Expect a lot of Kevin King for Packers in 2021

Despite the addition of Eric Stokes, Kevin King is set for a big role in Green Bay this season.

Everyone loves a rookie.

The selection of cornerback Eric Stokes in the first round of this year’s draft will have Packers fans visualising a lethal pairing of Stokes and the incredible Jaire Alexander this season.

But until the former Georgia corner earns his place on the field, you can expect to see a lot of Kevin King, and that’s okay.

Few Packers fans were thrilled to see King return to Green Bay, with the memory of his catastrophic performance in the NFC Championship game still burned into their brains.

The loss to Tampa Bay was undoubtedly King’s lowest moment in green and gold, but that shouldn’t nullify his previous solid play.

Remember, King had a stellar 2019 season, ranking 4th in the NFL with five interceptions and 9th in passes defenced with 15. The consensus opinion on him was totally different back then.

Playing opposite a shutdown cornerback and holding up whilst being constantly targeted is not easy.

For years, the Arizona Cardinals spent a bevy of resources on the cornerback position, trying to find someone who could play alongside Patrick Peterson and not get victimized.

He may not be spectacular, but King has more than held his own in that thankless task. Is it wise to expose Stokes to such a high level of attention from opposing quarterbacks so early?

King isn’t an over the hill cornerback in decline. He’s just 26 years old and with this season almost certainly being his last in Green Bay, he’ll be going all out to revive his market value.

Whilst King and his defensive cohorts will have to adapt to a new defensive scheme under Joe Barry, Stokes will be trying to adjust to the higher level of competition the NFL provides as well as learning a new playbook.

You don’t have to look too far for an example of the issues that can bring.

The Minnesota Vikings overhauled their secondary last season and threw their rookies Jeff Gladney and Cameron Dantzler right into the fire. They absolutely took their lumps lining up versus the likes of Davante Adams.

In the same vein, Green Bay will face the New Orleans Saints and Michael Thomas in week one. That would be some deep end for Eric Stokes to be dropped into.

With the Packers hoping to make a Super Bowl run, their margin for error week to week is minimal, and the coaching staff must have absolute trust in whoever is out there.

It’s obvious that Stokes will eventually take over. All being well, that will be at some point during the 2021 season.

Depending on how training camp plays out, it’s completely possible he takes up a starting spot from the jump. But by having King, the Packers don’t have to put Stokes in until he’s truly ready.

The asterisk here of course is King’s struggles to stay healthy, which could scupper any plans to let Stokes sit and develop.

Green Bay has preferred to bring rookies along slowly in recent history, even first-round picks.

Everyone of a Packers persuasion is hoping Eric Stokes has a long, successful career. But while the rookie gets up to speed, Kevin King is more than capable of getting the job done.




Mark Oldacres is a sports writer from Birmingham, England and a Green Bay Packers fan. You can follow him on twitter at @MarkOldacres


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8 points

Comments (56)

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PhantomII's picture

June 24, 2021 at 06:12 am

Alexander played pretty good as a rook, had a lesser second year and all pro 3rd year. King has to stay healthy that has been a big part of holding him back. That has to be his first hurdle. I still say stokes shines out as he covered top WR's in college. I hope every player improves on both sides of the ball.

11 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 24, 2021 at 10:10 pm

King will be fighting for a position and a paycheck. His best shot is going to the free safety spot when Savage goes to the Star Position. Stokes has the outside job, that's why he was drafted as the One Pick. The charity given to King on his re-signing was commendable for St Francis, but Gutedkunst better have his head wrapped tight around the fact that his guy gave up a freebie that would have been scrutinized by any Vegas commission. He and Sullivan were not even schooled, they were exfoliated. As summer session moves near and the Bucks start their fade, I'm still wondering who are the badasses on this defense and can the newbie cheerleader present a dynamic defense that is multiple and aggressive. If Rodgers goes all Jim Brown, just remember how the Browns fared when he bailed.

