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 08, 2011 at 12:26 am

"Walden played like a man possessed in Sunday’s 10-3 win over the Chicago Bears. His two-sack, 11-tackle performance turned into a three-sack, 16-tackle game after the film was reviewed. Elias Sports Bureau, the NFL’s official stat keeper, gave Walden a sack that was originally credited to Howard Green, and the Packers’ coaches found an extra five tackles."

Um yeah. 16 tackles 3 sacks... Frank would have been warming the bench regardless.

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Chad Toporski's picture

January 08, 2011 at 08:49 am

I'm still excited to see what a full set of D-lineman can do for the Packers against Vick, as opposed to the 2.5 lineman they ended up having in Week 1.

A lot of people are forgetting this small, but important, detail.

(And I'm sure Raji will be a bit happier to not have to play all the snaps.)

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FITZCORE1252's picture

January 08, 2011 at 01:55 pm


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tyler21's picture

January 08, 2011 at 11:48 am

Erik played great Sunday...I hope he keeps it up tomorrow I think it makes people like clay play harder cause he doesn't wanna be outshined.

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