Gutekunst, Packers Determined To Win Another Title With Aaron Rodgers

Hall of Fame quarterbacks don’t grow on trees. Packers fans old enough to remember the team’s struggles in the 1970s and 1980s understand that only too well. From the time Bart Starr retired after the 1971 season until the time Brett Favre arrived in 1992, the Packers went more than two decades without a Hall of Fame signal caller. Over that period, the Packers had only one quarterback earn Pro Bowl honors and that was Don Majkowski in 1989. They also made the playoffs only twice during that time with one of them coming in the strike-shortened 1982 season which saw 16 teams make the playoffs.

Since 1992, the Packers have had back-to-back Hall of Fame-caliber quarterbacks. Brett Favre is already enshrined in Canton while Aaron Rodgers is guaranteed to receive that honor as soon as he is eligible.

But given how difficult it is to find elite quarterbacks, it is not surprising that the Packers are doing all they can to keep Rodgers in Green Bay for as long as possible.

While we still don’t know how long Rodgers will play, we do know that he will be back in Green Bay in 2022. More details will follow when the official terms of his contract are announced. And even if the contract is a legitimate four-year deal, Rodgers could always decide to retire after any season.

The fact is that GM Brian Gutekunst has taken a calculated gamble: so long as Rodgers is an elite quarterback, the Packers will do all they can to keep giving him a chance to win another Super Bowl.

This makes sense because getting true franchise quarterbacks is not easy in the NFL. And non-elite quarterbacks who win championships in the NFL these days are few and far between. As for as Gutekunst is concerned, the Packers have a Hall of Fame quarterback and that gives them a window to win another championship. So, he will try to extend that window for as long as he can.

It may have been tempting to trade Rodgers and take the boatload of high draft picks and players that the Broncos were likely offering. But honestly, that would involve a rebuild and taking a chance that Jordan Love was ready to take over as the starter, which he hasn’t proven just yet, or acquiring a new quarterback who is good enough to win a Super Bowl with the team as it is presently established. If you choose to wait a year or two for Love to be ready, many key players may no longer be with the team by that time. The modern NFL is a year-by-year proposition and if you’re this close, you keep trying to take the final steps to the summit.

Sticking with Rodgers is a gamble, but a higher percentage gamble than moving on to Love or another quarterback. Afterall, Rodgers is the two-time reigning MVP of the league and is still playing at an elite level at the age of 38.

There are still questions about Rodgers though. His performance in playoff games has left a lot to be desired in recent years. Since the Packers won Super Bowl XLV, he is just 7-9 in the postseason and has not performed up to his usual standard of excellence in many of those games.

The Packers have returned to the NFC Championship Game four times since Super Bowl XLV and are 0-4. In those four games, Rodgers has thrown six interceptions which is more than he threw in any of the last four seasons.

But the fact is, unless you have an extremely dominant defense and running game, it is nearly impossible to win a Super Bowl without a great quarterback. And this Packers team is built to win now with talented difference makers on both sides of the ball.

Given the choice of having to rebuild and maybe not get a chance to win a title for a few years or to take another shot or two or three with Rodgers who has come close so many times, Gutekunst chose to try to keep as many key players as he could together and take another roll of the dice with Rodgers.

The rest of the offseason will be a challenge. Who will the Packers be able to keep and who will they have to let go? Who will they add in the draft and can they afford to make any significant moves in free agency? Could they get lucky again as they did last year with inexpensive additions like De’Vondre Campbell and Rasul Douglas who surprised everybody by playing at such a high level?

Gutekunst’s first choice was always to stick with Rodgers and build around him. Now that this is going to happen, he and the rest of the Packers front office have a lot of work to do to prepare for another run at a championship in 2022. It will require some good moves and a little luck but the Packers are as strong a contender on paper as any team in the league. Eventually, the bill will come due for all the moves the Packers are making to keep under the salary cap. But when you’re this close to a title for the last three years, it makes sense for the franchise to say the future is now.





You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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13 points

Comments (88)

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mnbadger's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:17 pm

Well written Gil, as always. You've taken all emotions and BS out of your review and have focused on the facts. this is the only way to view the whole "AR thing" and you've laid it out for us to easily understand. Thank you. GPG!

8 points
GilMartin's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:32 pm

Thanks for the kind words, mnbadger. Glad you enjoyed the article and thanks as always for commenting.

3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 10, 2022 at 09:10 pm

Yes I think this article explains what I’ve been feeling all along. You let Rodgers go and you never know when you’re gonna sniff anywhere near the playoffs again. I just have to look at the Saints without Brees and the Giants without Eli Manning and even the Patriots without Brady to know where this franchise will be headed. All the fans that are so angry at Rodgers for his inability to take it to the next level in recent playoffs are going to be more than angry when their beloved team can’t win more than 5 to 8 games per year. That’s the likely path once we say goodbye to the Hall of Fame quarterback.

-1 points
murf7777's picture

March 11, 2022 at 07:12 am

Ditto….too many on this board think we will rebuild in a couple of years and be a yearly playoff team again. You’re also right that you won’t win consistently unless you have “the man”. The odds are long in finding a great QB.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:29 pm

"But the fact is unless you have an extremely dominant defense and running game, it is nearly impossible to win a Super Bowl without a great quarterback."

I thought the defense was top10 and perhaps rated top 5 with the run game near par excellence, and a QB deemed to be the best ever.

And they lost not once, not twice, but three times in a row, with two being to the same team that many here claim would beat 9 out of 10 times while denying they lost 3 of the last 4 to that team.

How does this team stand up to the challenge when we just witnessed the beating of the best team the Packers have had since the last SB win in 2011?

I understand the thinking that "Less is More", works as a Cover Girl makeup slogan, but the less this team will field won't cover anything enough to believe an SB is a viable achievement for the Packers, even with Rodgers staying. The proof lies in the recent past failures, and longer if looked into, and would take an even bigger step up of some to think it better than a 25% chance to achieve prior levels of success, which are subject to much doubt, as to those seasons thoughts as successful.

4 points
GilMartin's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:36 pm

It's a difficult call, TarynsEyes and you certainly looked at the other side of it in your comment. I think Rodgers returning gives the Packers a better chance of winning a title, but by no means is it guaranteed. The team's playoff failures over the last three years is more than frustrating and difficult to figure. Thanks for commenting.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:16 pm

Better chance than what? Last year?

That’s really the only measure that matters. Better than a Love or whomever led team really doesn’t matter given the cost here. It’s at least arguable that the deal Seattle got plus a journeyman QB could have got us to the playoffs in our division and have the potential to do more the next year.

