Guess I Need a New Wardrobe

What a pathetic display of journalistic crap.

To say that I am shocked is an understatement.

Every morning, I follow the routine of opening Twitter and scrolling back through my timeline to see if there was anything I might have missed. Usually, it's fairly quiet; a little banter back and forth, witn some simple chatting between Tweeps thrown in for good measure. Usually it's the same night after night.

Last night was not the case.

As I was scrolling, I came across this tweet which immediately peaked my curiosity. What could possibly be in the attached post that would have upset people so much?

I wish I had never clicked the link.

The author of this article, this ridiculously narrow minded article, proceeds to tell the entire world that the reason a fan was beaten to within an inch of his life was because of the clothing he was wearing at a baseball game. That the persons who beat the man into a coma were doing nothing more than "protecting Dodger turf" and that it was the fan's fault for wearing the opposing team's jersey that he in essence deserved to be beaten.

Are you kidding me? Seriously?

No one in their right mind, hell even in their wrong mind, should ever have this mentality. EVER. It is one of if not the most pathetic displays of journalistic opinions  I have ever read. He, the author, should be ashamed of himself for putting these thoughts on paper. The website which published it should have it's entire staff analyzed for allowing this moronic display of opinionated garbage to ever be viewed by the public.

What makes it worse is the piece does not even remotely give the sense of sorrow for the fan who was beaten, or his family. Instead, it chooses to focus solely on the fan himself, what he supposedly did wrong, what he was wearing, and because he is an adult, he should know better to wear an opposing team's jersey to a game.

Give me a F-ing break!

Let's think about the Packers for a second. On game day, what do you wear while the Packers are playing? I'd be willing to bet that everyone who is reading this is wearing some sort of a Packers jersey or shirt. Do you feel "immature" for wearing it? I sure don't.

The author goes on to say "Here's tip for you if you actually think that wearing your team's jersey makes you a part of the team: It doesn't." Does anybody really think that wearing a jersey will help the Packers win, or do you wear it out of a sense of pride for the team you support? I'm guessing that Aaron Rodgers isn't going to play any harder because the fan sitting in Section 119, row 55, seat 8 is wearing his jersey. That fan is wearing an Aaron Rodgers jersey because they support the team, the same way the fan was in San Francisco.

I've lived in the heart of Bear Country my entire life. I usually wear something Packers every day, not because I'm looking to get into a fight, but because I support my team. If some idiot Bears fans want to say some crap to me about the Packers, go ahead. I'm smart enough to just walk away. I'm not going to stop being a fan because of where I live. Would I wear Packers gear to Soldier Field? Absolutely. It's who I am. But according to Mr. Steigerwald, I'm looking for a fight, because I haven't grown up enough to know when to take off the jersey. Guess I need a whole new wardrobe, right?


This is me. If you don't like it, too bad. I will not ever change, diminish, or alter my fandom based on my age. Actually the older I get the more green and gold I tend to wear. Just don't let writers from the Observer see me-I'll be told I'm too old for that type of a display of fandom and deserve to get my ass kicked.

0 points

Comments (24)

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Zac's picture

April 13, 2011 at 01:54 pm

Good post John. It gets worse - he blames his readership for not understanding his column instead of realizing that at best he failed to articulate his's the blogpost:

-2 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 13, 2011 at 04:43 pm

Now it's our fault he's a jackass. Got it.

2 points
Jer's picture

April 13, 2011 at 02:18 pm

I guess between this and some of the reaction from the Sterger interview, blaming the victim must be fashion or something.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 13, 2011 at 04:44 pm

Sure, if you dont want to deal with reality. It goes beyond stupid

0 points
foundinidaho's picture

April 13, 2011 at 04:56 pm

A freaking men, John. Funny how great minds think alike. ;)

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:07 am

Thanks Colleen.

Your take on the same subject is excellent.

0 points
Mark's picture

April 13, 2011 at 05:09 pm

I think what the author of the article doesn't get WE ARE A PART OF THE TEAM without fans THERE IS NO TEAM fans pay for revenue. That is all.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:09 am


0 points
Chad Toporski's picture

April 13, 2011 at 05:10 pm

Wow. Great response to a shitty (at best) editorial.

*shakes head*

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:05 am

Thanks much.

0 points
aussiepacker's picture

April 14, 2011 at 02:05 am

I reckon 97% of my wardrobe is some sort of sporting gear, and to think that there should be some sort of policy on where i can wear my clothes is total bullshit. I wear them clothes not to offend anyone but becouse i am proud of the teams i support and i will where them till the day i die and i can't see a problem with that.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:04 am

Preach on!

0 points
Kathy's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:41 am

John: Very good and articulate post outlining the ramblings of the drum major for the vast Idiots On Parade parade. (Line borrowed from another great blogger, Colleen - foundinindaho). And I'll say unashamedly that I too wear my Packer gear a great majority of my relaxation time - even my sleeping attire is Packer related. Game day finds me in Packer attire - no matter what city I'm in. Our vehicle even wears a Packer logo. I will not, as the idiot drum major suggests, hide my fandom under a bush in fear that someone will think me immmature or threatening to them.
The main hope here is that the perpetrator(s) of this horrific act are brought to justice for their crime of trying to murder someone. One could also hope, albeit very improbable, that the author of this outrageous article is sentenced to oblivion hell for attempted murder on the noble profession of journalism.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 14, 2011 at 08:49 am

Thanks Kathy. Did you read the response the author gave yesterday to all the criticism he was getting? Check out Zac's comment above-he added the link.

