
Mason Crosby somehow triggered incentives in his contract that have doubled his salary for 2010, from $500K to 1M. Jersey Al says: Say what?

Great look at the 100 percent, yes, 100 percent raise Mason Crosby got this offseason from our good friend Jersey Al.

Money quote:

When I called for some kicking competition for Crosby last year, some readers pointed out that most teams don’t want to waste one of those 83 valuable training camp roster spots on a second kicker. Fair enough I say, but do the Packers really need to bring 11 wide receivers to camp like they did last year? I’d would opt to go with 10 and bring someone in to give Crosby something to worry about. Maybe he’ll have the motivation to find that magic adjustment you Crosby defenders are waiting for.

As always, you should read the whole thing.




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Comments (26)

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PackersThad's picture

March 17, 2010 at 11:58 am

I'm still a Crosby defender and I have no idea why I am so invested with him getting his head on straight. I don't know what can help him thought. He seems to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Maybe he needs to take a vacation with Rodgers and Tauscher. Are you aware if he has any friends on the team? What clique would he belong to?

All I can say is that if he can't kick over 80% this season, we should definitely try and trade him for at least a 5th round pick.

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hyperRevue's picture

March 17, 2010 at 01:44 pm

In the full article, Al includes Crosby's FG% for his entire football career:

HSY4 63.6%
CY1 77.8%
CY2 82.6%
CY3 75.0%
CY4 67.9%
NFLY1 79.5%
NFLY2 79.4%
NFLY3 75.0%

He's been over 80% just once since high school and that was his 2nd year of college(granted his first year probably rounds up to 80 if we want to get nit picky). He's never been a very accurate kicker, so I don't get why or how some switch will suddenly click.

And no team would give up a 5th round pick for him. Well, maybe the Redskins. Their kicking situation is probably worse than the Pack's.

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Alex's picture

March 17, 2010 at 12:02 pm

I knew I should have paid Al more.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

March 17, 2010 at 08:12 pm

Well, I hope you learned from that. Now Corey best be getting high six figures >;^0


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nypacker's picture

March 17, 2010 at 12:06 pm

Next to Colledge's attitude I think Crosby is the biggest enigma on the team. I think we all remember that magical 2007 season where he was the highest scoring player in the NFL and nearly made it into the pro bowl. What happened since then???

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Satori's picture

March 17, 2010 at 01:02 pm

Well, as the Chief excuse-maker for Crosby I'd like to share a counter point.

Kickers need consistency to be consistent.

And Mason has had 3 different snappers, 3 different holders and 2 different ST coaches in his short tenure in GB. Longwell himself publicly lamented issues with the holder when he missed too, Crosby has taken it all on himself to date.

I also like to note that his HC has full confidence in calling on him to make long FGs, and to call for a high- risk onsides kick in a crucial playoff game at AZ.

That speaks volumes.

Mason is a self- motivated hard working professional and having a camp leg to push him might make some fans feel good.
But no camp leg is going to beat him out and any time he spends "worrying" about the competition is time taken away from the task at hand of improving his success rate.
The mental part of kicking is the biggest hurdle and the yet solution offered in the article is to "add something else for Mason to worry about ?"

Bring in all the camp legs you like, Crosby is your kicker in 2010.

Personally, I'd like to see a better approach from the ST coaches than last years' suggestion of "call around to other kickers and see how they fix it"

Mason clearly needs to improve his FG success rate and length isn't the issue, aim is. If you think bringing in a camp leg is the way to fix that then by all means do so. But that camp leg is gone by the time the season starts.

Then what are you gonna do ?

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PackerAaron's picture

March 17, 2010 at 01:24 pm

Satori - agree with parts of this. But competition is a good thing, no matter what position you play. And who says anyone they bring in is just a "camp leg"? That's exactly what Ryan Longwell was...right up until he won the job.

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hyperRevue's picture

March 17, 2010 at 01:46 pm

For as mediocre as Crosby is at kicking field goals, he has one of the best onside kicks I've ever seen. He's really good at that. haha.

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Satori's picture

March 17, 2010 at 01:33 pm

Competition is at the heart of the way the front office builds this team and indeed kicker is no different.
I just don't believe that a lack of competition is the reason for Crosby's struggles or the solution to it.
Here's hoping they find a solution, however they do it, because ST improvement was one of MMs offseason "keys to success for 2010".

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PackerAaron's picture

March 17, 2010 at 02:00 pm

Indeed, Mike stood at the podium in Indy and said, point blank "Special teams will be the most improved area on our team" - and I forgot to add in my last reply. I couldn't agree more about the disappointment in Slocum telling Crosby to "call somebody". He should have been fired the moment those words came out of his mouth.

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JerseyAl's picture

March 18, 2010 at 10:45 am

I'm glad someone else finds that disturbing and surreal...

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Jayme's picture

March 17, 2010 at 02:43 pm

I was playing with the stats a little bit in Excel and found that if you take out his 50+ yard field goal attempts, Crosby's success rate improves to 83%. Comparing Crosby to other kickers with at least 15 attempts, using this same statistic, places him at 19th in the league. Basically, he's well within the margin of error for being an average NFL kicker.