-2 points
MTmind's picture

June 25, 2021 at 09:10 am

That’s a bit harsh. At times during the NFC Championship game, it seemed like communication between the players and coaches - on both offense and defensive - was completely nonexistent or the play calling, in retrospect, just didn’t work out as hoped. On the play that resulted in a TD before halftime, the defense lined up in a more aggressive formation to prevent an extra 5 - 10 yards and out of bounds for an easier field goal rather than a more defensive blanket prevent. It didn’t work out as Tampa and Tom were willing to gamble by going deep. It was unexpected and not everything works out. To suggest it was a breakdown on King’s part that appeared intentional is an exaggeration that might make you feel better, but has no basis in reality. Saying you want players to be even more aggressive wouldn’t have changed the outcome of that particular play as that was the issue in the first place.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

June 24, 2021 at 06:22 am

I've heard nothing but good things about Stokes so far this Spring/Summer. The guy was groomed in the SEC and has defended EVERY 1st round WR taken the last few drafts from the SEC so he knows what top talent looks like. I understand it will always be a jump in talent as WR perfect their craft just like Adams has the last 6 seasons in GB, but I was happy to see Gute take so many from BIG schools this past draft, especially Stokes.

King will start the season unless of course he injuries himself in TC. But I think Stokes will be the starter by week 8 or 9 at the latest. How AWESOME would it be to watch Stokes run step for step with Tarek Hill week 9 against KC. All those go routes where Hill just runs past everyone and Mahomes throws as far as he can because he can't overthrow Hill? Well Stokes can run with Hill and might have something to say about it. Even as a rookie.

You have to love the talent on this defense. Unless of course you're one of those fans who think every pick Gute makes sucks. BTW...They don't! GPG!

12 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 06:34 am

It's a good take, Markoldacres. King starting opposite Jaire Alexander fits the Packers paradigm of allowing players to develop. Signing Kevin King to a one year deal was all about that. Giving the rookie time to learn, adjust, get the feel of what he will be dealing with every game at the Pro level.

At some point, Eric Stokes will be inserted into this Packers starting lineup. It likely won't happen straight away.

Kevin King is a proven veteran player. Last season he fared pretty well up to the NFCC game, and he probably shouldn't have been put out there given he was injured. The scheming around him to compensate for that was poor. If he's healthy, I don't see any reason why King shouldn't start so that they can ease Stokes into what will be his new starting role opposite Jaire.

We all know King's injury history. This was a smart move signing him as insurance on the one year deal. With Stokes on board, the Packers are pretty much covered there regardless of King's availability.

NickPerry, solid point on that speed Stokes brings. It might be too much for the Packers to leave on the sidelines. He sounds ready, but he is a rookie. If Stokes really shows enough in camp, then this turns into a battle for the starter spot, and the Packers have great depth at the position. Either way, it works.

6 points
porupack's picture

June 24, 2021 at 06:44 am

Agreed with your post all the way, GG.

1 points
porupack's picture

June 24, 2021 at 06:58 am

Markoldacres; i liked your analysis of what we can expect from Stokes, and the shrewed decision to keep KKing to bring Stokes into the lineup slowly, as the position opposite JAlexander will get targeted. However, I was a bit disappointed that you didn't support the title a bit more...."expect a lot....". While I agree with you that a healthy KKing is a good starter-caliber CB and will delivery his contract value, you didn't make much of a case that we should expect a lot. I would have added a bit more that 1) anyone with enough confidence can learn from past mistakes. KKing as any CB is groomed with higher than average confidence. He will benefit and overcome his NFCC mistakes. 2) GBP obviously hang a lot of culpability on Pettine, enough to risk tweeking a superbowl caliber program for a new leader. That is no small move, even if fans consider themselves wiser and think it was the obvious move to make. So, that should give us reason for "....expect a lot...", that Joe Barry will have that D better prepared, and figure out how to play better situational football. 3) Continued developments on the pass rush, with Smiths....and RGary. An ascending pass rush will naturally help the backfield. Just one more pressure point with Gary, taking a way a half second of QB's scan time should turn KKing into another 5+ takeaway season. Yes, you did mention KKing's motivation on contract year, but I always consider that a bit silly, as if NFL players would generally give 90% effort all years except a contract year. But, there might be a few, not named KKing. KKing gives everything he has out there, so that is not one criticism to make of him.