Where’s the supporting information that suggests that this team will be as good or better than the last two years? Without that, the argument for doing this at all is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:47 pm

If the proof lies in past failures, then I guess it was proven that man couldn't fly long before the Wright brothers. Because everybody had failed . Everybody. Every time. 0% success rate.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:57 pm

Incremental progress leads to breakthroughs. In what way are we incrementally ahead of where we were when we failed?

5 points
dobber's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:17 pm

You're right: this approach really requires that they've identified the problems and have formulated a plan to address them. It's not just that the guys who come back have to develop, but there has to be a shift somewhere else that either boosts some aspect of their game, or minimizes others, that makes a leap forward.

If we're hanging all that on a new special teams coach, I think we'll be disappointed.

7 points
LeotisHarris's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:22 pm

Agreed, dobber. And, a whole bunch of coaching talent ran out the door to godforsaken places like Denver and Chicago. Stenavich was a touted as a genius all season for his work in keeping the OL together (and rightly so) yet come playoff time they chose to trot out the Mix 'n Match OL. Coach Matt's call or Steno's on that not so wise decision? Did the right guy get the OC job? We'll see.

12 has crapped the bed in consecutive home playoff losses. I'm thinking even with a special treat being offered to get up and trot to the potty this season, he'll do it again.

6 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:03 pm

dobber, that is spot on. The Packers need to honestly address certain things on this team. Special Teams is number one. IDL and slot corner are a close second. That being said , it is time for the Packers to spend some real draft capital on the WR position. This is appears to be a very good WR draft.

This years draft has to incorporate positional development in the future of players that can be immediate help on special teams .

3 points
wildpalms's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:52 pm

What rambling B.S., Taryn - enough of your 'negative Nancy' crap.

-12 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:37 pm

Sure, building around an MVP/Future HOF QB is one strategy. The problem is in what you "build" for the rest of the team. So far we've seen a Top 5 offense and some pretty horrible (hi Mike Pettine) to meh defenses. I saw somewhere that the Patriots had a Top 10 defense every season except 1 (just missing though) when they won the Super Bowl. That last top 10 defense the Packers had, I believe, was the 2010 Championship season. Sure, TT was in the throws of dementia for the last few years while GM and Gute is trying to address the issue, but they still aren't their. I really would like to see more than stiffs standing next to Kenny Clark and they saw how important having a good ILB was last season, so let's see another, or 2. If they are going to throw money at DA for several years then they can go back to 2nd round/later WR picks and focus on some studs on Defense. It's plainly clear that even though Rodgers is still elite, he can't carry this team to the SB (we've seen enough since 2010). Will Gute and management just put bandaids on the defense or go about adding the necessary pieces. And, for the love of God, I don't want to hear Lancasters name associated with the Packers ever again, even if it's a notification that he was released, not signed, took a job as a Sentry bagger, nada.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:48 pm

If it results in a Super Bowl victory it will make sense. If it doesn’t, it may go down as the worst decision by a GM since Hadl, perhaps longer. As you say, this comes at an excruciatingly high future cost and relies on a cap massively focused on a few older players, something seldom successful due to health as well as the impact on the strength and depth of the remaining roster.

An alternative view might be that this suggests that they have no faith in their ability to use picks and a new QB to rebuild. Certainly the futility of the last couple of years wasn’t all on Rodgers, but nothing else has really changed either.

It’s ironic that you talk about a strong running attack and defense, because we had a strong running attack and failed to capitalize on it two years running and a very strong defensive performance in our last game. This year we could have bolstered the D further. We instead chose to retain Rodgers and Adams. Probably at the expense of Campbell and maybe Douglas. We will likely now be casting around for bargain receivers on offense too. Rookies are seldom big helps there.

This team isn’t going to be materially stronger this year. The STs should be better (finally), but that doesn’t explain how our O improves or how our D does. Our O took a noticeable step back last year and we won’t have Tonyan and need a cheap speedster (likely a mythical beast, if projections re. MVS are credible). Miracle drafts are fantasies not likelihoods.

So more of the same coaching and an older Rodgers with less experience around him. Adams and who? And the same play caller as HC. If that sounds like a good bet I suppose this is a defensible choice. Damned if I can make that sum add up though. And that’s assuming that Rodgers maintains his level of play and doesn’t revert to a couple of years ago or get injured or simply start to lose physical ability.

8 points
TexasPacker69's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:27 pm

I don't fully understand this sentiment. I see lots of fans panicking about possibly losing Campbell and/or Douglas. We had the exact same number of wins in 2020 as 2021 without both of those players, and the main reason Douglas was so important was because we lost Jaire for the season. Losing one or both of those players won't somehow completely disintegrate our defense, and I've seen a few "predictions" of Campbell being around $6 million a year - which we'll be able to absorb after the Rodgers trade, Davante new contract, Jaire extension, and some miscellaneous extensions/releases are accounted for.

Same thing on offense. "Our [offense] took a noticeable step back last year and we won't have Tonyan [or MVS]." Guess what - we didn't have either of them for the majority of this year on top of having two of the best offensive linemen in the league out for the majority of the year. Assuming Bakhtiari/Jenkins are back close to 100% next year - if everything else stays the same as last year (I.e., no Tonyan - who we should be able to get back fairly cheaply after not performing well in the early games and missing the rest of the season, and no MVS) then the main difference is we're adding a franchise left tackle and a pro bowl guard to the mix, while losing 44 receptions, 634 yards, and 5 touchdowns in Tonyan/MVS. I'd consider that a huge improvement.

Finally, we did have a strong running attack the last two years and it failed to rescue us from Rodgers shrinking in the playoff Games. We also won the "what the f***" lottery both years by playing the top ranked (TB) and #5 run (SF) defenses. We also lost Jones for most of the 2nd half against TB and Dillon for most of the 2nd half against San Fran - which was incredibly devastating based on how that game was flowing.

All things considered - we're basically going to have the same exact team back next year. With some better injury luck and the run-defense Gods taking pity on us - we're right back in the mix for contention. Does that mean Rodgers won't shrink (again) in January? Who the hell knows. But let's stop acting like we're losing all of our top performers from the last two seasons and completely screwing ourselves over. We're gonna be alright.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:59 pm

“ This team isn’t going to be materially stronger this year. The STs should be better (finally), but that doesn’t explain how our O improves or how our D does.” Hardly claiming that the team will be gutted.

You seem to believe that repeating the last year or two is an objective to savor. You seem to believe that the result will be different or just not conceive of the cost. If so, we just differ, irreconcilably.

