Roethlisberger Suspension Announcement Not Expected Today

ESPN's Adam Schefter reports that the NFL will not announce a suspension of Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger today.

On Sunday, Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports reported that a suspension could be announced on Monday or Tuesday of this week, and that Roethlisberger is unlikely to contests any discipline the league hands down. Most of those who cover the league suspect Roethlisberger to receive a 2-to-4 game suspension, while Mike Florio of thinks Big Ben will get a suspension in that same range, but wouldn't be surprised if it were much, much more.

The NFL waiting until Tuesday, now Wednesday, according to Mark Maske of the Washington Post, to suspend Roethlisberger is a smart public relations move, as the announcement will overlap with the release of the NFL's 2010 regular season schedule. Two days later, all eyes will be on the NFL Draft, and while Roethlisberger's suspension will be a subject of debate on ESPN and the NFL Network, the league's decisiveness on the matter will be on full display in front of a NFL viewing audience that is rivaled by only the Super Bowl.

For the record, I think Roethlisberger gets a four-game suspension.

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