2 points
stockholder's picture

June 24, 2021 at 07:04 am

I like King. Especially when he is healthy.

4 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 24, 2021 at 07:25 am

King is a slightly above average Corner and not without attributes, he just picked a really bad time to have the worst game of his career!
It was wise to sign him to a reasonable deal until they can get Stokes up to speed, which may take the whole season.
After his horrendous showing in the Championship game he was damaged goods and hence the Packers got him on a one year prove it deal.
I hope he balls out this season and earns a big contract somewhere else, it won’t be with the Packers though, that ship has sailed.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:05 pm

Nostradanus…..there were 366 days last year. I was at my very best on one of those days, and my very worst on one other, and all the rest of the days were in between. I’d hate to think I’d be judged based on my worst.

If King had broken up the pass known as Kings Fail, he’d have probably been unaffordable to us.

As far as next year, we’ll have to resign Alexander. Stokes will still be on his rookie deal. I’d be reluctant to throw big money at anybody with King’s injury history.

3 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 24, 2021 at 01:48 pm

Jaire has a 1st round contract, no need to back up the Brinks truck yet, there is one more year before that option hits.

1 points
Handsback's picture

June 24, 2021 at 07:32 am

Leading up to the Bucs game I wondered if King should have been playing. A player who’s 80-90% verses a healthier less experienced CB? My question was answered pretty quickly. The problem with King during the game was health. The problem with King as a Packer is health. When healthy, he’s a fantastic corner and cover guy, when healthy. Start to see a pattern here. I hope he keeps Stokes on the bench this year and shows the world what he can accomplish. That way he can go elsewhere and allow Stokes to start next year.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 24, 2021 at 01:21 pm

Were you wondering about Jones? He was hurt, he played, he made a very costly mistake that really hurt the team. Then he was benched for the rest of the game while very capable backups took his place.

King didn’t get benched, because we needed him on the field in the second half. And he played well enough for us to get back in the game.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 24, 2021 at 10:16 pm

Who did you want Jackson or Hollman, ask Gutey?

0 points
Lphill's picture

June 24, 2021 at 08:46 am

Tom Brady loves King too !

-1 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 09:35 am

Name one QB who doesn't love facing a CB with a back injury with NO deep Safety help.

Mike Pettine lost his job over that call, not Kevin King. Rightly so. That was one of the All-Time worst coaching calls by a DC, ever, in the history of the NFL. Tony Dungy railed on Mike Pettine afterwards for blowing that coverage, not Kevin King, saying it was the worst call he'd ever seen.

Kevin's job was to go out there and play, despite his being injured. He was deemed "questionable" prior to the game. Mike Pettine knew this and gave him no Safety help with the NFCC game on the line. Pettine's job was to call the defense properly, and he failed. Immensely.

When King was healthy during last season, he was targeted the 6th fewest times in the NFL. He also was the 8th lowest CB in burns, where a targeted WR is allowed a completion.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

June 24, 2021 at 09:35 am

As far as I’m concerned the question is twofold:

1) whether the extraordinary speed and mobility decline we saw from King last year is permanent and,

2) why were we having to play him that incapacitated anyway when Hollman and Jackson remain on the 90?

If King recovers his athleticism, he will be valuable and get plenty of snaps. If not, it will be a brief span before he’s bench depth. I assume the team thinks the former.

1 points
dobber's picture

June 24, 2021 at 09:47 am

King saw what his market was this last off-season: pretty weak. As a young player at a premium position, I think he was hoping for a warmer FA reception than the 10 days he languished out there before signing a 1-year deal with the Packers.

