Still Dirty After All These Years

In a increasingly turbulent world, it's good to know there are some beliefs that you can trust will always be rock solid. For instance, you can trust that baseball will be boring, that NBA games will always boil down to how the refs call it,  and that the Oakland Raiders play dirty. It's part of their D.N.A. Any team that has Warren Sapp on its roster is a classless enterprise to begin with. But after Sunday's game, McCarthy and the Packers seem somewhat annoyed by the late, low hits on Brett Favre. Personally, I didn't think any of the shots were that egregious. McCarthy called Burgess' low dives "unnecessary", which is ridiculous, especially from a coach who had a player take out the opposing QB with an "unnecessary" shot of his own. (Which was awesome.)

Look, it's bad enough the NFL has put a skirt on the QB. Now they want to put lipstick and earrings on him too. Give me a break. Deacon Jones said it best - his job is to knock the quarterback out. That's football. You don't want your quarterback hurt? Stop him.




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