All Hail Donald Driver

Driver made one of his greatest plays as a Packer - while sick and not knowing exactly what play Rodgers was running.

I simply can not go to bed tonight without paying tribute to the play that Donald Driver made today.

That play should not surprise Packer fans. Driver has always run as though every catch was his last. As though the ball was his child and he needed to keep it away from marauding bandits bent on kidnapping it. The man has more heart than any other player I have ever seen play the position. No matter his physical limitations, the guy is always running like his life depends on it - and then, when the play is over, he almost always has that million dollar smile on display.

One of the more amazing aspects of that play is finding out that Driver came down with food poisoning on Saturday night, was up at 5 am and in the facility getting treatment so that he could play. I mean, I've had bad, bad food poisoning, and I couldn't make it down the stairs to get the paper. Looking at that play and knowing how horrible he must have felt, I can't even express how impressive a display that is.

Another brilliant aspect of the play is that it was apparently almost a schoolyard-type play from the get-go. Aaron Rodgers indicated in his post-game press conference that he sent Driver in motion across the formation and that "He didn't really know what he was doing, I didn't really know what was going to happen" - I mean, does this sound like the beginning of a game-defining play?

But that's exactly what it was - thanks to the heart and will of Donald Driver.




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Comments (19)

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djbonney138's picture

December 06, 2010 at 01:24 am

I had to watch the game on the computer today. I had Twitter open and was watching the tweets come across when this play happened. I immediately tweeted DRIVER!!! or something and hit enter. As soon as my tweet showed I instantly had 19 New Tweets! It just blew up. It was pretty awesome and it was cool that so many Packer fans were as stoked as me.

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alfredomartinez's picture

December 06, 2010 at 01:24 am

that play gave me goosebumps, simply even gave my wife a few was one of those "once in a lifetime" type of plays, by truly one of the most eclectic players to this game...

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December 06, 2010 at 01:36 am

This is a great time to be a Packers fan even though we are still behind the bears by a game. We have 4 more games to get Starks ready for the playoffs Rodgers is playing lights out in the right time. The defense has been playing pretty good, not spectacular as 2 weeks ago but still. And the Bears next 4 games are very hard, I see them at least losing 2. GO PACK GO!!!!!

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jack in jersey city's picture

December 06, 2010 at 02:03 am

yep! that was definitely one of the greatest plays i've ever seen. the old man still has it!

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Ryeguy812's picture

December 06, 2010 at 02:45 am

Driver has never forgotten where he came from and knows how lucky he is. He just wants it more than everyone else

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Cuphound's picture

December 06, 2010 at 03:06 am

The thought of Donald Driver retiring one day is endlessly depressing. He remains all that was best of Packers football in the Sherman era, a beacon of hope and joy. Mr. Packer, himself.

I know I'm too old to wear football jerseys, but maybe I should go buy his shirt. We'll never see his like again.

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Overkill's picture

December 06, 2010 at 04:03 am

Last play stands out, Jennings catch in Denver. Newest, Driver saying get outta my way.

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Chris's picture

December 06, 2010 at 07:26 am

Driver is a class act, on and off the field. We Packer fans should always remind ourselves what a great group of receivers we have. They are never in the headlines, they never do stupid stuff off the field, are great role models, and play incredibly good year in and out.
I really hope Donald can get a ring before he retires. He deserves it for a great career.

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PresidentRaygun's picture

December 06, 2010 at 07:32 am

I've watched that play at least 15 times today. I effin love DD.

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Kevin's picture

December 06, 2010 at 08:24 am

My wife and I were watching the the game and as that play unfolded and Donald scored, amongst our screaming we looked at each other and pointed and said "HARD WORK BABY!" where he swats the coach on the butt from his McDonalds commercial. Donald never quits!!! Thanks for the many great memories. And many more to come.

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LucasRichmond44's picture

December 06, 2010 at 08:30 am

I loved the effort on Quarless' blocking on that play as well! He dives over Drivers back to get to that guy!

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Anita's picture

December 06, 2010 at 08:32 am

Donald Driver is THE MAN. No question about it. That play was AMAZING. I stared at the TV when it happened and all I could say was "HOLY SHIT."

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zub-a-dub's picture

December 06, 2010 at 09:36 am

Maybe the best play of the year by a Packer.

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Jersey Al's picture

December 06, 2010 at 09:59 am

Hear! Hear!

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pittpackers's picture

December 06, 2010 at 11:05 am

Donald Driver is a Y.A.C. god. Year in, year out, this man produces. Donald Driver put the team (or at least Andrew Quarless) on his back!

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ZeroTolerance's picture

December 06, 2010 at 11:24 am

What more can be said?

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PackersRS's picture

December 06, 2010 at 11:45 am

Elegant, but gritty.

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Nononsense's picture

December 06, 2010 at 06:26 pm


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December 06, 2010 at 08:11 pm

Is DD Mr. Packer or what? This guy is a class act and more.

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