What this says to me is that the coaches need to fall out of love with his leg strength and realize that his range is limited. If the Packers can do that, then he won't have as many misses, which could allow him to get some confidence back, and maybe even improve on that average. This also tells me that the coaches don't necessarily need to rush to make an improvement, but shouldn't refrain from accepting the opportunity to do so.

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JerseyAl's picture

March 18, 2010 at 10:52 am

Did you remove 50+ yard kicks from all of the kicker's stats? Probably not, so the premise is not valid. When you do, that means their percentages go up also. And Crosby drops down the list again.

But even if he was 19th, that's good enough for you? Not for me.

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Jayme's picture

March 20, 2010 at 01:57 pm

Hrmm.. weird, for some reason my original response disappeared.

But yes, I did remove 50+ yard kicks from the other kickers when looking at the numbers. And 19th doesn't look very good, but the difference between 19th and 10th or 11th was 2 converted kicks, hardly enough to say that Crosby is considerably worse than those kickers, given all of the things that can affect a kicker and the noisiness of football statistics in general. And given all the struggles that so many teams have had with kickers, being in the top 2/3 of the league in a statistic like that isn't bad, especially when it's a known fact that he struggles with 50+ kicks, something his team can easily avoid in the future.

Again, like I said, take any opportunities to improve at the position if they come, but don't make it a priority.

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Jayme's picture

March 20, 2010 at 02:00 pm

PS - Corey and Aaron, as I said in my previous post, my original response to Jersey Al disappeared, so that's something you probably want to look into as a possible bug with the new site. One suggestion I have would be to add a "contact us" link at the bottom that gives an e-mail address or comment box or something so people with bugs or suggestions don't have to post them in the comments of other stories.

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PackerAaron's picture

March 20, 2010 at 02:45 pm

Yeah, think they got caught in the server-switch. Will try to find them and get them back up.

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nerdmann's picture

March 17, 2010 at 04:35 pm

I don't like Crosby anymore, but I think the situation with having a new holder is what is problem is.
My main problem is that he's not money when the game is on the line. He's a good kicker, but he's not clutch. Cost us two games in '08, iirc.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

March 17, 2010 at 08:23 pm

You know,

I hate the bayurz as much as I love the GBP. But, every time I see Gould split the uprights IN THE COLD, I get envious. That's the only thing from that P.O.S. franchise that I would take.

Why does it have to be so hard to have RESPECTABLE ST's?

Not the best mind you, just... RESPECTABLE.

I mean we are a SOLID punter and a 80% F.G. kicker away from being a team that is to be RECKONED with EVERY week.

With the spotty/shoddy ST (and I use this term loosely "specialist") we have, we are always an "off the side of his foot" punt or a "wide right" field goal away from being CONSISTENT.

I've got no reason to believe that will change any time soon.

Gets old.


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PackersRS's picture

March 17, 2010 at 08:45 pm

"(and I use this term loosely “specialist”)"


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FITZCORE1252's picture

March 17, 2010 at 09:48 pm

Does it weat at you too RS? Tell me I'm not alone here.

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FITZCORE1252's picture

March 17, 2010 at 09:49 pm

That would be E-A-T. If it weats at you... that's cool too. I r not b 1 2 judge.

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PackersRS's picture

March 18, 2010 at 10:43 am

Are you speaking english????

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FITZCORE1252's picture

March 17, 2010 at 09:47 pm

Almost forgot... Happy Saint Fitzpatrick's Day. WOOT!!!

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JerseyAl's picture

March 18, 2010 at 09:52 am

Thanks Aaron. I wish I had seen this sooner, but work has kept me hopping this week, with all the power outages and whatnot. Anyway, in a discussion with Satori (who I give credit to for admitting his Crosby apologist stance) on TALKinPACKERS forum. He basically said that Crosby's stats are hindered have been hindered by cold weather kicking and the fact he is asked to kick long field goals.

So I dug a little deeper and came up with these gems:

Cold weather and being asked to kick more long field goals are definitely factors that will affect a kicker's overall average. Nobody can dispute that.

But other kickers have to kick in cold weather and they have performed much better than Crosby. Reed, Akers, Dawson, Gould, Prater, Lindell Tynes, Gostkowski, Feely, Graham - all better than Crosby. Out of these 10 cold weather kickers, 7 have better percentages from 50+ yards than Crosby. and all 10 have better percentages from 40-49 yards. This is all on stats page.

It seems pretty clear to me. Crosby pales compared to his peers, even under the conditions people love to use as excuses for his performance.

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Ron LC's picture

March 19, 2010 at 02:45 pm

All you said and some of Crosby's most critical misses came in a dome. He also has not lived up to the "Mr. Strong Leg" hype. His touchback production is not anything special.

Anyone have info on the Austrailian Rules punter they are interested in?

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IronMan's picture

March 20, 2010 at 05:04 am

Crosby is absolutely terrible. If TT doesn't bring in competition for Crosby, and he continues to miss easy kicks, I'm going to be pissed.

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