If he's indeed healthy, and can stay on the field, he can help himself a lot going forward. He should be plenty motivated. He had a lot to gain by continuing his successes in 2019 into 2020 though, too...which he struggled to do. I'll temper my enthusiasm: I think the potential for a bounce-back year is there, but he's been awfully fragile.

5 points
Minniman's picture

June 24, 2021 at 03:10 pm

Add to that, sure Alexander has emerged, but the Safety tandem of Savage and Amos are also pretty solid too (not spectacular, but they hold up their end).

All this considered, there’s no reason why King shouldn’t have been able to hold his own.

Excluding the NFCCG aberration, his play did improve a little in the back half of the season. Less ‘business decisions’ crappy tackling technique and more mental commitment.

He’s a complete 50:50 bet this year, isn’t he? He’ll either rise to the challenge or be replaced by Stokes. I’m keen to see how he responds when he’s playing for his career……. As you said, other teams have already called out that his poor play in an otherwise solid secondary group is inexcusable.

0 points
TheKanataThrilla's picture

June 24, 2021 at 09:50 am

King is Nick Perry all over again. Yes, he's pretty good when he's available and healthy, but unfortunately that doesn't really happen often enough to have any confidence in him.

4 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:34 pm

You know what, TheKanataThrilla? I'm a Kevin King fan, and I cannot argue that at all. Not one bit. I mean, we're talking about health and availability. Took a while for us to see what Kevin King could do, and we've been pretty much hoping he was healthy enough to play every week. In that respect, yeah. Sadly, Perry was gone way more. King is at least trying to stay out there.

We really had no idea what he was really going to be able to do for the Packers until his year 3. He started 5 games in 2017 and 6 games in 2018... I actually thought he played well in 2019 and his 2020 not quite as good, but solid until the last game.

Nick Perry, by contrast, started 5, 6, 4 and 1 game in his first 4 seasons in Green Bay. His availability was always an issue.

At least we've added pieces that look to be of high quality in our DB room. There's hope.

Player availability. It's HUGE!!!

-2 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 24, 2021 at 11:50 am

King is not Nick Perry.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 10:21 am

Coldworld, I think King was fine prior to his back injury. The loss really boiled down to a DC who couldn't coach his way out of a cereal box, an injured starting CB with zero depth behind him, and a high powered O without its All-Pro starting LT.

We are switching to a new D scheme. Sure, there will be some concepts that remain, but I do think much will be changing. We'll be running zone match concepts, a hybrid combination of zone and man coverages. They will be fluid, changing responsibilities pre-snap to post snap. Some players will be staying in man coverage while others switch to zone, or all zone, or all man coverage, depending on what the opposing O presents. The looks will vary a lot. While the Packers may have done some of these things in the past, now it will be that full-time, on steroids.

A lot going on back there, and King's experience will be beneficial in this being a success. He's versatile, he can disguise and he's a good communicator. Those are all the things Eric Stokes will be getting a crash course in during this change over to Joe Barry's system.

Stokes is more versed in man coverage. Having King here will help him learn and transform into the more all-around CB who can play any concept desired in this D.

Before you know it, we'll be thanking Matt LaFleur & Joe Barry up and down for taking us out of the dark ages of Mike Pettine's dime defense.

We don't talk about it much, but Shemar Jean-Charles is a pretty heady study on D. He might surprise a lot of us if he's thrown into the mix along the way. Thinking on that versatility which is a hallmark of this new scheme, S Vernon Scott, S Christian Uphoff, and S Innes Gaines could factor in heavily as well. They offer a great size/speed component we haven't employed much previously. Disguising what we are doing will be big. Should help us in both run & pass defense.

This is a great article. Check out anything you can on "Pattern Matching." Bill Belichick was running this stuff back in 1994... I think we'll be seeing a bunch of this moving forward in GB.


