Incentive From Both Sides To Get Williams Deal Done

Because of the uncertainty of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, there is incentive for both the Packers and Williams to sign a contract extension.

Quick commentary:

There is incentive for both sides to get a contract with cornerback Tramon Williams done before the end of the current season.

From an organizational standpoint, the Packers would be able to count some of the money given to Williams in this uncapped season, not to mention locking up a talented, young player up for years to come.

As for Williams, a contract extension with a signing bonus would be able to give him a little financial security heading into an offseason of uncertainty with the Collective Bargaining Agreement set to expire and no guarantee there will be football played next year.

The flip side is, if there is a new collective bargaining agreement, Williams could conceivably make even more money on the open market if free agency resumes to its old form and players are set to test the open market after four accrued seasons.

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Comments (2)

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Brett Cristino's picture

October 30, 2010 at 10:43 am

My guess is his contract gets done during the bye week, which has always been my stance. Tramon is about to be rich, that's for sure. He's been one of Mccarthy's favorite players for years now. His career thus far is a model example of how a player works their way up from the bottom to the top of the totem pole. Not sure Thompson will go 5 years, doesn't seem to do that very often if at all. I think it will be a 4 year deal worth over $30 million, averaging about $7-8 mill a year.

0 points
Brando's picture

October 30, 2010 at 01:24 pm

Looks like packers have made a first move...

0 points