0 points
dobber's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:19 pm

The realization that stumbling onto Douglas--who happened to admirably replace an all-pro--and Campbell--who came out of nowhere to be an all pro-- kept the defense statistically at the same level as the previous year should give people reason to think long and hard about those 13 wins.

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:26 pm

Interesting that Campbell became an all-pro under Barry. Didn't the same thing happen with Cory Littleton when he was with the Rams and Barry was the coach? He signed a huge contract and hasn't been the same player since he went to the Raiders.

Maybe Barry's system turns decent LB's into all-pros .

5 points
Coldworld's picture

March 11, 2022 at 10:01 am

It’s possible, but hardly a sure bet and you still need the right raw material. We were extremely lucky last year that Campbell also stayed healthy. There was nothing behind him. That’s a level of luck that can’t be counted on.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:59 pm

I tend to agree with the gist of TP69's post. The return of key players that we didn't have, and a little more luck on the injury front during playoff games certainly would, at the very least, increase the odds of the Packers winning those tight playoff games.

Certainly one would have to assume having Bahk and Jenkins on the offensive line instead of Turner out of position at LT and Kelly at RT would have given Rodgers better protection . Seems like a reasonable take to me.

4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 10, 2022 at 10:09 pm

Not to mention a whole new draft class and whoever the other new guys are on the 53.

It makes me crazy when people suggest there is no way we'll be a better team this year. I can see plenty of ways we could be much better!

The "no way we'll be better" crowd are so narrow minded and unimaginative it doesn't surprise me they keep spouting their truth. It's obvious they believe it, but they hold so dear to their truth they can't even imagine a world where our team this year is considerably better.

They can't even wait until after FA or Draft to make up their minds. It's crazy. Just like the AR haters couldn't see him becoming a HOF QB. (Oh, btw, he did, or will be in 9 years...) Just like the Love haters can't see him becoming a viable NFL QB. (YTBD)

We might not be better. We might be much worse. That is why they play the %'in games. I doubt any one of us thought the Bengals would be in the Super Bowl last year.

None of us knows how next season will turn out, but assuming we're not going to be better isn't how I want to spend my off-season. The off-season is the time for optimism.

I choose to believe.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 11, 2022 at 10:40 am

"I choose to believe".

I knew there was a reason I liked you. At the end of the day, after all the information and misinformation, after all the logical and illogical arguments have been advanced, it's always going to come down to what you choose to believe.

As for the rest.....I might as well have written this myself. Will we be a better team this year than last? Who Knows? Nobody. But we can choose to have hope we'll be better, and I do.

I really do believe that everything on offense depends on getting guys blocked, and that's not always as easy as some people seem to think. And I do think/believe our offensive line COULD be better this year. We add Bakhtiari. We add Myers, who missed most of the year, and Jenkins, who missed the end of the year. Runyan and Newman and Nijman might all be better this year.

The running back on the field gets the ball over half the plays via handoff or short pass. That's Jones and Dillon with a couple other good prospects behind them. With a better line in front of them, isn't it possible that they'll have real good seasons this year?

Rodgers to Adams still has to be defended. If you can't stop it, you can't get off the field. Rodgers is still going to be able to protect the ball and run the offense.

Amari Rodgers will probably be better this year. Lazard and Lewis can still get guys blocked and make a few catches. We could conceivably add a receiving threat in the draft (yeah, I think we will).

So yes, I choose to believe that we could be better this year.


2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 11, 2022 at 10:57 am

You ever hear the phrase:

"The true test of a man's intelligence is the degree to which he agrees with you..." ; )

*I think you're a genius! ; P

Just the fact that they finally went out and hired a real ST Coach could be all the difference we really need. We all know the STs let us down to the tune of 10 points against the 9'ers, so if we can eliminate those type errors, we're shitt'in in high cotton!

Gutey isn't perfect, but he put a good team together two years ago, an even better team together last year, and I expect an even better overall team this year. I see nothing that will change the trend of the Packers getting better.

Those who languish over the cap and suggest we are screwed may eventually be right, but I have seen no evidence Gutey is going to quit trying to put the best roster together that he can.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

March 10, 2022 at 04:07 pm

Hadl trade sent the team into the abyss. Easily the worst move , worse then picking Mandarich. Don't ever want to go through that again.

4 points
White92's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:47 pm

I'd go with trading up in the first round to get a guy to be inactive every game whilst being a goats hair away from a SB is the worst GM move since Hadl, but that's just me. Either way Gutey owns it

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:43 pm

You call it a "calculated gamble". I call it "the biggest gamble in franchise history".

To contend for the Super Bowl, you have to make the playoffs, and that means you have to beat your division opponents, especially on your home field. That's all I'm going to focus on, because in the playoffs, all the teams are good and it can easily come down to a freak play, a bad call, an unlucky bounce, or just plain bad luck or injuries.

So all you can do is put the strongest team you can on the field for the season, with the best chance of winning the division. We're going to have Aaron Rodgers at QB, Jones and Dillon in the backfield, Adams and Lazard at the WR spots, a real good group of offensive linemen, and Lewis at TE, the unofficial 6th OL.

Plus....we might get somebody in the draft who can help us on offense. This SHOULD BE the best offense in the division this year, and one of the top offenses in the NFC.

There are questions on defense, starting with Douglas and Campbell. We're almost certainly going to need a 3rd guy in the edge rotation. We also need to replace Keke and try to upgrade on Lancaster.

But overall, this team is plenty good enough to win this division. Let's focus on that and see what the situation looks like on Thanksgiving.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 12:54 pm

Winning the worst division (plausibly) in the NFL isn’t worth it at this cost. It’s not even close. It’s also not impossible that a Love or even Benkert led team could win it with a run led O and an improving D. Without a leap from one of the other teams, the North is that bad, or was last year. That would likely be such a team’s ceiling, but where is the evidence justifying the belief that the team Rodgers will have will get much further?

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:54 pm

Well, we were 4-2 in the division, and 9-2 outside the division. That kind of makes me think we could have done OK in any division.

3 points
TarynsEyes's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:34 pm

This is a huge part of the problem for too many Packer fans. They keep basing the strength of the Packers on possibly the worst division group in the NFL. How can you deem yourself credible when the words, incredibly bad, define your main opponents. Beating them, or 'Owning' them(losers) as is so often lauded here, simply doesn't hold up when the time comes for playing winners. There's a reason the Packers fall in the playoffs, and the answer lies within the games that most just look at as a win(regular season). The last three, ahem. seasons of success based on regular-season wins ended for reasons that were ignored in those games, and that ignorance gave the opponent what they needed to defeat the Packers.