2 points
Coldworld's picture

June 24, 2021 at 11:13 am

I agree on Kevin King. I, as you probably know, believe Pettine became his own worst enemy, fighting his own scheme and the players within it. He has gone, but that question remains if the absence of Hollman and Jackson was not purely due to Pettine’s foibles. If a that much diminished King was still a better bet, then those two have no business being here. Like you, I’m hoping it was Pettine’s mistake instead.

I liked Stokes before the draft as the best CB option I thought would be there when we picked. Jean-Charlesis intriguing. More young depth and talent is good! I’m also looking to see if Ento can stay healthy. The coaches loved him 2 years ago. Looking forward to seeing if he can justify that.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:23 pm

G&G, I understand Pettine's seeming inability to set a game plan vs the upcoming opponent to match his starters strengths to the most effective and efficient D for the game. Pettine was playing dime almost all the time, stubbornly so, regardless of the opponent. Brady had plenty of time to pick on King with less pressure.

However King's most important coach last year, Gray, is still his position coach. I believe Gray is a very good coach and I hope he was telling Pettine before the NFCCG King was not 100%. And telling him during the game King needed to be replaced. And maybe Pettine disregarded Gray. Or maybe an ineffective King was the only option.

I am excited about the infusion of talent in the CB group. And King can still be a very good player and I hope he makes it difficult to start Stokes.

King is much maligned for his injury history, the NFCCG memories, and the fact he could have been TJ Watt. But I wish him great success this season.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 24, 2021 at 01:57 pm

You list reasons why the GBP lost to TB in the NFCCG, why does MLF get a pass?

He knew that the OT were getting schooled yet there was no help schemed in.
He pulled the offense off on 4th and goal when they had a chance to tie with a score +2 instead of two scores and a defensive stop.
He did not rein in AR and the pass happy offense in the second half. The 3 and outs were as much MLF's fault as AR's.
He did not call Dillons number often enough in the second half although he was delivering in the small number of touches he had.

All your reasons are valid, but lets not give MLF a hard pass. He has a lot to learn as a HC and that game should provide a lot of fodder for him to consider moving forward.

4 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 02:17 pm

I agree. LaFleur had made a lot of great decisions along the way to that point, the NFCC game, but I think that, our last game, became without a doubt a learning moment for the 2nd year HC, one where he needed to check himself for awareness of what was happening around him, and to lead. Make decisions that would save or win the game. He had more than a couple of things working against him.

By rights, he should have had both Mike Pettine and Aaron Rodgers pulled over for a talk. I now question how much he was able to trust either of the two. That answer might be pretty clear based upon today's landscape at 1265. Those are tough lessons. Hopefully, he learned.

Good call, Johnnyblood!

0 points
PhantomII's picture

June 24, 2021 at 08:56 pm

Your'e right GG, an injured player should have safety help over the top or be replaced all together. Gary should have been starting over P. Smith and countless other reasons I'm glad Pettine is no longer here.

1 points
splitpea1's picture

June 24, 2021 at 11:26 am

For starters, I don't see why we need to look all the way to Arizona to find a team who has spent a "bevy of resources on the cornerback position"....

I am certainly rooting for King to bounce back to his 2019 self, but I'm afraid that year was an outlier as far as his health/availability and his proficiency at defending and gathering INTs.

The Packers may wish to proceed slowly with Stokes at first, but I think it's in their best interest to get him in there as soon as he learns his responsibilities. Alexander played in 13 games and started 11 in his first season, and I'm looking for at least a similar approach with Stokes. As the season progresses, we're looking for King to be the insurance policy, not the other way around.... And if we're fortunate enough to make the playoffs again, we'll definitely need most of those rookie "lumps" out of the way.

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 24, 2021 at 11:49 am

A point to consider is what I call Gute's "next year" drafting policy.

A.J. Dillon is an example, Love might be another. Gute drafts a player to make a contribution in the second year.

One thing to consider is as bad as that could be, Alexander might be priced out of Green Bay in free agency, so Stokes would take over for Alexander and sign King one more time.

