Extra Cheese: Yes, Matthews was snubbed

Aaron chats with Packers fans after the NFL's announcement of their 2010s All-Decade Team.  

Earlier this evening, I held my Packers chat over on our YouTube channel. You can catch the replay below.

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6 points

Comments (25)

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TarynsEyes's picture

April 06, 2020 at 07:39 pm

I have always believed that those that get defensive to the extent that they rant in protest, usually know it was the right decision about them.

Matthews may be an All-Decade player for the Packers but not for the NFL The bad play near equals his good and he had too many seasons where he just vanished especially at crucial times.

0 points
murf7777's picture

April 07, 2020 at 07:55 am

Especially in the SB when he and Pickett caused that crucial fumble that was one of the more important plays of the game considering Pittsburgh had the momentum.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 09:21 am

Try to move and see past that play. The more one needs to use that as justified adoration, it makes his career appear more a one hit wonder.

0 points
TheVOR's picture

April 07, 2020 at 10:51 am

Still think he looks way more attractive to me as an ILB on the Green Bay Packers right now, than anything we're going to draft.

In limited action at ILB, he was a monster. Still think he has a few more good years left. Actually had a decent year last year as a role player. For the money he was paid, it was a relative value in LA, and probably still is if he wanted the depth role, or to play ILB.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 11:50 am

Matthews might have looked better than what we had at ILB at times, but that doesn't equate to being the player that will increase the needed value in the scheme provided. Matthews as a 'cleanup man' as like Martinez asserted he was may sound good but Matthews is as much a free lancer as those he needs to cleanup after. Matthews wasn't and isn't a leader but wasn't a follower either and based on that I don't see the upside to bringing him back in any capacity, since he contributed in near lackluster performance his last few seasons in GB.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 02:00 pm

"Matthews wasn't and isn't a leader but wasn't a follower either"

Apparently you know the man personally.

-2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 02:27 pm

Amazing how everyone here talks about this player and that player and players that haven't been drafted as though they know them personally and you say this about my comments.

Give me a break with this petty bs.

-2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 03:25 pm

How do you know what kind of a leader he was, or wasn't? You hung out in the locker room? Talked with other players who played with him? Coaches? I'm just curious how you seem to know intimate details about his personality.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 03:37 pm

This is based on what I see in games, sideline behavior, interviews when available, and read by writers other than those who write for the Packers. I then make a conclusion and express it when I deem it needed.

This is the same thing many here do, watch film, read articles and make a conclusion about a player. It may not be 100% correct or wrong but it's what we all do in some manner.

Get the off the horse named Pompous you're riding and just accept that others have different viewpoints.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 03:52 pm

Fair enough. I'd appreciate just one link to an interview or story written by one of those writers who don't write for the Packers that you referenced who have questioned his leadership.
Or maybe you can expand on what you have personally seen in games or sideline behavior or interviews that indicate he lacks leadership.
You're the one who claims he lacks leadership. I'm just curious what concrete evidence you have to support that opinion. Kind of a shi**y claim to put that label on an athlete without anything to back it up.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 03:58 pm

200 QB hits
130 TFL
91.5 sacks
17 FF
That's enough 'leadership' for me. But that's just my opinion.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 05:22 pm

Statistics do not automatically correlate to leadership. EX: Antonio Brown has stats and is the furthest away from any leadership qualities.

Matthews was and likely still is, though to a lesser degree, a Diva. He was more about the stat than executing a beneficial defensive play to help the team, as seen all too often via his over pursuit and hindering the play of another's job.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 05:38 pm

You're actually comparing Matthews to Antonio Brown lol. Remind me of one negative off field or locker room incident Clay Matthews was ever connected to. Just one.
I'll defer to your superior analytical takes on player's mindsets. I'll focus on their play. Players are paid to play. Coaches are paid to lead and motivate.
I'm still waiting on those non-Packer reporters who questioned Matthew's leadership qualities.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 05:35 pm

Why do I need to supply links. Read and listen for yourself what you wish and make your own conclusion. I'll be respectful of your conclusion and to disagree or agree and leave out any derogatory remarks on purpose. It isn't personal, it's just a way to pasttime. Remember, we don't play in these games but opinions, whether deemed right or wrong is what keeps it all going. Be nice!!!

We all have the Right to interpret and speak to such. It's where opposing views are formed for debate.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 05:45 pm

You need to supply links because you brought it up, not me. Not cool to claim you've seen these phantom articles, denigrating a player. If they exist, show me. I've been wrong before, and it certainly won't be the last time.
Criticizing an athlete's play on the field is fair game. Attacking his character, in my opinion, is crossing the line.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 07, 2020 at 06:10 pm

I never said I read articles denigrating Matthews. What I implied was from articles and game tape and side line behavior, I interpreted them as a whole and made my conclusion at to Matthews not being a leader. You may very well have done such with what you read and watch and conclude otherwise. It's called OPINION.

I made no attack on Matthews character but simply stated he my opinion he is not a leader.
My use of Brown wasn't about character but your use of stats as a testimonial to character. Many players have good-great stats but were bad leaders or lacked leadership ability.

I'm done here.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 07, 2020 at 06:25 pm

He has no leadership skills. He's a diva. And a bad leader. But I made no attack on his character. Ok...lol.
I've only been on this site for a few months. I'll make a conservative guess and say whenever I see a post from you, it's 95% negative. Whether it's about players, coaches, or front office.
Rhetorical question....if this team causes you so much negativity and anguish, why continue to follow them?
You have a wonderful day, if that's even possible for you.

0 points
Fredrik87's picture

April 09, 2020 at 08:40 am

He should of made it instead of Mack he had 20 more sacks, 30 more TFL, 65 more QB hits, 4 more interceptions, more passes defensed.
Matthews outdid Mack in every stat except FF and he only had 3 less than Mack.

0 points
jsb937's picture

April 06, 2020 at 08:03 pm

If you want to lose more games this year hire him back. He is toast. Jimmy Graham toast.

-3 points
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