5 points
Oppy's picture

March 11, 2022 at 05:05 am

I keep on forgetting that the Packers never beat good teams from outside the north during the regular season right up until you remind me that they only beat weak NFC North teams all season, and then I feel silly for not understanding the fundamental truth in what you say.

But then I get confused, because the Packers actually beat the Cardinals, 49ers, Rams, and Bengals during the regular season.

Upon further investigation it turns out that the Rams and the Bengals were both in the Super bowl. I'm not sure what kind of cosmic sorcery is warping the fabric of reality, but something's afoot.

I mean, that just doesn't make sense, but deep down, I know that the Packers are never a serious contender because they only look good because they win against inferior NFC North teams and can't compete against 'real' contenders, because you told me so.

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:58 pm

What the hell is going on here LH—you and I agree!?!?!

2 points
dobber's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:21 pm

"But overall, this team is plenty good enough to win this division."

Even if the cap slowly cripples this team's depth, reasonable health means it's probably the top of the division for the next two seasons.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:44 pm

Although with (for example) Jimmy G and some draft picks that could be true too. That is, if LaFleur is half the coach that Jimmy G’s is. It doesn’t say much. If one of the other teams gets it together, the Division isn’t a certainty anyway. We forget how bad the North is. It won’t always be so and times are a changing elsewhere while we apparently are putting our faith in sitting still.

-4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 11, 2022 at 07:41 am

"It won’t always be so and times are a changing elsewhere while we apparently are putting our faith in sitting still."

1992 - 2022 We've had HOF level QB play. As long as AR is playing at a high level, we always have a chance. Gutey will tweak the roster here and there to lose some of the non-producing guys and replace them with other guys, who may or may not produce. FA is coming up. Then the draft.

You act as if everyone in the division is going to get better but we won't? That is illogical. New Coach/GM in mini. New Coach/GM in Chicago. Detroit is in there 2nd year with a new coach.

Staying the course with your HOF QB doesn't seem to me like a terrible way to go. Now that we know AR is staying, Gutey can try for the storybook ending to a HOF career. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but I'd rather be the franchise heading into the season with a HOF QB and a GM who is very close to putting a Super Bowl winning roster together than starting all over.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:17 pm

Nobody has a bitch. Most; wanted to tear off the band Aid. And wreck the foundation that put us close. Rodgers is No gamble. Especially after two MVPs. The problem is the grass looks greener on the other side. You bought into Love. And thats your mistake. Rodgers gives us are best chance win. Gutey got this right. When you make a mistake. You correct it. The foundation is Rodgers. He makes everyone around him better. Thats all you need to see.

0 points
CheesyTex's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:04 pm

"Rodgers is No gamble". Huh?

If Rodgers' contract includes $150 million guaranteed for 4 years as reported, the Packers have irrevocably bet the farm on one player for the foreseeable future.

If that's not a gamble, I guess that means Rodgers will be injury free, play at an MVP level all four years, Packers will win NFC North,or more and Gute will magically fill all the holes going forward with limited resources.

IMO it is a Monstrous gamble.

5 points
stockholder's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:13 pm

Rodgers would have retired. He'll always be a packer. Thats what Gute is paying. Adams is the problem. He can be replaced. But Gute won't do it.

-2 points
dobber's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:25 pm

Until Adams signs that tag or we hit mid-July, we'll see what happens.

5 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:29 pm

I still say the Packers may not end up with Adams. He is a non exclusive tag. Lets say he wants to go to the Raiders (new home in Vegas, Derek Carr, 21 million under cap) and the Raiders are willing to make him the highest paid WR in the league and give up 2 first round picks....never mind :)

4 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:15 pm

I’ve not bought in to or sold out of Love. As I’ve said many times, Love isn’t a material factor as far as I’m concerned. Going for it last year made sense, but this year the proposition is costing a kings ransom and seems to be a question of how close can we get to the same strength, not how are we going to get better. And then there is another year of LaFleur not improving his in game or other decisions, in fact, responding in eerily similar ways with equally similar results.

3 points
stockholder's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:15 pm

You bought in when you wanted Rodgers traded, and not extended.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:21 pm

I wanted Rodgers traded or even retired for reasons I’ve laid out at length, but none were premised on Love starting now or ever. Obviously someone would, but that person may not have been Love or may not have been a permanent fixture. I’ve not been shy about Love not being a factor as far as I’m concerned.

2 points
dobber's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:24 pm

"Most; wanted to tear off the band Aid. "

Disagree. There were two vocal minorities. One was a tear off the band-aid group. The other wanted to get the band back together. I think the middle ground--which almost always is relatively quiet--mostly is happy to have ARod back, but recognizes the commitment and cost of that move.

5 points
Since'61's picture

March 10, 2022 at 06:18 pm

Dobber as usual you have assessed the situation perfectly. Thanks, Since ‘61

3 points
HarryHodag's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:24 pm

All this falls into the realm of 'if if and buts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas every day'.

Gute's theory is the Packers are closer to a Super Bowl with Rodgers than without. There is some sense to it.

But if the past holds true, they won't get there WITH Rodgers either. It seems the Packers can't put together a fully integrated team. They have the offense(except in the playoffs) . Up until this year the defense was so-so. The special teams sucked all the way back to the end of Mike Holmgren's time.

They will lose some players this off season either by cut or free agency. Those will be significant holes to fill. They will need to get lucky in signing some capable veterans and hitting it lucky through the draft.

While it's a nice security blanket to have around, who is going to play tight end if Tonyan leaves? Deguara isn't Tonyan. Campbell? Douglas is a capable starter at corner and likely to go. MVS and/or EQ. SB could be lost. Maybe a few others. The Packers don't have the cap space to sign them all.

My theory was logical rather than emotional. Better to bite the bullet this year and take the haul of picks from Denver. Let Adams go. This year would likely not result in the playoffs, but it would be a young team building for the future.

Now we're left with an aging QB, a receiver who wants more money in free agency and a number of holes caused by lack of cap space. Cap space will also be a problem in 2023 and less so in 2024.

I can't forget that on his home field in the playoffs, in perfect Packers weather conditions, Rodgers and the team came up short WITH the team they had. They won't have the same core next year. In 2023 they will have a salary cap issue AND likely be no closer to the Super Bowl.

I hope I'm wrong.