0 points
splitpea1's picture

June 24, 2021 at 03:01 pm

I don't like that policy unless it's the QB or the player (especially a highly drafted one) is having some kind of a problem or injury. And unless King has a really, really solid year, I would not be in favor of re-signing him due to his injury history. He's no replacement for Alexander, anyway.

2 points
dobber's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:55 pm

If the Packers draft a player like Alexander and don't find a way to structure a contract that keeps him in town, there are bigger issues than just the cap.

3 points
Curt's picture

June 24, 2021 at 04:14 pm

If you pick in the top 10 or 15, you should expect immediate contribution - one reason why pick of Gary was suspect - but to expect immediate help from after 15 is not a given.

GB picks in the 25+ most of the time so patience is needed!

-2 points
PhantomII's picture

June 24, 2021 at 08:51 pm

Alexander is young. I believe Adams walks before our top CB.

0 points
Matt Gonzales's picture

June 24, 2021 at 11:52 am

My guess is King will start outside but the Packers are going to try to find ways to get Stokes on the field. I think a lot of the CB rotation is going to depend on what is going on with the safeties just because of the hole left if/ when Savage slides over to nickel.

It's possible we will see a healthy dose of Stokes and King on the boundaries with Alexander inside, or, this sounds crazy, but maybe King kicking out to safety sometimes with Savage at nickel and Stokes/Alexander outside. Unlikely but it "could" happen.

We have a LOT of DBs with a decent number that can play in multiple places this year and I think Barry will get creative on how and where they get used.

By the end of the year, though, I would expect Stokes and Alexander to be our starting outside tandem, with King backing both of them up.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 02:32 pm

mattgsx, you are not kidding! Versatility and disguise are going to be key in this new defense. Players who offer multiple strengths to address multiple possibilities, and can adjust readily.

King is definitely one of those guys. So is Alexander. So is Savage. So is Amos. I think we will see a lot of shifting roles here as we progress through the 2021 season. Stokes will wind up being on the field with all of them and more, plenty this year.

That DB room has to be an exciting place to be this year.

0 points
Matt Gonzales's picture

June 24, 2021 at 03:27 pm

I'm not even factoring in Jackson. He's supposedly a good Zone guy so he could get nickel snaps, or he could drop back as the single high with Savage inside if they want Amos down in the box.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:01 pm

Question might even possible boil down will King even make final 53! Hard to judge anything really at this point!

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:32 pm

Final roster is 55 this year.

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:57 pm

I don't think that will be an issue.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:01 pm

Question might even possible boil down will King even make final 53! Hard to judge anything really at this point!

-1 points
Packers0808's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:01 pm

Question might even possible boil down will King even make final 53! Hard to judge anything really at this point!

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 24, 2021 at 02:00 pm

wow, you can say that again!

1 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 02:13 pm

2 points for you. Ah, hell, make it 3.

1 points
arizonayahoo07@gmail.com's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:14 pm

King has every reason to play the best he can consistently. And avoid (If he can) side lining injuries. He has shown just how good he can be. Considering he plays the same back field with shut down master Alexander... And he is still a kid.. Over the decades we the fans have been spoiled by Adderly, Woodson, and etc..

-1 points
Mojo's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:27 pm

The author seems to suggest that last years NFCCG was what soured the fan base on King. Otherwise, he's had an OK career and we should be fine with him on the roster.

I posted this about three months ago about King:

From PFF:

"King has disappointed during his four years in Green Bay ‚ the former second-rounder's highest-graded season was a 62.7 mark in 2019. He blew up the NFL scouting combine, running a 4.43 40 and posting 98th-percentile agility drills at 6-foot-3, but that agility has not shown up on the field, as King is often knocked off balance by good route runners. King has struggled mightily in zone coverage, ranking dead last in coverage grade since entering the league, and he‚ has been one of the worst tacklers in the league over the last two years. King has the size and athleticism to be effective on the vertical route tree, but he is a reclamation project who likely needs a specific, limited role on his new team."

