Players & Twitter: Sure, It's Great NOW...

Packer fans are having a great time interacting with Nick Barnett, Jermichael Finley and Ryan Grant via Twitter now that it's July. All across the NFL, players are Tweeting away, having fun exchanges with fans and everyone is in love.


The first NFL season with full-on Twitter interconnection is approaching. I have horrible visions of armies of fans, armed with their DVR remotes, Tweeting to their favorite players along the lines of "What happened on that 3rd and 3?" or "You really blew that blocking assignment in the 4th quarter". Of course, these are tame compared to some of the posts you see on football forums everywhere. The potential for some really offensive messages being sent directly to individual players is high.

Sure, these guys hear it all at the stadium. But there's something about seeing that stuff written down that can really upset. (Trust me - you should see some of my email.)

I just really hope fans on Twitter keep things in check during the season...




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Comments (12)

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InFact's picture

July 10, 2009 at 07:44 pm

I think the NFL has or will ban players from Tweeting while a game is in progress.

That action seems to be the indication based on Ochenta Y Cinco's threat to do so this season.

As for me, I'm glad to have email and that's good enough. If I get any more wired, then I'll feel like I'm 13 again and wearing braces.

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Packnic's picture

July 10, 2009 at 08:00 pm

wow. I didn't consider this until you just brought it up. Now I'm worried.

After seeing some of the things Packer fans and Brett Favre fans are able to say to eachother behind the anonymity of the internet... it really worries me what they might feel they can say to actual players.

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retiredgrampa's picture

July 10, 2009 at 08:01 pm

Ah, my put yourself directly in the line of fire...tsk,tsk. So you might expect to be struck by a few paint balls, eh? Best put on your asbestos pants soon.

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jerseypackfan's picture

July 10, 2009 at 08:21 pm

Is Jerrett Bush on Twitter?

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Franklin Hillside's picture

July 11, 2009 at 07:08 am

I'm more worried about updates about pedicures.


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Keith's picture

July 11, 2009 at 09:34 am

"I just really hope fans on Twitter keep things in check during the season…"


Sorry about that. ;)

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Asshalo's picture

July 11, 2009 at 12:43 pm

Nice post. Let's support those guys when they're down..on twitter at least. Dale Z at packerslounge sent finley, "Less talk, more play," after finley said something about tearing up the defense. I wouldn't call what he did out of line though. it's just players and fans have to be careful not to stir the pot.

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PackerAaron's picture

July 11, 2009 at 02:17 pm

Yeah, I though that was pretty silly on Dale's part. It's June and he's telling him 'Less Talk, More Play'? I mean, I could see if it was the season, but give the guy a break. If you can't talk it up in June, what's the point?

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PackersRS's picture

July 11, 2009 at 02:59 pm

The way that I see it is this: If a player is performing poorly, it's not his fault. It's the coach's fault that he's on the field, and the GM's fault his on the squad. However, if I see any lack of effort, then the player is going to hear it.
It's the fans right to boo, they've paid the ticket. But I try to support the team when they're on the field. Booing isn't going to make them play better. After the game, then it's fair enough to boo.

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reynoldspainting's picture

July 12, 2009 at 06:34 am

Twittering with DVR remotes?

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PackerAaron's picture

July 12, 2009 at 08:08 am

Was thinking more along the lines of a phone in one hand, DVR remote in the other - but I wouldn't put anything past the guys over at Twitter ;)

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Asshalo's picture

July 12, 2009 at 12:02 pm

PackersRS, the way I see it players are best off when they don't read the papers (or online fan forums) and when they tune out the negative in general. Booing, I don't have a problem with, especially when it's at Lambeau-- it's not as common as it is at other places. But that's mainly because it's simple. Twitter, however, allows fans to get a little bit more intimate-- which could mean more stress on the players if the feedback is negative or even out of line.
Players use criticism from the media and opponents as fuel for better performance on gameday. I fear criticism directly from the fans will have inverse effect. More stress on gameday. And if they are good players worthy of keeping, maybe they'll remember the negative comments when free agency comes around.

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