Almost as shocking as his original post.

0 points
djbonney138's picture

April 15, 2011 at 12:17 am

“Here’s tip for you if you actually think that wearing your team’s jersey makes you a part of the team: It doesn’t.” Does anybody really think that wearing a jersey will help the Packers win,
I have a story to tell. On Oct. 24th I went to Lambeau field for the first time, with my bro. He surprised me with a gift, A Charles Woodson throwback jersey. This is probably the best gift I have ever received not including my daughter. On Nov. 28th and Dec. 12th I went snowboarding and was unable to wear the jersey. On Dec. 19th my restaurant was closed for a private party and I had to bartend thus unable again to wear the jersey. Every Packer game excluding the 3 previously mentioned I wore my Woodson jersey and WE won. I don't think wearing this jersey made my team win I KNOW it did. I wear my jersey because I love my Green Bay Packers. I love Packer fans, I love the history of the Packers and I love the Packer players and coaches! I bleed and sweat Green and Gold and I wear my jersey because I feel I am a part of something bigger than myself! My jersey is me but it is also so much more! This guy doesn't get it and never will. That piece of shit should be the one in a coma, not the poor father of two that is now.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 15, 2011 at 06:47 pm

Reporters cannot be fans for the team they report for-doesnt allow for unbiased reporting. However the moron who wrote this is clearly not a fan, probably never has been, and does not understand what it is to be a fan. What makes this even worse is not only is he not a fan, but he does not care to acknowledge fandom a passion which continues even as we get older.

Basically, hes a douche.

0 points
PackersRS's picture

April 15, 2011 at 11:49 am

I have a different perspective than all of you.

I come from the soccer background. I've seen people die in the stadium, beatings occurs regularly, I've been to a game where a homemade bomb blew up outside the stadium, killed one man and handicapped another.

In soccer, NEVER, EVER, fans from other teams are allowed to stay in the same area with rival fans. Actually, in some extreme cases, there aren't allowed ANY fans from other teams, to prevent violence.

And I got to say, I hate it. It's that kind of mentality, the author's mentality, that has made things the way it is in soccer. That and the impunity.

But our penal system is destroyed. Yours is still competent enough to allow a pacific environment and permit that games remain an entertaining venue, and not a reason for two rival factions to kill each other.

I love the Packers, and I love my soccer team, to the point that I have it's logo tattooed on my back. But it's a source of passion, not war.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 15, 2011 at 06:48 pm

Excellent perspective on the topic. Thank you. Your last sentence is perfect.

0 points
FITZCORE1252's picture

April 24, 2011 at 06:05 pm

Yeah, you motherfuckers are nuts on your soccer. Fist-fights happen, but I ain't about to blow up Soldier field... somebody should though (empty of course).

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 24, 2011 at 06:23 pm

Um, if you're planning on destroying Soldier Field just give me a heads up so I can get the hell away. Its not that far from me you know.

0 points
Scott Schalin's picture

April 15, 2011 at 03:41 pm

Hey John. I just wrote you an email on the Packers Hall of Fame project, but I have to address this post.

I live in LA and grew up a die-hard Dodgers fan. I've had season tickets for 25 years that ended last season when Frank McCourt became the most hated owner in baseball.

I've noticed a sad decline in what was "Dodger pride" when I was a kid to a new gang-like mentally over the past decade.

Not sure whether it's a comment on society in general or the decline of civilization in larger, metro areas like LA. Hell, these freakin idiots who perpetuated this crime assuredly have no idea of the history of the Dodgers-Giants rivalry. Instead their sport is blood and alcohol and fake rage against whatever machine they perceive is holding them back.

As I've sseen the decline in true baseball aficianados at Chavez Ravine, that's precisely why I do embrace the spirit of the Packers. There's a class and dignity to this organization that transcends's almost spiritual in what it teaches.

If only the weather in Green Bay wasn't you say...intolerable.

0 points
JohnRehor's picture

April 15, 2011 at 06:49 pm

"There’s a class and dignity to this organization that transcends football…it’s almost spiritual in what it teaches."


0 points
FITZCORE1252's picture

April 24, 2011 at 06:03 pm

My closet looks like the pro-shop vomited. I wear some sort of Packer hoodie to work every day of the year being in the mild Pacific Northwest. I love it, people know what I'm about and they respect it. If you're not going to rep your teams colors while traveling to see them for an away game... what's the point?


0 points
willie5's picture

March 27, 2021 at 02:39 am

Talking about wardrobe, does anybody know where to buy NFL clothes for fans? Besides Fanatics ( ) I mean ... I would be very grateful for any recommendations, thanks in advance.

0 points