In his most recent year - 2020, PFF gave him a grade of 50.6 or 99th out of 121 CB's with enough snaps to be graded.

So, let's see, for his career (not just one game or one season) - dead last in zone coverage and one of the worst tacklers in the league. In his most recent year he ranked in the 82nd percentile (100 being the worst) at his position.

Yet Gute felt the need to resign him. King should be a back-up from day one. Let's face it, whether his chronic shoulder problems or muscle pulls contribute to his under-performance or not, he is not a starting caliber CB in this league.

I've questioned a ton of Gutes roster building strategy the last few years and bringing back King was definitely one of them.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:49 pm

Anyone is obviously free to criticize Gutey for building one of the consensus best rosters in the NFL, I don't.

King was brought back on a one year team friendly deal before the draft because he did not yet have his replacement on the team and did not have cap room to hire a top shelf FA. If you view King as a back up...he is getting paid back up money this year.

And now he has his likely replacement on the team. I think bringing him back was a good insurance move.

0 points
greengold's picture

June 24, 2021 at 02:36 pm

Mojo, you're pointing to exactly where PFF fucks everything up: their grades. They suck.

All of their data, fantastic. It is what PFF does with it that messes everything up.

JMTC. Thanks for sharing that.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 24, 2021 at 05:24 pm

Whatever PFF says about King, he’d start for quite a few teams in this league.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 24, 2021 at 10:46 pm

Apparently, so has DaMarious Randall

0 points
mnbadger's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:32 pm

Markoldacres, I gave the article an enthusiastic thumbs up just for the multiple uses of Whilst and the injection of scupper. King is really a wild card. He could be great all year, or pull a muscle and struggle as typical. What a weapon he could be if he doesn't scupper one of his muscles. GPG!

6 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 24, 2021 at 12:53 pm

When TT drafted him (instead of TJ!!), King was already scuppered up with a sore scupper of a shoulder.

1 points
Archie's picture

June 25, 2021 at 10:36 am

Due to injuries, King is no longer the CB he was only two years ago.

Rodgers has a week to opt out of 2021 with no financial penalty. If he has no intention of playing again for GB and if he believes MM has no intention of trading him this year, it is a no-brainer to opt out. First real test of how much AR believes what he is saying. I doubt he will opt out.

3 points
greengold's picture

June 25, 2021 at 11:35 am

Yeah. Opting out would kill any chances of him playing for DEN this season, should the two teams want to make a trade. If DEN wants AR, they better be calling Brian Gutekunst ASAP to get something hammered out.

0 points
arizonayahoo07@gmail.com's picture

June 25, 2021 at 07:29 pm

Why is AR wanting out of GB? GB is becoming a dream team... With AR as QB.. GB ground game is going to be awesome.. He is going to have a very talented receiving corp.. along with Tight Ends.. The OL is looking to be better this year inspite losing linsley.. the special teams looks better. And the defense was put together, with AR in mind.. So i think AR knows this, but why won't he take whole thing one year at a time.. What ever team he would go to this year would not as good as GB is.. IF the OL is porous and AR gets banged up. And i can assume Gutie would get 2 first round picks, and a bunch monies. To give to guys like Adams and Alexander...

0 points
psu8284's picture

June 25, 2021 at 12:37 pm

Not a big fan. Has had trouble staying healthy and on the field. I think maybe 50-60% of snaps on field since drafted. Although has good top end speed, he does not have loose hips needed to quickly stay with receivers in change of direction. Does not tackle particularly well. Think his long term future would be better at safety, but the Packers don't need him there. Disappointed the Packers brought him back at $6M....seems high for a player of his caliber....thought they could get as good a veteran as King for maybe $2-3M along with Stokes. Net point for me, he has had ample time to demonstrate he is more of an asset vs. liability and the jury is still well out on that.

1 points