7 points
stockholder's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:06 pm

The realm of if ,if. Tonyan isn't the answer at TE. They kept on drafting failures. And Lewis should have been replaced long before this. Remember Richard Rodgers. He's still playing.--- /// Campbell? Douglas is a capable starter at corner and likely to go./// --- Thats True; but you don't pay a cast off. They both over- achieved. And you never pay millions to 1 and done. Cap space will be a problem, if they sign ADAMS to an extension. They must let MVS go and draft this position. MVS wasn't good enough to throw 10 mil at him. Rookies can replace MVS. And St.Brown/ Lazard /Rodgers, have to replace Cobb. The problem the packers have is everybody wants the big payday. And when Gute signed Bahk. There wasn't enough money left. Linsey and Williams had to leave. But the packers still found a way to get to the play-offs. Expect the same type of solutions again. It's Gute.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 01:58 pm

Gil, if Packers are looking for excellent season score through the season , I have little doubt they will be able to achieve it. But in the post season every player need to rise their level of play for at least one step, and that needs to happen for every game they have to play.

From 2011 SB, we saw that Packers HOF QB was not able to sustain that higher level in every post season games. First we were excusing him through bad D, or unexperience O, or injuries or whatever. I would like to mention one game in the post season in which I believe we can not blame Aaron Rodgers for playing under his season level - divisional rund vs Cardinals were he was playing more than well, but was left almost alone in that game (loss in OT). 2012 Giants, 2013 & 2014 Niners, 2015 Seattle, 2017 Falcons, 2020 Niners, 2021 Buccaneers & 2022 Niners was games where Aaron Rodgers was playing really bad, lot of under his season form.

Regarding HOF QB you need to have to win SB, I would like to remind you on 2 recent SB winners w/o HOF QB play - SB 50 were was very clear that Payton Manning was shadow of himself (had only 141 yards passing) and SB 52 were Nick Foles was Eagles QB.

So, 2 of last 10 (if we include Russel Wilson and Mathew Stafford in this equation there is 4 out of 10) SB won teams w/o HOFer at QB position. YOUR CLAIM IS NOT TRUE THAT TOGETHER WITH VERY GOOD TEAM YOU NEED HOF QB TO WIN SB. I show you that 40% of SB winners didn't have HOF QB at the helm.

So, justifying this Packers move to bring back AR, especially under the agreement that AR will have influence on GM and HC jobs by "advise" or "suggestions" for me is fail.

If the rumors about $200 millions are truth, for me that is serious negligence from FO regarding franchise. No matter how contract is structured.

2 points
crayzpackfan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:01 pm

My main observation is this. Are we gonna get an Aaron Rodgers who has one (Adams) or two (Adams) looks at who to throw to, or will we get a QB who realizes that Father Time is pushing that window further down and perhaps concedes that a different approach is needed to make this whole thing worth it. Will he chose to go for titles or go for personal stats while laughing his way to the bank. It’s very simple. If Rodgers “truly” buys in, spreads the ball around, checks down instead of chucking hero ball gliders into his double covered BFF, and allows himself to have the self awareness that this isn’t just about him, this extension and bringing him back will pay off huge!! If he’s all about himself and just wants to coast into retirement with awesome stats, then this will have been a very expensive lesson learned and a long rebuild. Christ! Rodgers is so fricken talented I just wish he could get out of the way of his own ego and play team football. Anyway. Have a great weekend Packer fans. I still have today through Saturday of work.

11 points
Coldworld's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:26 pm

MM had a positive effect on Favre for a while. I’d hoped that LaFleur would have on Rodgers. Sadly he hasn’t. Rodgers has become more set in his ways not less as Favre did. I hate to say it, but I think LaFleur has failed to coach Rodgers and that the hiring of Clements (whom I like) is another indication of why. LaFleur has always deferred to Rodgers too much.

3 points
crayzpackfan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:41 pm

Hopefully his old qb coach they brought in isn’t a “yes” man.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

March 11, 2022 at 10:05 am

I don’t think Clements is, but will an older Rodgers still listen? Clements has a better chance than Getsy, but Rodgers is a very different person a decade and a half older.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:37 pm

Actually, MM got ahold of Favre and kept him on a leash after Sherman and Favre went 4-12.

MM arrived and demanded Favre follow the plays called and stop the ad libs. They put together an 8-8 season, followed by a 13-3 NFCCG (loss).

Then Favre retired, unretired, retired and unretired. Favre sat with MM for hours and argued he deserved an automatic starter role. MM said he was welcomed back but would compete with Rodgers as starter. Favre said "Why would I do that? Then trade me!" They did.

MLF does not have a boss/employee relationship with Rodgers. It is more like a peer/teammate relationship where MLF seems to defer to Rodgers, especially during games. During the regular season, they collaborate and MLF gives him a long leash. But during playoffs & one and done with a loss, Rodgers plays differently...cautious and only looking for a few guys to target. It gets worse when the game is close or the Packers fall behind. And MLF changes nothing on the fly. Does not adjust. Similar to MM that way...stubborn with the pre-week game plan.

I am hoping Clements can help change this dynamic. Regardless, the greater upside with Clements is what he can do developing Love.

6 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:16 pm

I've got the story on that.

McCarthy and Thompson, while in Mobile for the Senior Bowl, took a quick hop to visit Favre. They both said they wanted him back, but not if he was going to play like he did in 2005. Favre didn't take it well.

Apparently, Favre was upset with the notion that somebody didn't think he was good enough. So he kind of hemmed and hawed about how he didn't know if the team was good enough to come back to (because you need a really good team to overcome a QB that turns it over 36 times in one season). And he came back, and we went 8-8. But after the season, Favre put his house on the market and started planning his escape from Green Bay.

2 points
ricky's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:02 pm

What nobody is addressing is whether the Packers win another SB with Rodgers, they are looking at a major decline in a few years. Rodgers will be gone, and the team will have to pay the bills they've been pushing down the road. Because they are playing with credit card money, and they are maxing out, hoping their lottery ticket will get them a big enough prize to make it worth it. They are effectively saddling Jordan Love (if he remains with the team) with a no-win scenario. He'd inherit a team that would have to shed multiple starters to get under the cap. And a lot of their cap money would be "dead". Think of Adrian Klemm coming back to play on the OL. Is it worth it?

0 points
CheesyTex's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:13 pm

"What nobody is addressing..."

Coldworld and others have been saying this for months.

