Greg Jennings Changes Focus Of Foundation

The Packers Pro Bowl receiver is changing the focus of his charitable works foundation to assist in the education of young people.

Effective July 1, Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings is changing the name and focus of his charitable works foundation.

Previously named The Greg Jennings Foundation for Underprivileged Children and Families, the name change is being simplified to just The Greg Jennings Foundation.

As of Friday, the focus of the Pro Bowl receiver's foundation will center on helping to better prepare young people throughout various communities by helping to provide them with educational assistance.

Jennings said the new vision and mission is, "Striving for a community where all educational needs for youth are met. We are aiming to partner with and assist other organizations in educating youth by providing the necessary resources in order for them to reach their academic potential."

Over the course of the coming months, Jennings' website will re-designed reflecting the changes of the foundation's name and scope at

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