4 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:14 pm

The FOs course of action has all the makings of being a colossal failure this year - expecting a static team (from last year) - with a devolving QB - to be equal or better than teams like the Rams, Bengals, Bills, Cardinals, Chiefs etc. - is just magical thinking - not prudent management (see: John Schneider, Seattle). Unfortunately, this has been the management's m.o. for the last decade - to uphold the status quo - at the expense of necessary change and progress. The FO have shown that they are usually one year too late on major football decisions. I expect that this trend will continue for 2022/23.

7 points
CheesyTex's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:20 pm

One side of me says you are right on.

The other side says: Patience -- Let's wait to see details of AR contract, what happens with Adams, what Gute has up his sleeve for for free agency (maybe a WR like Robinson), what magic can be worked to bring back Pack free agents and, of course, the draft.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:37 pm

Whatever the details may be - I am just not interested in watching Rodgers anymore - with his pre-season non-participation - playing hero ball - ignoring receivers not named Adams - 'freezing' in playoff games etc. Then there is his off-season and off-field cringe-worthiness. I'm a Packers fan - not a Rodgers one.

7 points
DocHoliday's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:10 pm

No doubt Rodgers gives Packers better chance to win SB in 2022/2023.

If they win SB, it's will be a success.
If they don't, it will always be remembered as a failure.

History will judge if Gutey keeping Rodgers was as smart Thompson giving job to Rodgers over Favre.

2 points
jhtobias's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:28 pm

This was a very well written article. I do have two points to make.

Unless we come back with the same type of defensive unit we had last yr or a secound target other than a running back or davante that rodgers will throw to then this just seems futile and a huge mistake by gutey.

While I believe he will do everything in his power to keep guys like canpbell douglass etc add talent.

Rodgers is gonna have to take ownership and trust all his receivers.

Gutey has done a better job than he gets credit for so Aaron is it more important to be an mvp or a superbowl champion

5 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:21 pm

"Rodgers is gonna have to take ownership and trust all his receivers."

Ah, Aaron Rodgers has different jobs to do, not to take ownership and trust his receivers. He need to be at GM office, he need to analyse his next opponent and prepare game plan, than he need to watch film of possible FA to sign, to decide which player will be active and which will not and to prepare himself for McAfee show and many, many others duties.

If somebody will mess with his job(s) he will be offended and he will publicly say how Packers again shows no respect to his greatness...

-2 points
Packers0808's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:40 pm

Been a Packer fan since 1958 and yes remember well the 70s and 80s. No matter how much we yap and speculate means nothing but fun for something to do. All that counts is next season and the results. Like Rodgers much, used to, but all the BS has gotten old. It does seem to be the correct thing to do for short run to keep him in house, but future costs to team is unknown and will be until Rodgers is long gone.

2 points
egbertsouse's picture

March 10, 2022 at 02:50 pm

I would think that if you really want to win a Super Bowl it would help to have a QB that really wants to win one and not pad his stats and jones for individual records and MVPs. Also, it might help to have one that doesn’t choke in the playoffs every year. Gute, I hear Brady might be available. If you really want a Super Bowl, that is.

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:23 pm

Perfect suggestion.

0 points
splitpea1's picture

March 10, 2022 at 06:08 pm

Bring Gronk, too!

0 points
Michael Nault's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:35 pm

Well, they need to get into the SB first. I don't think the Diva can do it with Adams. They tried that, didn't work. I think the Packers made a huge mistake

2 points
Ikrispy's picture

March 10, 2022 at 03:44 pm

Lets revisit this discussion at the end of next season. Will Rodgers ego get in the way of winning post season games again? If not, if GB goes all the way, or even doesn't but shows a strong competitive performance, it will only be if Rodgers does a complete 180 with his attitude. I don't see him doing that and I doubt anyone is delivering that message to him. He can't win the big game by himself but he can definitely lose it by ignoring the rest of the team.

7 points
splitpea1's picture

March 10, 2022 at 04:20 pm

I'm not buying it....Whenever it has been suggested that team is best served by moving on from Rodgers, some like to peddle rationales like "HOF QBs don't grow on trees", or "We're going back to the 1970's, etc." So if those QBs are so rare (I would argue that they less so given the current pass-friendly rules, anyway), then build that dominant running game and defense--does every Packers incarnation have to be reliant on a MVP-level QB to succeed? We've already had 30 years of it. And only two trophies; and trophies are what it's all about, especially when nearly half the teams now make the playoffs. Winning a historically weak division every year really doesn't mean that much.

Unfortunately at this point, the Packers have become a static organization seemingly afraid to move forward and build smartly for the future. Other than the marquee match-ups, the only real reasons to watch the team's regular season games are to monitor the special teams for signs of improvement and the (hopefully) continued progress of the defense. Other than that, the most efficient use of one's time is to just tune in for the playoffs.

5 points
White92's picture

March 11, 2022 at 07:23 am

So if you look at the 49ers they have a really good defense, maybe not the dominant running game and they also have zero trophies. Their QB is below average.

I agree with many here that in the short run Rodgers is much lower risk. The odds of returning to the 70's and 80's Packers are much lower with him now than without him. You could build that dominant D and running game and still fall short. The Packers track record in the recent past obviously does not include building a dominant D and running game. You are asking to change an entire philosophy which the current regime may not be good at.

-1 points
splitpea1's picture

March 10, 2022 at 06:03 pm


0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:45 pm

"But when you’re this close to a title for the last three years, it makes sense for the franchise to say the future is now."

Excellent, yet, I would've said, "The future of the Packers is as long as Aaron Rodgers decides to play... Then, we start a new future."

We are always fighting for the future. If we learn from the past, great, but our current future resides in the right arm of Aaron %'in Rodgers, until it doesn't.

Truly, I don't care how Russ Ball pays the guys, as long as they get paid. I really don't even care if we have some Cap trouble four or five years from now. (We'll get through it.)

Now that Aaron has committed to the Packers and the organization has committed to him, moving forward with an eye on the immediate future, as well as our long-term future, I expect the Packers to chase championships the next several years. Gutey has repeatedly said this is about Championships.

I believe that is what he's trying to do now. Can't wait to see his strategy in the draft!

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:26 pm


1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 11, 2022 at 12:36 am

Love you too Tgr... : )

-1 points
Swisch's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:45 pm

It's always a risk to go with an aging quarterback at a huge salary; and it seems to me the deciding factor is whether that quarterback has shown high character coupled with outstanding results.
Unfortunately, Aaron Rodgers has been sorely lacking in both character and results of late, including his enigmatic holdout last season for apparently no good reason in reality, only the delusions in his head.
That's why I hate the decision to keep Rodgers. It's not only a risk as far as physical decline, but also as far as a faulty character.
As a matter of venting and getting it out of my system, I can't emphasize enough how horrible is this decision to go with Rodgers.
Having said that, I'm hoping to find some way of enjoying the Packer next season.
It would help a lot to see some measure of significant change in Rodgers as far as being more cooperative with his bosses and more agreeable to fans.
One good thing may be for Rodgers to end his gig with Pat McAfee and generally avoid commenting on matters outside of his purview as a player.
For example, instead of Rodgers saying he wants to play or not to play in any particular meaningless game in the preseason or at the end of the regular season (e.g. the Lions game), it would be so much better if Rodgers would say that he wants to talk with his head coach about the best course of action as far as him playing or not playing. After listening to Rodgers, whatever LaFleur thinks is best is what our quarterback wants for himself and the team.
Is that so hard, Aaron? Doing it your way seems to have ended in heartbreak the past three season at least. Please, be coachable!
I want the Packers to win, and I want Rodgers to succeed as leader of the Pack.
I'm not asking Rodgers to change who he is, but to change to be the best version of himself.
Please, Aaron, a little humility, perhaps a smidgen of regret, perhaps some sign of approaching things differently, Also, maybe you could reach out to the fans a little more and focus on yourself a little less.
Help us to get behind you more, because even many of the fans who are glad to have you back are uncomfortable with your words and deeds in recent times.
We want to cheer for you without reservation, to give our hearts to you as well as our minds.
We'll be happier, and I think you'll be happier.
P.S. If you're near Atlanta, stop by to chat if you want. We can go out for a bourbon Manhattan and dinner, or whatever, in Woodstock, or wherever, pretty much whenever you want. I've been hard on you but not out of hatred. I care about all of our Packers players as persons. It'd be a pleasure to meet you if you are so inclined.
In any case, please consider that the people who disagree with you at times may be much more on your side than anyone who tells you only what you want to hear.

1 points
mbpacker's picture

March 10, 2022 at 05:55 pm

Thanks Gil for the thorough well thought out article. I think the NFL is changing somewhat. GM's are willing to be more aggressive and roll the dice more now with the whole quest for the Lombardi Trophy. Not sure how Ted Thompson's approach would do in this environment. I see what your saying, if you have a hall of fame QB still playing at an MVP level you squeeze as much juice from the orange as possible. For sure there are no guarantees, but it will be interesting how many of those draft picks that Seattle acquired turn out to be big gets. In the end, I will root for whomever is under center and playing for the Packers.

1 points
canadapacker's picture

March 10, 2022 at 10:57 pm

Pretty good analysis Gil - alot of which I have been saying. And people go and say that AR is declining????? 13-3 for 3 years in a row is declining??? And as I pointed out before - he has 3 years less on his body than Peyton, Favre, Brees, Rivers etc who all started while AR sat. So as he proved last year he can still sling it and move in the pocket. That despite last years 13 wins came with a revolving Oline due to injuries and losing an All pro center. I think that some of this lack of playoff performance last year and in certain games during the regular season needs to rest with both Lafleur and Gute. The new NFL has more motion sets that we had 2 years ago and that we didnt have much of last year. Finally if one analyzes MM's tour of duty - how long did he stick with Capers well after he should have been gone - and even the poor play of Pettine ( remember the lack of deep coverage when King let the guy get behind him twice in the Bucs win). I and nobody knows the details of AR's new contract and how it will affect team budgeting - nor what they will be doing with Adams - but if it is Cap friendly for at least 2 years - then that is 2 years to try and win the Superbowl with AR. If Love develops and shows something then Gute might be forgive - but when one looks at what he could have picked - offensively or defensively - Claypool Hamler Jefferson - as receivers or even rather than taking Dillon as our first real pick could have taken Taylor .
Now - not an AR fan especially last year's Covid thingy and the leak of draft day - same as wasnt a fan of Favre's retire not retire ( and especially his throwing up the ball ) But he gives us playoff games and you cant win the SB unless you get to the dance. And finally how can anybody ( especially Gute) think that you have found the next big best QB at pick 26 - when over the past 5 years guys in the top 5 usually dont pan out. Only one in many are the Mahommes - Darnold was a 3 - Rosen was a 10 - and the Packers really havent been good at drafting QB's outside of AR.

3 points
pantz_bURp's picture

March 10, 2022 at 06:34 pm

Sounds like Rodgers is committed to playing this the coming season, but is he committed to playing team ball for the Packers? Only he can answer that through his actions which speak louder than words. I would LOVE to see a Packer team that is known for it's stellar defense and running attack...a more physical brand. I think our offense plays better in warmer or climate controlled environments. That is why I wouldn't have minded if they had to play an away game or two in the playoffs (except for lost revenue in the Green Bay and surrounding area). Heck, sometimes before the past playoff games even started...I felt there was a strong chance we would lose by seeing Favre or Rodgers looking super cold and the opposing QB not nearly as much (or at least I didn't pick up on it). I would love our identity to be Defense and a run, that would be refreshing to me! Always loved Chucky "bloody nose" Cecil. I know, the game has changed and I totally understand why. I am not scared of a rebuild and totally now was the time to do our RBs (seem like salt if the earth good dudes) and our Defense is (was) on the uptick. I like the guy they hired to run ST and can't wait to see how that unfolds. I love the history of the Packers...even when they sucked 4/12, 4/12, 6/10, 6/10, 8/8, was Sunday's going to church, coming home for some lip smacking grilled food that mom and pops made and watching the Packers... lose. But, man what fun!!! Go Pack Go!

3 points
pantz_bURp's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:04 pm

"Hall of Fame quarterbacks don’t grow on trees"...very true Gil. I will add opportunities to trade a HOF QB that isn't sure if he is able to commit to the team for some high draft picks and possible players while also helping your cap doesn't grow on trees either.

Chinese proverb: the best time to plant that tree was 25 years ago. The next best time is today.

Oh well, I understand both sides and appreciate everyone's opinion and their passion. >^••^<

On a side note, I love being creative with signs when I get to attend a Packer game at Lambeau. One that ALWAYs makes me laugh is when Favre supposedly texted a picture of his junk. The sign read something like this: No thanks for your pic Favre, I'd rather see Clay's sack.

What does a stolen vehicle and the Vikings have in common? No title

Okay, peace everyone and the draft is always something to look forward to...

3 points
MarkinMadison's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:17 pm

"Afterall, Rodgers is the two-time reigning MVP of the league and is still playing at an elite level at the age of 38."

You know, I just do not care. MVP? Whatever. Yeah, he is good in the regular season. He hasn't been decent in the playoffs in quite a while.

And here is the thing, if the Packers have bent over backwards and kissed his ass to bring him back - including, perhaps especially, MLF - then why on earth do you think he is going to listen to MLF? This is the same guy who took the contract dig at MM after he got his last extension.

I'm trying really hard to withhold judgment until I see what the actual numbers on the contract are, because without that, it is really hard to say what kind of team the Packers can put around him. But I have to think the 2022 Packers are going to take a step backwards. I fear that Rodgers had his shot this year and blew it.

7 points
Cheesey51's picture

March 10, 2022 at 07:56 pm

Since 2010,the packers have played as winners which they are. To be Champions that is another level, a sphere
Rodgers needs to start taking chances. Quit playing for the stats, the safe bets. You wanta be a champion or you want to settle for the easy money. So far the Packers talk big, "we are all in"," we are push all our chips to the center of the table".
Yeah right. Alot of talk. Brian G really get creative with the salary cap. Go get an Amari Rodgers from Dallas
You think Rodgers is going to throw to a first round Rookie. Dream on. Sign Z. The guy wants a championship. He's a champ. Yeah get him to play on an incentive laden contract. It did wonders for Preston.
We need someone as an equal to Rodgers. You tell me. I do want to be known as the feel good story. The team that won a lot of games and almost got to the SB but never did.
I do not know what contract #12 is going to sign. I thought Rodgers was going to take considerably less with a stipulation: "the Packers use the $$ on building a SB team. Maybe he'll reconsider. I hope so.
Cause I'll still be carrying the G

1 points
packergal's picture

March 10, 2022 at 08:04 pm

If we make it to the playoffs and the NFCCG; everyone MUST improve performance exponentially over prior year SF/49ers game. Specifically:
• OL pass blocking must improve significantly to reduce pressures on QB1,
• OL run blocking must improve significantly to enable AJ and/or AJD to gain >150 yards,
• QB 1 must take >90% checkdowns to move the chains on 3rd and 4,
• ST must not allow KO or Punt return yardage >20 yds,
• ST must execute on 100% FG and punts,
• If presented, D needs to stop 3rd and 8 on opposing team’s last possession,
• MLF needs to CEASE ALL cheerleading ACTIVITY and focus on adjusting throughout game

If above occurs, even average game by multi-million $$$ QB1 "DIVA" as Croat has affectionately called him has a modest impact because improved GB team performance will deliver a “W”.

0 points
Reghamster's picture

March 11, 2022 at 12:01 am

I am hoping the deal for Rodgers and Adams is an extended one . Those two taking up almost a quarter of the teams revenue will probably imply several resuots s . One is we won't win a Superbowl. A team needs a more balanced pay structure to ensure a balance between the quality of their offense and defense . We will have as a result a less than top ten stellar defense . However the 2nd result will be a team that consistently has around a 13 win season a top seed for the playoffs. As a a fan it means we can enjoy 3 to 4 years of consistent first rate play and victory status . That is enough for me ! Winning the Superbowl is overrated. It is more important to have a competitive team that you can enjoy for the whole season than one and done type Super bowl winning teams . Like I have said before , Eli Manning and the Giants won 2 superbowls in the same time we had Favre and Rodgers with their 1 a piece . The question is would you rather be cheering for the Giants those 13 us years or the Packers who had 2 of the most exciting qbs to watch in all of football or the Giants with their sporadic team and boring qb? The Packers is the obvious answer. Rodgers has been a bit of a failure as was Favre at winning g it all . Oh well so it goes . They are so much more enjoyable the most other qbs . We can put off the rebuilding pain for a while yet ....

-1 points
Reghamster's picture

March 11, 2022 at 12:01 am

I am hoping the deal for Rodgers and Adams is an extended one . Those two taking up almost a quarter of the teams revenue will probably imply several resuots s . One is we won't win a Superbowl. A team needs a more balanced pay structure to ensure a balance between the quality of their offense and defense . We will have as a result a less than top ten stellar defense . However the 2nd result will be a team that consistently has around a 13 win season a top seed for the playoffs. As a a fan it means we can enjoy 3 to 4 years of consistent first rate play and victory status . That is enough for me ! Winning the Superbowl is overrated. It is more important to have a competitive team that you can enjoy for the whole season than one and done type Super bowl winning teams . Like I have said before , Eli Manning and the Giants won 2 superbowls in the same time we had Favre and Rodgers with their 1 a piece . The question is would you rather be cheering for the Giants those 13 us years or the Packers who had 2 of the most exciting qbs to watch in all of football or the Giants with their sporadic team and boring qb? The Packers is the obvious answer. Rodgers has been a bit of a failure as was Favre at winning g it all . Oh well so it goes . They are so much more enjoyable the most other qbs . We can put off the rebuilding pain for a while yet ....

-2 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 11, 2022 at 03:43 am

If you are satisfied with only regular season records, why to pay so much for the QB and WR. You can have good regular season with less expensive players (in every position). Maybe not 1st seed, but as we learned this season, 1st seed does not mean you are favorite.

As I understand correctly the statements from Packers was that all this financial gymnastics are related to build SB contender and win it all, not just regular season, so the goal is not to attend the post season, but to win it all and that is why FO doing what they are doing.

Regarding Giants and your question, my answer is: no. But I'm ready to "suffer" few seasons (1-3) with losing record to build another years in future Packers will be constant contender. That few seasons of losing that will come after Aaron Rodgers leave Packers, will not be 1-3 seasons, but 5-15 seasons.

Now, I want to ask you the question! The question is would you rather be cheering for the Packers those 5-15 years or the Packers for 1-3 years of rebuild? I suppose that you'll prefer the first answer (5-15).

0 points
Spock's picture

March 11, 2022 at 04:09 am

In other news: "MAR 10 KHALIL MACK DEALT TO L.A. CHARGERS The Chicago Bears and Los Angeles Chargers are working on a trade that will send six-time Pro Bowl linebacker Khalil Mack to L.A.

Mack, 31, returns to the AFC West after spending the past four seasons in the Windy City. Mack played the first four seasons of his career with the Oakland Raiders.

The move comes just two days after the Denver Broncos acquired Russell Wilson, and this trade is the Chargers' response of improving alongside their competition in what is likely the best division in the NFL." Article on

1 points
Coldworld's picture

March 11, 2022 at 10:16 am

Moving Mack was something the Bears had to do if they are to rebuild effectively under their new leadership. Good though Mack is, that trade is not necessarily good news for us.

1 points
Oppy's picture

March 11, 2022 at 05:15 am

This. is. not. good.

1 points